927 resultados para fiber-to-fiber contact


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To date, neighbourhood studies on ethnic diversity and social trust have revealed inconclusive findings. In this paper, three innovations are proposed in order to systemise the knowledge about neighbourhood ethnic diversity and the development of social trust. First, it is proposed to use a valid trust measure that is sensitive to the local neighbourhood context. Second, the paper argues for a conception of organically evolved neighbourhoods, rather than using local administrative units as readily available proxies for neighbourhood divisions. Thirdly, referring to intergroup contact theory and group-specific effects of diversity, the paper challenges the notion that ethnic diversity has overwhelmingly negative effects on social trust.


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BACKGROUND: Eczematous skin lesions of atopic dermatitis (AD) as well as allergic and irritant contact dermatitis (ACD, ICD) are characterized by the same typical clinical signs, although due to different causes. In both AD and ACD, the presence of T helper 17 cells which play an important role in host defense, has been reported. Furthermore, IL-17 is involved in tissue repair and remodeling. This study aimed to investigate IL-17 expression in acute eczematous skin lesions and correlate it with markers of remodeling in AD, ACD, and ICD. METHODS: Skin specimens were taken from positive patch test reactions to aeroallergens, contact allergens, and irritants at days 2, 3, and 4. Inflammatory cells as well as the expression of cytokines and extracellular matrix proteins were evaluated by immunofluorescence staining and confocal microscopy. RESULTS: Allergic contact dermatitis and ICD were characterized by IFN-γ expression, whereas in AD lesions, IL-13 expression and high numbers of eosinophils were the prominent phenotype. Expression of IL-17, but also IL-21 and IL-22, was observed in all eczema subtypes. The number of IL-22+ T cells correlated with the number of eosinophils. Markers of remodeling such as MMP-9, procollagen-3, and tenascin C were observed in all acute eczematous lesions, while a correlation of IL-17+ T cell numbers with tenascin C-expressing cells and MMP-9+ eosinophils was apparent. CONCLUSION: The expression of IL-17 and related cytokines, such as IL-22, was demonstrated in acute eczematous lesions independent of their pathogenesis. Our results suggest a potential role for IL-17 in remodeling of the skin.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the suitability of a minipig model for the study of bone healing and osseointegration of dental implants following bone splitting and expansion of narrow ridges. MATERIAL AND METHODS In four minipigs, the mandibular premolars and first molars were extracted together with removal of the buccal bone plate. Three months later, ridge splitting and expansion was performed with simultaneous placement of three titanium implants per quadrant. On one side of the mandible, the expanded bone gap between the implants was filled with an alloplastic biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) material, while the gap on the other side was left unfilled. A barrier membrane was placed in half of the quadrants. After a healing period of 6 weeks, the animals were sacrificed for histological evaluation. RESULTS In all groups, no bone fractures occurred, no implants were lost, all 24 implants were osseointegrated, and the gap created by bone splitting was filled with new bone, irrespective of whether BCP or a barrier membrane was used. Slight exposure of five implants was observed, but did not lead to implant loss. The level of the most coronal bone-to-implant contact varied without being dependent on the use of BCP or a barrier membrane. In all groups, the BCP particles were not present deep in the bone-filled gap. However, BCP particles were seen at the crestal bone margin, where they were partly integrated in the new bone. CONCLUSIONS This new minipig model holds great promise for studying experimental ridge splitting/expansion. However, efforts must be undertaken to reduce implant exposure and buccal bone resorption.


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OBJECTIVE The first objective of this pilot study was to evaluate the impact of the hydrophilicity on the early phases of osseointegration. The second objective was to compare two hydrophilic implant surfaces with different geometries, surface roughness, and technologies achieving hydrophilicity. MATERIAL AND METHODS Twelve weeks after extraction, all four quadrants of nine minipigs received three dental implants, alternating between hydrophilic microrough surfaces (INICELL and SLActive) and a conventional hydrophobic microrough surface. After 5, 10, and 15 days of submerged healing, ground sections were prepared and subjected to histologic and histomorphometric analysis. RESULTS The histologic analysis revealed a similar healing pattern among the hydrophilic and hydrophobic implant surfaces, with extensive bone formation occurring between day 5 and day 10. With BIC values of greater than 50% after 10 days, all examined surfaces indicated favorable osseointegration at this very early point in healing. At day 15, the mean new bone-to-implant contact (newBIC) of one hydrophilic surface (INICELL; 55.8 ± 14.4%) was slightly greater than that of the hydrophobic microrough surface (40.6 ± 20.2%). At day 10 and day 15, an overall of 21% of the implants had to be excluded from analysis due to inflammations primarily caused by surgical complications. CONCLUSION Substantial bone apposition occurs between day 5 and day 10. The data suggest that the hydrophilic surface can provoke a slight tendency toward increased bone apposition in minipigs after 15 days. A direct comparison of two hydrophilic surfaces with varying geometries is of limited relevance.


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BACKGROUND The blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier (BCSFB) established by the choroid plexus (CP) epithelium has been recognized as a potential entry site of immune cells into the central nervous system during immunosurveillance and neuroinflammation. The location of the choroid plexus impedes in vivo analysis of immune cell trafficking across the BCSFB. Thus, research on cellular and molecular mechanisms of immune cell migration across the BCSFB is largely limited to in vitro models. In addition to forming contact-inhibited epithelial monolayers that express adhesion molecules, the optimal in vitro model must establish a tight permeability barrier as this influences immune cell diapedesis. METHODS We compared cell line models of the mouse BCSFB derived from the Immortomouse(®) and the ECPC4 line to primary mouse choroid plexus epithelial cell (pmCPEC) cultures for their ability to establish differentiated and tight in vitro models of the BCSFB. RESULTS We found that inducible cell line models established from the Immortomouse(®) or the ECPC4 tumor cell line did not express characteristic epithelial proteins such as cytokeratin and E-cadherin and failed to reproducibly establish contact-inhibited epithelial monolayers that formed a tight permeability barrier. In contrast, cultures of highly-purified pmCPECs expressed cytokeratin and displayed mature BCSFB characteristic junctional complexes as visualized by the junctional localization of E-cadherin, β-catenin and claudins-1, -2, -3 and -11. pmCPECs formed a tight barrier with low permeability and high electrical resistance. When grown in inverted filter cultures, pmCPECs were suitable to study T cell migration from the basolateral to the apical side of the BCSFB, thus correctly modelling in vivo migration of immune cells from the blood to the CSF. CONCLUSIONS Our study excludes inducible and tumor cell line mouse models as suitable to study immune functions of the BCSFB in vitro. Rather, we introduce here an in vitro inverted filter model of the primary mouse BCSFB suited to study the cellular and molecular mechanisms mediating immune cell migration across the BCSFB during immunosurveillance and neuroinflammation.


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Air transportation facilitates face-to-face interactions across borders for the spatial expansion of manufacturing production. I investigate the impact of international flights on FDI entry by Japanese firms. I find that FDI entry significantly increases with the weekly frequency of flights from Japan, and the positive impact increases with a proxy for an intensity of face-to-face communication between the parent firm and foreign affiliate. The results are robust to estimation methods, additional control variables, and definitions of face-to-face communication. Thus, the results suggest that flights encourage FDI entry through a reduction in face-to-face communication costs.


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The study of lateral dynamics of running trains on bridges is of importance mainly for the safety of the traffic, and may be relevant for laterally compliant bridges. These studies require threedimensional coupled vehicle-bridge models, wheree consideration of wheel to rail contact is a key aspect. Furthermore, an adequate evaluation of safety of rail traffic requires nonlinear models. A nonlinear coupled model is proposed here for vehicle-structure vertical and lateral dynamics. Vehicles are considered as fully three-dimensional multibody systems including gyroscopic terms and large rotation effects. The bridge structure is modeled by means of finite elements which may be of beam, shell or continuum type and may include geometric or material nonlinearities. The track geometry includes distributed track alignment irregularities. Both subsystems (bridge and vehicles) are described with coordinates in absolute reference frames, as opposed to alternative approaches which describe the multibody system with coordinates relative to the base bridge motion. The wheelrail contact employed is a semi-Hertzian model based on realistic wheel-rail profiles. It allows a detailed geometrical description of the contact patch under each wheel including multiple-point contact, flange contact and uplift. Normal and tangential stresses in each contact are integrated at each time-step to obtain the resultant contact forces. The models have been implemented within an existing finite element analysis software with multibody capabilities, Abaqus (Simulia Ltd., 2010). Further details of the model are presented in Antolín et al. (2012). Representative applications are presented for railway vehicles under lateral wind action on laterally compliant viaducts, showing the relevance of the nonlinear wheel-rail contact model as well as the interaction between bridge and vehicle.


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Este proyecto muestra una solución de red para una empresa que presta servicios de Contact Center desde distintas sedes distribuidas geográficamente, utilizando la tecnología de telefonía sobre IP. El objetivo de este proyecto es el de convertirse en una guía de diseño para el despliegue de soluciones de red utilizando los actuales equipos de comunicaciones desarrollados por el fabricante Cisco Systems, Inc., los equipos de seguridad desarrollados por el fabricante Fortinet y los sistemas de telefonía desarrollados por Avaya Inc. y Oracle Corporation, debido a su gran penetración en el mercado y a las aportaciones que cada uno ha realizado en el sector de Contact Center. Para poder proveer interconexión entre las sedes de un Contact Center se procede a la contratación de un acceso a la red MPLS perteneciente a un operador de telecomunicaciones, quien provee conectividad entre las sedes utilizando la tecnología VPN MPLS con dos accesos diversificados entre sí desde cada una de las sedes del Contact Center. El resultado de esta contratación es el aprovechamiento de las ventajas que un operador de telecomunicaciones puede ofrecer a sus clientes, en relación a calidad de servicio, disponibilidad y expansión geográfica. De la misma manera, se definen una serie de criterios o niveles de servicio que aseguran a un Contact Center una comunicación de calidad entre sus sedes, entendiéndose por comunicación de calidad aquella que sea capaz de transmitirse con unos valores mínimos de pérdida de paquetes así como retraso en la transmisión, y una velocidad acorde a la demanda de los servicios de voz y datos. Como parte de la solución, se diseña una conexión redundante a Internet que proporciona acceso a todas las sedes del Contact Center. La solución de conectividad local en cada una de las sedes de un Contact Center se ha diseñado de manera general acorde al volumen de puestos de usuarios y escalabilidad que pueda tener cada una de las sedes. De esta manera se muestran varias opciones asociadas al equipamiento actual que ofrece el fabricante Cisco Systems, Inc.. Como parte de la solución se han definido los criterios de calidad para la elección de los Centros de Datos (Data Center). Un Contact Center tiene conexiones hacia o desde las empresas cliente a las que da servicio y provee de acceso a la red a sus tele-trabajadores. Este requerimiento junto con el acceso y servicios publicados en Internet necesita una infraestructura de seguridad. Este hecho da lugar al diseño de una solución que unifica todas las conexiones bajo una única infraestructura, dividiendo de manera lógica o virtual cada uno de los servicios. De la misma manera, se ha definido la utilización de protocolos como 802.1X para evitar accesos no autorizados a la red del Contact Center. La solución de voz elegida es heterogénea y capaz de soportar los protocolos de señalización más conocidos (SIP y H.323). De esta manera se busca tener la máxima flexibilidad para establecer enlaces de voz sobre IP (Trunk IP) con proveedores y clientes. Esto se logra gracias a la utilización de SBCs y a una infraestructura interna de voz basada en el fabricante Avaya Inc. Los sistemas de VoIP en un Contact Center son los elementos clave para poder realizar la prestación del servicio; por esta razón se elige una solución redundada bajo un entorno virtual. Esta solución permite desplegar el sistema de VoIP desde cualquiera de los Data Center del Contact Center. La solución llevada a cabo en este proyecto está principalmente basada en mi experiencia laboral adquirida durante los últimos siete años en el departamento de comunicaciones de una empresa de Contact Center. He tenido en cuenta los principales requerimientos que exigen hoy en día la mayor parte de empresas que desean contratar un servicio de Contact Center. Este proyecto está dividido en cuatro capítulos. El primer capítulo es una introducción donde se explican los principales escenarios de negocio y áreas técnicas necesarias para la prestación de servicios de Contact Center. El segundo capítulo describe de manera resumida, las principales tecnologías y protocolos que serán utilizados para llevar a cabo el diseño de la solución técnica de creación de una red de comunicaciones para una empresa de Contact Center. En el tercer capítulo se expone la solución técnica necesaria para permitir que una empresa de Contact Center preste sus servicios desde distintas ubicaciones distribuidas geográficamente, utilizando dos Data Centers donde se centralizan las aplicaciones de voz y datos. Finalmente, en el cuarto capítulo se presentan las conclusiones obtenidas tras la elaboración de la presente memoria, así como una propuesta de trabajos futuros, que permitirían junto con el proyecto actual, realizar una solución técnica completa incluyendo otras áreas tecnológicas necesarias en una empresa de Contact Center. Todas las ilustraciones y tablas de este proyecto son de elaboración propia a partir de mi experiencia profesional y de la información obtenida en diversos formatos de la bibliografía consultada, excepto en los casos en los que la fuente es mencionada. ABSTRACT This project shows a network solution for a company that provides Contact Center services from different locations geographically distributed, using the Telephone over Internet Protocol (ToIP) technology. The goal of this project is to become a design guide for performing network solutions using current communications equipment developed by the manufacturer Cisco Systems, Inc., firewalls developed by the manufacturer Fortinet and telephone systems developed by Avaya Inc. and Oracle Corporation, due to their great market reputation and their contributions that each one has made in the field of Contact Center. In order to provide interconnection between its different sites, the Contact Center needs to hire the services of a telecommunications’ operator, who will use the VPN MPLS technology, with two diversified access from each Contact Center’s site. The result of this hiring is the advantage of the benefits that a telecommunications operator can offer to its customers, regarding quality of service, availability and geographical expansion. Likewise, Service Level Agreement (SLA) has to be defined to ensure the Contact Center quality communication between their sites. A quality communication is understood as a communication that is capable of being transmitted with minimum values of packet loss and transmission delays, and a speed according to the demand for its voice and data services. As part of the solution, a redundant Internet connection has to be designed to provide access to every Contact Center’s site. The local connectivity solution in each of the Contact Center’s sites has to be designed according to its volume of users and scalability that each one may have. Thereby, the manufacturer Cisco Systems, Inc. offers several options associated with the current equipment. As part of the solution, quality criteria are being defined for the choice of the Data Centers. A Contact Center has connections to/from the client companies that provide network access to teleworkers. This requires along the access and services published on the Internet, needs a security infrastructure. Therefore is been created a solution design that unifies all connections under a single infrastructure, dividing each services in a virtual way. Likewise, is been defined the use of protocols, such as 802.1X, to prevent unauthorized access to the Contact Center’s network. The voice solution chosen is heterogeneous and capable of supporting best-known signaling protocols (SIP and H.323) in order to have maximum flexibility to establish links of Voice over IP (IP Trunk) with suppliers and clients. This can be achieved through the use of SBC and an internal voice infrastructure based on Avaya Inc. The VoIP systems in a Contact Center are the key elements to be able to provide the service; for this reason a redundant solution under virtual environment is been chosen. This solution allows any of the Data Centers to deploy the VoIP system. The solution carried out in this project is mainly based on my own experience acquired during the past seven years in the communications department of a Contact Center company. I have taken into account the main requirements that most companies request nowadays when they hire a Contact Center service. This project is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is an introduction that explains the main business scenarios and technical areas required to provide Contact Center services. The second chapter describes briefly the key technologies and protocols that will be used to carry out the design of the technical solution for the creation of a communications network in a Contact Center company. The third chapter shows a technical solution required that allows a Contact Center company to provide services from across geographically distributed locations, using two Data Centers where data and voice applications are centralized. Lastly, the fourth chapter includes the conclusions gained after making this project, as well as a future projects proposal, which would allow along the current project, to perform a whole technical solution including other necessary technologic areas in a Contact Center company All illustrations and tables of this project have been made by myself from my professional experience and the information obtained in various formats of the bibliography, except in the cases where the source is indicated.


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Each G protein-coupled receptor recognizes only a distinct subset of the many structurally closely related G proteins expressed within a cell. How this selectively is achieved at a molecular level is not well understood, particularly since no specific point-to-point contact sites between a receptor and its cognate G protein(s) have been identified. In this study, we demonstrate that a 4-aa epitope on the m2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor, a prototypical Gi/o-coupled receptor, can specifically recognize the C-terminal 5 aa of alpha subunits of the Gi/o protein family. The m2 receptor residues involved in this interaction are predicted to be located on one side of an alpha-helical receptor region present at the junction between the third intracellular loop and the sixth transmembrane domain. Coexpression studies with hybrid m2/m3 muscarinic receptors and mutant G-protein alpha q subunits showed that the receptor/G-protein contact site identified in this study is essential for coupling specificity and G-protein activation.


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This article first summarizes some available experimental results on the frictional behaviour of contact interfaces, and briefly recalls typical frictional experiments and relationships, which are applicable for rock mechanics, and then a unified description is obtained to describe the entire frictional behaviour. It is formulated based on the experimental results and applied with a stick and slip decomposition algorithm to describe the stick-slip instability phenomena, which can describe the effects observed in rock experiments without using the so-called state variable, thus avoiding related numerical difficulties. This has been implemented to our finite element code, which uses the node-to-point contact element strategy proposed by the authors to handle the frictional contact between multiple finite-deformation bodies with stick and finite frictional slip, and applied here to simulate the frictional behaviour of rocks to show its usefulness and efficiency.


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Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the impact of hand washing regimes on lipid transference to contact lenses. The presence of lipids on contact lenses can affect visual acuity and enhance spoilation. Additionally, they may even mediate and foster microbial transfer and serve as a marker of potential dermal contamination. Methods and materials: A social hand wash and the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) hand wash were investigated. A 'no-wash regime' was used as control. The transfer of lipids from the hand was assessed by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). Lipid transference to the contact lenses was studied through fluorescence spectroscopy (FS). Results: Iodine staining, for presence of lipids, on TLC plates indicated the 'no-wash regime' score averaged at 3.4 ± 0.8, the social wash averaged at 2.2 ± 0.9 and the RCN averaged at 1.2 ± 0.3 on a scale of 1-4. The FS of lipids on contact lenses for 'no washing' presented an average of 28.47 ± 10.54 fluorescence units (FU), the social wash presented an average of 13.52 ± 11.12. FU and the RCN wash presented a much lower average 6.47 ± 4.26. FU. Conclusions: This work demonstrates how the method used for washing the hands can affect the concentration of lipids, and the transfer of these lipids onto contact lenses. A regime of hand washing for contact lens users should be standardised to help reduce potentially transferable species present on the hands. © 2011 British Contact Lens Association.


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The project objective was to develop a reliable selection procedure to match contact lens materials with individual wearers by the identification of a biochemical marker for assessment of in-eye performance of contact lenses. There is a need for such a procedure as one of the main reasons for contact lens wearers ceasing wearing contact lenses is poor end of day comfort i.e. the lenses become intolerable to the wearer as the day progresses. The selection of an optimal material for individual wearers has the potential benefit to reduce drop Qut, hence increasing the overall contact lens population, and to improve contact lens comfort for established wearers. Using novel analytical methods and statistical techniques, we were able to investigate the interactions between the composition of the tear film and of the biofilm deposited on the contact lenses and contact lens performance. The investigations were limited to studying the lipid components of the tear film; the lipid layer, which plays a key role in preventing evaporation and stabilising the tear film, has been reported to be significantly thinner and of different mixing characteristics during contact lens wear. Different lipid families were found to influence symptomatology, in vivo tear film structure and stability as well as ocular integrity. Whereas the symptomatology was affected by both the tear film lipid composition and the nature of the lipid deposition, the structure of the tear film and its stability were mainly influenced by the tear film lipid composition. The ocular integrity also appeared to be influenced by the nature of the lipid deposition. Potential markers within the lipid species have been identified and could be applied as follows: When required in order to identify a problematic wearer or to match the contact lens material to the contact lens wearer, tear samples collected by the clinician could be dispatched to an analytical laboratory where lipid analysis could be carried out by HPLC. A colorimetric kit based on the lipid markers could also be developed and used by clinician directly in the practice; such a kit would involve tear sampling and classification according to the colour into "Problem", "Border line" and "Good" contact lens wearers groups. A test kit would also have wider scope for marketing in other areas such as general dry-eye pathology.


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The limbal vascular response to extended contact lens wear was examined in a group comparative study initially intended to last eighteen months. After six months all patients wearing contact lenses had presented with micro-epithelial cysts. This unanticipated occurrence of the micro-epithelial-cysts necessitated termination of the study, and limited the quantity of data collected. However, sufficient results were available to allow a limited description of •the vascular response to this form of contact lens wear. Interpretations of the date collected ore discussed in relation to suggested vasostimulating factors in the cornea. The micro-epithelial cysts observed after extended wear were classified and their rate of recovery recorded. A further clinical study was undertaken to observe cysts in both contact lens - and non contact lens-wearing eyes. Cysts were observed in every category of patient, although the characteristic patterns varied. These observations of micro-epithelial cysts are discussed with respect to the aetiopathogeneses of corneal epithelial cystic disorders. Subsequently, attempts were made to induce cysts in rabbit corneae by extended contact lens wear. Clinical observations revealed cyst-like appearances. Histological sections did not contain cysts but did exhibit signs characteristic •of cystic disorders of the corneal epithelium. In general, the results from the study indicate that extended wear is subjectively acceptable to contact lens wearers. However, the objective findings of significant vascular changes, micro-epithelial cysts and cases of acute red eye response cast considerable doubt on the recommendation of extended wear contact lenses for purely cosmetic applications.


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Objectives and Methods: Contact angle, as a representative measure of surface wettability, is often employed to interpret contact lens surface properties. The literature is often contradictory and can lead to confusion. This literature review is part of a series regarding the analysis of hydrogel contact lenses using contact angle techniques. Here we present an overview of contact angle terminology, methodology, and analysis. Having discussed this background material, subsequent parts of the series will discuss the analysis of contact lens contact angles and evaluate differences in published laboratory results. Results: The concepts of contact angle, wettability and wetting are presented as an introduction. Contact angle hysteresis is outlined and highlights the advantages in using dynamic analytical techniques over static methods. The surface free energy of a material illustrates how contact angle analysis is capable of providing supplementary surface characterization. Although single values are able to distinguish individual material differences, surface free energy and dynamic methods provide an improved understanding of material behavior. The frequently used sessile drop, captive bubble, and Wilhelmy plate techniques are discussed. Their use as both dynamic and static methods, along with the advantages and disadvantages of each technique, is explained. Conclusions: No single contact angle technique fully characterizes the wettability of a material surface, and the application of complimenting methods allows increased characterization. At present, there is not an ISO standard method designed for soft materials. It is important that each contact angle technique has a standard protocol, as small protocol differences between laboratories often contribute to a variety of published data that are not easily comparable. © 2013 Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists.


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Purpose: To compare vision-related quality-of-life measures between children wearing orthokeratology (OK) contact lenses and distance single-vision (SV) spectacles. Methods: Subjects 6 to 12 years of age and with myopia of -0.75 to -4.00 diopters and astigmatism less than or equal to 1.00 diopters were prospectively assigned OK contact lens or SV spectacle correction. A pediatric refractive error profile questionnaire was administered at 12- and 24-month intervals to evaluate children's perceptions in terms of overall vision, near vision, far distance vision, symptoms, appearance, satisfaction, activities, academic performance, handling, and peer perceptions. The mean score of all items was calculated as the overall score. Additionally, parents/guardians were asked to rate their child's mode of visual correction and their intention to continue treatment after study completion. Results: Thirty-one children were fitted with OK contact lenses and 30 with SV spectacles. Children wearing OK contact lenses rated overall vision, far distance vision, symptoms, appearance, satisfaction, activities, academic performance, handling, peer perceptions, and the overall score significantly better than children wearing SV spectacles (all P<0.05). Near vision and handling were, respectively, rated better (P<0.001) and similar (P=0.44) for SV spectacles in comparison to OK contact lenses. No significant differences were found between 12 and 24 months for any of the subjective ratings assessed (all P>0.05). Parents/guardians of children wearing OK contact lenses rated visual correction method and intention to continue treatment higher than parents of children wearing SV spectacles (P=0.01). Conclusion: The results indicate that the significant improvement in vision-related quality of life and acceptability with OK contact lenses is an incentive to engage in its use for the control of myopia in children.