991 resultados para extradural spinal tumors


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Cavernomas are rare neurovascular lesions, encountered in up to 10% of patients harboring vascular abnormalities of the CNS. Cavernomas consist of dilated thin-walled sinusoids or caverns covered by a single layer of endothelium. Due to advancements in neuroradiology, the number of cavernoma patients coming to be evaluated in neurosurgical practice is increasing. In the present work, we summarized our results on the treatment of cavernomas. Particular attention was paid to uncommon locations or insufficiently investigated cavernomas, including 1. Intraventricular cavernomas; 2. Multiple cavernomas; 3. Spinal cavernomas; and 4. Temporal lobe cavernomas. After analyzing the patient series with these lesions, we concluded that: 1. IVCs are characterized by a high tendency to cause repetitive hemorrhages in a short period of time after the first event. In most patients, hemorrhages were not life-threatening. Surgery is indicated when re-bleedings are frequent and the mass-effect causes progressive neurological deterioration. Modern microsurgical techniques allow safe removal of the IVC, but surgery on fourth ventricle cavernomas carries increased risk of postoperative cranial nerve deficits. 2. In MC cases, when the cavernoma bleeds or generates drug-resistant epilepsy, microsurgical removal of the symptomatic lesion is beneficial to patients. In our series, surgical removal of the most active cavernoma usually the biggest lesion with signs of recent hemorrhage - was safe and prevented further bleedings. Epilepsy outcome showed the effectiveness of active treatment of MCs. However, due to the remaining cavernomas, epileptogenic activity can persist postoperatively, frequently necessitating long-term use of antiepileptic drugs. 3. Spinal cavernomas can cause severe neurological deterioration due to low tolerance of the spinal cord to mass-effect with progressive myelopathy. When aggravated by extralesional massive hemorrhage, neurological decline is usually acute and requires immediate treatment. Microsurgical removal of a cavernoma is effective and safe, improving neurological deficits. Sensorimotor deficits and pain improved postoperatively at a high rate, whereas bladder dysfunction remained essentially unchanged, causing social discomfort to patients. 4. Microsurgical removal of temporal lobe cavernomas is beneficial for patents suffering from drug-resistant epilepsy. In our series, 69% of patients with this condition became seizure-free postoperatively. Duration of epilepsy did not correlate with seizure prognosis. The most frequent disabling symptom at follow-up was memory disorder, considered to be the result of a complex interplay between chronic epilepsy and possible damage to the temporal lobe during surgery.


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Germ cell tumors occur both in the gonads of both sexes and in extra-gonadal sites during adoles-cence and early adulthood. Malignant ovarian germ cell tumors are rare neoplasms accounting for less than 5% of all cases of ovarian malignancy. In contrast, testicular cancer is the most common malignancy among young males. Most of patients survive the disease. Prognostic factors of gonadal germ cell tumors include histology, clinical stage, size of the primary tumor and residua, and levels of tumor markers. Germ cell tumors include heterogeneous histological subgroups. The most common subgroup includes germinomas (ovarian dysgerminoma and testicular seminoma); other subgroups are yolk sac tumors, embryonal carcinomas, immature teratomas and mixed tumors. The origin of germ cell tumors is most likely primordial germ cells. Factors behind germ cell tumor development and differentiation are still poorly known. The purpose of this study was to define novel diagnostic and prognostic factors for malignant gonadal germ cell tumors. In addition, the aim was to shed further light into the molecular mechanisms regulating gonadal germ cell tumorigenesis and differentiation by studying the roles of GATA transcription factors, pluripotent factors Oct-3/4 and AP-2γ, and estrogen receptors. This study revealed the prognostic value of CA-125 in malignant ovarian germ cell tumors. In addition advanced age and residual tumor had more adverse outcome. Several novel markers for histological diagnosis were defined. In the fetal development transcription factor GATA-4 was expressed in early fetal gonocytes and in testicular carcinoma precursor cells. In addition, GATA-4 was expressed in both gonadal germinomas, thus it may play a role in the development and differentiation of the germinoma tumor subtype. Pluripotent factors Oct-3/4 and AP-2γ were expressed in dysgerminomas, thus they could be used in the differential diagnosis of the germ cell tumors. Malignant ovarian germ cell tumors expressed estrogen receptors and their co-regulator SNURF. In addition, estrogen receptor expression was up-regulated by estradiol stimulation. Thus, gonadal steroid hormone burst in puberty may play a role in germ cell tumor development in the ovary. This study shed further light in to the molecular pathology of malignant gonadal germ cell tumors. In addition, some novel diagnostic and prognostic factors were defined. This data may be used in the differential diagnosis of germ cell tumor patients.


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Neuroblastoma has successfully served as a model system for the identification of neuroectoderm-derived oncogenes. However, in spite of various efforts, only a few clinically useful prognostic markers have been found. Here, we present a framework, which integrates DNA, RNA and tissue data to identify and prioritize genetic events that represent clinically relevant new therapeutic targets and prognostic biomarkers for neuroblastoma.


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Normal growth and development require the precise control of gene expression. Transcription factors are proteins that regulate gene expression by binding specific sequences of DNA. Abnormalities in transcription are implicated in a variety of human diseases, including cancer, endocrine disorders and birth defects. Transcription factor GATA4 has emerged as an important regulator of normal development and function in a variety of endoderm- and mesoderm- derived tissues, including gut, heart and several endocrine organs, such as gonads. Mice harboring a null mutation of Gata4 gene die during embryogenesis due to failure in heart formation, complicating the study of functional role of GATA4 in other organs. However, the expression pattern of GATA4 suggests it may play a role in the regulation of ovarian granulosa cell development, function and apoptosis. This premise is supported by in vitro studies showing that GATA4 regulates several steroidogenic enzymes as well as auto-, para- and endocrine signaling molecules important for granulosa cell function. This study assessed the in vivo role of GATA4 for granulosa cell function by utilizing two genetically modified mouse strains. The findings in the GATA4 deficient mice included delayed puberty, impaired fertility and signs of diminished estrogen production. At the molecular level, the GATA4 deficiency leads to attenuated expression of central steroidogenic genes, Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), Side-chain cleavage (SCC), and aromatase as a response to stimulations with exogenous gonadotropins. Taken together, these suggest GATA4 is necessary for the normal ovarian function and female fertility. Programmed cell death, apoptosis, is a crucial part of normal ovarian development and function. In addition, disturbances in apoptosis have been implicated to pathogenesis of human granulosa cell tumors (GCTs). Apoptosis is controlled by extrinsic and intrinsic pathways. The intrinsic pathway is regulated by members of Bcl-2 family, and its founding member, the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2, is known to be important for granulosa cell survival. This study showed that the expression levels of GATA4 and Bcl-2 correlate in the human GCTs and that GATA4 regulates Bcl-2 expression, presumably by directly binding to its promoter. In addition, disturbing GATA4 function was sufficient to induce apoptosis in cultured GCT- derived cell line. Taken together, these results suggest GATA4 functions as an anti-apoptotic factor in GCTs. The extrinsic apoptotic pathway is controlled by the members of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) superfamily. An interesting ligand of this family is TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), possessing a unique ability to selectively induce apoptosis in malignant cells. This study characterized the previously unknown expression of TRAIL and its receptors in both developing and adult human ovary, as well as in malignant granulosa cell tumors. TRAIL pathway was shown to be active in GCTs suggesting it may be a useful tool in treating these malignancies. However, more studies are required to assess the function of TRAIL pathway in normal ovaries. In addition to its ability to induce apoptosis in GCTs, this study revealed that GATA4 protects these malignancies from TRAIL-induced apoptosis. GATA4 presumably exerts this effect by regulating the expression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2. This is of particular interest as high expression of GATA4 is known to correlate to aggressive GCT behavior. Thus, GATA4 seems to protect GCTs from endogenous TRAIL by upregulating anti-apoptotic factors such as Bcl-2.


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Transcription factors play a key role in tumor development, in which dysfunction of genes regulating tissue growth and differentiation is a central phenomenon. The GATA family of transcription factors consists of six members that bind to a consensus DNA sequence (A/T)GATA(A/G) in gene promoters and enhancers. The two GATA factors expressed in the adrenal cortex are GATA-4 and GATA-6. In both mice and humans, GATA-4 can be detected only during the fetal period, whereas GATA-6 expression is abundant both throughout development and in the adult. It is already established that GATA factors are important in both normal development and tumorigenesis of several endocrine organs, and expression of GATA-4 and GATA-6 is detected in adrenocortical tumors. The aim of this study was to elucidate the function of these factors in adrenocortical tumor growth. In embryonal development, the adrenocortical cells arise and differentiate from a common pool with gonadal steroidogenic cells, the urogenital ridge. As the adult adrenal cortex undergoes constant renewal, it is hypothesized that undifferentiated adrenocortical progenitor cells reside adjacent to the adrenal capsule and give rise to daughter cells that differentiate and migrate centripetally. A diverse array of hormones controls the differentiation, growth and survival of steroidogenic cells in the adrenal gland and the gonads. Factors such as luteinizing hormone and inhibins, traditionally associated with gonadal steroidogenic cells, can also influence the function of adrenocortical cells in physiological and pathophysiological states. Certain inbred strains of mice develop subcapsular adrenocortical tumors in response to gonadectomy. In this study, we found that these tumors express GATA-4, normally absent from the adult adrenal cortex, while GATA-6 expression is downregulated. Gonadal markers such as luteinizing hormone receptor, anti-Müllerian hormone and P450c17 are also expressed in the neoplastic cells, and the tumors produce gonadal hormones. The tumor cells have lost the expression of melanocortin-2 receptor and the CYP enzymes necessary for the synthesis of corticosterone and aldosterone. By way of xenograft studies utilizing NU/J nude mice, we confirmed that chronic gonadotropin elevation is sufficient to induce adrenocortical tumorigenesis in susceptible inbred strains. Collectively, these studies suggest that subcapsular adrenocortical progenitor cells can, under certain conditions, adopt a gonadal fate. We studied the molecular mechanisms involved in gene regulation in endocrine cells in order to elucidate the role of GATA factors in endocrine tissues. Ovarian granulosa cells express both GATA-4 and GATA-6, and the TGF-β signaling pathway is active in these cells. Inhibin-α is both a target gene for, and an atypical or antagonistic member of the TGF-β growth factor superfamily. In this study, we show that GATA-4 is required for TGF-β-mediated inhibin-α promoter activation in granulosa cells, and that GATA-4 physically interacts with Smad3, a TGF-β downstream protein. Apart from the regulation of steroidogenesis and other events in normal tissues, TGF-β signaling is implicated in tumors of multiple organs, including the adrenal cortex. Another signaling pathway found often to be aberrantly active in adrenocortical tumors is the Wnt pathway. As both of these pathways regulate the expression of inhibin-α, a transcriptional target for GATA-4 and GATA-6, we wanted to investigate whether GATA factors are associated with the components of these signaling cascades in human adrenocortical tumors. We found that the expression of Wnt co-receptors LRP5 and LRP6, Smad3, GATA-6 and SF-1 was diminished in adrenocortical carcinomas with poor outcome. All of these factors drive inhibin-α expression, and their expression in adrenocortical tumors correlated with that of inhibin-α. The results support a tumor suppressor role previously suggested for inhibin-α in the mouse adrenal cortex, and offer putative pathways associated with adrenocortical tumor aggressiveness. Unraveling the role of GATA factors and associated molecules in human and mouse adrenocortical tumors could ultimately contribute to the development of diagnostic tools and future therapies for these diseases.


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A computational framework for modeling the respiratory motion of lung tumors provides a 4D parametric representation that tracks, analyzes, and models movement to provide more accurate guidance in the planning and delivery of lung tumor radiotherapy.


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Higher Notch signaling is known to be associated with hematological and solid cancers. We developed a potential immunotherapeutic monoclonal antibody (MAb) specific for the Negative Regulatory Region of Notch1 (NRR). The MAb604.107 exhibited higher affinity for the ``Gain-offunction'' mutants of Notch1 NRR associated with T Acute lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-ALL). Modeling of the mutant NRR with 12 amino-acid insertion demonstrated ``opening'' resulting in exposure of the S2-cleavage site leading to activated Notch1 signaling. The MAb, at low concentrations (1-2 mu g/ml), inhibited elevated ligand-independent Notch1 signaling of NRR mutants, augmented effect of Thapsigargin, an inhibitor of mutant Notch1, but had no effect on the wild-type Notch1. The antibody decreased proliferation of the primary T-ALL cells and depleted leukemia initiating CD34/CD44 high population. At relatively high concentrations, (10-20 mu g/ml), the MAb affected Notch1 signaling in the breast and colon cancer cell lines. The Notch-high cells sorted from solid-tumor cell lines exhibited characteristics of cancer stem cells, which were inhibited by the MAb. The antibody also increased the sensitivity to Doxorubucinirubicin. Further, the MAb impeded the growth of xenografts from breast and colon cancer cells potentiated regression of the tumors along with Doxorubucin. Thus, this antibody is potential immunotherapeutic tool for different cancers.


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The ESRRA gene encodes a transcription factor and regulates several genes, such as WNT11 and OPN, involved in tumorigenesis. It is upregulated in several cancers, including OSCC. We have previously shown that the tumor suppressor miR-125a targets ESRRA, and its downregulation causes upregulation of ESRRA in OSCC. Upregulation of ESRRA in the absence of downregulation of miR-125a in a subset of OSCC samples suggests the involvement of an alternative mechanism. Using TaqMan (R) copy number assay, here we report for the first time that the genomic amplification of ESRRA causes its upregulation in a subset of OSCC samples. Ectopic overexpression of ESRRA led to accelerated cell proliferation, anchorage-independent cell growth and invasion, and inhibited apoptosis. Whereas, knockdown of ESRRA expression by siRNA led to reduced cell proliferation, anchorage-independent cell growth and invasion, and accelerated apoptosis. Furthermore, the delivery of a synthetic biostable ESRRA siRNA to OSCC cells resulted in regression of xenografts in nude mice. Thus, the genomic amplification of ESRRA is another novel mechanism for its upregulation in OSCC. Based on our in vitro and in vivo experiments, we suggest that targeting ESRRA by siRNA could be a novel therapeutic strategy for OSCC and other cancers.


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Background: The adult central nervous system (CNS) contains different populations of immature cells that could possibly be used to repair brain and spinal cord lesions. The diversity and the properties of these cells in the human adult CNS remain to be fully explored. We previously isolated Nestin(+) Sox2(+) neural multipotential cells from the adult human spinal cord using the neurosphere method (i.e. non adherent conditions and defined medium). -- Results: Here we report the isolation and long term propagation of another population of Nestin(+) cells from this tissue using adherent culture conditions and serum. QPCR and immunofluorescence indicated that these cells had mesenchymal features as evidenced by the expression of Snai2 and Twist1 and lack of expression of neural markers such as Sox2, Olig2 or GFAP. Indeed, these cells expressed markers typical of smooth muscle vascular cells such as Calponin, Caldesmone and Acta2 (Smooth muscle actin). These cells could not differentiate into chondrocytes, adipocytes, neuronal and glial cells, however they readily mineralized when placed in osteogenic conditions. Further characterization allowed us to identify the Nkx6.1 transcription factor as a marker for these cells. Nkx6.1 was expressed in vivo by CNS vascular muscular cells located in the parenchyma and the meninges. -- Conclusion: Smooth muscle cells expressing Nestin and Nkx6.1 is the main cell population derived from culturing human spinal cord cells in adherent conditions with serum. Mineralization of these cells in vitro could represent a valuable model for studying calcifications of CNS vessels which are observed in pathological situations or as part of the normal aging. In addition, long term propagation of these cells will allow the study of their interaction with other CNS cells and their implication in scar formation during spinal cord injury.


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Therapy employing epidural electrostimulation holds great potential for improving therapy for patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) (Harkema et al., 2011). Further promising results from combined therapies using electrostimulation have also been recently obtained (e.g., van den Brand et al., 2012). The devices being developed to deliver the stimulation are highly flexible, capable of delivering any individual stimulus among a combinatorially large set of stimuli (Gad et al., 2013). While this extreme flexibility is very useful for ensuring that the device can deliver an appropriate stimulus, the challenge of choosing good stimuli is quite substantial, even for expert human experimenters. To develop a fully implantable, autonomous device which can provide useful therapy, it is necessary to design an algorithmic method for choosing the stimulus parameters. Such a method can be used in a clinical setting, by caregivers who are not experts in the neurostimulator's use, and to allow the system to adapt autonomously between visits to the clinic. To create such an algorithm, this dissertation pursues the general class of active learning algorithms that includes Gaussian Process Upper Confidence Bound (GP-UCB, Srinivas et al., 2010), developing the Gaussian Process Batch Upper Confidence Bound (GP-BUCB, Desautels et al., 2012) and Gaussian Process Adaptive Upper Confidence Bound (GP-AUCB) algorithms. This dissertation develops new theoretical bounds for the performance of these and similar algorithms, empirically assesses these algorithms against a number of competitors in simulation, and applies a variant of the GP-BUCB algorithm in closed-loop to control SCI therapy via epidural electrostimulation in four live rats. The algorithm was tasked with maximizing the amplitude of evoked potentials in the rats' left tibialis anterior muscle. These experiments show that the algorithm is capable of directing these experiments sensibly, finding effective stimuli in all four animals. Further, in direct competition with an expert human experimenter, the algorithm produced superior performance in terms of average reward and comparable or superior performance in terms of maximum reward. These results indicate that variants of GP-BUCB may be suitable for autonomously directing SCI therapy.


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Paralysis is a debilitating condition afflicting millions of people across the globe, and is particularly deleterious to quality of life when motor function of the legs is severely impaired or completely absent. Fortunately, spinal cord stimulation has shown great potential for improving motor function after spinal cord injury and other pathological conditions. Many animal studies have shown stimulation of the neural networks in the spinal cord can improve motor ability so dramatically that the animals can even stand and step after a complete spinal cord transaction.

This thesis presents work to successfully provide a chronically implantable device for rats that greatly enhances the ability to control the site of spinal cord stimulation. This is achieved through the use of a parylene-C based microelectrode array, which enables a density of stimulation sites unattainable with conventional wire electrodes. While many microelectrode devices have been proposed in the past, the spinal cord is a particularly challenging environment due to the bending and movement it undergoes in a live animal. The developed microelectrode array is the first to have been implanted in vivo while retaining functionality for over a month. In doing so, different neural pathways can be selectively activated to facilitate standing and stepping in spinalized rats using various electrode combinations, and important differences in responses are observed.

An engineering challenge for the usability of any high density electrode array is connecting the numerous electrodes to a stimulation source. This thesis develops several technologies to address this challenge, beginning with a fully passive implant that uses one wire per electrode to connect to an external stimulation source. The number of wires passing through the body and the skin proved to be a hazard for the health of the animal, so a multiplexed implant was devised in which active electronics reduce the number of wires. Finally, a fully wireless implant was developed. As these implants are tested in vivo, encapsulation is of critical importance to retain functionality in a chronic experiment, especially for the active implants, and it was achieved without the use of costly ceramic or metallic hermetic packaging. Active implants were built that retained functionality 8 weeks after implantation, and achieved stepping in spinalized rats after just 8-10 days, which is far sooner than wire-based electrical stimulation has achieved in prior work.


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The dynamic interaction of limb segments during movements that involve multiple joints creates torques in one joint due to motion about another. Evidence shows that such interaction torques are taken into account during the planning or control of movement in humans. Two alternative hypotheses could explain the compensation of these dynamic torques. One involves the use of internal models to centrally compute predicted interaction torques and their explicit compensation through anticipatory adjustment of descending motor commands. The alternative, based on the equilibrium-point hypothesis, claims that descending signals can be simple and related to the desired movement kinematics only, while spinal feedback mechanisms are responsible for the appropriate creation and coordination of dynamic muscle forces. Partial supporting evidence exists in each case. However, until now no model has explicitly shown, in the case of the second hypothesis, whether peripheral feedback is really sufficient on its own for coordinating the motion of several joints while at the same time accommodating intersegmental interaction torques. Here we propose a minimal computational model to examine this question. Using a biomechanics simulation of a two-joint arm controlled by spinal neural circuitry, we show for the first time that it is indeed possible for the neuromusculoskeletal system to transform simple descending control signals into muscle activation patterns that accommodate interaction forces depending on their direction and magnitude. This is achieved without the aid of any central predictive signal. Even though the model makes various simplifications and abstractions compared to the complexities involved in the control of human arm movements, the finding lends plausibility to the hypothesis that some multijoint movements can in principle be controlled even in the absence of internal models of intersegmental dynamics or learned compensatory motor signals.