987 resultados para flow resistance
Right axillary artery (RAA) cannulation is increasingly used in cardiac surgery. Little is known about resulting flow patterns in the aorta. Therefore, flow was visualized and analyzed. A mock circulatory circuit was assembled based on a compliant transparent anatomical silicon aortic model. A RAA cannula was connected to a continuous flow rotary blood pump (RBP), pulsatile heart action was provided by a pneumatic ventricular assist device (PVAD). Peripheral vascular resistance, regional flow and vascular compliance were adjusted to obtain physiological flow and pressure waveforms. Colorants were injected automatically for flow visualization. Five flow distributions with a total flow of 4 l/min were tested (%PVAD:%RBP): 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, 0:100. Colorant distribution was assessed using quantitative 2D image processing. Continuous flow from the RAA divided in a retrograde and an antegrade portion. Retro- to antegrade flow ratio increased with increasing RAA-flow. At full RBP support flow was stagnant in the ascending aorta. There were distinct flow patterns between the right- and left-sided supra-aortic branches. At full RBP support retrograde flow was demonstrated in the right carotid and right vertebral arteries. Further studies are needed to confirm and evaluate the described flow patterns.
OBJECTIVE: The associations between inflammation, diabetes and insulin resistance remain controversial. Hence, we assessed the associations between diabetes, insulin resistance (using HOMA-IR) and metabolic syndrome with the inflammatory markers high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), interleukin-1beta (IL-1β), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). DESIGN: CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY: PARTICIPANTS: 2884 MEN AND 3201 WOMEN AGED 35 TO 75: METHODS: CRP was assessed by immunoassay and cytokines by multiplexed flow cytometric assay. In a subgroup of 532 participants an oral glucose tolerance test was performed to screen for impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). RESULTS: IL-6, TNF-α and hs-CRP were significantly and positively correlated with fasting plasma glucose, insulin and HOMA-IR. Participants with diabetes had higher IL-6, TNF-α and hs-CRP levels than participants without diabetes; this difference persisted for hs-CRP after multivariate adjustment. Participants with metabolic syndrome had increased IL-6, TNF-α and hs-CRP levels; these differences persisted after multivariate adjustment. Participants in the highest quartile of HOMA-IR had increased IL-6, TNF-α and hs-CRP levels; these differences persisted for TNF-α and hs-CRP after multivariate adjustment. No association was found between IL-1β levels and all diabetes and insulin resistance markers studied. Finally, participants with IGT had higher hs-CRP levels than participants with a normal OGTT, but this difference disappeared after controlling for body mass index (BMI). CONCLUSION: subjects with diabetes, metabolic syndrome and increased insulin resistance present with increased levels of IL6, TNF-α and hs-CRP, while no association was found with IL-1β. The increased inflammatory state of subjects with IGT is partially explained by increased BMI. © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Animal experiments have shown that the coronary circulation is pressure distensible, i.e., myocardial blood volume (MBV) increases with perfusion pressure. In humans, however, corresponding measurements are lacking so far. We sought to quantify parameters reflecting coronary distensibility such as MBV and coronary resistance (CR) during and after coronary angioplasty. Thirty patients with stable coronary artery disease underwent simultaneous coronary perfusion pressure assessment and myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE) of 37 coronary arteries and their territories during and after angioplasty. MCE yielded MBV and myocardial blood flow (MBF; in ml · min(-1) · g(-1)). Complete data sets were obtained in 32 coronary arteries and their territories from 26 patients. During angioplasty, perfusion pressure, i.e., coronary occlusive pressure, and MBV varied between 9 and 57 mmHg (26.9 ± 11.9 mmHg) and between 1.2 and 14.5 ml/100 g (6.7 ± 3.7 ml/100 g), respectively. After successful angioplasty, perfusion pressure and MBV increased significantly (P < 0.001 for both) and varied between 64 and 118 mmHg (93.5 ± 12.8 mmHg) and between 3.7 and 17.3 ml/100 g (9.8 ± 3.4 ml/100 g), respectively. Mean MBF increased from 31 ± 20 ml · min(-1) · g(-1) during coronary occlusion, reflecting collateral flow, to 121 ± 33 ml · min(-1) · g(-1) (P < 0.01), whereas mean CR, i.e., the ratio of perfusion pressure and MBF, decreased by 20% (P < 0.001). In conclusion, the human coronary circulation is pressure distensible. MCE allows for the quantification of CR and MBV in humans.
BACKGROUND: nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in the regulation of cardiovascular and glucose homeostasis. Mice lacking the gene encoding the neuronal isoform of nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) are insulin-resistant, but the underlying mechanism is unknown. nNOS is expressed in skeletal muscle tissue where it may regulate glucose uptake. Alternatively, nNOS driven NO synthesis may facilitate skeletal muscle perfusion and substrate delivery. Finally, nNOS dependent NO in the central nervous system may facilitate glucose disposal by decreasing sympathetic nerve activity. METHODS: in nNOS null and control mice, we studied whole body glucose uptake and skeletal muscle blood flow during hyperinsulinaemic clamp studies in vivo and glucose uptake in skeletal muscle preparations in vitro. We also examined the effects of alpha-adrenergic blockade (phentolamine) on glucose uptake during the clamp studies. RESULTS: as expected, the glucose infusion rate during clamping was roughly 15 percent lower in nNOS null than in control mice (89 (17) vs 101 (12) [-22 to -2]). Insulin stimulation of muscle blood flow in vivo, and intrinsic muscle glucose uptake in vitro, were comparable in the two groups. Phentolamine, which had no effect in the wild-type mice, normalised the insulin sensitivity in the mice lacking the nNOS gene. CONCLUSIONS: insulin resistance in nNOS null mice was not related to defective insulin stimulation of skeletal muscle perfusion and substrate delivery or insulin signaling in the skeletal muscle cell, but to a sympathetic alpha-adrenergic mechanism.
BACKGROUND: The interrupter technique is increasingly used in preschool children to assess airway resistance (Rint). Use of a bacterial filter is essential for prevention of cross-infection in a clinical setting. It is not known how large an effect this extra resistance and compliance exert upon interrupter measurements, especially on obstructive airways and in smaller children. We aim to determine the contribution of the filter to Rint, in a sample of children attending lung function testing at an asthma clinic. METHODS: Interrupter measurements were performed according to ATS/ERS guidelines during quiet normal breathing at an expiratory flow trigger of 200 ml s(-1), with the child seated upright with cheeks supported and wearing a nose clip. A minimum of 10 interrupter measurements was made with and without a bacterial filter. Spirometric and plethysmographic tests were also performed. RESULTS: A small but significant difference (0.12 (95% CI 0.06-0.17) kPa s L(-1), P = 0.0002) with 2x SD of 0.34 kPa s L(-1) was observed between Rint with and without filter in 39 children, with a large spread. This difference was not dependent on Rint magnitude, age or height, nor on lung function parameters (effective resistance, forced expiratory volume in 1 sec, and maximal expiratory flow at 50% of expired vital capacity). CONCLUSIONS: A bacterial filter causes a small difference but is not clinically significant, with a wide spread comparable to the variability of the technique and recommended cut-offs for assessing repeatability and bronchodilation. Age, height or severity of obstruction need not be corrected for in general.
PURPOSE The aim of this present study was to evaluate the sonographic correlation between Doppler flow characteristics of the uterine arteries and tumor size in patients with cervical cancer, in order to establish a new potential marker to monitor treatment response. METHODS This was a retrospective cohort study of 25 patients who underwent a sonographic evaluation of Doppler flow characteristics of the uterine arteries before surgery or radiochemotherapy for early and locally advanced/advanced cervical cancer, respectively, was analyzed. The primary outcome was the correlation between Doppler flow characteristics of the uterine arteries and tumor size in patients with cervical cancer. RESULTS Median age was 49 (range 26-85) years, and mean tumor size was 40.8 ± 17 mm. A significant positive correlation was found between tumor diameter and the uterine artery end-diastolic velocity (r = 0.47, p < 0.05) as well as the peak systolic velocity (r = 0.41, p < 0.05). No correlation was found between tumor size and the pulsatility index or resistance index. CONCLUSIONS In cervical cancer, uterine artery velocity parameters are associated with tumor size. This finding could become particularly useful in the follow-up of locally advanced cervical cancer patients undergoing radiochemotherapy or in corroborating the selection of women with more possibility of a high response rate during neoadjuvant chemotherapy before surgery.
The rheoencephalogram (REG) is the change in the electrical impedance of the head that occurs with each heart beat. Without knowledge of the relationship between cerebral blood flow (Q) and the REG, the utility of the REG in the study of the cerebral vasculature is greatly limited. The hypothesis is that the relationship between the REG and Q when venous outflow is nonpulsatile is^ (DIAGRAM, TABLE OR GRAPHIC OMITTED...PLEASE SEE DAI)^ where K is a proportionality constant and Q is the mean Q.^ Pulsatile CBF was measured in the goat via a chronically implanted electromagnetic flowmeter. Electrodes were implanted in the ipsilateral cerebral hemisphere, and the REG was measured with a two electrode impedance plethysmograph. Measurements were made with the animal's head elevated so that venous flow pulsations were not transmitted from the heart to the cerebral veins. Measurements were made under conditions of varied cerebrovascular resistance induced by altering blood CO(,2) levels and under conditions of high and low cerebrospinal fluid pressures. There was a high correlation (r = .922-.983) between the REG calculated from the hypothesized relationship and the measured REG under all conditions.^ Other investigators have proposed that the REG results from linear changes in blood resistivity proportional to blood velocity. There was little to no correlation between the measured REG and the flow velocity ( r = .022-.306). A linear combination of the flow velocity and the hypothesized relationship between the REG and Q did not predict the measured REG significantly better than the hypothesized relationship alone in 37 out of 50 experiments.^ Jacquy proposed an index (F) of cerebral blood flow calculated from amplitudes and latencies of the REG. The F index was highly correlated (r = .929) with measured cerebral blood flow under control and hypercapnic conditions, but was not as highly correlated under conditions of hypocapnia (r = .723) and arterial hypotension (r = .681).^ The results demonstrate that the REG is not determined by mean cerebral blood flow, but by the pulsatile flow only. Thus, the utility of the REG in the determination of mean cerebral blood flow is limited. ^
Creatine Kinase (CK) is used as a measure of exercise-induced muscle membrane damage. During acute eccentric (muscle lengthening) exercise, muscle sarcolemma, sarcoplasmic reticulum, and Z-lines are damaged, thus causing muscle proteins and enzymes to leak into the interstitial fluid. Strenuous eccentric exercise produces an elevation of oxygen free radicals, which further increases muscle damage. Muscle soreness and fatigue can be attributed to this membrane damage. Estradiol, however, may preserve membrane stability post-exercise (Brancaccio, Maffulli, & Limongelli, 2007; Carter, Dobridge, & Hackney, 2001; Tiidus, 2001). Because estradiol has a similar structure to Vitamin E, which is known to have antioxidant properties, and both are known to affect membrane structure, researchers have proposed that estrogen acts as an antioxidant to provide a protective effect on the post-exercise muscle of women (Sandoval & Matt, 2002). As a result, it has been postulated that muscles in women incur less damage in response to an acute strenuous exercise as compared to men. PURPOSE: To determine if circulating estrogen concentrations are related to muscle damage, as measured by creatine kinase activity and to determine gender differences in creatine kinase as a marker of muscle damage in response to an acute heavy resistance exercise protocol. METHODS: 7 healthy, resistance-trained, eumenhorrheic women (23±3 y, 169±9.1 cm, 66.4±10.5 kg) and 8 healthy, resistance-trained men (25±5 y, 178±6.7 cm, 82.3±9.33 kg) volunteered to participate in the study. Subjects performed an Acute Resistance Exercise Test (ARET) consisting of 6 sets of 5 repetitions Smith machine squats at 90% of their previously determined 1-RM. Blood samples were taken pre-, mid-, post-, 1 hour post-, 6 hours post-, and 24 hours post-exercise. Samples were stored at -80ºC until analyzed. Serum creatine kinase was measured using an assay kit from Genzyme (Framingham, MA). Serum estradiol was measured by an ELISA from GenWay (San Diego, CA). Estradiol b-receptor presence on granulocytes was measured via flow cytometry using primary antibodies from Abcam (Cambridge, MA) and PeCy7 antibodies (secondary) from Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz, CA). RESULTS: No significant correlations between estrogen and CK response were found after an acute resistant exercise protocol. Moreover, no significant change in estradiol receptors were expressed on granulocytes after exercise. Creatine Kinase response, however, differed significantly between genders. Men had higher resting CK concentrations throughout all time points. Creatine Kinase response increased significantly after exercise in both men and women (p=0.008, F=9.798). Men had a significantly higher CK response at 24 hours post exercise than women. A significant condition/sex/time interaction was exhibited in CK response (p=0.02, F=4.547). Perceived general soreness presented a significant condition, sex interaction (p=0.01, F=9.532). DISCUSSION: Although no estradiol and CK response correlations were found in response to exercise, a significant difference in creatine kinase activity was present between men and women. This discrepancy of our results and findings in the literature may be due to the high variability between subjects in creatine kinase activity as well as estrogen concentrations. The lack of significance in change of estradiol receptor expression on granulocytes in response to exercise may be due to intracellular estradiol receptor staining and non-specific gating for granulocytes rather than additional staining for neutrophil markers. Because neutrophils are the initial cells present in the inflammatory response after strenuous exercise, staining for estrogen receptors on this cell type may allow for a better understanding of the effect of estrogen and its hypothesized protective effect against muscle damage. Furthermore, the mechanism of action may include estradiol receptor expression on the muscle fiber itself may play a role in the protective effects of estradiol rather than or in addition to expression on neutrophils. We have shown here that gender differences occur in CK activity as a marker of muscle damage in response to strenuous eccentric exercise, but may not be the result of estradiol concentration or estradiol receptor expression on granulocytes. Other variables should be examined in order to determine the mechanism involved in the difference in creatine kinase as a marker of muscle damage between men and women after heavy resistance exercise.
We designed and synthesized a novel daunorubicin (DNR) analogue that effectively circumvents P-glycoprotein (P-gp)-mediated drug resistance. The fully protected carbohydrate intermediate 1,2-dibromoacosamine was prepared from acosamine and effectively coupled to daunomycinone in high yield. Deprotection under alkaline conditions yielded 2$\sp\prime$-bromo-4$\sp\prime$-epidaunorubicin (WP401). The in vitro cytotoxicity and cellular and molecular pharmacology of WP401 were compared with those of DNR in a panel of wild-type cell lines (KB-3-1, P388S, and HL60S) and their multidrug-resistant (MDR) counterparts (KB-V1, P388/DOX, and HL60/DOX). Fluorescent spectrophotometry, flow cytometry, and confocal laser scanning microscopy were used to measure intracellular accumulation, retention, and subcellular distribution of these agents. All MDR cell lines exhibited reduced DNR uptake that was restored, upon incubation with either verapamil (VER) or cyclosporin A (CSA), to the level found in sensitive cell lines. In contrast, the uptake of WP401 was essentially the same in the absence or presence of VER or CSA in all tested cell lines. The in vitro cytotoxicity of WP401 was similar to that of DNR in the sensitive cell lines but significantly higher in resistant cell lines (resistance index (RI) of 2-6 for WP401 vs 75-85 for DNR). To ascertain whether drug-mediated cytotoxicity and retention were accompanied by DNA strand breaks, DNA single- and double-strand breaks were assessed by alkaline elution. High levels of such breaks were obtained using 0.1-2 $\mu$g/mL of WP401 in both sensitive and resistant cells. In contrast, DNR caused strand breaks only in sensitive cells and not much in resistant cells. We also compared drug-induced DNA fragmentation similar to that induced by DNR. However, in P-gp-positive cells, WP401 induced 2- to 5-fold more DNA fragmentation than DNR. This increased DNA strand breakage by WP401 was correlated with its increased uptake and cytotoxicity in these cell lines. Overall these results indicate that WP401 is more cytotoxic than DNR in MDR cells and that this phenomenon might be related to the reduced basicity of the amino group and increased lipophilicity of WP401. ^
Mud volcanoes (MV) are sources of mass and energy, transported from deeper levels of the sediment pile to the surface. Together with fluid and gas, thermal energy is emitted through these structures. Therefore heat flow determination is a sensible tool to detect and quantify the amount of convective flow. In the Gulf of Cadiz several mud volcanoes can be found along major tectonic lines (SWIM faults). We employ geothermal measurements to observe the activity of mud volcanoes and possible leakage at the faults apart from pronounced structures.