932 resultados para environmental problem
Ocean acidification, caused by increased atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations, is currently an important environmental problem. It is therefore necessary to investigate the effects of ocean acidification on all life stages of a wide range of marine organisms. However, few studies have examined the effects of increased CO2 on early life stages of organisms, including corals. Using a range of pH values (pH 7.3, 7.6, and 8.0) in manipulative duplicate aquarium experiments, we have evaluated the effects of increased CO2 on early life stages (larval and polyp stages) of Acropora spp. with the aim of estimating CO2 tolerance thresholds at these stages. Larval survival rates did not differ significantly between the reduced pH and control conditions. In contrast, polyp growth and algal infection rates were significantly decreased at reduced pH levels compared to control conditions. These results suggest that future ocean acidification may lead to reduced primary polyp growth and delayed establishment of symbiosis. Stress exposure experiments using longer experimental time scales and lower levels of CO2 concentrations than those used in this study are needed to establish the threshold of CO2 emissions required to sustain coral reef ecosystems.
Climate change conference was hold in Copenhagen in 2009, global warming became the worldwide focus once again. China as a developing country has paid more attention for this environmental problem. In China, a large part of carbon dioxide is emitted to the atmosphere from combustion of fossil fuels in power plants. How to control emission of the greenhouse gas into atmosphere is becoming an urgent concern. Among numerous methods, CO2 capture is the hope to limit the amount of CO2 emitted into the air. The well-established method for CO2 capture is to remove CO2 by absorption into solutions in conventional equipment. Absorbents used for CO2 and H2S capture are important choice for CO2 capture technology. It is related to the cost and efficiency of plant directly and is essential to investigate the proposed CO2 and H2S absorbents.
Los fármacos en el agua han sido considerados en los últimos años un problema medioambiental grave, y se ha incrementado el interés por los efectos que pueden producirse en el medio acuático. Aunado a este problema se encuentra el consumo excesivo de medicamentos no controlados, los cuales pueden ser desechados sin tener el tratamiento adecuado; por lo que se ingresan a los cursos de agua. Estos contaminantes emergentes son compuestos cuyo vertido supone un problema sanitario y ambiental. Se trata de contaminantes solubles en agua por lo que son capaces de estar presentes en todas las etapas del ciclo del agua. Han sido numerosos estudios los que se han realizado en diferentes países, ya que su presencia se ha convertido en un tema emergente en la química del medio ambiente, debido a que en las investigaciones realizadas muestran que no hay una eliminación completa a pesar de los distintos procesos que se aplican en las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales. Esta contaminación, incrementa la necesidad de conocer cuál es el efecto toxicológico sobre los organismos acuáticos y, en consecuencia, en las personas. La bacteria Escherichia Coli, es un organismo muy estudiado, debido a que se encuentra en los intestinos de los animales y humanos y por lo consiguiente en las aguas negras. Teniendo en cuenta la crítica situación, se planteó estudiar el efecto sobre la bacteria E. coli de 4 fármacos: Atenolol, Azitromicina, Estradiol e Ibuprofeno, para conocer cual era su comportamiento y el efecto que podían producir la presencia de los fármacos en la eliminación por procesos de oxidación. Así también, los efectos producidos sobre E. Coli, después de estar en contacto con los fármacos 1, 3 y 7 días. Se observó que los fármacos tienen efectos en el aumento o eliminación de los microrganismos dependiendo de los tiempos de exposición y la concentración del fármaco. Así mismo se observó que los microorganismos asimilan mejor las concentraciones menores de fármacos, a tiempos de contacto mayores de 24 horas. Con todos los desinfectantes de estudio se observaron ligeras resistencias de la bacteria ante la presencia de los fármacos. Drugs in water have been considered in recent years a serious environmental problem, and has increased interest in the effects that may occur in the aquatic environment. Added to this problem is the excessive consumption of non-controlled drugs, which can be disposed of without proper treatment, so they enter waterways. These are compounds emerging contaminants being discharged is a health and environmental problem. It is water soluble contaminants and are therefore able to be present in all stages of the water cycle. There have been numerous studies conducted in different countries, since their presence has become an emerging issue in environmental chemistry, because in the research shows that there isn’t a removal despite the different processes used in wastewater treatment plants. This contamination, increases the need to know what is the toxicological effects on aquatic organisms and, consequently, in people. The bacterium Escherichia coli, is a well-studied organism because it is found in the intestines of animals and humans and is therefore in the wastewater. Given the critical situation, was proposed to study the effect on the bacterium E. coli of 4 drugs: Atenolol, Azithromycin, Estradiol and Ibuprofen, to know what his behavior and the effect it could produce the presence of drugs in the removal by oxidation processes. Also, the effects on E. Coli, after being in contact with the drug 1, 3 and 7 days. It was noted that the drugs have effects on the growth or elimination of microorganisms depending on exposure time and the drug concentration. Also it was observed that the microorganisms assimilate lower concentrations of drug better over 24 hours. With all disinfectants study were observed resistances of the bacteria in the presence of the drugs.
El hormigón armado es el material estructural más empleado en construcción, lo que exige un exhaustivo control tanto de los materiales que lo componen como de su ejecución, con el fin de garantizar la vida útil para la que ha sido proyectado. Uno de los principales problemas de la durabilidad del hormigón armado, es la corrosión de sus armaduras. Existen en la actualidad diferentes métodos que intentan detener el proceso de corrosión, entre ellos, los inhibidores superficiales de corrosión. El continuo incremento en la producción de acero desde el siglo XIX, ha producido un desequilibrio entre los productos fabricados en las industrias siderúrgicas y los residuos generados. Como consecuencia, toneladas de residuos son depositados en vertederos, provocando graves daños medioambientales con el paso del tiempo. El volumen de escorias producidas en la industria siderúrgica en España asciende a 2,55Mt al año, de ahí la importancia del reciclaje de estos productos y de su integración como materia prima en el proceso de fabricación de otros materiales. Partiendo de estas premisas, en el presente trabajo de investigación se ha estudiado el comportamiento a corrosión, de barras de acero de armar embebidas en probetas de mortero, en las que se ha sustituido parcialmente el árido y el cemento por escorias blancas de horno cuchara (LFS), mediante técnicas electroquímicas y gravimétricas. Para ello, se han fabricado probetas prismáticas de 6 x 8 x 2 cm3 con diferentes porcentajes de ión cloruro, introducidos en el momento del amasado, tanto en probetas patrón como en probetas con escorias LFS. El análisis de los resultados obtenidos permite concluir que las probetas patrón y las probetas con escorias LFS tienen comportamientos similares en presencia de cloruros por encima del 0,4% en peso de cemento y por tanto que la sustitución de escorias LFS por arena (25%) y cemento (30%) no afecta negativamente a la corrosión de las armaduras. Por tanto, el uso de escorias LFS en el proceso de fabricación de hormigón armado es una práctica que presenta ventajas competitivas respecto a las técnicas de construcción tradicionales, desde el punto de vista económico y medioambiental. En cuanto a los inhibidores superficiales de corrosión, no han resultado eficaces en probetas con escorias LFS, independientemente del porcentaje de ión cloruro, mientras que en probetas patrón han sido eficaces para porcentajes de ión cloruro igual o inferior al 0,8% en peso de cemento. ABSTRACT Reinforced concrete is the most widely used structural material. This implies that rigorous control must be applied in order to guarantee the life-span and performance of structures made using this composite material. One of the main problems regarding concrete durability is bar corrosion. At present, there are different methods adopted to stop the corrosion process, among them, surface corrosion inhibitors. The continuous growth in steel production since the 19th century has led to an imbalance between waste products generated in steel production processes and their subsequent use. As a consequence, mass dumping at waste disposal sites has been causing a significant environmental problem over the years. The amount of slag produced by the steel industry each year in Spain amounts to 2.55Mt, hence the importance of recycling by-products from steel production so they can be used as primary material in the manufacturing process of other materials. Starting from this working hypothesis, and using electrochemical and gravimetric techniques, this research work aims to analyse and study the corrosion behaviour of steel rebars embedded in mortar specimens, containing ladle furnace slag in partial substitution for aggregate and cement. Prisms were manufactured from 6 x 8 x 2 cm3 with different percentages of chloride ion introduced at the time of mixing, in standard specimens and specimens with LFS slag. Results from the analysis show that the standard specimens and those containing LFS slag display a similar behaviour in the presence of chlorides. Furthermore, when LFS slag is replaced by sand (25%) and cement (30%) corrosion of rebars is not negatively affected. Additionally, the use of LFS slag in the manufacture of reinforced structures is a practice that represents a competitive advantage over traditional construction techniques, from both an economic and environmental point of view Finally, as for surface corrosion inhibitors, they have not proved effective in specimens containing LFS slag, regardless of the percentage of the chloride ion, whereas in standard specimens they have been effective in chloride ion percentages not exceeding 0.8% (as to the cement amount).
El empleo de nuevas adiciones en el cemento se plantea como una vía para que éste sea un material más sostenible. En este contexto, las cenizas de fondo o cenicero de las centrales termoeléctricas de carbón actualmente se están llevando a vertederos creando un problema medioambiental o se están empleando con usos minoritarios. Sin embargo, la presente Tesis doctoral demuestra cómo este material puede ser empleado como un componente principal de los cementos portland mezclado en una proporción optimizada con las cenizas volantes o solo. Por tanto, este estudio se puede considerar como un trabajo prenormativo que cubre las demandas de la sociedad tanto económicas como ambientales. Se han estudiado las propiedades químicas, físicas y mecánicas de las cenizas de fondo o cenicero de las centrales termoeléctricas de carbón como una adición potencial de los cementos portland (con adiciones) en comparación con los cementos portland con cenizas volantes. En consecuencia, el objeto de la presente Tesis Doctoral es el análisis de las prestaciones de morteros elaborados con clínkeres de cemento portland y cenizas de fondo o cenicero con cenizas volantes de las centrales termoeléctricas de carbón en unos porcentajes similares a los correspondientes a los CEM II/A-V, CEM II/B-V y CEM IV/A (V) de la UNE-EN 197-1:2011. La caracterización de las cenizas de fondo o cenicero y de las cenizas volantes de las centrales termoeléctricas de carbón se ha realizado mediante las técnicas analíticas de FRX, ICP, análisis químicos, DRX, densidad, granulometría láser, superficie específica Blaine, ATD, TG, puzolanicidad, MEB y EDX; mientras que la caracterización de las mezclas se ha realizado mediante análisis químico (análisis químico, FRX e ICP y), DRX, MIP, granulometría láser, puzolanicidad, MEB y EDX, agua de consistencia normal, inicio y final de fraguado, estabilidad de volumen, colorimetría, calor de hidratación, DTA y TG, asícomo ensayos de resistencia; resistencia a flexión y compresión y ensayos de durabilidad (carbonatación natural, resistencia al hielo-deshielo, resistencia a la acción de los sulfatos y resistencia a la reacción árido-álcali). Finalmente, se han comprobado las propiedades de las cenizas de cenicero y cenizas volantes en hormigones, realizando ensayos de resistencia a compresión y resistividad. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la sustitución parcial o completa de las cenizas volantes por las de cenicero no tiene un efecto tecnológicamente importante en las propiedades ni mecánicas ni durables, incluso los mejora en determinados aspectos. Por tanto, se recomienda la normalización de las cenizas de fondo o cenicero de las centrales termoeléctricas de carbón como componente principal de los cementos portland comunes de la UNE-EN 197-1:2011. Actualmente, la mayoría de las cenizas de fondo se consideran como un residuo que no tiene un posible uso. Sólo se han encontrado algunos datos relativos a la aplicación de este material combinado con cenizas volantes como un componente principal de los cementos portland. Por tanto, la realización de un estudio integrado considerando aspectos que van desde la caracterización de las cenizas hasta las mezclas de conglomerante y la hidratación de éstas, desarrollo de resistencias y demás prestaciones y durabilidad (carbonatación natural, resistencia al hielo-deshielo, resistencia a la acción de los sulfatos y resistencia a la reacción árido-álcali), así como los ensayos de resistencia en hormigón es totalmente novedoso. Como resultado final se propone incorporar estas nuevas adiciones en aplicaciones particulares y en la norma más apropiada para ello. Los resultados han demostrado que la sustitución completa o parcial de las cenizas volantes por cenizas de fondo o cenicero de las centrales termoeléctricas de carbón en cementos de los tipos CEM II/A-V, CEM II/B-V y CEM IV/A no afecta de forma significativa en la resistencia a compresión a 1, 3 ,7, 28 ni 90 días ni a la durabilidad. En parte esto se debe a que la composición química de ambas cenizas es muy similar en la mayoría de los elementos tales como Fe2O3, TiO2, P2O5, SrO2, aunque en algún caso, como en el ZnO, se encuentra alguna ligera diferencia. Por tanto, se pueden esperar unas ligeras diferencias en el mecanismo de hidratación de las diferentes mezclas estudiadas. La presencia de los óxidos mencionados afectará a la composición de la fase acuosa y, en consecuencia, podrían ser elementos lixiviables. Asimismo, influyen de distinta manera en propiedades tales como los tiempos de fraguado y en la durabilidad. New additions to the cement are needed to achieve a more sustainable construction material. Within this context, bottom ashes produced in coal-fired power stations are currently wastes which are dumped provoking an environmental problem. Only in few cases are being used in minor applications. However, the present PhD Thesis shows how this material can be used as a main constituent of Portland cement when it is mixed in an optimised proportion with fly ashes or added to the Portland clinker alone. Therefore, this study may also be considered as a pre-standardization work which covers both the environmental and economic demands of society. Chemical, physical and mechanical characteristics of pulverized coal combustion bottom ash used as a potential constituent of Portland cements (with additions) are studied in comparison to Portland cements with fly ashes. Therefore, the aim of this experimental PhD Thesis is the analysis of the performance of mortars made of clinker of Portland cement and bottom and/or fly ashes in similar proportions to those of CEM II/A-V, CEM II/B-V and CEM IV/A (V) according to EN 197-1:2011. Characterisation of bottom and fly ashes has been done by XRF, ICP, chemical analyses, XRD, density, laser granulometry, Blaine, ATD, TG, pozzolanity, SEM and EDS. Characterisation of bottom and fly ashes mixes has been perform by chemical analyses, XRF, ICP, XRD, MIP, laser granulometry, pozzolanity, SEM, EDS, setting time, soundness, colorimetric test, heat of hydration, ATD, TG, compressive strength, and durability tests (natural carbonation, frost-thaw resistance, sulphate resistance and silica-alkali resistance). In conclusion, it can be established that partial or complete replacement of fly ash by bottom ash has neither significant effect on mechanical nor durability properties. Even, they are improved in several aspects. Therefore, it is recommended to standardise the bottom ash as a main cement constituent of the European standard EN 197-1:2011. Nowadays, most bottom ashes are considered as waste without any potential re-use. Only a few papers deal with the study of this material and its use mixed with fly ashes to be employed as a main constituent of Portland cement. Therefore, the execution of an integrated study considering together aspects from the initial characterization of the ashes and blinder mixes to the hydration steps, strength achievement, leading behaviour and durability (natural carbonation, sulphate attack, aggregate-alcali reaction and freeze-thaw resistance) is totally new. As result, it is proposed to include this new addition for particular applications in the appropriate cement standard. The results have shown that with regard to the compressive strength at 1, 3, 7, 28 and 90 days, partial or complete replacement of fly ash by bottom ash in CEM II/A-V, CEM II/B-V and CEM IV/A has no more significant effects. Partially, this can be explained because the bottom ash contains a similar amount of most of the elements, Fe2O3, TiO2, P2O5, SrO2, and so on, instead of ZnO. Therefore, slight hydration differences are expected. The presence of such oxides might have a significant effect on pore solution concentration and so will be leachable constituents. They will also play an important role in the cement properties such as setting times and durability.
The difficulty of dealing with construction and demolition waste (CDW) on construction sites is not new and continues to be a significant environmental problem. Currently the CDW collection system in Spain is done in a decentralized manner by each sub-contracted company, being necessary to implement effective waste management measures ensuring a correct management and minimization. During the last years several measures have been launched in order to improve and encourage the reuse and recycling of CDW. A widespread solution for CDW recovery is using them as a landscaping aggregate or for road bases and sub-bases. However, measures encouraging onsite prevention still need to be enhanced. This paper studies the major work stage generating CDW and analyses the categories of CDW produced during its execution. For this, several real building sites have been analysed in order to quantify the estimation of CDW generated. Results of this study show that a significant contributor to the CDW generation on building construction sites in Spain are the masonry works. Finally, a Best Practices Manual (BPM) is proposed containing several strategies on masonry works aimed not only at CDW prevention, but also at improving their management and minimization. The use of this BPM together with the Study and Plan of CDW management --required by law--, promotes the environmental management of the company, favouring the cohesion of the construction process organization at all stages giving rise to establishing responsibilities in the field of waste and providing a greater control over the process. Keywords: construction and demolition waste, management, masonry works, good practice measures, prevention.
Plant diseases represent a major economic and environmental problem in agriculture and forestry. Upon infection, a plant develops symptoms that affect different parts of the plant causing a significant agronomic impact. As many such diseases spread in time over the whole crop, a system for early disease detection can aid to mitigate the losses produced by the plant diseases and can further prevent their spread [1]. In recent years, several mathematical algorithms of search have been proposed [2,3] that could be used as a non-invasive, fast, reliable and cost-effective methods to localize in space infectious focus by detecting changes in the profile of volatile organic compounds. Tracking scents and locating odor sources is a major challenge in robotics, on one hand because odour plumes consists of non-uniform intermittent odour patches dispersed by the wind and on the other hand because of the lack of precise and reliable odour sensors. Notwithstanding, we have develop a simple robotic platform to study the robustness and effectiveness of different search algorithms [4], with respect to specific problems to be found in their further application in agriculture, namely errors committed in the motion and sensing and to the existence of spatial constraints due to land topology or the presence of obstacles.
El incremento de la contaminación acústica se ha convertido en un problema medioambiental lo cual ha generado un aumento en la demanda del aislamiento de los edificios para lograr el confort acústico. Existen métodos de medición de aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo de fachadas bajo ensayo “in situ” pero no para techos. El objetivo de esta investigación consiste en determinar el aislamiento acústico de prototipos de techos ecológicos multicapas adaptando la metodología recomendada por normas internacionales. Se propusieron cuatro prototipos de techos con distintos materiales naturales como especies vegetales y sustratos de fibra de coco, superpuestos sobre un techo base liviano. Al sustrato se le varió su espesor de 10 a 20 cm, sus condiciones seca o húmeda y su densidad: 100%, 66% y 33% fibra de coco. En los resultados se determinó que las especies vegetales no aportaron aislamiento, pero al incrementar el espesor y densidad del sustrato mejoró el aislamiento sonoro. También se determinó que el aislamiento acústico en condición seca fue mejor que en condición húmeda. Se planteó una metodología para determinar el aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo en techos bajo ensayo “in situ” empleando el método global con altavoz, ésta se estructuró en tres partes: la primera describe el módulo experimental y la plataforma tecnológica; la segunda aborda procedimientos para medir los niveles de presión sonora, niveles de ruido de fondo y los tiempos de reverberación, en bandas de frecuencia de tercios de octava; en la tercera se explica el cálculo de los promedios de estos parámetros, así como también la diferencia de niveles estandarizada, el índice de reducción sonora aparente con sus valores globales y su incertidumbre. Así mismo, se determinó un algoritmo de predicción del aislamiento acústico, analizando los valores obtenidos en las mediciones “in situ” como la Diferencia de nivel estandarizada ponderada y el Índice ponderado de reducción sonora, los cuales se relacionaron con el peso y el espesor de los materiales de las diferentes multicapas. A través de un análisis de regresión se establecieron modelos para predecir la Diferencia de nivel estandarizada y el Índice de reducción sonora aparente en bandas de octavas. Los resultados del modelo propuesto son cercanos a los datos medidos “in situ”. Por otra parte, se realizaron mediciones térmicas en un módulo experimental y otro de referencia en tres períodos del día. En el módulo experimental se construyeron los prototipos de techos ecológicos y en el de referencia un techo de construcción tradicional, se compararon los resultados de ambos módulos y su interacción con la temperatura exterior. Se detectó que las temperaturas internas del módulo experimental en condición seca tienden a mantener sus valores durante todo el día, en horas de la mañana sus valores son superiores a los del módulo de referencia y temperatura exterior. Al mediodía y en la tarde las temperaturas internas del módulo experimental son inferiores a las del módulo de referencia, incrementándose esta última a medida que aumenta temperatura exterior. Finalmente, a partir de las mediciones “in situ” se realizaron cuatro modelos de correlación acústica-térmica, los tres primeros relacionando la temperatura y el nivel de presión sonora en tres momentos del día, en la tarde se aprecia que a medida que aumenta la temperatura aumentan los niveles de presión sonora. En el cuarto modelo se estableció una correlación acústica-térmica entre la resistencia térmica de los materiales de las multicapas con su índice de reducción sonora, obteniéndose un coeficiente de correlación moderado. La presente investigación plantea retos desde el punto de vista ambiental, permite cuantificar el aislamiento acústico de los techos y mejorar la calidad de vida en áreas urbanas; el empleo de los materiales de procedencia local como los utilizados fomenta el respeto por la naturaleza y producen un menor impacto ambiental. ABSTRACT Sound contamination increase has generated a raise in insulation demand of buildings in order to achieve a sound comfort, and this has become into an environmental problem. There are measurements methods for air borne soundproofing in facades through “in situ” test but there are not for roofs. The purpose of this research is to determine sound insulation of multilayer green roof prototypes following the methodology suggested by international standards. Four prototypes of roofs with different types of vegetation and overlapped coconut fiber substrates over a light roof were proposed. Thickness of substrate varied from 10 to 20 cm, as well as its dry a humid condition and its density: 100%, 66% y 33% of coconut fiber. Results determined that vegetation did not contribute to insulation but when increasing substrate’s thickness and density, sound insulation was improved. Likewise, it was determined that sound insulation in dry condition was greater than in humid condition. A methodology to determine airborne sound insulation in roofs through “in situ” test using a speaker global method was stated. This was structured in three parts: the first part describes the experimental module and the technological platform; the second one establishes the procedures to measure sound pressure levels; levels of background noise and time of reverberation in frequency bands of thirds of octave, and in the third part, averages of these parameters, as well as the difference of standardized levels, the apparent sound reduction with its global values and uncertainty were calculated. Likewise, a prediction algorithm of sound insulation was determined by analyzing values obtained in “in-situ” measures such as the difference of weighted standardized level and the weighted index of sound reduction which they were related to weight and thickness of different multilayer materials. Models to predict the standardized level difference and the apparent sound reduction index in bands of octaves were established by a regression analysis. Results for the proposed model are close to data measured “in situ”. On the other hand, thermal measures were done in an experimental module, as well as in another as for reference in three periods of the day. Green prototypes roofs were built in the experimental module and a traditional roof were built in the reference one. Results of both modules were compared as well as the interaction with outside temperature. Internal temperatures of the experimental module in dry condition tend to keep their values throughout the day; in the morning, its values are higher than those of the reference module and external temperatures. Finally, four models of sound-thermal correlation were done from measures “in situ”. The first three were related to temperature and sound pressure level in three moments of the day. In the afternoon, it is observed that when temperature increases, sound pressure levels increases too. In the fourth model, a sound and thermal correlation was established between thermal resistance of multilayer materials with their sound reduction index, and a moderated correlation coefficient was obtained. This research poses challenges from the environmental point of view, and it allows quantifying sound insulation of roofs as well as improving quality of life in urban areas; the use of local vegetation promotes respect for nature and it produces a smaller environmental impact as well.
El empleo de biomasa como combustible para la generación de bio-energía va en aumento en la actualidad, debido a su impacto medioambiental nulo en cuanto a las emisiones de CO2. Por lo tanto la generación de cenizas de biomasa, residuo de la producción de esta energía, constituye un problema medioambiental con un claro impacto social y económico. Este tipo de ceniza tiene contenidos en óxidos que la hacen atractiva para su empleo como sustituto parcial del cemento Portland, lo cual proporciona una salida eco-eficiente a este residuo, reduciendo al mismo tiempo la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero asociada a la fabricación del cemento. Esta investigación se centra en el desarrollo de nuevos e innovadores materiales base-cemento eco-eficientes que incorporan ceniza de biomasa para su aplicación integral en construcción. Para ello, se emplea una ceniza de biomasa (CB) procedente de un combustor de lecho fluidizado, cuya biomasa de combustión es principalmente restos de corteza de eucalipto, suministrada por el grupo ENCE-Navia (Asturias). El trabajo desarrollado en la presente tesis doctoral, tiene como primera fase la caracterización de esta ceniza y el análisis de viabilidad de su valorización en materiales base-cemento. Dentro de este análisis, se propone la activación de la ceniza CB mediante tratamiento hidrotermal (TH) en diferentes condiciones de medio activante, temperatura y tiempo de proceso, con el objetivo de favorecer la formación de fases hidratadas que potencien la valorización de la ceniza en el campo de los materiales de construcción. Como fase hidratada de interés se obtiene la fase tobermorita (Ca2.25(Si3O7.5(OH)1.5)(H2O)), precursora del gel C-S-H, responsable del desarrollo de resistencias mecánicas en los materiales base-cemento. El proceso de TH se optimiza para la síntesis más eficiente de esta fase. El estudio posterior de las propiedades mecánicas y micro-estructurales de pastas de cemento eco-eficientes que incorporan la ceniza CB y la ceniza tratada hidrotermalmente, CB-TH, confirma una mayor viabilidad de incorporación de la ceniza CB como sustituto parcial del cemento Portland. Como siguiente paso en el desarrollo de estos innovadores materiales base-cemento eco-eficientes se amplía el estudio multi-escalar de los materiales que incorporan CB mediante diferentes ensayos físico-mecánicos y de durabilidad. Los resultados indican que la presencia de la ceniza de biomasa no tiene efectos negativos sobre las propiedades físicas de los morteros eco-eficientes estudiados. Sin embargo, la adición de CB proporciona una mejor durabilidad del material al producir modificaciones de la microestructura que dificultan el transporte de agentes agresivos. Por otro lado, los morteros con un 10 y 20% de sustitución parcial de cemento por la ceniza de biomasa CB (CB-10 y CB-20) presentan una resistencia a compresión de 53.3 y 50.5 MPa a 28 días de curado, respectivamente. Estos morteros son comparables con un cemento Portland tradicional tipo CEM I de clase de resistencia 42.5 R. Por último, y con el fin de proporcionar la apertura de estos nuevos cementos eco-eficientes al mercado en el campo de los materiales de construcción, se estudian propiedades concretas relacionadas con diferentes tipos de aplicaciones. Concretamente se estudian en detalle las propiedades relativas a la aplicación en baldosas de mortero y los resultados indican unas prestaciones del material eco-eficiente con incorporación de CB similares o mejoradas con respecto al cemento Portland. Se analiza también la viabilidad de aplicación estructural de los cementos eco-eficientes desarrollados mediante el estudio de la adherencia al acero, que resulta similar a la del material de referencia. En cuanto a los resultados de extracción y caracterización de la fase acuosa de los poros, en todas las matrices eco-eficientes se obtiene un pH que garantiza la pasivación de la armadura. Sin embargo, el alto contenido en cloruros de dicha fase acuosa sugiere la conveniencia de realizar un análisis más detallado para la aplicación de los nuevos materiales eco-eficientes en hormigón armado. Se comprueba que todas las matrices que incorporan CB en porcentajes entre un 10 y un 90%, se pueden considerar adecuadas como nuevos materiales de construcción más eco-eficientes en aplicaciones con distintos niveles de exigencias mecánicas y sin problemas ambientales asociados con procesos de lixiviación. Con el presente trabajo de investigación se completan los objetivos iniciales de la tesis, con la obtención de nuevos e innovadores materiales base-cemento eco-eficientes que incorporan cenizas de biomasa (CB) con aplicación integral en el campo de la construcción. ABSTRACT The use of biomass as a fuel for the generation of bio-energy is increasing nowadays, due to its zero environmental impact in terms of CO2 emissions. Therefore the generation of biomass ash, a by-product of this energy, is an environmental problem with a clear social and economic impact. This type of ash contains oxides that make it attractive to be used as a partial replacement of Portland cement, providing an eco-efficient solution to this residue, while reducing the emission of greenhouse gases associated with the production of cement. The present research is focused on the development of new and innovative eco-efficient cement-based materials that incorporate biomass ash for their comprehensive application in construction. For this purpose a biomass ash (CB) is used from a fluidized bed forest combustor mainly fed with the bark of eucalyptus trees, provided by the ENCE-Navia (Asturias) group. The work includes in the first stage the characterization of the raw materials and the analysis of viability of their valorization in cement-based materials. Within this analysis, the activation of the ash is proposed by hydrothermal treatment (HT) in different conditions of activation medium, temperature and process duration, aiming an enhanced formation of hydrated phases to improve the ash valorization in the construction materials field. As an interesting hydrated phase, the tobermorite (Ca2.25(Si3O7.5(OH)1.5)(H2O)) is obtained from the process. This phase is considered as a precursor of the gel C-S-H, responsible for the development of mechanical strength in cement-based materials. HT process is optimized for the most efficient synthesis of tobermorite. The analysis of mechanical and microstructural properties of eco-efficient cement pastes incorporating CB ash and hydrothermally treated ash, CB-TH, confirms an improved viability of incorporation of CB ash as a partial replacement for Portland cement in the case. As a next step in the development of these innovative eco-efficient cement-based materials, a multiscale study of the materials that incorporate CB by different physical-mechanical and durability tests is carried out. The results indicate that the presence of biomass ash does not give rise to negative effects on the physical properties of the eco-efficient mortars analyzed. Nevertheless, the addition of CB produces a better durability performance due to microstructural modifications that hinder the transport of aggressive agents through the material. Moreover, mortars with a 10% and 20% of partial substitution of cement by the CB biomass ash (CB-10 and CB-20) show a compressive resistance of 53.3 and 50.5 MPa at 28 days of curing, respectively. These mortars are comparable to an ordinary Portland cement type CEM I with a resistance class of 42.5R. Finally, and in order to provide the opening of these new eco-efficient cement to the market in the field of construction materials, certain properties specifically related to different types of applications are studied. Among these, the properties concerning the application in mortar tiles are analyzed and the results indicate a similar, or even better performance of the eco-efficient mortar that incorporates CB, with respect to Portland cement. The viability of structural application of the developed eco-efficient cement is also performed considering the study of the adhesion to steel, with results similar to those of the reference material. Regarding the results of extraction and analysis of the aqueous phase of the pores, a pH value guaranteeing reinforcement passivation is obtained for all the eco-efficient matrices. However, high chloride content is obtained suggesting the suitability of a more detailed study to evaluate the application of these new eco-efficient materials in reinforced concrete. It is established that all the matrices incorporating CB in percentages between 10 and 90% may be considered adequate as new more eco-efficient construction materials in applications with different levels of mechanical demand and without environmental problems associated to leaching processes. In this research the initial objectives of the thesis are fulfilled by obtaining new and innovative eco-efficient cement-based materials that incorporate biomass ashes (CB) with comprehensive application in the construction field.
Equacionar a problemática do aumento da geração de resíduos sólidos é tarefa complexa, que envolve entre outras, questões de ordem ambiental, de saúde pública e econômica. Quando se trata de disposição final de resíduos sólidos, o aterro sanitário é a única técnica utilizada ambientalmente correta, porém ainda são poucas as cidades que a emprega. Espera-se que nos próximos anos, aumente o número de municípios com aterro sanitário e deste modo, surge um outro problema de cunho ambiental, e em nível mais global, que se refere aos gases liberados pelos aterros sanitários, durante a decomposição anaeróbia da parte orgânica dos resíduos. Estão entre estes gases, o dióxido de carbono e o metano, que contribuem para o efeito estufa. Se por um lado o metano é prejudicial, quando se trata de efeito estufa, por outro lado, pode ser utilizado para fins energéticos como fonte de energia renovável e justamente substituindo os combustíveis fósseis, que representam a maior fonte dos chamados gases de efeito estufa. O presente trabalho, tem como objetivo inicial, levantar as alternativas para o uso de gases de aterro sanitário como fonte de energia, em um segundo momento do trabalho, relacionar as fases da digestão anaeróbia com a produção de metano, através da análise de amostras coletadas em diferentes pontos e profundidades do aterro do município de Piracicaba/SP.
A engenharia é a ciência que transforma os conhecimentos das disciplinas básicas aplicadas a fatos reais. Nosso mundo está rodeado por essas realizações da engenharia, e é necessário que as pessoas se sintam confortáveis e seguras nas mesmas. Assim, a segurança se torna um fator importante que deve ser considerado em qualquer projeto. Na engenharia naval, um apropriado nível de segurança e, em consequência, um correto desenho estrutural é baseado, atualmente, em estudos determinísticos com o objetivo de obter estruturas capazes de suportar o pior cenário possível de solicitações durante um período de tempo determinado. A maior parte das solicitações na estrutura de um navio se deve à ação da natureza (ventos, ondas, correnteza e tempestades), ou, ainda, aos erros cometidos por humanos (explosões internas, explosões externas e colisões). Devido à aleatoriedade destes eventos, a confiabilidade estrutural de um navio deveria ser considerada como um problema estocástico sob condições ambientais bem caracterizadas. A metodologia probabilística, baseada em estatística e incertezas, oferece uma melhor perspectiva dos fenômenos reais que acontecem na estrutura dos navios. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo apresentar resultados de confiabilidade estrutural em projetos e planejamento da manutenção para a chapa do fundo dos cascos dos navios, as quais são submetidas a esforços variáveis pela ação das ondas do mar e da corrosão. Foram estudados modelos estatísticos para a avaliação da estrutura da viga-navio e para o detalhe estrutural da chapa do fundo. Na avaliação da estrutura da viga-navio, o modelo desenvolvido consiste em determinar as probabilidades de ocorrência das solicitações na estrutura, considerando a deterioração por corrosão, com base numa investigação estatística da variação dos esforços em função das ondas e a deterioração em função de uma taxa de corrosão padrão recomendada pela DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV). A abordagem para avaliação da confiabilidade dependente do tempo é desenvolvida com base nas curvas de resistências e solicitações (R-S) determinadas pela utilização do método de Monte Carlo. Uma variação estatística de longo prazo das adversidades é determinada pelo estudo estatístico de ondas em longo prazo e ajustada por uma distribuição com base numa vida de projeto conhecida. Constam no trabalho resultados da variação da confiabilidade ao longo do tempo de um navio petroleiro. O caso de estudo foi simplificado para facilitar a obtenção de dados, com o objetivo de corroborar a metodologia desenvolvida.
Dealing with the environmental problems is one of the biggest challenges within the field of architectural technology. Solutions to this problem are mostly exclusively sought in materials and computer technology. However, far more attention should be paid to humans and their role in this problem. This paper presents a small part of our bachelor thesis, which started as an investigation on the Dutch terraced house and through research ended as a study on the human behaviour and motivation. The first part of this paper, the evolution, is focussed on the traditional way of problem solving. The second part, the revolution, is focussed on human behaviour and motivation. These two studies put together lead to our conclusion: The only way to structurally solve our environmental problem is to revolutionize our way of building by involving the human interaction into our solution instead of forcing it out.
South Asia's pursuit of economic development has entailed considerable damage to and exposed the fragility of the physical environment of the region. This paper provides an analytical overview of the of the environmental problem that manifest themselves in South Asia in a comparative perspective with East and Southeast Asian countries as well as selected developed market economics. To date, South Asian development process has been environment-intensive and environment-depleting. It is argued that environmental problems are likely to set serious constraints to sustain growth in production to support a growing population. By exploring the relationship between indices of human welfare and bio-diversity conservation. the paper exposes the dichotomy of the development process. Finally, the study underscores the need for a range of policy options that rely both based and non-market based instruments in an integrated setting to enviromnentalize South Asian economic development. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
Seawater intrusion in coastal agricultural areas due to groundwater abstraction is a major environmental problem along the northeastern coast of Australia. Management options are being explored using numerical modelling, however, questions remain concerning the appropriate level of sophistication in models, choice of seaward boundary conditions, and how to accommodate heterogeneity and data uncertainty. The choice of seaward boundary condition is important since it affects the amount of salt transported into the aquifers and forms the focus of the present study. The impact of this boundary condition is illustrated for the seawater-intrusion problem in the Gooburrum aquifers, which occur within Tertiary sedimentary strata. A two-dimensional variable-density groundwater and solute-transport model was constructed using the computer code 2DFEMFAT (Cheng et al. 1998). The code was tested against an experiment for a steady-state freshwater-saltwater interface and against the Elder (Elder 1967) free-convection problem. Numerical simulations show that the imposition of the commonly-used equivalent hydrostatic freshwater heads, combined with a constant salt concentration at the seaward boundary, results in overestimated seawater intrusion in the lower Gooburrum aquifer. Since the imposition of this boundary condition allows water flow across the boundary, which subsequently takes salt into the aquifer, a careful check is essential to estimate whether too much mass of salt is introduced.
From the second half of the twentieth century the state bega n to use exaction beyond your fiscalist character, also as a means of alignment deformities economic and social balance, influencing in different directions, according to economic, social and political policy. It is what is usually called the extrafiscalit y. It is in light of this phenomenon and the constitutional perspective, the present work aims to analyze item IV of article. 8 of Law n. 6.967/96, regulatory Property Tax Vehicle Automotive (property taxes) in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, in view of its possible incompatibility with the principles of the Basic Statute and with international guidelines for protection of the environment The problem of this research is Seated in art. 225 of the Constitution, which provides that everyone has the right to an ecologically balanced environment. From the reading of this standard, extracted it is the responsibility of the state protecting the environment, which requires the adoption of suitable actions to that end. However, we look to state law cited follows th e constitutional path, since it exempts the collection of property taxes automotive vehicles with over 10 years of manufacturing, which could encourage the conservation of a fleet of old vehicles, mostly more polluting and harmful to the environment and hu man health. Would the state legislature oblivious to the constitutional principles and the global trend of environmental preservation? Thus questions whether such an incentive for more polluting vehicles, emitting more gases in the atmosphere. Moreover, th e international community is already moving through important conventions in an attempt to minimize and control global warming and climate change. Predicting the theme in CF/88 demonstrates that the country is no stranger to the issue. Thus, the work is a retelling of Law No. 6.967/96 order to check whether it is compatible with the existing system. The methodology consists of a documentary, deductive, dialectical literature. At the end of the survey, it was found that provide a tax benefit to these vehicle s is encouraged to maintain them in circulation and contribute to the increase in air and noise pollution, in addition to the traffic problems generated. Thus, this potiguar anything standard can be expressed extrafiscality because the medium and long term there is encouragement and worsening environmental problem. Despite the ability to pay clause, but this remission is an affront to legally protected interests. Thus, this device goes in reverse order compared to the values of the legal system and in relat ion to sustainable development. Modern Tax Law should be used as a tool to achieve the purposes collimated by the State, and not otherwise. It was noticed that the vast majority of Brazilian states does not follow this rule, including Mato Grosso and Minas Gerais have no such exemption. Therefore, the RN State does not constitute a model for sustainable public policies, nor example of environmental protection by state law.