993 resultados para fossil record


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Neomeris (Lamouroux, 1816) is an extant taxon, the origin of which can be tracked back into Early Cretaceous times. The introduction of a new mid-Cretaceous species from Brazil, i.e., Neomeris srivastavai n. sp., offers the opportunity to review the subdivision of the genus into three subgenera, to complete the catalogue of the fossil calcareous algae of Brazil, and to point out the huge stratigraphic gap and lack of documentation between the first occurrence of the dasycladacean model of reproduction, i.e., choristospory, and the oldest record so far known of an undescribed fossil Neomeris (from Portugal). © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The world's river dolphins (Inia, Pontoporia, Lipotes and Platanista) are among the least known and most endangered of all cetaceans. The four extant genera inhabit geographically disjunct river systems and exhibit highly modified morphologies, leading many cetologists to regard river dolphins as an unnatural group. Numerous arrangements have been proposed for their phylogenetic relationships to one another and to other odontocete cetaceans. These alternative views strongly affect the biogeographical and evolu- tionary implications raised by the important, although limited, fossil record of river dolphins. We present a hypothesis of river dolphin relationships based on phylogenetic analysis of three mitochondrial genes for 29 cetacean species, concluding that the four genera represent three separate, ancient branches in odontocete evolution. Our molecular phylogeny corresponds well with the first fossil appearances of the primary lineages of modern odontocetes. Integrating relevant events in Tertiary palaeoceanography, we develop a scenario for river dolphin evolution during the globally high sea levels of the Middle Miocene. We suggest that ancestors of the four extant river dolphin lineages colonized the shallow epicontinental seas that inundated the Amazon, Parana, Yangtze and Indo-Gangetic river basins, subsequently remaining in these extensive waterways during their transition to freshwater with the Late Neogene trend of sea-level lowering.


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Foraminifera are an ecologically important group of modern heterotrophic amoeboid eukaryotes whose naked and testate ancestors are thought to have evolved similar to 1 Ga ago. However, the single-chambered agglutinated tests of these protists appear in the fossil record only after ca. 580 Ma, coinciding with the appearance of macroscopic and mineralized animals. Here we report the discovery of small, slender tubular microfossils in the Sturtian (ca. 716-635 Ma) cap carbonate of the Rasthof Formation in Namibia. The tubes are 200-1300 mu m long and 20-70 mu m wide, and preserve apertures and variably wide lumens, folds, constrictions, and ridges. Their sometimes flexible walls are composed of carbonaceous material and detrital minerals. This combination of morphological and compositional characters is also present in some species of modern single-chambered agglutinated tubular foraminiferans, and is not found in other agglutinated eukaryotes. The preservation of possible early Foraminifera in the carbonate rocks deposited in the immediate aftermath of Sturtian low-latitude glaciation indicates that various morphologically modern protists thrived in microbially dominated ecosystems, and contributed to the cycling of carbon in Neoproterozoic oceans much before the rise of complex animals.


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Early diagenetic chert, infrequently exploited in Phanerozoic micropaleontology, was examined for organic-walled microfossils in petrographic thin sections of silicified dolostones from diverse levels and localities of the Assistencia Formation (Permian, Parana Basin) in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. In contrast to previous palynological studies of this formation, the use of thin sections allowed direct observation in three dimensions of common palynomorphs, as well as benthic microbial mats preserved in situ in various stages of their life cycles and degradation. As in palynological residues from the more wellknown shale of this formation, the chert contains wind-dispersed pollen grains and phytoclasts derived from terrestrial sources and planktonic cryptarchs (unornamented coccoidal unicellular or colonial palynomorphs). However, only in the chert is it possible to see much more delicate microfossils, such as abundant cyanobacteria of the in situ benthic microbiota as well as chlorophycean microalgae of the microphytoplankton. Post-depositional processes affecting the formation have destroyed all but the most resistant organic remains in the other lithologies, such that only rare, degraded pollen grains are seen in the unsilicified dolostone of the formation, and in the shale the vast majority of microfossils have been compacted to flattened disks. On the other hand, early silicification not only preserved organic remains at an incipient stage of decomposition but also impeded significant further degradation due to compaction, recrystallization, and oxidation. Thus, the petrographic study of such chert can complement traditional palynological investigations in Phanerozoic rocks by furnishing hitherto unavailable information, especially with regard to benthic organic microfossils and fragile organic-walled phytoplankton normally absent from organic residues. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A remarkable cervid bone accumulation occurs at a single passage (named Cervid Passage; CP) at Lapa Nova, a maze cave in eastern Brazil. CP lies away from cave entrances, is a typical pitfall passage and contains bone remains of at least 121 cervids, besides few bats, peccaries and rodents remains. There is no evidence of water (or sediment) flow at the site and in general bones lack post depositional alterations and display anatomical proximity, suggesting that the majority of the remains found inside CP (mainly cervids) are due to animals that after entering the cave got trapped in the site. Observations suggest that two entrances could have provided access to cervids (and the few other animals, besides bats), either by falling inside the cave or by entering by their own free will. Once inside the cave, the maze pattern would make route finding difficult, and of all passage intersections, only the one leading to CP would result in a non-return situation, starving the animal to death. Radiocarbon dates suggest that animal entrapment occurred during at least 5 thousand years, during the Holocene. The reasons why mainly cervids were found are unknown but they are probably related to the biology of this group coupled with the fact that caves provide several specific taphonomic processes that may account for a strong bias in bone accumulation. Indeed, the frequent occurrence of Cervidae in both the fossil and sub-fossil record in Brazilian caves may be related to an overall high faunal abundance or may suggest that these animals were especially prone to enter caves, perhaps in search of nutrients (as cave saltpetre) or water.


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Dietary data from a large sample of woodcreepers (16 spp., n?=?139), revealed that six species of dendrocolaptids occasionally feed upon lizards and frogs. These birds, which are mainly insectivorous, encounter and feed on lizards while perching on tree trunks, probably in association with army-ant swarm feeding behaviour. Frog intake may be related to declines in the abundance of invertebrate prey. The bones recovered were identified as one small species of gecko, Gonatodes humeralis, and at least one anuran. We estimate that in the entire sample, about eight lizards and two frogs were ingested. The partially digested gecko material allows determination of which bones are more resistant to digestion, although it is possible that these elements were differentially retained in the stomach. These elements correspond to the more frequently preserved bones in the fossil record of geckos, indicating that the same portions of the skeleton persist under the processes of both digestion and fossilization.


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Die neogene Lagos-Portimão Formation (Unter- bis Mittelmiozän) bildet einen Teil der Steilküste der Algarve (S-Portugal) und besteht aus einer zyklischen Wechsellagerung von Karbonaten und Sand-steinen. Die vorliegende Arbeit bietet ein Modell zur sedimentologischen, faziellen und stratigraphischen Entwicklung dieser Einheit an. Basierend auf Profilen entlang der gesamten lateralen Erstreckung der Einheit wurden verschiedene Gelände- und Labormethoden angewandt, um ein Modell entwickeln zu können. Messungen des Sr87/86-Isotopenverhältnisses sollten Klarheit bezüglich der stratigraphischen Position bringen. Die laterale Korrelation der Profile erfolgte über lithologische und fazielle Ansprachen. Unterstützend wurden einzelne Profile mit einem tragbaren Gammaray-Spektrometer gemessen. Es wurden vier Leithorizonte etabliert, die sich durch fazielle Merkmale und spezielle Fossilführung defi-nieren lassen. Die Mikrofazies wurde qualitativ und quantitativ analysiert. Als statistisches Verfahren wurde unter anderem eine hierarchische Clusteranalyse durchgeführt, über welche fünf Biofaziestypen des warm-temperierten Klimabereichs unterschieden werden. Die Fossilführung wird von Mollusken, Bryozoen und Rotalgen dominiert. Ausnahmen bilden stratigraphisch isolierte Vorkommen von kolo-nialen Korallen, die jedoch keine Riffkörper aufbauen. Die Ergebnisse aller zuvor erwähnten Untersuchungen deuten auf Ablagerungen eines nicht-tropischen Hochenergie-Schelfs hin. Sedimentäre Zyklen sind oftmals unvollständig, es treten Hartgründe und Auf-arbeitungs- bzw- Kondesationshorizonte auf. Die geochemische Altersdatierung weist Alterssprünge und -inversionen auf. Ein Vergleich mit dem SW-australischen Schelf und dem von James et al. (1994) eingeführten Modell des shaved shelf bietet sich aufgrund der Ähnlichkeit der Sedimentgesteine und des ozeanographischen Settings an. Weiterhin werden zeitgleiche bzw. faziell ähnliche Becken vergleichend diskutiert. Das Sedimentationsgeschehen der Lagos-Portimão Formation wird maßgeblich durch eine halokinetisch bedingte unregelmäßige Subsidenz und Hebung beeinflußt. Der Salzdom von Albufeira war während der Sedimentation der Einheit mehrfach in Bewegung. Rutschungspakete, Entlastungsspalten und Sanddikes zeugen davon. Die sequenzstratigraphische Interpretation bietet einen neuen Ansatz, in dem sie von Hochstand-Sandsteinen und Tiefstand-Karbonaten ausgeht.


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Timing divergence events allow us to infer the conditions under which biodiversity has evolved and gain important insights into the mechanisms driving evolution. Cichlid fishes are a model system for studying speciation and adaptive radiation, yet, we have lacked reliable timescales for their evolution. Phylogenetic reconstructions are consistent with cichlid origins prior to Gondwanan landmass fragmentation 121-165 MYA, considerably earlier than the first known fossil cichlids (Eocene). We examined the timing of cichlid evolution using a relaxed molecular clock calibrated with geological estimates for the ages of 1) Gondwanan fragmentation and 2) cichlid fossils. Timescales of cichlid evolution derived from fossil-dated phylogenies of other bony fishes most closely matched those suggested by Gondwanan breakup calibrations, suggesting the Eocene origins and marine dispersal implied by the cichlid fossil record may be due to its incompleteness. Using Gondwanan calibrations, we found accumulation of genetic diversity within the radiating lineages of the African Lakes Malawi, Victoria and Barombi Mbo, and Palaeolake Makgadikgadi began around or after the time of lake basin formation. These calibrations also suggest Lake Tanganyika was colonized independently by the major radiating cichlid tribes that then began to accumulate genetic diversity thereafter. These results contrast with the widely accepted theory that diversification into major lineages took place within the Tanganyika basin. Together, this evidence suggests that ancient lake habitats have played a key role in generating and maintaining diversity within radiating lineages and also that lakes may have captured preexisting cichlid diversity from multiple sources from which adaptive radiations have evolved.


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Ancient Lake Ohrid is probably of early Pleistocene or Pliocene origin and amongst the few lakes in the world harbouring an outstanding degree of endemic biodiversity. Although there is a long history of evolutionary research in Lake Ohrid, particularly on molluscs, a mollusc fossil record has been missing up to date. For the first time, gastropod and bivalve fossils are reported from the basal, calcareous part of a 2.6 m long sediment succession (core Co1200) from the north-eastern part of Lake Ohrid. Electron spin resonance (ESR) dating of mollusc shells from the same stratigraphic level yielded an age of 130 ± 28 ka. Lithofacies III sediments, i.e. a stratigraphic subdivision comprising the basal succession of core Co1200 between 181.5–263 cm, appeared solid, greyish-white, and consisted almost entirely of silt-sized endogenic calcite (CaCO3>70%) and intact and broken mollusc shells. Here we compare the faunal composition of the thanatocoenosis with recent mollusc associations in Lake Ohrid. A total of 13 mollusc species (9 gastropod and 4 bivalve species) could be identified within Lithofacies III sediments. The value of sediment core fossils for reconstructing palaeoenvironmental settings was evaluated and the agreement between sediment and palaeontological proxies was tested. The study also aims at investigating major faunal changes since the Last Interglacial and searching for signs of extinction events. The combined findings of the ecological study and the sediment characteristics suggest deposition in a shallow water environment during the Last Interglacial. The fossil fauna exclusively included species also found in the present fauna, i.e. no extinction events are evident for this site since the Last Interglacial. The thanatocoenosis showed the highest similarity with recent Intermediate Layer (5–25 m water depth) mollusc assemblages. The demonstrated existence of a mollusc fossil record in Lake Ohrid sediment cores also has great significance for future deep drilling projects. It can be hoped that a more far reaching mollusc fossil record will then be obtained, enabling insight into the early evolutionary history of Lake Ohrid.


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To estimate whether or not a plant taxon found in the fossil record was locally present may be difficult if only pollen is analyzed. Plant macrofossils, in contrast, provide a clear indication of a taxon's local presence, although in some lake sediments or peats, macrofossils may be rare or degraded. For conifers, the stomata found on pollen slides are derived from needles and thus provide a valuable proxy for local presence and they can be identified to genus level. From previously published studies, a transect across the Alps based on 13 sites is presented. For basal samples in sandy silt above the till with high pollen values of Pinus, for example, we may distinguish pine pollen from distant sources (samples with no stomata), from reworked pollen (samples with stomata present). The first apparent local presence of most conifer genera based on stomata often but not always occurs together with the phase of rapid pollen increase (rational limit). An exception is Larix, with its annual deposition of needles and heavy poorly dispersed pollen, for it often shows the first stomata earlier, at the empirical pollen limit. The decline and potential local extinction of a conifer can sometimes be shown in the stomata record. The decline may have been caused by climatic change, competition, or human impact. In situations where conifers form the timberline, the stomata record may indicate timberline fluctuations. In the discussion of immigration or migration of taxa we advocate the use of the cautious term ``apparent local presence'' to include some uncertainties. Absence of a taxon is impossible to prove.


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The stomatopod body plan is highly specialized for predation, yet the Superorder Hoplocarida originated from something other than the "lean, mean, killing machine" seen today. The fossil record of the group indicates that it originated early on from a non-raptorial ancestor, with the specialized predatory morphology developing much later. The Recent Hoplocarida have been variously positioned within the Malacostraca, from a Subclass equal in rank to the Eumalacostraca (= Caridoida) to being placed as a Superorder within the Eumalacostraca. Consideration of the early fossil morphology, especially of the form of the carapace, of the position and functioning of the articles in the last three pairs of thoracopods, and of other features, suggests that hoplocarids are early derivatives of a basal eumalacostracan stock that was "shrimp-like" in form. The enhancement of an abdominal respiratory system most likely allowed the development of the anterior thorax into the specialized raptorial system present today.


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Tetrapyrrole pigments isolated from sediments retrieved during Leg 57 include pheophytin-a, a myriad of chlorins, free-base deoxophylloerythroetioporphyrin (DPEP), as well as copper and nickel porphyrins. Their richness, both qualitatively and quantitatively, in chlorin tetrapyrroles affords a relatively complete study on the early diagenesis of chlorophyll. Our studies, coupled with those in the preceding chapter by Louda et al., point out the influence of pre- and postdepositional environments upon the mode of chlorophyll diagenesis. Formation of tetrapyrroles, collectively called "petroporphyrins," is seen to occur in only a limited set of environmental conditions (see Baker and Palmer, 1978). The more generalized route of chlorophyll diagenesis, at least in the ocean, results in removal of tetrapyrrole pigment, from the fossil record. Late diagenetic products, metalloporphyrins, are found to represent an extremely minor component of the tetrapyrrole assemblage in sediments studied from the Japan Trench. The products of chlorophyll diagenesis isolated from Japan Trench sediments allow expansion of previous diagenetic schemes (Baker and Palmer, 1978; Triebs, 1936) and indicate directions for future studies.