981 resultados para frictional damping


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In a vertically oscillating circular cylindrical container, singular perturbation theory of two-time scale expansions is developed in weakly viscous fluids to investigate the motion of single free surface standing wave by linearizing the Navier-Stokes equation. The fluid field is divided into an outer potential flow region and an inner boundary layer region. The solutions of both two regions are obtained and a linear amplitude equation incorporating damping term and external excitation is derived. The condition to appear stable surface wave is obtained and the critical curve is determined. In addition, an analytical expression of damping coefficient is determined. Finally, the dispersion relation, which has been derived from the inviscid fluid approximation, is modified by adding linear damping. It is found that the modified results are reasonably closer to experimental results than former theory. Result shows that when forcing frequency is low, the viscosity of the fluid is prominent for the mode selection. However, when forcing frequency is high, the surface tension of the fluid is prominent.


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This paper demonstrates the respective roles that combined index- and gain-coupling play in the overall link performance of distributed feedback (DFB) lasers. Their impacts on both static and dynamic properties such as slope efficiency, resonance frequency, damping rate, and chirp are investigated. Simulation results are compared with experimental data with good agreement. Transmission-oriented optimization is then demonstrated based on a targeted specification. The design tradeoffs are revealed, and it is shown that a modest combination of index- and gain-coupling enables optimum transmission at 10 Gbit/s.


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A sandwich-type plate with metal facings and felt core, fastened by bolts, was studied using both test and finite-element analysis. This type of plate is cheap, light, damping-effective and without pollution; therefore, it is widely used in astronautical engineering. The tests were conducted for different felt thicknesses, bolt numbers, and fastening forces. The results show that the damping depends on friction between the plates and the felt. As compared with an identical stiffness solid plate, the damping of laminated plates can be increased up to 30 times. A mesh with rectangular elements was adopted in the finite-element analysis. In accordance with the slipping mechanism, a rectangular plate clamped on one edge was analyzed with the foregoing elements to determine the resonant frequency and the damping. The difference between the calculated and tested results was within 5 percent for the resonant frequency.


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A Nonlinear Fluid Damping (NFD) in the form of the square-velocity is applied in the response analysis of Vortex-induced Vibrations (VIV). Its nonlinear hydrodynamic effects oil the coupled wake and structure oscillators are investigated. A comparison between the coupled systems with the linear and nonlinear fluid dampings and experiments shows that the NFD model can well describe response characteristics, such as the amplification of body displacement at lock-in and frequency lock-ill, both at high and low mass ratios. Particularly, the predicted peak amplitude of the body in the Griffin plot is ill good agreement with experimental data and empirical equation, indicating the significant effect of the NFD on the structure motion.


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The recent progress of submerged floating tunnel (SFT) investigation and SFT prototype (SFTP) project in Qiandao Lake (Zhejiang Province, P.R. China) is the background of this research. Structural damping effect is brought into present computation model in terms of Rayleigh damping. Based on the FEM computational results of SFTPs as a function of buoyancy-weight ratio (BWR) under hydrodynamic loads, the effect of BWR on the dynamic response of SFT is illustrated. In addition, human comfort index is adopted to discuss the comfort status of the SFTP.


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Faults can slip either aseismically or through episodic seismic ruptures, but we still do not understand the factors which determine the partitioning between these two modes of slip. This challenge can now be addressed thanks to the dense set of geodetic and seismological networks that have been deployed in various areas with active tectonics. The data from such networks, as well as modern remote sensing techniques, indeed allow documenting of the spatial and temporal variability of slip mode and give some insight. This is the approach taken in this study, which is focused on the Longitudinal Valley Fault (LVF) in Eastern Taiwan. This fault is particularly appropriate since the very fast slip rate (about 5 cm/yr) is accommodated by both seismic and aseismic slip. Deformation of anthropogenic features shows that aseismic creep accounts for a significant fraction of fault slip near the surface, but this fault also released energy seismically, since it has produced five M_w>6.8 earthquakes in 1951 and 2003. Moreover, owing to the thrust component of slip, the fault zone is exhumed which allows investigation of deformation mechanisms. In order to put constraint on the factors that control the mode of slip, we apply a multidisciplinary approach that combines modeling of geodetic observations, structural analysis and numerical simulation of the "seismic cycle". Analyzing a dense set of geodetic and seismological data across the Longitudinal Valley, including campaign-mode GPS, continuous GPS (cGPS), leveling, accelerometric, and InSAR data, we document the partitioning between seismic and aseismic slip on the fault. For the time period 1992 to 2011, we found that about 80-90% of slip on the LVF in the 0-26 km seismogenic depth range is actually aseismic. The clay-rich Lichi M\'elange is identified as the key factor promoting creep at shallow depth. Microstructural investigations show that deformation within the fault zone must have resulted from a combination of frictional sliding at grain boundaries, cataclasis and pressure solution creep. Numerical modeling of earthquake sequences have been performed to investigate the possibility of reproducing the results from the kinematic inversion of geodetic and seismological data on the LVF. We first investigate the different modeling strategy that was developed to explore the role and relative importance of different factors on the manner in which slip accumulates on faults. We compare the results of quasi dynamic simulations and fully dynamic ones, and we conclude that ignoring the transient wave-mediated stress transfers would be inappropriate. We therefore carry on fully dynamic simulations and succeed in qualitatively reproducing the wide range of observations for the southern segment of the LVF. We conclude that the spatio-temporal evolution of fault slip on the Longitudinal Valley Fault over 1997-2011 is consistent to first order with prediction from a simple model in which a velocity-weakening patch is embedded in a velocity-strengthening area.


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Nonlinear Thomson backscattering of an intense Gaussian laser pulse by a counterpropagating energetic electron is investigated by numerically solving the electron equation of motion taking into account the radiative damping force. The backscattered radiation characteristics are different for linearly and circularly polarized lasers because of a difference in their ponderomotive forces acting on the electron. The radiative electron energy loss weakens the backscattered power, breaks the symmetry of the backscattered-pulse profile, and prolongs the duration of the backscattered radiation. With the circularly polarized laser, an adjustable double-peaked backscattered pulse can be obtained. Such a profile has potential applications as a subfemtosecond x-ray pump and probe with adjustable time delay and power ratio. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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A description is given of experimental work on the damping of a second order electron plasma wave echo due to velocity space diffusion in a low temperature magnetoplasma. Sufficient precision was obtained to verify the theoretically predicted cubic rather than quadratic or quartic dependence of the damping on exciter separation. Compared to the damping predicted for Coulomb collisions in a thermal plasma in an infinite magnetic field, the magnitude of the damping was approximately as predicted, while the velocity dependence of the damping was weaker than predicted. The discrepancy is consistent with the actual non-Maxwellian electron distribution of the plasma.

In conjunction with the damping work, echo amplitude saturation was measured as a function of the velocity of the electrons contributing to the echo. Good agreement was obtained with the predicted J1 Bessel function amplitude dependence, as well as a demonstration that saturation did not influence the damping results.