963 resultados para expressões faciais


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It historizes and it analyzes the social capital in the area Seridó. The traditions associative seridoenses are reconstructed starting from the dimensions: economical, social, religious person and politics. In them it is possible to notice actions that form the social capital of the area. The country of Seridó present an associative tradition based on the mutual help, in the trust and reciprocity that she remount there are decades in your history. The relationship among the Catholic Church, that historically it is present in the area, and rural communities, through your community associations, it is the backdrop where you/they are the responsible associative elements for the tear of the regional social fabric: in him (the backdrop) he/she is the responsible social capital for the work of the rural community organizations. The Catholic Church, through your social action and the Program of Combat to the Rural Poverty, of Rio Grande do Norte is the league that sustains the actions collective seridoenses


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Romantic love constitutes a central value in the social imaginary of modern societies and with reflexes in today s society. This is because the romantic expectation of realization of love appears, in the majority of cases, as a guarantee of completeness and happiness of individuals. However, the ideal of romantic love imposes a series of demands and character roles that are not easy, in modern age, to be brought about into practice by the ones in love. And, it is in this sense that possible conflicts appear between the romantic proposition and the practical reality of contemporary love. Consequently, the possibility of suffering from love emerges because of these propositions. Initiating from these presumptions, this paper aims to study the contemporary forms of representation and expression of love and of the suffering because of love, through the course of love in the life of some men and women, residents of Natal/RN, that live and/or have lived emotional-sexual relationships, observing the relationship that can be established between suffering from love and the ideal romantic love


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Este estudio pretende dilucidar las motivaciones que llevan a los lectores del romance Grande Sertão: Veredas a la categorización de ciertas construcciones gramaticales que se encuentran en la obra como proverbiales. Para ello, recurren a la investigación de los procesos cognitivos implicados en la configuración del patrón discursivo proverbio, teniendo como soporte teórico a la Lingüística Cognitiva. En este empeño, nos ancoramos en las nociones de construcciones corporeizadas, simulación mental, frecuencia, patrón discursivo y en la expresión idiomática. Suponemos que los proverbios constituyen un patrón discursivo cristalizado a partir de la recurrencia de uso y, en virtud de eso, indagamos: ¿Qué mecanismos cognitivos son activados por los lectores en el proceso de categorización de las expresiones dichas proverbiales? Motivados por la situación problema presentada, formulamos algunos experimentos con la intención de aclarar las cuestiones investigadas y concluimos que los lectores recurren a constituciones construccionales subyacentes a los proverbios conocidos a través de las interacciones realizadas en su entorno sociocultural, para dar cuenta de la semántica de construcciones inéditas. En ese proceso, los esquemas y frames se activan a través de simulaciones mentales instanciadas por experiencias corporales y culturales, decisivas para la concretización de los procesos de las construcciones proverbiales


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This Masters thesis investigates and analyzes the homoerotic expressions in Fernando Pessoa s poetry and in his heteronyms : Álvaro de Campos, Alberto Caeiro and Ricardo Reis. Through the elaboration of deceptive strategies as a way to escape from the insults and the constraints, the poet by means of creative runaway lines builds up a homoerotic poetry that differ from the established patterns and representational models of the literature. We can find, bearing in mind a problematic sexuality which overflows in the various I s, of the sinuous identities and the movable boundaries, and intense mask games. They become real in poems, especially by means of sensations, yielding the possibility of a queer discourse and generating a homoerotic poetry. Pessoa s homoerotism is, thus, presented amid friendly relationships, smooth spaces, of heterotrophy of the city, or others space and the closet s aesthetics. Based on this, it is noted the articulations of a performance gender as body scripture and inscription, thus establishing a physical-writing which reveals a transgressive sexuality, with multiple entrances and exits, affirmations and denials that originate paradoxes. In this matter, we develop links between Foucault conceptions (2010a, 2010b, 2011) towards the history of sexuality, friendship and the power-knowledge relations with traces of significance and subjectivity, in processes of faciality and BwO (Body-without-Organs) in Deleuze and Guattari (1996). We still consider the ontological questionings towards the Gay dimension in Eribon (2008) and we raise aspects concerning the construction of the idea of masculinity in Bourdieu (2010). Finally, we base ourselves on Sedgwick s 1993 closet epistemological approach, as well as on Butler s 2012 gender and performance theory, also going through a few Bataille 1987 passages about erotism, that redimension the homoaffective images of the Portuguese poet


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O texto compreende um estudo sobre as práticas de militarização da infância, isto é, práticas de natureza patriótica, cívico-militar que predominaram no ensino primário, no início do século XX. Nesse sentido, destaca a introdução da disciplina Ginástica e exercícios militares nos programas de ensino e seus desdobramentos mediante a criação dos Batalhões Infantis. Analisa, também, o escotismo escolar, movimento efervescente no estado de São Paulo nas décadas de 1910 e 1920, identificando-o como mais uma expressão do militarismo e do nacionalismo na educação brasileira. Para a realização deste estudo foram utilizadas fontes manuscritas encontradas no Arquivo do Estado de São Paulo e periódicos educacionais da época.


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Realizou-se um estudo das alturas faciais anterior e posterior em 79 crianças brasileiras, sendo 46 do gênero feminino e 33 do masculino, com idades de 8 a 11 anos, portadoras de má oclusão Classe I de Angle, na fase de dentadura mista, não submetidas a tratamento ortodôntico. Esta investigação utilizou duas radiografias cefalométricas em norma lateral, de cada criança, com intervalo de 8 a 16 meses entre uma radiografia e outra, para comparação dos dados cefalométricos. Foram estudadas as proporções faciais anteriores, ou seja, a relação entre as dimensões N-Me (AFT), N-ENA (AFS), ENA-Me (AFI) e o relacionamento entre as dimensões Ar-GO (AFP) e a distância entre o plano palatino ao mento (AFA) , isto é, o Índice da Altura Facial (IAF). Os resultados obtidos, possibilitaram constatar que as tendências de crescimento foram equilibradas em todas as situações estudadas; a dimensão altura facial inferior, contribuiu de forma mais significativa, nas alterações observadas na altura facial total; as proporções faciais anteriores se mantiveram em torno de 42% para a altura facial superior e 58% para a altura facial inferior; o índice da altura facial ou se manteve constante em torno de 0,66 ou apresentou uma tendência a aumentar com a idade; não ocorreu dimorfismo sexual com relação às proporções faciais e índice da altura facial.


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Facial trauma has presented an increasing occurrence in the last four decades, due especially to the growth of accidents with automobiles as well as to the urban violence. Both of which continue being the main cause of such traumas. Aim: To evaluate the features of the population victim of facial trauma as to gender, age, occupation, origin, type of fracture and its cause. Design study: retrospective clinical with transversal cohort. Material and Method: Retrospective study consulting hospital registers of 513 patients victms of the facial trauma. Results: There was a higher incidence of facial trauma on men (84,9%), white (82,7) and with an average age of 29. Regarding occupation, the trauma was mostly occurred to students (16,6%) and Masons (11,2%). The jaw was the most affected place (35%), followed by zygoma (24%) and by the nose (23%), though most patients presented a single facial fracture (82,5%). Among the causes, accidents with automobiles (28,3%), aggressions (21%) and accidental fall s (19,5%) were the most common. Conclusions: Accidents with automobiles continue being the main cause of facial trauma, especially of multiple factures due to the great transmission of kinetic energy.


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The literature has discussed the importance of early implementation of augmentative and alternative systems with people with various disabilities. This discussion is related to concerns about language acquisition and development within the various expressive possibilities. Researchers advise that starting intervention early through resources and procedures using augmentative and alternative communication does not impede speech acquisition and development. This paper aimed to describe oral expressive abilities during the implementation of augmentative and alternative communication with a student with cerebral palsy. An 11-year-old student with cerebral palsy participated in the augmentative and alternative communication program for two years. Twelve sessions were selected during the first year of the intervention. The sessions were filmed and the augmentative and alternative communication resource procedures were transcribed. The categories of analysis were defined as verbal expression; nonverbal expression and verbal and nonverbal expression associated. The results of this study identified that augmentative and alternative communication resources supported the use of verbal expression such as vocalizations, words and unintelligible oral expressions.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)