854 resultados para experiência dos profissionais de saúde mental


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O objetivo do estudo é descrever e analisar as articulações que se realizam entre as equipes da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) e Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infantojuvenil (CAPSI), tendo em vista as ações voltadas à saúde mental de crianças e adolescentes. Foram realizadas entrevistas semidirigidas com gerentes de cinco CAPSI e 13 Unidades Básicas de Saúde com ESF, de 5 regiões distintas no Município de São Paulo, Brasil, que foram transcritas e analisadas mediante perspectiva hermenêutica. A articulação entre as equipes da ESF e CAPSI se dá prioritariamente por encaminhamento de casos, apoio matricial ou parceria para casos considerados pertinentes ao CAPSI. Falta de recursos humanos, cobrança por produtividade e ausência de capacitação dos profissionais da ESF para trabalhar com saúde mental foram mencionadas como obstáculos para a efetiva articulação entre os serviços. A lógica do encaminhamento e da desresponsabilização, bem como a hegemonia do modelo biomédico e a consequente fragmentação dos cuidados se mostram vigentes no cotidiano dos serviços.


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Relato de experiência da capacitação em bioética para enfermeiros e médicos da Estratégia Saúde da Família, Santo André, SP. Trata-se de trabalho calcado na problematização e bioética deliberativa, que objetivou apresentar o procedimento da deliberação para subsidiar o manejo de problemas éticos. Trabalharam-se os conteúdos transversalmente em cinco sequências de atividades, em dois momentos de concentração, intercalados por um de dispersão. Na primeira concentração, desenvolveram-se conceitos chaves e conteúdos da bioética deliberativa. Na segunda, houve sessões de deliberação para situações de conflito moral, selecionadas e preparadas durante a dispersão. Os participantes avaliaram a deliberação como um instrumental adequado para lidar com as questões éticas que vivem. A problematização mostrou-se efetiva como estratégia educativa na formação contínua em bioética deliberativa.


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As mudanças na atenção à saúde mental no município de Fortaleza têm um processo histórico e político recente, comparada a outros municípios cearenses, que no início dos anos 1990 já se lançavam pioneiros no processo. Fortaleza não implementou as mudanças devido aos interesses dos hospitais psiquiátricos, ambulatórios de psiquiatria da rede pública e dificuldade de gestão dos novos dispositivos e equipamentos de saúde mental presentes na Atenção Básica (AB). No município, a reorganização das ações e serviços de saúde mental tem exigido da Rede Básica o enfrentamento do desafio de atender aos problemas de saúde mental com a implementação do Apoio Matricial (ApM). Mediante o contexto, buscou-se avaliar o ApM em saúde mental em Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) e identificar alcances e limites nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde com ApM. O presente estudo utilizou uma abordagem qualitativa, tipo estudo de caso. Foram entrevistados doze profissionais das Equipes de Saúde da Família de quatro UBS com apoio matricial implantado. A análise das informações revela que o acesso, a tomada de decisão, a participação e os desafios da implementação do ApM são elementos que se apresentam de forma dialética frágeis e fortes na reorganização dos serviços e das práticas. A presença do ApM na AB ressalta a proposta de trabalhar saúde mental em rede no município. O processo não está findo. Mobilização, sensibilização e capacitação da AB precisam ser incrementadas constantemente, mas a implementação tem possibilitado, ao serviço e aos profissionais, maior aceitação da saúde mental na AB.


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Com base em uma pesquisa realizada no município de Ribeirão Preto, SP, em serviços extra-hospitalares de saúde mental, que teve como objetivo estudar a organização desses serviços, os projetos terapêuticos e a inserção da reabilitação psicossocial nas ações de saúde disponibilizadas, apresenta-se reflexão teórico-crítica sobre o processo de elaboração dos projetos terapêuticos pelas equipes dos serviços. A pesquisa, que foi desenvolvida em um Ambulatório e em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial II, foi realizada com base em metodologia qualitativa; como técnicas de coleta de dados, utilizou-se entrevistas semidiretivas e grupos focais, e a análise dos dados apoiou-se em referencial hermenêutico dialético de Jürgen Habermas, seguindo técnica interpretativa reconstrutiva. A análise dos dados mostrou que os profissionais têm apresentado dificuldade na elaboração e gestão dos projetos terapêuticos. Ações de saúde são disponibilizadas sem o referencial concreto de uma proposta norteadora das atividades práticas do serviço. Os projetos terapêuticos são referenciados pelos profissionais como decorrentes das diretrizes provenientes de instâncias gestoras ou das orientações técnicas próprias a cada categoria profissional, mas não como atividade de construção representativa de uma filosofia de trabalho da equipe de saúde. Ao enfocar-se o projeto terapêutico como um tipo de consenso fundado, resultante de ação comunicativa orientada para o entendimento mútuo e intersubjetivo entre membros da equipe do serviço extra-hospitalar de saúde mental, evidencia-se a dificuldade das equipes dos serviços em organizarem-se dialogicamente para a construção coletiva do projeto terapêutico.


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Este trabalho relata a experiência de avaliação do acolhimento em saúde mental na cidade de São Paulo-SP, utilizando entrevistas com trabalhadores de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) e duas Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS). Objetivou entender o acolhimento, considerando a percepção dos trabalhadores e identificando o vínculo e a articulação da rede nesse processo. Utilizou-se como método a hermenêutica filosófica, para identificar que elementos participantes do processo de acolhimento poderiam ser destacados. Procedeu-se à análise das narrativas a partir de três linhas de argumentação: vínculo, acolhimento e articulação da rede - resultando em quatro categorias: sensação de ausência; mistura de modelos; primazia em tecnologias duras; e ineficiência quanto à integralidade. A discussão apontou uma imbricação dessas categorias, colocando o investimento em tecnologias leves como centro do debate para a superação da sensação de ausência, da mistura dos modelos e para construção da integralidade do cuidado.


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A partir do redirecionamento do modelo assistencial no Brasil emerge a necessidade de discussão da reinvenção de práticas alinhadas com o cenário de transformações. As práticas agora devem se desenvolver no sentido de superar o isolamento das grades, dos muros e das chaves, do apagamento do sujeito, da supressão de sintomas e das personalidades dos sujeitos em sofrimento psíquico. Diante disso, é que este estudo tem como objetivos avaliar boas práticas em saúde mental na atenção psicossocial no contexto de um município da região Sul do Brasil. Para tanto, organizou-se como uma pesquisa avaliativa construtivista, com enfoque responsivo, a medida que desenvolve um consenso critico entre os grupos de interesse. Está baseada na Avaliação de Quarta Geração, proposta por Guba e Lincoln (2011), que emerge como opção metodológica e se articula com o referencial teórico das \"Boas Práticas em Saúde Mental Comunitária\", proposto por Thornicroft e Tansella (2010). Este é apresentado de modo a identificar boas práticas na saúde mental, com base na articulação de 3 eixos indispensáveis e indissociáveis: a ética, como princípio fundamental que deverá orientar o planejamento, a assistência e a avaliação dos serviços. A evidência deve embasar as intervenções e serviços. E a experiência como uma evidência do que vem sendo produzido nas experiências locais e regionais de organização da rede de serviços. Como resultado do processo as práticas de Acolhimento, Projeto Terapêutico Singular e Transferência de Cuidados emergiram para discussão. O Acolhimento torna-se concreto nas ações da Porta Aberta, e significa escuta qualificada no momento em que a necessidade emerge, além de representar a oferta de atenção de qualidade baseada no processo relacional que fortalece o estabelecimento de vínculos e a construção de projetos de vida. O Projeto Terapêutico Singular apresenta-se como uma boa prática, a medida que é capaz de dar resposta singularizada e individualizada às necessidades do sujeito, de modo a oportunizar como resultado uma pessoa capaz de andar na vida. É definido de forma compartilhada entre equipe, usuário e família, segundo os objetivos terapêuticos para cada sujeito, e utiliza o técnico de referência, as mini equipes, as oficinas terapêuticas, os grupos terapêuticos, as assembleias, enfim, ofertas e propostas que permitem ao sujeito retomar o envolvimento com os espaços da cidade, no caminho da produção de vida. Com relação à Transferência de Cuidados, esta possibilita ao sujeito que vive o processo não só circular em uma rede de serviços, mas, acima de tudo, buscar, com suporte dela, sua emancipação. Para tanto, investe em práticas que estimulem a autonomia dos sujeitos, por meio de instrumentos como o Acompanhamento Terapêutico, Grupo de Apoio à Alta, espaços de decisões e discussões, estímulo à busca e resolução de problemas, atividades de reconhecimento dos espaços da cidade, transporte, cultura e lazer. Além disso, investe nas ações com a Atenção Básica, a partir do Apoio Matricial com processos de formação continuada com as equipes, e mapeamento da situação da saúde mental nos territórios. Ao final deste estudo, é possível concluir que o modelo de atenção psicossocial demonstrou potencialidade de produzir boas práticas na atenção à saúde mental, e que estas tem transformado a vida dos sujeitos em sofrimento psíquico, bem como tem auxiliado no processo de reconquista de espaços sociais


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The proposal of teaching-service integration from work experience brings a challenge to the professionals involved in health services: to combine their healthcare practice to the preparation of new professionals in accordance with the national health model. In Recife, the assistance network is known as school network, since it provides all its health equipment for Higher Education Institutions, in special for professionals who work as preceptors, making this activity an important component of the services network. The objective of the present study was to analyze preceptorship experience herein Multidisciplinary Residences in Health in the look of health professionals. This is a qualitative descriptive study, involving physicians, dentists, and nurses that have worked as preceptors for at least two years in multidisciplinary residency linked to two Higher Education Institutions. A semistructured interview was used as research instrument and data were processed by using the software Alceste 4.9. Results indicated four semantic classes which were divided into two axis. Axis 1, composed of class 4, and Axis 2, composed of classes 3, 2 and 1. Categorization considered the relation between classes. It was observed that in class 4 work overload is a dilemma for professional participation in preceptorship. This is noted by the words manage, time, patient, give, and complicated. However, it is also observed that the preceptorship involves positive learning and teaching actions, reinforced by the words say, explain, and discuss. Class 2 shows the preceptorship as an experience exchange, a positive moment that provides theoretical upgrade to the preceptor, associated to the professional practices performed by the binominal preceptor-student in health services and communities. In this perspective, everyone is benefited since preceptorship is structured according to dynamic aspects of knowledge, experienced in settings permeated by people´s health necessities. In class 3, potentialities of this practice are shown, and personal compromise is the main reason of acting as a preceptor in this network of education/attention, demonstrated in the words reason, formation, to like and professionals. Last, but not the least, class 1 suggests the importance of preceptorship and one of the strategies to create the National Politics of Humanization, from the teachingservice-community integration, observed in the words: arrives, university, fundamental, manner, partnership, service, and student. Besides, it rates perspectives and challenges for the improvement of the preceptorship in health services. Integrating teaching and service can enhance the proposals of changes concerning the healthcare model practiced in services, but this relation is still superficial. The preceptor is an actor in action, playing real life roles, and that is when he becomes essential to seek training with the profile defended in the proposed training of a professional who is capable of learning to learn


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This study aimed to construct and carry out a distance course of pedagogical training for health professional performing preceptorship functions in public health institutions. The preceptorship in health is a pedagogical practice that occurs in workplace, led by assistance professionals with teaching position or not, where the vast majority of these acts intuitively, reproducing their own training, confusing transmitting information with education. These preceptors often do not dominate the pedagogical knowledge, necessary for the organization of training activities, such as the various teaching-learning processes and the different assessment types. Student supervision is essential in the training process of students in the health field, and on the occasion of supervised internships that the teaching-learning process is based on practical experience with participation in real life situations and professional work. It was realized an exploratory study, descriptive with qualitative approach, with the development of tutoring teaching course in health as final product. Applied semi structured research instrument from may to july 2014. It were evaluated 162 health professionals who perform the preceptorship, which made it possible define the preceptor's profile and identify the educational requirements related to the educational process, which justified the construction of the program content and the professionals’ perception analysis about preceptorship through identification of three categories: clinic knowledge valuation; valuation of professional orientation and valuation of professional future. The course was available on distance mode through Moodle platform with forty hours of work load from October to November 2014. With the aim of capacitate the health professionals to development of necessary abilities and skills to tutoring performance through thoughts about tutoring concepts, professional training within the curricular guidelines and SUS precepts, the role of health professionals as educators, application of active teaching methodologies, and evaluation methods. The applications were done online through the provided link; 300 vacancies offered, 243 professionals applied, chosen 134 that works on tutoring, where 49 represented professionals that works on the location of the study. The course lasted 45 days, and counted with tutors responsible to interact and evaluate the students. 28 professionals joined the course, 12 concluded. Opportunities were identified to stimulate the involvement, however the professionals’ satisfaction shows that, make an investment on tutors education, starting from the Permanent Education precepts, will provide a bigger appropriation of the knowledge to the education and therefore the awareness of their role as an educator on work ambit, proportioning essential tools to tutors act while enabler of integration between theory and practice and result better teaching-learning process.


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In whole world, including in Brazil, there is an absence of professionals who are able to be present at the moment of birth and give to the newborn the cares that they need to because either an absence of opportunity or inappropriate training to those professionals. This master´s thesis describes a construction and application of a neonatal resuscitation course that uses the problem based learning (PBL) methodology. The course has done in two meetings, one for the tutorial session, and another for practice session. The students were divided in groups of eight students each, under supervision of two teachers with experience in PBL methodology. The experience was considered successfully because there were students involvement and motivation. Some course aspects were rebuilt for its upgrading, like the correct use of methodology and building of custom educational material for students learning necessity. It suggests that the course can be used by the medical and nursing schools and perhaps other kind of health courses.


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Dwellers of agrarian reform settlements have a life conditioned by poor living and work conditions, difficulties accessing health programs, social assistance and other public policies and by this exacerbating their psychosocial and environmental vulnerability, which has an impact on their mental health. This research investigates the availability of support by the health and social assistance staff, regarding the demands of common mental disorders and alcohol abuse of dwellers of nine settlements in Rio Grande do Norte. Fifty three experts from different professional categories were interviewed individually or in groups. The results indicate that the workers suffer from poor working conditions, attributes of patrimonial heritage and welfare, which still survives in Brazilian social policies and particularly at local administrations of the countryside. The staffs have little knowledge of the local conditions and of the mental health needs, which has a negative impact on the reception and offered care. The implemented health care still corresponds to the biomedical logic, characterized by ethnocentrism, technicality, biology, cure, individualism and specialization, with little participation of the dwellers and disregarding the traditional knowledge and practices of local health care and by this not achieving the expected results. The psychosocial attendance is not well coordinated, presenting problems with the follow-up and continuity of care. The psychosocial mental health care in rural context has to face the challenge of the reorganization of the health care networks, the establishment of primary health care close to the people’s everyday life, building intersectional practices considering a health multidetermination and health education connected to these specific contexts. Due to the lack of knowledge of the specifics of the life conditions of the dwellers and the fragmentation of the psychosocial health care network, these staffs do not abide and are not ready to face the mental health needs in order to interfere with these health iniquities.


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Dwellers of agrarian reform settlements have a life conditioned by poor living and work conditions, difficulties accessing health programs, social assistance and other public policies and by this exacerbating their psychosocial and environmental vulnerability, which has an impact on their mental health. This research investigates the availability of support by the health and social assistance staff, regarding the demands of common mental disorders and alcohol abuse of dwellers of nine settlements in Rio Grande do Norte. Fifty three experts from different professional categories were interviewed individually or in groups. The results indicate that the workers suffer from poor working conditions, attributes of patrimonial heritage and welfare, which still survives in Brazilian social policies and particularly at local administrations of the countryside. The staffs have little knowledge of the local conditions and of the mental health needs, which has a negative impact on the reception and offered care. The implemented health care still corresponds to the biomedical logic, characterized by ethnocentrism, technicality, biology, cure, individualism and specialization, with little participation of the dwellers and disregarding the traditional knowledge and practices of local health care and by this not achieving the expected results. The psychosocial attendance is not well coordinated, presenting problems with the follow-up and continuity of care. The psychosocial mental health care in rural context has to face the challenge of the reorganization of the health care networks, the establishment of primary health care close to the people’s everyday life, building intersectional practices considering a health multidetermination and health education connected to these specific contexts. Due to the lack of knowledge of the specifics of the life conditions of the dwellers and the fragmentation of the psychosocial health care network, these staffs do not abide and are not ready to face the mental health needs in order to interfere with these health iniquities.


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In the context of break with psychiatric hospitals, the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform is a historical process of reformulation of knowledge and mental health practices. In this way, the Centers of Support for Family Health (NASF) have been acting in the supply of matrix support in mental health. So, the present research aims to analyze the actions which the NASF is taking for the matrix support in mental health in the city of Natal/RN. This is a kind of research descriptive, exploratory and qualitative. The data collection, was made by a direct observation of the professional pratices and semi-structured interviews with health professionals NASF's. The Data were analyzed according to thematic analysis technique, with the support of the content analysis method, which is a way to investigate clusters of meanings which make up the communication of the investigated object. Three analytical categories were organized by this method, whose titles were inspired in two theories in the health field called “Health to Paidéia” and “Expanded Clinic”. The name of the categories are: 1. “Mental illness in brackets: working dimensions of the Centers of Support for Family Health interfaces with the concrete subject”, which is about the work process of NASF; 2. “Freedom and engagement in the arrangement of matrix support in mental health”, which explore the matrix support limitations in mental health in Natal/RN from the professionals interviewed at the NASF’s; 3. “Between the desire and interest: influence of expert orientation in mental health in Psychosocial Care Network” (RAPS), which is related to matrix support in mental health, as an organizational arrangement responsible to ensure intersectoral and comprehensive care, strategies inside of context of the constitution of RAPS. We can extract and say that the actions of NASF teams in the brazilian city called Natal/RN, still not part of a structured link with health care networks, as happens with the absence of discussions and lack of professionals in the matrix support. In addition, there is a difficulty to do an specialized orientation in mental health because of the lack of human resources in this area and of the insufficient number of the replacement services for psychiatric hospital pratices, bringing up the discussion about the consolidation and expansion of RAPS in fact investigated.


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In the case of Brazilian Psychiatric Reformation, mental health juvenile reveals itself as a great challenge, with major gaps in terms of needs, services and actions on mental illness in children and adolescents. This research is a qualitative study of descriptive and exploratory, having to analyze the actions and practices of mental health juvenile articulated between the Psychosocial Care Center juvenile (Caps i) and the basic care in Natal-RN, and specific, identify the limits and possibilities for an important precedent of the care network. After submission to the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) obtained approval contained in opinion number 777.067 / 2014. For the data collection, it was initially carried out a documentary research in the Municipal Health Department of Christmas about the phenomenon under study, and subsequently, applied semi-structured interviews with the subjects of the research, which were workers Caps i of Natal-RN. The analysis was woven as the thematic analysis technique, understood within the method of content analysis. The results and discussions were organized by categories and subcategories, namely: CATEGORY 1: Limits and weaknesses in the linkage between the Caps i and basic care, with the subcategories: 1.1 Lack of specialized services and devices articulators in network, 1.2 The diversity of situations in the demand juvenile assisted; CATEGORY 2: possibilities for an effective network, with the subcategory: 2.1 Intersectoral collaboration as a strategy for solving attention. The analysis revealed that the integration and coordination of mental health services juvenile and primary care in the city of Natal-RN, has incipient initiatives and/or inadequate for the resolvability intersectoral, where the devices of attention to health involved cannot establish bonds effective and long-lasting in the perspective of co-responsibility and sharing of care. On the other hand, it appears that the existing shares and practiced, configure an exercise in approximation to the dialog between mental health juvenile and basic care. It is highlighted that the shared care and the establishment of intersectoral collaboration within and outside of the health sector is possibility of facilitating the necessary dialog between the services and professionals involved, thus, enabling a better prospect of resolvability of the Network of Psychosocial Care for the youth in reality being investigated.