942 resultados para few-mode isotropic waveguides


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A wavelength division multiplexer (WDM) for 980/1550 nm based on planar curved waveguide coupler (CWC) is proposed. Compared with conventional parallel straight waveguide coupler (SWC), this structure has more flexibility with two variable parameters of bending radius R and minimum edge-to-edge spacing do, which are the two main parameters for the splitting ratio of coupler and decrease the complexity of device design and fabrication. Based on coupled mode theory (CMT) and waveguide theory, R and do of the WDM CWC are designed to be R = 13.28 m and d(0) = 4.39 mu m. The contrast ratio (CR) and insertion loss (IL) for 980 and 1550 nm are CR1 = 24.62 dB, CR2 = 24.56 dB and IL1 = 0.014 dB, IL2 = 0.015 dB, respectively. The 3D beam propagation method (BPM) is used to verify the validity of the design result. The influence of R and d(0) variations on the device performance is analyzed. For CR > 20 dB, the variation ranges of R and d(0) should be within -0.10 to +0.44 m and -0.05 to + 0.02 mu m, respectively. (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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We analyze the electromagnetic spatital distributions and address an important issue of the transmission properties of spherical transverse-electric (TE) and transverse-magnetic (TM) eigenmodes within a tapered hollow metallic waveguide in detail. Explicit analytical expressions for the spatital distributions of electromagnetic field components, attenuation constant, phase constant and wave impedance are derived. Accurate eigenvalues obtained numerically are used to study the dependences of the transmission properties on the taper angle, the mode as well as the length of the waveguide. It is shown that all modes run continuously from a propagating through a transition to an evanescent region and the value of the attenuation increases as the distance from the cone vertex and the cone angle decrease. A strict distinction between pure propagating and pure evanescent modes cannot be achieved. One mode after the other reaches cutoff in the tapered hollow metallic waveguide as the distance from the cone vertex desreases. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America


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We report on the fabrication and characterization of low-loss planar and stripe waveguides in a Nd3+-doped glass by 6 MeV oxygen-ion implantation at a dose of 1x10(15) ions/cm(2). The dark mode spectroscopy of the planar waveguide was measured using a prism coupling arrangement. The refractive index profile of the planar waveguide was reconstructed from a code based on the reflectivity calculation method. The results indicate that a refractive index enhanced region as well as an optical barrier have been created after the ion beam processing. The near-field mode profiles of the stripe waveguide were obtained by an end-fire coupling arrangement, by which three quasitransverse electric modes were observed. After annealing, the propagation losses of the planar and stripe waveguides were reduced to be similar to 0.5 and similar to 1.8 dB/cm, respectively. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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This document presents the modeling and characterization of novel optical devices based on periodic arrays of multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Vertically aligned carbon nanotubes can be grown in the arrangement of two-dimensional arrays of precisely determined dimensions. Having their dimensions comparable to the wavelength of light makes carbon nanotubes good candidates for utilization in nano-scale optical devices. We report that highly dense periodic arrays of multiwalled carbon nanotubes can be utilized as sub-wavelength structures for establishing advanced optical materials, such as metamaterials and photonic crystals. We demonstrate that when carbon nanotubes are grown close together at spacing of the order of few hundred nanometers, they display artificial optical properties towards the incident light, acting as metamaterials. By utilizing these properties we have established micro-scaled plasmonic high pass filter which operates in the optical domain. Highly dense arrays of multiwalled also offer a periodic dielectric constant to the incident light and display interesting photonic band gaps, which are frequency domains within which on wave propagation can take place. We have utilized these band gaps displayed by a periodic nanotube array, having 400 nm spacing, to construct photonic crystals based optical waveguides and switches. © 2011 IEEE.


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In this paper we will describe new bimesogenic nematic liquid crystals that have high flexoelectro-optic coefficients (e/K),of the order of 1.5 CN 1 m-1, high switching angles, up to 100° and fast response times, of the order of 100μs or less. We will describe devices constructed, using the ULH texture that may be switched to the optimum angle of 45° for a birefringence based device with the fields of 4Vμm-1 over a wide temperature range. Such devices use an "in plane" optical switching mode, have gray scale capability and a wide viewing angle. We will describe devices using the USH or Grandjean texture that have an optically isotropic "field off" black state, uses "in plane" switching E fields, to give an induced birefringence phase device, with switching times of the order of 20μs. We will briefly describe new highly reflective Blue Phase devices stable over a 50V temperature range in which an electric field is used to switch the reflection from red to green, for example. Full RGB reflections may be obtained with switching times of a few milliseconds. Finally we will briefly mention potential applications including high efficiency RGB liquid crystal laser sources. © 2006 SID.


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The quest for materials capable of realizing the next generation of electronic and photonic devices continues to fuel research on the electronic, optical and vibrational properties of graphene. Few-layer graphene (FLG) flakes with less than ten layers each show a distinctive band structure. Thus, there is an increasing interest in the physics and applications of FLGs. Raman spectroscopy is one of the most useful and versatile tools to probe graphene samples. Here, we uncover the interlayer shear mode of FLGs, ranging from bilayer graphene (BLG) to bulk graphite, and suggest that the corresponding Raman peak measures the interlayer coupling. This peak scales from ∼43cm -1 in bulk graphite to ∼31cm -1 in BLG. Its low energy makes it sensitive to near-Dirac point quasiparticles. Similar shear modes are expected in all layered materials, providing a direct probe of interlayer interactions. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.


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We present an evanescent-field device based on a right-angled waveguide. This consists of orthogonal waveguides, with their points of intersection lying along an angled facet of the chip. Light guided along one waveguide is incident at the angled dielectric-air facet at an angle exceeding the critical angle, so that the totally internally reflected light is coupled into the second waveguide. By depositing a nanotube film on the angled surface, the chip is then used to mode-lock an Erbium doped fiber ring laser with a repetition rate of 26 MHz, and pulse duration of 800 fs. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Alkali vapours, such as rubidium, are being used extensively in several important fields of research such as slow and stored light nonlinear optics quantum computation, atomic clocks and magnetometers. Recently, there is a growing effort towards miniaturizing traditional centimetre-size vapour cells. Owing to the significant reduction in device dimensions, light-matter interactions are greatly enhanced, enabling new functionalities due to the low power threshold needed for nonlinear interactions. Here, taking advantage of the mature platform of silicon photonics, we construct an efficient and flexible platform for tailored light-vapour interactions on a chip. Specifically, we demonstrate light-matter interactions in an atomic cladding waveguide, consisting of a silicon nitride nano-waveguide core with a rubidium vapour cladding. We observe the efficient interaction of the electromagnetic guided mode with the rubidium cladding and show that due to the high confinement of the optical mode, the rubidium absorption saturates at powers in the nanowatt regime.


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This paper presents an analytical formulation of frequency splitting observed in the elliptical modes of single crystal silicon (SCS) micromechanical disk resonators. Taking the anisotropic elasticity of SCS into account, new formulae for computing modal mass and modal stiffness are first derived for accurate prediction of the modal frequency. The derived results are in good agreement with finite element simulation, showing a factor of 10 improvement in the prediction accuracy as compared to using the formula for the isotropic case. In addition, the analysis successfully explains the effect of anisotropy on the modal frequency splitting of primary elliptical modes, for which the maximum modal displacement is aligned with the directions of maximum (1 1 0) and minimum (1 0 0) elasticity respectively on a (1 0 0) SCS wafer. The measured frequency splitting of other degenerate modes is due to the manufacturing imperfections. © 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Mode characteristics of a square microcavity with an output waveguide on the middle of one side, laterally confined by an insulating layer SiO2 and a p-electrode metal Au, are investigated by two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain technique. The mode quality (Q) factors versus the width of the output waveguide are calculated for Fabry-Peacuterot type and whispering-gallery type modes in the square cavity. Mode coupling between the confined modes in the square cavity and the guided modes in the output waveguide determines the mode Q factors, which is greatly influenced by the symmetry behaviors of the modes. Fabry-Peacuterot type modes can also have high Q factors due to the high reflectivity of the Au layer for the vertical incident mode light rays. For the square cavity with side length 4 mu m and refractive index 3.2, the mode Q factors of the Fabry-Peacuterot type modes can reach 10(4) at the mode wavelength of 1.5 mu m as the output waveguide width is 0.4 mu m.


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We investigate numerically the self-imaging effect in a system of multiple coupled photonic crystal waveguides (M-CPCWs) with asymmetric coupling. Then two couplers of 2-CPCWs and 3-CPCWs are cascaded to form an ultracompact triplexer by employing coupling and decoupling of M-CPCWs. The wavelength of 1310 nm propagates along the input direction because the M-CPCWs are decoupled at the same decoupling frequency. The other two wavelengths (1490 and 1550 nm) are separated by combining multimode interference and the dual mode coupling effect. Only by introducing a single defect near the crossing point between two output photonic crystal waveguides (PCWs) are the high extinction ratios for the three wavelengths achieved simultaneously.


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Mode behaviour for SOI slot waveguides is modelled and analysed using a numerical full vectorial method based on the film mode matching method (MMM). Only the quasi-TE mode is investigated. Waveguide heights and slot widths, as well as silicon widths are properly chosen with respect to the single mode behaviour in the slot region. Comparison between the effective index method and our side loss method shows that our single mode condition is creditable. The optical power confinement in slot region for the quasi-TE mode is also studied and presented. We demonstrate that the maximum achievable optical power confinement P-slot and the maximum normalized average optical intensity I-slot are 42% and 26 mu m(-2), respectively.


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The variational method is proposed to analyze the influence of the fabrication parameters on the performance of buried K+-Na+ ion-exchanged Er3+-Yb3+ ions co-doped glass waveguide. The unknown parameters of the Hermite-Gaussian functions as the trial field distribution are determined based on the scalar variational principle. It is demonstrated that the results calculated in this paper agree with those measured in the experiment. The mode dimensions, the effective refractive index, and the overlap factor as the functions of the fabrication parameters are investigated. These results of the variational analysis are useful for the design and optimization of Er3+-Yb3+ ions co-doped waveguides.


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A novel design of out-of-plane grating couplers is proposed for coupling between silicon-on-insulator nanophotonic waveguides and single-mode fibres. The coupler with the first-order diffraction coupling to the optical fibre is actually a second-order reflected grating with two times of period of the first-order grating. To enhance outcoupled power, a back hole is designed to form in the silicon substrate and a kind of metals is placed on the top acting as a reflection layer. The coupler is optimized using coupled-mode- based simulations, showing that, the coupling efficiency to and from tapered optical fibre can be as high as 85% with 1 dB bandwidth about 23nm.


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A thermo-optical waveguide switch matrix is designed and fabricated on silicon-on-insulator wafer. Multi-mode interferometers are used as power splitters and combiners in a Mach-Zehnder structure. Inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching is used to fabricate the waveguides. The rise and fall times of the switch matrix are 13 mu s and 7 mu s, respectively. Switch cells have an average switching power consumption of 340 mW.