996 resultados para fiber generator


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In this paper we demonstrate experimentally a magnetic field sensor using a fiber Bragg grating. The shift in the Bragg condition as a result of strain applied on the fiber mounted on a nickel base by the magnetic field gives an indirect measure of the field. The proposed method overcomes the need for long fiber lengths required in methods such as Faraday effect sensors.


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The comparative compressive properties of syntactic foam with and without the inclusion of E-glass fibers in the form of chopped strands are reported. The effort pointed to the fact that the fiber-free syntactic foam had a higher compressive strength than the fiber-bearing one whereas as regards the moduli values they did not differ much. The difference in strength is correlated with the amount of voids present in two foams. The scope of the work was further expanded by including scanning electron microscopy for examining: the surface features of samples prior to and after compression test.


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Strain and temperature sensitivities of a type I Bragg grating inscribed in a germania doped silica fiber, fabricated under normal conditions and zero strain, are compared with that of a Bragg grating inscribed under pre-strained condition. The results obtained reveal that the strain and temperature sensitivities of the two gratings are different. Based on these results, we demonstrate a technique which enables discrimination of strain and temperature in a Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) with a linear response. The present technique allows for an easy implementation of the sensor by providing a direct access to the grating region in the fiber and demands only a simple interrogation system.


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This paper describes the design and development of a Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensor system for monitoring tsunami waves generated in the deep ocean. An experimental setup was designed and fabricated to simulate the generation and propagation of a tsunami wave. The characteristics and efficiency of the developed FBG sensor was evaluated with a standard commercial Digiquartz sensor. For real time monitoring of tsunami waves, FBG sensors bonded to a cantilever is used and the wavelength shifts (Delta lambda(B)) in the reflected spectra resulting from the strain/pressure imparted on the FBGs have been recorded using a high-speed Micron Optics FBG interrogation system. The parameters sensed are the signal burst during tsunami generation and pressure variations at different places as the tsunami wave propagates away from the source of generation. The results obtained were compared with the standard commercial sensor used in tsunami detection. The observations suggest that the FBG sensor was highly sensitive and free from many of the constraints associated with the commercial tsunameter.


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In the recent past it has been found that HVDC transmission systems and turbine-generator shaft torsional dynamics can interact in an unfavourable manner. This paper presents a detailed linearised state space model of AC/DC system to study this torsional interaction. The model developed is used to study the effect of various system parameters, such as, dc line loading, converter firing angle, the firing scheme employed. The results obtained are compared with those given in[3].


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A commercial acrylic fiber with 92% (w/w) acrylonitrile content was partially hydrolyzed converting a fraction of the nitrile (-CN) groups to carboxylic acid (-COOH) groups, to coat the fiber with polyethylenimine (PEI) resin, which was then crosslinked with glutaraldehyde and further quaternized with ethyl chloroacetate to produce a novel strong-base anionic exchanger in the form of fiber. Designated as PAN(QPEI.XG)(Cl-), the fibrous sorbent was compared with a commercial bead-form resin Amberlite IRA-458(Cl-) in respect of sorption capacity, selectivity, and kinetics for removal of silver thiosulfate complexes from aqueous solutions. Though the saturation level of [Ag(S2O3)(2)](3-) on PAN(QPEI.XG)(Cl-) is considerably less than that on IRA-458(Cl-), the gel-coated fibrous sorbent exhibits, as compared to the bead-form sorbent, a significantly higher sorption selectivity for the silver thiosulfate complex in the presence of excess of other anions Such as S2O32-, SO42-, and Cl-, and a remarkably faster rate of both sorption and stripping. The initial uptake of the sorbate by the fibrous sorbent is nearly instantaneous, reaching up to similar to 80% of the saturation capacity within 10 s, as compared to only similar to 12% on the bead-form sorbent. The high initial rate of uptake fits a shell-core kinetic model for sorption on fiber of cylindrical geometry. With 4M HCl, the stripping of the sorbed silver complex from the fibrous sorbent is clean and nearly instantaneous, while, in contrast, a much slower rate of stripping on the bead-form sorbent leads to its fouling due to a slow decomposition of the silver thiosulfate complex in the acidic medium.


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The operation of a stand-alone, as opposed to grid connected generation system, using a slip-ring induction machine as the electrical generator, is considered. In contrast to an alternator, a slip-ring induction machine can run at variable speed and still deliver constant frequency power to loads. This feature enables optimization of the system when the prime mover is inherently variable speed in nature eg. wind turbines, as well as diesel driven systems, where there is scope for economizing on fuel consumption. Experimental results from a system driven by a 44 bhp diesel engine are presented. Operation at subsynchronous as well as super-synchronous speeds is examined. The measurement facilitates the understanding of the system as well as its design.


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This paper mainly concentrates on the application of the direct torque control (DTC) technique for the induction machine based integrated startergenerator (ISG) for automobile applications. It also discusses in brief about the higher DC bus voltage requirements in the automobiles i.e. present 14V system vs. 42V system to meet the power requirements, modes of operation of ISG, electric machine and the drive selection for the ISG,description of DTC technique, simulation and experimental results, and implementation.


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A new fiber bundle approach to the gauge theory of a group G that involves space‐time symmetries as well as internal symmetries is presented. The ungauged group G is regarded as the group of left translations on a fiber bundle G(G/H,H), where H is a closed subgroup and G/H is space‐time. The Yang–Mills potential is the pullback of the Maurer–Cartan form and the Yang–Mills fields are zero. More general diffeomorphisms on the bundle space are then identified as the appropriate gauged generalizations of the left translations, and the Yang–Mills potential is identified as the pullback of the dual of a certain kind of vielbein on the group manifold. The Yang–Mills fields include a torsion on space‐time.


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Energy-based direct methods for transient stability analysis are potentially useful both as offline tools for planning purposes as well as for online security assessment. In this paper, a novel structure-preserving energy function (SPEF) is developed using the philosophy of structure-preserving model for the system and detailed generator model including flux decay, transient saliency, automatic voltage regulator (AVR), exciter and damper winding. A simpler and yet general expression for the SPEF is also derived which can simplify the computation of the energy function. The system equations and the energy function are derived using the centre-of-inertia (COI) formulation and the system loads are modelled as arbitrary functions of the respective bus voltages. Application of the proposed SPEF to transient stability evaluation of power systems is illustrated with numerical examples.


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In the first part of the study, the selected wood and fiber properties were investigated in terms of their occurrence and variation in wood, as well as their relevance from the perspective of thermomechanical pulping process and related end-products. It was concluded that the most important factors were the fiber dimensions, juvenile wood content, and in some cases, the content of heartwood being associated with extremely dry wood with low permeability in spruce. With respect to the above properties, the following three pulpwood assortments of which pulping potential was assumed to vary were formed: wood from regeneration cuttings, first-thinnings wood, and sawmill chips. In the experimental part of the study the average wood and fiber characteristics and their variation were determined for each raw material group prior to pulping. Subsequently, each assortment - equaling about 1500 m3 roundwood - was pulped separately for a 24 h period, at constant process conditions. The properties of obtained newsgrade thermomechanical pulps were then determined. Thermomechanical pulping (TMP) from sawmill chips had the highest proportion of long fibers, smallest proportion of fines, and had generally the coarsest and longest fibers. TMP from first-thinnings wood was just the opposite, whereas that from regeneration cuttings fell in between the above two extremes. High proportion of dry heartwood in wood originating from regeneration cuttings produced a slightly elevated shives content. However, no differences were found in pulp specific energy consumption. The obtained pulp tear index was clearly best in TMP made from sawmill chips and poorest in pulp from first-thinnings wood, which had generally inferior strength properties. No dramatical differences in any of the strength properties were found between pulp from sawmill residual wood and regeneration cuttings. Pulp optical properties were superior in TMP from first-thinnings. Unexpectedly, no noticeable differences, which could be explained with fiber morphology, were found in sheet density, bulk, air permeance or roughness between the three pulps. The most important wood quality factors in this study were the fiber length, fiber cross-sectional dimensions and percentage juvenile wood. Differences found in the quality of TMP manufactured from the above spruce assortments suggest that they could be segregated and pulped separately to obtain specific product characteristics, i.e., for instance tailor-made end-products, and to minimize unnecessary variation in the raw material quality, and hence, pulp quality.


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Several methods are available for predicting flexural strength of steel fiber concrete composites. In these methods, direct tensile strength, split cylinder strength, and cube strength are the basic engineering parameters that must be determined to predict the flexural strength of such composites. Various simplified forms of stress distribution are used in each method to formulate the prediction equations for flexural strength. In this paper, existing methods are reviewed and compared, and a modified empirical approach is developed to predict the flexural strength of fiber concrete composites. The direct tensile strength of the composite is used as the basic parameter in this approach. Stress distribution is established from the findings of flexural tests conducted as part of this investigation on fiber concrete prisms. A comparative study of the test values of an earlier investigation on fiber concrete slabs and the computed values from existing methods, including the one proposed, is presented.


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The random direction short Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GFRP) have been prepared by two compression moulding processes, namely the Preform and Sheet Moulding Compound (SMC) processes. Cutting force analysis and surface characterization are conducted on the random direction short GFRPs with varying fiber contents (25 similar to 40%). Edge trimming experiments are preformed using carbide inserts with varing the depth of cut and cutting speed. Machining characteristics of the Preform and SMC processed random direction short GFRPs are evaluated in terms of cutting forces, surface quality, and tool wear. It is found that composite primary processing and fiber contents are major contributing factors influencing the cutting force magnitudes and surface textures. The SMC composites show better surface finish over the Preform composites due to less delamination and fiber pullouts. Moreover, matrix damage and fiber protrusions at the machined edge are reduced by increasing fiber content in the random direction short GFRP composites.


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An experimental study aimed at understanding the deformational behavior of conventionally reinforced steel fiber concrete beams in pure bending is reported in this paper. One group of beams has steel fibers dispersed in the entire volume of the beam and the second has fibers dispersed over half the depth of the beam on the tension side. A comparative study of the deformational characteristics of these beams has been made. Half-depth fiber inclusion, requiring only half the quantity of fibers of full-depth inclusion, is found to be equally effective in improving the deformational behavior of beams. Thus, by such modes of inclusion of fibers, an economical and efficient use of expensive steel fibers can be realized.


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We investigate an optical waveguide system consisting of an unclad fiber core suspended at a constant distance parallel to the surface of a planar waveguide. The coupling and propagation of light in the combined system is studied using the three-dimensional explicit finite difference beam propagation method with a nonuniform mesh configuration. The power loss in the fiber and the field distribution in the waveguide are studied as a function of various parameters, such as index changes, index profile, and propagation distance, for the combined system.