954 resultados para females gonads bullfrog
Intra-puparial development of the females of Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann) (Diptera, Calliphoridae)
Intra-puparial development of the females of Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann) (Diptera, Calliphoridae). The chronology and morphological changes that take place during intra-puparial development of Chrysomya albiceps is described based on 254 specimens reared in the laboratory. Larvae were obtained from the eggs laid by a single female. The pre-pupae were separated according to the reduction of larval length and the degree of pigmentation and sclerotization of the cuticle. After pupation, 10 individuals were fixed in Carnoy's solution and preserved in 70% ethanol, 10 individuals were fixed every 3 hours up to complete the first 24 hours (n = 80), the remaining individuals were fixed every six hours up to the 90th hour (n = 110) when 54 females emerged. The pupae were immersed in 5% formic acid for 48 hours and maintained in 70% ethanol, and then dissected and analyzed. C. albiceps shows four intra-puparial stages, each of which were described and compared with those described for Musca domestica, Calliphora erythrocephala, Sarcophaga bullata, Cuterebra tenebrosa, Oestrus ovis and Dermatobia hominis. Four developmental stages may be described: (1) the larva-pupa apolysis, after three hours; (2) the criptocephalic pupa, after six hours; (3) the phanerocephalic pupa, after nine hours; (4) the pharate pupa, after nine hours. The pharate adult is completely formed after 81 hours.
ABSTRACTThe identification of female flesh flies was always considered a difficult task since morphological descriptions and keys for females are rare. Even in a forensic entomology framework, where females play a major role, female flesh flies are usually not identified. In order to fill this gap in Southern Brazil fauna we provide detailed descriptions and key for the female of nine species included in four genera: Microcerella halli (Engel), Oxysarcodexia paulistanensis (Mattos), Oxysarcodexia riograndensis (Lopes), Peckia (Euboettcheria) australis (Townsend), Peckia(Euboettcheria) florencioi (Prado and Fonseca), Peckia (Pattonella) intermutans (Walker), Peckia(Pattonella) resona (Lopes), Peckia (Sarcodexia) lambens (Wiedemann), and Sarcophaga(Bercaea) africa (Wiedemann). These species are distinguished mainly by genital characters as tergite 6 divided or undivided, presence of tergite 8, spermatheca morphology and vaginal plate shape.
The size, growth and spawning characteristics of pompano dolphin (N=150) and common dolphinfish (N=36) caught off the Canary Islands between May and September 1995 and between July and September 1996 were examined. Fork length (FL) of pompano dolphin was in the range 28.3-62.8 cm. In 1995, the mean length increased significantly from June to September. However, in 1996, the mean length was significantly larger in July than in September. The overall length-weight relationship was W=0.0287*FL2.774 (r=0.97), while these relationships by sex were as follows: W=0.031*FL2.758 (r=0.98) and W=0.0282*FL2.776 (r=0.97), for males and females respectively. Spawning takes place at the beginning of the Summer (June-July). All the individuals obtained showed developing gonads, but females showed a higher gonadosomatic index (GSI) than males. The highest GSI values were obtained in June (x- =3.10±1.73), and decreased progressively towards the end of the season (September), when the average of this index was x- = 1.86±0.87. Similarly, the condition index decreased significantly from June to September. The proportion of females was always significantly higher than males, except in July 1996 when it was 1:1. There was a high correspondence between growth rates determined by annuli scale interpretation and modal progression analysis. According to scale annuli interpretation, the individuals caught showed more than five age classes. However, there are doubts about age assignation from scales. Fork length of common dolphinfish was in the range of 76.5-103.0 cm. The length-weight relationships obtained for all the specimens caught was W=0.00095FL3.527 (r=0.96), while these relationships by sex were as follows: W=0.00398FL3.222 (r=0.94) and W=0.01656FL2.873 (r=0.91), for males and females respectively. Spawning probably takes place at the beginning of the Summer. All the individuals obtained showed developing gonads, although the GSI of females were higher than males. The highest GSI values were obtained in June (x- =5.50±2.17). In the same way, the condition index decreased from May to June. The proportion of females was always slightly higher than males (1:1.4), but the ratio was not significantly different from 1:1
En este trabajo, se describe la escala de madurez gonadal macroscópica, validada microscópicamente, de anchoveta peruana Engraulis ringens. Se analizó 1970 gónadas (1251 ovarios, 719 testículos), procedentes del seguimiento de la pesquería pelágica del 2006, 2008, 2009 y 2012 y de cruceros de Evaluación Hidroacústica de Recursos Pelágicos del 2006, 2009 y 2012. La escala establece seis estadios de madurez para hembras y machos: 0 (virginal), I (reposo), II (en maduración), III (maduro), IV (desovante/expulsante), V (recuperación/post expulsante).
Se determinó la escala de madurez gonadal macroscópica, validada microscópicamente del recurso merluza peruana Merluccius gayi peruanus. Para ello, se analizaron histológicamente gónadas de hembras y machos colectadas en los cruceros de Evaluación de Recursos Demersales, desde el otoño del 2002 hasta el verano del 2004. En base a las observaciones microscópicas de cada estadio de madurez gonadal, se establecen las características visuales más conspicuas que diferencian a cada uno de ellos, estableciéndose seis estadios tanto para hembras como para machos: 0 (virginal), I (reposo), II (en maduración), III (maduro), IV (desovante/expulsante), V (recuperación/ post expulsante).
Vinciguerria lucetia es uno de los recursos mesopelágicos más abundantes e inexplotados. En el presente trabajo, mediante el análisis de 774 gónadas (597 ovarios y 177 testículos) colectados en el BIC José Olaya durante los Cruceros de Investigación de agosto 2010 y diciembre 2011, se establece una escala histológica de madurez gonadal para hembras, que ha permitido validar una escala macroscópica de 5 estadios. En el caso de los machos, se identificaron 4 estadios de madurez gonadal tanto microscópicamente como macroscópicamente. Esta escala permite facilitar la obtención de datos reproductivos en diversas circunstancias como prospecciones de campo y muestreo a bordo.
Young women in the juvenile justice system present with characteristics and experiences that differentiate them from their male counterparts. As such, the juvenile justice system in Iowa must consider these factors if it is to effectively and efficiently impact recidivism, rehabilitation and public safety. Data reveal the following trends: All youth in the juvenile justice system experience a significantly higher rate of child maltreatment than do youth in the general population. Additionally, young women have a distinctly higher percentage of reported sexual abuse. Young women commit primarily non-violent offenses, with shoplifting and running away being the only two areas where they exceed young men in number. Young women are held in detention for a substantially higher percentage of misdemeanor versus felony offenses than young men. Young women of color, particularly African American females, are far more likely to come into contact with the juvenile justice system. Additionally, arrests of minority females have increased during the same time frame as arrests of Caucasian females have decreased. The general type of offense committed by young women is against public order (i.e. alcohol related violations, disorderly conduct) or property (i.e. shoplifting), though young women with subsequent charges of a violent nature are likely to have had violent offenses initially as well. Historically, young women have been a smaller segment of the juvenile justice population. They remain so today. Consequently, they are easy to overlook. But Iowa’s response to them is no less important. Perhaps, because they are fewer in number, our system can have a true and meaningful influence, with prevention of further penetration into both the juvenile and adult systems being the ultimate goal. The Iowa Task Force on Young Women recommends the following measures to facilitate movement toward that goal: 1. Facilities and programs striving to provide the most effective and efficient services to young women will opt for single gender environments with female responsive programming that includes components to address trauma. 2. All institutions and agencies that work with females involved in the juvenile justice system and which receive state funding should be required to provide annual female responsive training to their employees. Training should be research based, progressive, ongoing and result in an implementation plan. 3. As detention reform proceeds, gender and the disproportionate number of females in detention for misdemeanor offenses must be an integral part of policy and decision making discussions including any recommendations for solutions to be implemented. 4. As research, data and planning progresses related to disproportionate minority contact with the juvenile system, the needs of girls of color be given equal consideration. Specifically, assessment tools must be without race/ethnic bias and they must also be female responsive.
Sexual dimorphism in body size (sexual size dimorphism) is common in many species. The sources of selection that generate the independent evolution of adult male and female size have been investigated extensively by evolutionary biologists, but how and when females and males grow apart during ontogeny is poorly understood. Here we use the hawkmoth, Manduca sexta, to examine when sexual size dimorphism arises by measuring body mass every day during development. We further investigated whether environmental variables influence the ontogeny of sexual size dimorphism by raising moths on three different diet qualities (poor, medium and high). We found that size dimorphism arose during early larval development on the highest quality food treatment but it arose late in larval development when raised on the medium quality food. This female-biased dimorphism (females larger) increased substantially from the pupal-to-adult stage in both treatments, a pattern that appears to be common in Lepidopterans. Although dimorphism appeared in a few stages when individuals were raised on the poorest quality diet, it did not persist such that male and female adults were the same size. This demonstrates that the environmental conditions that insects are raised in can affect the growth trajectories of males and females differently and thus when dimorphism arises or disappears during development. We conclude that the development of sexual size dimorphism in M. sexta occurs during larval development and continues to accumulate during the pupal/adult stages, and that environmental variables such as diet quality can influence patterns of dimorphism in adults.
In recent years, numerous cases of morphological gonadal alterations in fish have been recorded throughout the world and across a wide range of species. In the whitefish Coregonus fatioi from the pre-alpine Lake Thun (Switzerland), the frequency of gonadal alterations is particularly high and the variety of alteration types large. Little is known about the proximal causes and the direct consequences of these morphological features on population persistence. In particular, the potential for the observed alterations to be the phenotypic expression of reduced genetic quality has not yet been addressed. In this study, we used offspring survival during embryogenesis as a proximate indicator of male genetic quality and tested whether the presence of gonadal alterations in males is an indicator of reduced quality. Embryos resulted from in vitro fertilizations of gametes from 126 males and females. We found no significant correlation between embryo survival and gonadal alteration in adults. Our findings suggest that in C. fatioi of Lake Thun, alterations in gonad morphology are not a phenotypic expression of variation in genetic quality.
incarceration in Iowa prisons, as compared to white males. The rates are particularly alarming for African-Americans, in that while the U.S. Census Bureau estimated that they comprised just 2.5% of the state’s population as of 2006, they constituted over 25% of Iowa’s prison population as of June 30, 2008.
The following data was derived from 1391 reports of participating contractors for the annual 2002 through 2011 reporting periods. The workforce data is reflective of one peak work week for highway contractors during the most active time of the season, the last full week of July. The summary data on pages 4 and 5 was compiled by Iowa DOT staff from the 1391 reports received. Interesting changes and trends have been addressed in the written analysis.
Résumé But: Chez les individus sveltes et en bonne santé, les modifications de la sensibilité à l'insuline secondaires à l'administration de dexaméthasone pendant deux jours sont compensées par une modification de la sécrétion d'insuline, permettant le maintien de l'homéostasie glucidique. Cette étude évalue les modifications du métabolisme glucidique et de la sécrétion d'insuline induites par une administration limitée de dexaméthasone chez les femmes obèses. Méthode de recherche: Onze femmes obèses ayant une tolérance au glucose normale ont été étudiées à deux reprises, 1° sans dexaméthasone et 2° après deux jours d'administration de dexaméthasone à faible dose. Un clamp hyperglycémique comportant deux plateaux (taux plasmatique de glucose à 7.5, respectivement 10 mM) avec du glucose marqué (6.6 ²H2 glc) a été utilisé pour déterminer la sécrétion d'insuline et le métabolisme du glucose du corps entier. Les résultats ont été comparés à ceux d'un groupe de huit femmes sveltes. Résultats : Sans dexaméthasone, les femmes obèses avaient un taux d'insuline plasmatique supérieur à jeun, durant le premier pic de sécrétion d'insuline, et aux deux plateaux hyperglycémiques. Elles avaient toutefois un métabolisme glucidique normal comparé à celui des femmes sveltes, ce qui indique une compensation adéquate. Après administration de la dexaméthasone, les femmes obèses avaient une augmentation du taux d'insuline plasmatique de 66 à 92%, mais une baisse de stockage du glucose de 15.4%. Ceci contrastait avec l'augmentation du taux d'insuline plasmatique de 91 à 113% chez les femmes sveltes et l'absence de changement de stockage du glucose du corps entier. Discussion : L'administration de dexaméthasone conduit à une baisse significative du stockage du glucose du corps entier pour une glycémie fixée chez les femmes obèses mais non chez les femmes sveltes. Ceci indique que les femmes obèses sont incapables d'accroître adéquatement leur sécrétion d'insuline. Abstract: Objective: In healthy lean individuals, changes in insulin sensitivity occurring as a consequence of a 2-day dexamethasone administration are compensated for by changes in insulin secretion, allowing glucose homeostasis to be maintained. This study evaluated the changes in glucose metabolism and insulin secretion induced by short-term dexamethasone administration in obese women. Research Methods and Procedures: Eleven obese women with normal glucose tolerance were studied on two occasions, without and after 2 days of low-dose dexamethasone administration. A two-step hyperglycemic clamp (7.5 and 10 mr1/1 glucose) with 6,6 2H2 glucose was used to assess insulin secretion and whole body glucose metabolism. Results were compared with those obtained in a group of eight lean women. Results: Without dexamethasone, obese women had higher plasma insulin concentrations in the fasting state, during the first phase of insulin secretion, and at the two hyperglycemic plateaus. However, they had normal whole body glucose metabolism compared with lean women, indicating adequate compensation. After dexamethasone, obese women had a 66% to 92% increase in plasma insulin concentrations but a 15.4% decrease in whole body glucose disposal. This contrasted with lean women, who had a 91% to 113% increase in plasma insulin concentrations, with no change in whole body glucose disposal. Discussion: Dexamethasone administration led to a significant reduction in whole body glucose disposal at fixed glycemia in obese but not lean women. This indicates that obese women are unable to increase their insulin secretion appropriately.
STUDY OBJECTIVE: To assess whether having a good relationship with their mother was a protective factor against risky sexual behavior for female adolescents and whether it was independent of family structure. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey of in-school adolescents aged 14-19 years. SETTING: Catalonia, in northeast Spain. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 3677 females divided according on whether they had a good (n=3335) or a bad (n=342) relationship with their mother. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Rates of sexual activity and sexual behavior. RESULTS: Adolescents in the good relationship group were significantly younger, more likely to live in an intact family, to have a good relationship with their father and siblings, and to talk about sexuality and their partner with their mother. They were also less likely to have ever had sexual intercourse. Among those sexually experienced, they were significantly older at first intercourse and less likely to have multiple partners or a history of STI. After adjusting for potential confounders, females in the good relationship group were less likely to be sexually active and to have had multiple partners, independently of family structure. CONCLUSIONS: Having a good relationship with their mother is a protective factor against sexual intercourse and having multiple sexual partners independently of family structure. Communication between generations and having a good relationship with their father and siblings also play an important role.
ABSTRACT : Objective: to compare the metabolic effects of fructose in healthy males and females Research Design And Methods: Fasting metabolic profile and hepatic insulin sensitivity were assessed by means of a hyperglycemic clamp in 16 healthy young males and female subjects after a 6-day fructose overfeeding Results: Fructose overfeeding increased fasting triglyceride concentrations by 71 % in males vs 16% in females (p<0.05). Endogenous glucose production was increased by 12%, alanin aminotransferase concentration was increased by 38%, and fasting insulin concentrations was increased by 14% after fructose overfeeding in males (all p<0.05), but were not significantly altered in females. Fasting plasma free fatty acids and lipid oxidation were inhibited by fructose in males, but not in females Conclusions: Short term fructose overfeeding produces hypertriglyceridemia and hepatic insulin resistance in males, but these effects are markedly blunted in healthy young females. Rapport de synthèse : Objectif : De récentes études ont démontré que l'ingestion de hautes doses de fructose modifie certains paramètres métaboliques. Peu d'entre elles se sont cependant intéressées à déterminer si les effets métaboliques du fructose étaient dépendants du sexe. L'objectif de la présente étude était donc de comparer les effets du fructose chez des volontaires sains, hommes et femmes. Méthode : Le profil métabolique à jeun et la sensibilité hépatique à l'insuline ont été déterminés au moyen d'un clamp hyperglycémique chez un collectif de 16 jeunes hommes et femmes après une période de 6 jours de régime riche en fructose. Résultats : La concentration de triglycérides à jeun après ce régime était augmentée de 71% chez les hommes contre 16% chez les femmes (p<0.05). La production endogène de glucose était augmentée de 12%, l'alanine aminotransférase de 38% et la concentration d'insuline à jeun de 14% chez les hommes (p<0.05 pour tous). Chez les femmes, ces paramètres n'étaient au contraire pas significativement modifiés. L'oxydation des acides gras libres et des lipides à jeun était inhibée par le fructose chez les hommes, mais pas chez les femmes. Conclusion : Ces résultats indiquent qu'une suralimentation de courte durée en fructose induit chez l'homme une hypertriglycéridémie et une résistance hépatique à l'insuline, alors que chez la femme jeune, ces effets sont nettement atténués. Il reste à éclaircir de manière plus approfondie les mécanismes sous-tendant ces différences.