990 resultados para fish stock


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The length weight relationship of three benthic bivalves namely, Senilia (= Anadara) senilis (bloody cockle), Tagelus adansonii (knife clam), Tellina nymphalis (soft shell clam) from the Andoni Flats were determined. The bivalves which are of ecological importance were obtained from the intertidal areas of the Andoni Flats. Shell lengths of the bivalves were measured and corresponding dry weight measurements were also taken. The data obtained were then subjected to regression analysis using the FAO-ICLARM Fish Stock Assessment Tools (FiSAT). The length weight relationships obtained from the FiSAT analysis indicated isometric growth for Senilia (= Anadara) senilis, with slope (b) value of 2.942; positive allometric growth for Tagelus adansonii, with a ‘b’ value of 3.395 and negative allometric growth for Tellina nymphalis with ‘b’ value of 2.633. KEYWORDS: bivalves, length-weight, isometric growth, allometric growth, cockle, clam.


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This report presents findings of the CAS conducted in the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria in December 2015. The results of the previous thirteen harmonized CASs conducted since July 2005 (July, August, September and November 2005; in March, August and December 2006; in March and August 2007; in February and December 2008; March 2010; May 2011 and May 2014) are included to show the emerging trends. The report also presents annual catch estimates for the Ugandan part of the lake from 2005 to 2015. This information together with other fish stock assessment and socio-economic monitoring survey data can now be utilized in the planning and management of the fisheries resources of Lake Victoria. The 2014 CAS results were very vital in the development of the Lake Victoria Fisheries Management Plan 2014.


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L'usage de la ligne à main mécanisée (moulinet électrique) s'est développé à La Réunion au cours des années 2000. Ce métier s’est développé à la suite d’une campagne de prospection des ressources halieutiques profondes (200-700m), menée conjointement par le CRPMEM et l’Ifremer en 2000. L’objectif de cette campagne par pêche au moulinet électrique visait à identifier de nouvelles ressources démersales à des fins de diversification pour la petite pêche artisanale côtière professionnelle réunionnaise. Ainsi, les premiers résultats de cette étude avaient mis en évidence l'existence de nouvelles espèces et des stocks encore peu exploités à l’époque. Leur exploitation par la pêche professionnelle mais aussi par la pêche plaisancière s’est dès lors développée rapidement, sans aucun contrôle. En l’absence de cadre juridique et de mesures de gestion appropriés, la baisse rapide des rendements et les conflits pour l’accès à ces ressources profondes limitées et réputées sensibles à l’exploitation avaient motivé un précédent projet d'étude pour caractériser l’état de ces ressources (ANCRE-DMX, nommé DMX1, Ifremer 2011). Ce premier diagnostic réalisé à peine 10 ans après le début de l’exploitation des principales espèces avait mis en évidence des premiers signes d’une exploitation non soutenable des ressources dans l'ouest et le nord de La Réunion. Il avait été alors préconisé de lever des lacunes importantes concernant la biologie et l’écologie des espèces, d’évaluer l’état de ces stocks et enfin, de définir des indicateurs biologiques et halieutiques permettant de suivre l’évolution de ces différents stocks. En effet, les stocks de poissons démersaux profonds sont connus pour leur vulnérabilité (croissance lente, maturité sexuelle tardive, recrutement aléatoire…), et ce d’autant plus que leurs habitats sont particulièrement restreints à La Réunion. Le présent projet DMX2 a donc eu pour principal objectif d’établir, à partir d’une approche « indicateur », les bases des connaissances halieutiques, biologiques et écologiques manquantes sur les 6 principales espèces ciblées par la pêcherie à la ligne mécanisée. Le plan d’échantillonnage mis en place a couvert des profondeurs comprises entre 80 et 700 mètres, intégrant pour la première fois les zones de transition plus côtières. La période d’échantillonnage s’est déroulée sur un cycle annuel complet, soit d’avril 2014 à mai 2015, avec le concours de 10 pêcheurs professionnels répartis tout autour de l’île. Ainsi, 143 marées ont permis d’échantillonner 3984 individus et plus de 60 espèces différentes. Pour les principales espèces retenues, le suivi des captures en mer et les prélèvements biologiques réalisés ont permis d’appréhender leur rendement, leur structure démographique, leurs relations biométriques, l’étude de leur croissance, leur cycle de reproduction, leur taille de première maturité, la composition relative de leur alimentation ainsi que la variabilité de leur condition corporelle selon les saisons et en fonction des secteurs géographiques de l’île. Pour certaines espèces, les paramètres biologiques et écologiques obtenus n’avaient jamais été étudiés à ce jour. A partir des indicateurs populationnels et bio-écologiques retenus dans le projet, il a été possible d’évaluer l’état de santé des principaux stocks exploités et de les confronter à la situation et à l’évolution de la pêcherie ciblant ces espèces. Sur la base d’une approche de précaution, les diagnostics rendus sont variables selon l’état de santé de chacun des stocks et de leur sensibilité à l’exploitation. L’approche « indicateur » développée dans le cadre de ce projet a été appliquée aux données historiques disponibles. Ces indicateurs seront désormais proposés dans le cadre des suivis qui devront être mis en place dans la définition d’un plan de gestion des ressources démersales profondes à La Réunion. La définition du plan de gestion devra être discutée et validée auprès des différents usagers pêcheurs ainsi que des gestionnaires scientifiques, professionnels et administratifs.


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Avaliou-se a variabilidade genética dos estoques de reprodutores e dos peixes jovens de Piaractus mesopotamicus de três pisciculturas do estado do Paraná, utilizadas no programa de aumento de estoque de peixes no rio Paranapanema. Foi utilizado o marcador RAPD para avaliar as amostras do estoque de reprodutores e dos peixes jovens das pisciculturas de Palotina, Cambará e Andirá. A porcentagem de fragmentos polimórficos e o índice de diversidade genética de Shannon dos estoques de reprodutores variaram de 75,0% a 71,4% e de 0,434 a 0,376, respectivamente. Os peixes jovens das pisciculturas apresentaram valores mais elevados para ambos os parâmetros, com exceção da piscicultura de Palotina, na qual o índice de diversidade genética de Shannon foi semelhante. Os estoques de reprodutores apresentaram alta variabilidade genética, e esta foi mantida nos peixes jovens.


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In stock assessments, recruitment is typically modeled as a function of females only. For protogynous stocks, however, disproportionate fishing on males increases the possibility of reduced fertilization rates. To incorporate the importance of males in protogynous stocks, assessment models have been used to predict recruitment not just from female spawning biomass (Sf), but also from that of males (Sm) or both sexes (Sb). We conducted a simulation study to evaluate the ability of these three measures to estimate biological reference points used in fishery management. Of the three, Sf provides best estimates if the potential for decreased fertilization is weak, whereas Sm is best only if the potential is very strong. In general, Sb estimates the true reference points most closely, which indicates that if the potential for decreased fertilization is moderate or unknown, Sb should be used in assessments of protogynous stocks. Moreover, for a broad range of scenarios, relative errors from Sf and Sb occur in opposite directions, indicating that estimates from these measures could be used to bound uncertainty.


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A review of the data (handling) requirements for length-based stock assessment is presented, with emphasis on the relationship between the expected outputs and the key features of the samples required, and on biases and other sources of inaccuracy.


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This is the report on the strategic fisheries stock assessment survey of the River Winster 1995 together with a coarse fish survey in 1994 and reference to the 1995 drought, produced by the Environment Agency North West in 1996. Salmonid production within the Winster catchment was dominated by trout although good densities of salmon juveniles were found on some main river sites. Despite suffering drought conditions for much of 1995, only salmon fry production appeared to have been affected. Coarse fish populations once found in the lower reaches of the Winster appear to have declined to very low levels with no fish sampled. This may be partly due to broken tidal gates allowing saline intrusion. It seems that the lower river was suited to the development of a recreational coarse fishery, now that the gates have been repaired. This report completes the strategic stock assessment surveys planned for the period 1992-1995. It represents the last major catchment that was surveyed to determine the current status of fisheries in the South and South West Cumbria areas.


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Most assessments of fish stocks use some measure of the reproductive potential of a population, such as spawning biomass. However, the correlation between spawning biomass and reproductive potential is not always strong, and it likely is weakest in the tropics and subtropics, where species tend to exhibit indeterminate fecundity and release eggs in batches over a protracted spawning season. In such cases, computing annual reproductive output requires estimates of batch fecundity and the annual number of batches—the latter subject to spawning frequency and duration of spawning season. Batch fecundity is commonly measured by age (or size), but these other variables are not. Without the relevant data, the annual number of batches is assumed to be invariant across age. We reviewed the literature and found that this default assumption lacks empirical support because both spawning duration and spawning frequency generally increase with age or size. We demonstrate effects of this assumption on measures of reproductive value and spawning potential ratio, a metric commonly used to gauge stock status. Model applications showed substantial sensitivity to age dependence in the annual number of batches. If the annual number of batches increases with age but is incorrectly assumed to be constant, stock assessment models would tend to overestimate the biological reference points used for setting harvest rates. This study underscores the need to better understand the age- or size-dependent contrast in the annual number of batches, and we conclude that, for species without evidence to support invariance, the default assumption should be replaced with one that accounts for age- or size-dependence.


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Fisheries models have traditionally focused on patterns of growth, fecundity, and survival of fish. However, reproductive rates are the outcome of a variety of interconnected factors such as life-history strategies, mating patterns, population sex ratio, social interactions, and individual fecundity and fertility. Behaviorally appropriate models are necessary to understand stock dynamics and predict the success of management strategies. Protogynous sex-changing fish present a challenge for management because size-selective fisheries can drastically reduce reproductive rates. We present a general framework using an individual-based simulation model to determine the effect of life-history pattern, sperm production, mating system, and management strategy on stock dynamics. We apply this general approach to the specific question of how size-selective fisheries that remove mainly males will impact the stock dynamics of a protogynous population with fixed sex change compared to an otherwise identical dioecious population. In this dioecious population, we kept all aspects of the stock constant except for the pattern of sex determination (i.e. whether the species changes sex or is dioecious). Protogynous stocks with fixed sex change are predicted to be very sensitive to the size-selective fishing pattern. If all male size classes are fished, protogynous populations are predicted to crash even at relatively low fishing mortality. When some male size classes escape fishing, we predict that the mean population size of sex-changing stocks will decrease proportionally less than the mean population size of dioecious species experiencing the same fishing mortality. For protogynous species, spawning-per-recruit measures that ignore fertilization rates are not good indicators of the impact of fishing on the population. Decreased mating aggregation size is predicted to lead to an increased effect of sperm limitation at constant fishing mortality and effort. Marine protected areas have the potential to mitigate some effects of fishing on sperm limitation in sex-changing populations.


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A compilation of all the available information on the main small pelagic fish resources of Mozambican waters is presented. Resource data on distribution areas, reproduction, age, growth and stock size are described. Actual catch and catch per unit of effort of the commercially exploited stocks are also given. Results of the preliminary assessment of the stocks of scad and mackerel and the problems involving the assessment of Kelee shad stock at Maputo Bay are discussed.


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A statistical comparison of standing stock density estimates (Kg/hectare) from 26 UNDP/FAO 1%9 thru 70 and 63 EAFFRO 1976 bottom trawl surveys revealed the following; 1) Statistically significant differences between mean density values at 4 of 7 depths {4-9 to 30-39 m}. 2) The 1969 thru 70 UNDP/FAO Values were higher at the 4 levels. 3) No statistically significant menn density value differences at 3 depths (40-49 to 60-69 m), but decreased values for the 1976 EAFFRO survey at 40-49 and 50-59 m depth. It was concluded from these comparisons that no capital investment should be made into a trawler industry for fish meal production in the Kenya waters of Lake Victoria until further bottom trawl surveys can be conducted to either substantiate or disapprove these differences over the six year time span.


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Thirty-four microsatellite loci were isolated from three reef fish species; golden snapper Lutjanus johnii, blackspotted croaker Protonibea diacanthus and grass emperor Lethrinus laticaudis using a next generation sequencing approach. Both IonTorrent single reads and Illumina MiSeq paired-end reads were used, with the latter demonstrating a higher quality of reads than the IonTorrent. From the 1–1.5 million raw reads per species, we successfully obtained 10–13 polymorphic loci for each species, which satisfied stringent design criteria. We developed multiplex panels for the amplification of the golden snapper and the blackspotted croaker loci, as well as post-amplification pooling panels for the grass emperor loci. The microsatellites characterized in this work were tested across three locations of northern Australia. The microsatellites we developed can detect population differentiation across northern Australia and may be used for genetic structure studies and stock identification.