188 resultados para eosinophil


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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BACKGROUND: Human and rodent leukocytes express high levels of the glucocorticoid-inducible protein annexin 1 ( ANXA1) ( previously referred to as lipocortin 1). Neutrophils and monocytes have abundant ANXA1 levels.Aim: We have investigated, for the first time, ANXA1 ultrastructural expression in rat eosinophils and compared it with that of extravasated neutrophils. The effect of inflammation ( carrageenin peritonitis) was also monitored.Methods: Electron microscopy was used to define the sub-cellular localisation of ANXA1 in rat eosinophils and neutrophils extravasated in the mesenteric tissue. A pair of antibodies raised against the ANXA1 N-terminus (i.e. able to recognise intact ANXA1, termed LCPS1) or the whole protein ( termed LCS3) was used to perform the ultrastructural analysis.Results: the majority of ANXA1 was localised in the eosinophil cytosol (similar to 60%) and nucleus (30-40%), whereas a small percentage was found on the plasma membrane (< 10%). Within the cytosol, the protein was equally distributed in the matrix and in the granules, including those containing the typical crystalloid. The two anti-ANXA1 antibodies gave similar results, with the exception that LCPS1 gave a lower degree of immunoreactivity in the plasma membrane. Inflammation (i.e. carrageenin injection) produced a modest increase in eosinophil-associated ANXA1 reactivity ( significant only in the cytoplasm compartment). Extravasated neutrophils, used for comparative purposes, displayed a much higher degree of immunoreactivity for the protein.Conclusion: We describe for the first time ANXA1 distribution in rat eosinophil by ultrastructural analysis, and report a different protein mobilisation from extravasated neutrophils, at least in this acute model of peritonitis.


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We investigated the presence of mast cell granules in macrophages following an in vivo model of an allergic reaction. Injection of ovalbumin (100 mug) into the peritoneal cavity of sensitised mice produced a rapid (within 2 h) influx of neutrophils followed by a slower (after >4 h) eosinophil migration. Ovalbumin treatment induced a high incidence (similar to 50%) of mast cell degranulation compared to control phosphated-buffered saline-treated mice. The majority (similar to 90%) of peritoneal macrophages contained mast cell granules as early as 2 It post-ovalbumin, with lower values at later time-points, as determined by staining with Toluidine blue and Berberine sulphate. This was confirmed by electron microscopy which enabled us to identify the complex mast cell granule sub-structural components in macrophage phagosomes. In conclusion, we used histochemical and ultrastructural analyses to show that mast cell granules become internalised with macrophages during the early stages of an experimental allergic reaction. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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The localization of the glucocorticoid-inducible protein annexin 1 (ANX-1) in leukocytes during the process of experimental inflammation has been studied using immunocytochemistry. ANX-1 immunoreactivity was detected in extravasated neutrophils and eosinophils as well as in resident tissue mast cells. Following injection of carrageenin, the mesenteric tissue was highly inflamed with large presence of leukocytes (predominantly neutrophils with a small percentage of eosinophils) adherent to post-capillary venules and extravasated in the perivascular tissue. ANX-1 immunoreactivity was detected in the cytosol of neutrophils and eosinophils mainly associated with granules and/or vesicles. A good degree of localization in the endosomes was observed in the neutrophils, In both cell types, some ANX-1 immunoreactivity in the nucleus and in the plasma membrane was also detected. Resident mast cells were also activated. Mast cells were positive for ANX-1, without apparent changes in protein content in relation to their activation status. Degranulated mast cells still presented ANX-1 associated with the granule matrix. In conclusion, this study demonstrated the presence of ANX-1 in leukocytes that play a central role in the host inflammatory response. These are the extravasating polymorphonuclear cells, or the resident mast cells. These data provide morphological support to the notion that endogenous and exogenous ANX-1 are able to modulate the reactivity of these cell types, and more generally, of the experimental inflammatory reaction.


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Estudou-se efeito da infecção por Goezia leporini Martins & Yoshitoshi, 2003 (Nematoda: Anisakidae) sobre as características hematológicas de Leporinus macrocephalus (Osteichthyes:Anostomidae) cultivado. Palidez das brânquias, rins, fígado e coração, pontos negros nos rins e acúmulo de líquido na cavidade visceral, estômago e intestinos foram observados. O conteúdo da vesícula biliar tinha aparência pálida e translúcida. Observaram-se alta e moderada correlações positivas entre número de nematóides e peso do peixe estimadas dentro dos grupos de peixe de 0-100g e 100-200g, respectivamente. As extensões sangüíneas revelaram variações no tamanho (anisocitose) e forma (poiquilocitose) dos eritrócitos, bem como eritrócitos em divisão. Não houve alteração (P>0,05) na contagem total de eritrócitos, de leucócitos, na taxa de hemoglobina e nos percentuais de trombócitos e monócitos. A infecção provocou redução (P<0,05) no percentual de hematócrito, no volume corpuscular médio, na concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média e no percentual de linfócitos, e aumento (P<0,05) no percentual de neutrófilos e eosinófilos no sangue circulante de peixes infectados. Este é o primeiro relato no Brasil que relaciona hematologia e infecção por nematóides em peixes cultivados.


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Background: Air conditioning-induced rhinitis in allergic individuals is a common epidemiologic finding, but its physiopathology,is still controversial. The aim of this study was to describe and compare the effects of experimental air conditioning temperature changes on the nasal mucosa of individuals with persistent allergic rhinitis compared with a control group.Methods: A case-control challenge study was performed in a laboratory of thermal comfort with experimental twin challenge chambers set at a 12 C difference in temperature. A group of 32 patients with persistent allergic rhinitis and a group of 16 control subjects were exposed for 30 minutes, 3 times alternately in each chamber. Nasal symptom scores were recorded and nasal samples collected before, immediately after, and 24 and 48 hours after the challenge.Results: the rhinitis group showed a higher symptom score, epithelial shedding, percentage of eosinophils, total inflammatory cells, leukotriene C-4, eosinophil cationic protein, albumin, and tryptase levels compared with controls. There was also a significant increase in symptom score, total cells recovered, percentage of eosinophils, epithelial shedding, albumin, myeloperoxidase, and soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 1 in both groups compared with baseline levels.Conclusion: Sudden temperature changes led to a more pronounced inflammatory nasal response in the rhinitis group with the recruitment and activation of eosinophils.Clinical implications: Persistent allergic rhinitis is a risk factor for developing sudden temperature change-related rhinitis even in the absence of allergen exposure.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Carrageenin-induced inflammatory responses in the hindpaws of rats were quantitated by measuring: (1) alterations in volumes of the paws; and (2) alterations in concentration of dye, previously injected intravenously, which was recovered in perfusates from the paws. The inflammatory response in one paw was attenuated by previously inducing an inflammatory response in the contralateral paw. The effect was abolished by pretreatment with insulin. Indexes of adrenal activity were increased after the induction of the inflammatory response and they were not attenuated by pretreatment with insulin. Adrenal hyperactivity was characterized by increased serum corticosterone concentration, decreased adrenal ascorbic acid content, and reduced number of circulating eosinophils. It is concluded that inflammatory stimuli which lead to alterations in microvessels depend on a facilitatory effect of insulin. This effect is antagonized by glucocorticoids released in enhanced concentrations after the application of noxious stimuli. Therefore, endogenous insulin and glucocorticoids act as modulators of inflammatory responses.


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Thirty-two Polwarth sheep of ages up to 1 year were observed under temperatures varying from 10.5 to 46.5°C. The following blood cell counts were made: erythrocyte (RBC), leucocyte (WBC), eosinophil (EOS), neutrophil (NEU), lymphocyte (LYM) and monocyte (MON). Other traits measured were: haemoglobin (HB), haematocrit (HT), blood glucose (GLU) and serum protein (PROT). Multivariate analysis of variance was used and the results showed a significant (P<0.001) effect for the interaction of shearing and temperature treatment. Under temperatures >25°C, sheep presented a decrease of RBC, WBC, HB and HT, these differences being greater in the shorn than in the unshorn animals. Unshorn animals presented higher variations in EOS, NEU, LYM, MON and GLU. Blood glucose increased under high temperatures in the shorn animals (from 56.36±0.65 mg/100 ml to 60.52±0.69 mg/100 ml) as in the unshorn animals (from 54.72±0.74 mg/100 ml to 57.56±0.77 mg/100 ml). © 1992 International Society of Biometeorology.


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The effects of chronic mild prenatal stress on leukocyte infiltration into the airways was investigated in rat offspring. The chronic prenatal stress consisted of transitory and variable changes in the rat's living conditions. Offspring at adult age were actively sensitized (day 0) and intratracheally challenged (day 14) with ovalbumin. Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed in the offspring at 48 h after intratracheal challenge with ovalbumin. A significant increase in total leukocyte infiltration was observed in the non-stressed offspring group and this was associated with a marked recruitment of eosinophils without a significant effect on the influx of neutrophils and mononuclear cells. In the prenatal stressed offspring, the counts of both total leukocyte and eosinophils, as well as mononuclear cells, was increased by 50% compared to the non-stressed offspring. We provide here the first experimental evidence that chronic mild unpredictable prenatal stress produces a marked increase in the allergen-induced airway inflammation in the rat offspring.


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This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of ropivacaine after intrafascicular injection into the sciatic nerves of albino rabbits. Twenty adult albine rabbits were used, following sedation with intramuscular ketamine (50 mg/kg) for nerve exposure by lateral incision. We considered three experimental groups: Group I:sciatic nerve control; Group II: intrafascicular injection with 0.2 mL of physiologic saline solution in the left nerves and intrafascicular injection with 0.2 mL of local anesthetic ropivacaine into the rigth nerves. The specimens were colected at 48 h after drugs administration; Group III. intrafascicular injection with 0.2 mL of physiologic saline solution in the left nerves and intrafascicular injection with 0.2 mL of local anesthetic ropivacaine in the rigth nerves. The specimens were colected at 7 days after drugs administration. The sciatic nerves were removed from these animals and fixed in Karnowisky solution for 24 hours. After partial dehydration up to 95% ethanol, they were embedded in historesin (Leica). The tissue was then sectioned at 1-2μm. Sections were stained with haematoxylin-eosin (HE); toluidine blue (TB) or picrosirius-haematoxylin (PSH). Comparing with control group the histological evidence of inflammatory reaction (migration of macrophagic cells and eosinophils-appeared soon after injection, with intense proliferation of perineurial cells. The results show that after 7 days of intrafascicular injection there was a severe fibrosis and an increase on perineurial vascularization. In group 2 the inflammatory reaction was noted near the local of the injection. Furthermore in this experiment we observed an increase on the number of epineurial lipoblasts and adipocytes. This study demonstrated that the toxic effects of ropivacaine are transient. In many cases there was an initial fascicular recover and axonal regeneration after 7 days of the injection.


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The studies on the characterization of eosinophils and neutrophils/ heterophils of turtles are contradictory. Some authors have pointed out the existence of two distinct cell types: eosinophils and heterophils. Other authors have proposed that eosinophils and heterophils may be the same cells in different stages of maturation. These interpretations are based only on a morphological analysis. In the blood of the turtle (Chrysemys dorbignih), a South American freshwater species, there are two types of granulocytes with eosinophilic staining pattern: the first with round cytoplasmic granules and the second with ellipsoidal cytoplasmic granules. In the present study by using histoenzymological methods for the analyses of enzymological cellular content, we found that the cells with round cytoplasmic granules were positive for nonspecific esterase and the cells with ellipsoidal granules were positives for acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, nonspecific esterase and peroxidase. The results show that these cells are distinct cells and that the cells with ellipsoidal cytoplasmic granules have the same histoenzymological characteristics as the neutrophils/heterophils of mammalians and other vertebrates.


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In the present study we compared the immunological reactions between Rhipicephalus sanguineus tick-infested susceptible (dogs and mice) and tick-resistant hosts (guinea pigs), elucidating some of the components of efficient protective responses against ticks. We found that T-cells from guinea pigs infested with adult ticks proliferate vigorously in the presence of concanavalin A (ConA), whereas ConA-induced cell proliferation of tick-infested mice and dogs was significantly decreased at 43.1 and 94.0%, respectively, compared to non-infested controls. Moreover, cells from mice and dogs submitted to one or three successive infestations did not exhibit a T-cell proliferative response to tick antigens, whilst cells from thrice tick-infested guinea pigs, when cultured with either a tick extract or tick saliva, displayed a significant increase in cell proliferation. Also, we evaluated the response of tick-infested mice to a cutaneous hypersensitivity test induced by a tick extract. Tick-infested mice developed a significant immediate reaction, whereby a 29.9% increase in the footpad thickness was observed. No delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction was detected. Finally, the differential cell count at the tick attachment site in repeatedly infested mice exhibited a 6.6- and 4.1-fold increase in the percentage of eosinophils and neutrophils, respectively, compared to non-infested animals, while a decrease of 77.0-40.9 in the percentage of mononuclear cells was observed. The results of the cutaneous hypersensitivity test and the cellular counts at the tick feeding site for mice support the view that tick-infested mice develop an immune response to R. sanguineus ticks very similar to dogs, the natural host of this species of tick, but very different from guinea pigs (resistant host), which develop a DTH reaction in addition to a basophil and mononuclear cell infiltration at the tick-attachment site. In conclusion, saliva introduced during tick infestations reduces the ability of a susceptible animal host to respond to tick antigens that could stimulate a protective immune response. As a consequence, the animals present a lack of DTH response and disturbed cellular migration to tick feeding site, which can represent a deficient response against ticks. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the peripheral blood of the roadside hawk, Buteo magnirostris, the following types of granulocytic leucocytes were identified: heterophil, eosinophil and basophil. The heterophils presented acidophilic and spindle shaped granules, the eosinophils possess spherical eosinophilic granules and the basophils showed spherical and basophilic granules. The heterophils and eosinophils presented positive cytochemical reaction to glycogen and basic polyaminoacid, while the eosinophils presented sudanophilic granules, which were also positive for myeloperoxidase. The heterophils, alone, presented positivity for acid phosphatase in some granules and immunoreactivity to TGF-β1 was observed only in the cytoplasm of the eosinophils. Electron microscopy demonstrated the heterophil granules as predominantly spindle shaped, being strongly electron-dense, while the eosinophils had numerous uniformly electron-dense spherical granules and the basophils presented three different types of granules identified according to their electron-density and the aspect of their matrix.