959 resultados para floral origin
Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão de Sistemas de E-learning
Espresso coffee beverages prepared from pure origin roasted ground coffees from the major world growing regions (Brazil, Ethiopia, Colombia, India, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Papua New Guinea, Kenya, Cuba, Timor, Mussulo and China) were characterized and compared in terms of their mineral content. Regular consumption of one cup of espresso contributes to a daily mineral intake varying from 0.002% (sodium; Central America) to 8.73% (potassium; Asia). The mineral profiles of the espresso beverages revealed significant inter- and intra-continental differences. South American pure origin coffees are on average richer in the analyzed elements except for calcium, while samples from Central America have generally lower mineral amounts (except for manganese). Manganese displayed significant differences (p < 0.05) among the countries of each characterized continent. Intercontinental and inter-country discrimination between the major world coffee producers were achieved by applying canonical discriminant analysis. Manganese and calcium were found to be the best chemical descriptors for origin.
Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is found in indigenous peoples of the Pacific Islands and the Americas, whereas type 2 (HTLV-2) is widely distributed among the indigenous peoples of the Americas, where it appears to be more prevalent than HTLV-1, and in some tribes of Central Africa. HTLV-2 is considered ancestral in the Americas and is transmitted to the general population and injection drug users from the indigenous population. In the Americas, HTLV-1 has more than one origin, being brought by immigrants in the Paleolithic period through the Bering Strait, through slave trade during the colonial period, and through Japanese immigration from the early 20th century, whereas HTLV-2 was only brought by immigrants through the Bering Strait. The endemicity of HTLV-2 among the indigenous people of Brazil makes the Brazilian Amazon the largest endemic area in the world for its occurrence. A review of HTLV-1 in all Brazilian tribes supports the African origin of HTLV-1 in Brazil. The risk of hyperendemicity in these epidemiologically closed populations and transmission to other populations reinforces the importance of public health interventions for HTLV control, including the recognition of the infection among reportable diseases and events.
Objective: Early onset benign occipital lobe epilepsy (Panayiotopoulos syndrome [PS]) is a common and easily recognizable epilepsy. Interictal EEG spike activity is often multifocal but most frequently localized in the occipital lobes. The origin and clinical significance of the extra-occipital spikes remain poorly understood. Methods: Three patients with the PS and interictal EEG spikes with frontal lobe topography were studied using high-resolution EEG. Independent component analysis (ICA) was used to decompose the spikes in components with distinct temporal dynamics. The components were mapped in the scalp with a spline-laplacian algorithm. Results: The change in scalp potential topography from spike onset to peak, suggests the contribution of several intracranial generators, with different kinetics of activation and significant overlap. ICA was able to separate the major contributors to frontal spikes and consistently revealed an early activating group of components over the occipital areas in all the patients. The local origin of these early potentials was established by the spline-laplacian montage. Conclusions: Frontal spikes in PS are consistently associated with early and unilateral occipital lobe activation, suggesting a posteroanterior spike propagation. Significance: Frontal spikes in the PS represent a secondary activation triggered by occipital interictal discharges and do not represent an independent focus.
Objective: The epilepsies associated with the tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) are very often refractory to medical therapy. Surgery for epilepsy is an effective alternative when the critical link between the localization of seizure onset in the scalp and a particular cortical tuber can be established. In this study we perform analysis of ictal and interictal EEG to improve such link. Methods: The ictal and interictal recordings of four patients with TSC undergoing surgery for epilepsy were submitted to independent component analysis (ICA), followed by source analysis, using the sLORETA algorithm. The localizations obtained for the ictal EEG and for the average interictal spikes were compared. Results: The ICA of ictal EEG produced consistent results in different events, and there was good agreement with the tubers that were successfully removed in three of the four patients (one patient refused surgery). In some patients there was a large discrepancy between the localization of ictal and interictal sources. The interictal activity produced more widespread source localizations. Conclusions: The use of ICA of ictal EEG followed by the use of source analysis methods in four cases of epilepsy and TSC was able to localize the epileptic generators very near the lesions successfully removed in surgery for epilepsy. Significance: The ICA of ictal EEG events may be a useful add-on to the tools used to establish the connection between epileptic scalp activity and the cortical tubers originating it, in patients with TSC considered for surgery of epilepsy.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina
In any area of study, it is necessary to define the subject of investigation. In the case of evolutionary novelty this is a particularly difficult task, as a clear definition of the concept that is suitable across di↵erent levels of biological organization has yet to emerge. We proceed with a definition for morphological novelty proposed by M¨uller and Wagner (1991), and introduce the dorsal appendages on eggs of Drosophilidae as such a novelty. These structures are part of the eggshell, and help supply oxygen to the embryo. A wide variety of phenotypes can be found, which is thought to have a single origin in the common ancestor of Drosophilidae.(...)
We report the case of a patient who presented various psychiatric syndromes at the time of evaluation - partial complex epileptic seizures, personality change, and severe depression, which eventually progressed to dementia - resulting from multiple cerebral infarctions of probable neuro-angiopathic origin, of unknown etiology. Aspects related to depression following cerebrovascular accidents, as well as how cerebrovascular accidents can result in different disorders depending on the variables, are discussed based on the data from current literature.
Foi estudada a biologia floral de Solanum sessiliflorum var. sessiflorum em Manaus, Amazonas. Esta espécie é polinizada por abelhas que vibram durante a visita à flor sendo a abelha Eulaema nigrita considerada como a polinizadora mais eficiente, pelo seu comportamento, tamanho e freqüência. O sistema de reprodução desta espécie parece ser alogãmico, o modo de, apresentação das flores numa mesma planta e asòlncronlco e o único recurso oferecido é o polen. As abelhas visitantes de, Solanum sessiliflorum var. sessiliflorum são de um modo geral florestais, sendo necessária uma região de mata relativamente próxima para a manutenção da poinizção e perpetuação dessas espécies.
Foi estudada a biologia floral de Mauritia flexuosaem Manaus, Amazonas. Mauritia flexuosa é visitada por diversas espécies de insetos. Trata-se de uma espécie cantarófila, sendo seus possíveis polinizadores os coleópteros pertencentes às famílias Nitidulidae, Curculionidae e Cucujidae, que são atraídos pelo aroma de suas flores. Sendo uma espécie dioica, o sistema de reprodução empregado por Mauritia flexuosaé obrigatoriamente a xenogamia, visto que apomixia não ocorreu nesta espécie. Mauritia flexuosaé uma espécie de grande importância para as populações da Amazônia, sendo a planta que apresenta em seus frutos, a maior taxa de pró-vitamina A encontrada na natureza.
O presente estudo trata a biologia floral, a polinização e o sistema reprodutivo de Aechmea beeriana Smith & Spencer, acrescidas de algumas informações fenológicas. A espécie foi estudada nos arredores de Manaus-AM. A. beeriana ocorre principalmente como epífita a várias alturas, com preferência por locais mais sombreados. Apresenta-se adaptada a síndrome de ornitofilia, com antese diurna e inflorescências vistosas. A antese possui duração de um dia e as flores são homogâmicas. Os indivíduos são auto-incompatíveis. Três espécies de beija-flores, Phaethornis superciliosus, P. bourcieri e Thalurania furcata (Trochilinae), são considerados os principais polinizadores. A espécie apresenta padrão de floração sub-anual, com 98,4% dos indivíduos apresentando flores ao longo do período, florescendo principalmente entre os meses de agosto e dezembro,ou seja, da metade da época de estiagem até o início da estação chuvosa. Brotos e folhas novas foram observados desenvolvendo-se ao longo do ano.