935 resultados para electronic conducting polymers


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The thesis deals with the preparation and dielectric characterization of Poly aniline and its analogues in ISM band frequency of 2-4 GHz that includes part of the microwave region (300 MHz to 300 GHz) of the electromagnetic spectrum and an initial dielectric study in the high frequency [O.05MHz-13 MHz]. PolyaniIine has been synthesized by an in situ doping reaction under different temperature and in the presence of inorganic dopants such as HCl H2S04, HN03, HCl04 and organic dopants such as camphorsulphonic acid [CSA], toluenesulphonic acid {TSA) and naphthalenesulphonic acid [NSA]. The variation in dielectric properties with change in reaction temperature, dopants and frequency has been studied. The effect of codopants and microemulsions on the dielectric properties has also been studied in the ISM band. The ISM band of frequencies (2-4 GHz) is of great utility in Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) applications. Microwave heating is a very efficient method of heating dielectric materials and is extensively used in industrial as well as household heating applications.


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Voltammetric sensors are an important class of electrochemical sensors in which the analytical information is obtained from the measurement of current obtained as a result of electrochemical oxidation/reduction.This current is proportional to the concentration of the analyte.Chemically modified electrodes(CMEs) have great significance as important analytical tools for the electrochemical determination of pharmaceuticals.The modification of electrode results in efficient determination of electro-active biomolecules at very lower potential without its major interferences.The operation mechanism of CMEs depends on the properties of the modifier materials that are used to promote selectivity towards the target analytes.Modified electrodes can be prepared by deposition of various compounds such as organic compounds ,conducting polymers,metal oxides,etc. on the various electrode surfaces.The thesis presents the development ,electrochemical characterization and analytical application studies of eight voltammetric sensors developed for six drugs viz.,Ambroxol,Sulfamethoxazole,PAM Chloride, Lamivudine,Metronidazole and Nimesulide.The modification techniques adopted as part of the present work include Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube(MWCNT) based modification.Electropolymerisation and Gold Nanoparticle (AuNP) based modifications.


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The present work deals with investigations on some technologically important polymer nanocomposite films and semi crystalline polypyrrole films.The work presented in the thesis deals with the realization of novel polymer nanocomposites with enhanced functionalities and prospects of applications in the fields related to nanophotonics. The development of inorganic/polymer nanocomposites is a rapidly expanding multidisciplinary research area with profound industrial applications. The incorporation of suitable inorganic nanoparticles can endow the resulting nanocomposites with excellent electrical, optical and mechanical properties. The first chapter gives a general introduction to nanotechnology, nanocomposites and conducting polymers. It also emphasizes the significance of ZnO among other semiconductor materials, which forms the inorganic filler in the polymer nanocomposites of the present study. This chapter also gives general ideas on the properties and applications of conducting polymers with special reference to polypyrrole. The objectives of the present investigations are also clearly addressed in this chapter. The second chapter deals with the theoretical aspects and details of all the experimental techniques used in the present work for the synthesis of polymer nanocomposites and polypyrrole samples and their various characterizations. Chapter 3 is based on the preparation and properties of ZnO/Polystyrene nanocomposite film samples. The optical properties of these nanocomoposite films are discussed in detail.Chapter 4 deals with the detailed investigations on the dependence of the optical properties of ZnO/PS nanocomposite films on the size of the nanostructured ZnO filler material. The excellent UV shielding properties of these nanocomposite films form the highlight of this chapter. Chapter 5 gives a detailed analysis of the nonlinear optical properties of ZnO/PS nanocomposite films using Z scan technique. The effect of ZnO particle size in the composite films on the nonlinear properties is discussed. The present study involves two phases of research activities. In the first phase, the linear and nonlinear optical properties of ZnO/polymer nanocomposites are investigated in detail. The second phase of work is centered on the synthesis and related studies on highly crystalline polypyrrole films. In the present study, nanosized ZnO is synthesized using wet chemical method at two different temperatures


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Polyaniline is a widely studied conducting polymer and is a useful material in its bulk and thin film form for many applications, because of its excellent optical and electrical properties. Pristine and iodine doped polyaniline thin films were prepared by a.c. and rf plasma polymerization techniques separately for the comparison of their optical and electrical properties. Doping of iodine was effected in situ. The structural properties of these films were evaluated by FTIR spectroscopy and the optical band gap was estimated from UV-vis-NIR measurements. Comparative studies on the structural, optical and electrical properties of a.c. and rf polymerization are presented here. It has been found that the optical band gap of the polyaniline thin films prepared by rf and a.c. plasma polymerization techniques differ considerably and the band gap is further reduced by in situ doping of iodine. The electrical conductivity measurements on these films show a higher value of electrical conductivity in the case of rf plasma polymerized thin films when compared to the a.c. plasma polymerized films. Also, it is found that the iodine doping enhanced conductivity of the polymer thin films considerably. The results are compared and correlated and have been explained with respect to the different structures adopted under these two preparation techniques


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Intrinsisch leitfähige Polymere sind durch eine Reihe materialspezifischer Eigenschaften gekennzeichnet. In Abhängigkeit des angelegten Potenzials und der chemischen Umgebung zeigen sie elektrochromes Verhalten, Veränderungen der Masse, des Volumens und der elektronischen Leitfähigkeit. Basierend auf diesen Eigenschaften eignen sich halbleitende organische Polymere als funktionales Material für Anwendungen in der Mikro- und Nanotechnologie, insbesondere für miniaturisierte chemische Sensoren und Aktoren. Im Gegensatz zu konventionellen Piezo-Aktoren operieren diese Aktoren z. B. bei Spannungen unterhalb 1 V. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit den elektrochemomechanischen Eigenschaften der ausgewählten Polymere Polyanilin und Polypyrrol, d. h. mit den potenzialkontrollierten Veränderungen des Volumens, der Struktur und der mechanischen Eigenschaften. Bei diesem Prozess werden positive Ladungen innerhalb der Polymerphase generiert. Um die für den Ladungsausgleich benötigten Gegenionen bereitzustellen, werden alle Messungen in Anwesenheit eines wässrigen Elektrolyten durchgeführt. Der Ladungstransport und die Volumenänderungen werden mit den Methoden der zyklischen Voltammetrie, der elektrochemischen Quarzmikrowaage und der Rastersondenmikroskopie untersucht. Signifikante Ergebnisse können für dünne homogene Polymerschichten erhalten werden, wobei Schichtdicken oberhalb 150 nm aufgrund der insbesondere bei Polyanilin einsetzenden Bildung von Fadenstrukturen (Fibrillen) vermieden werden. Von besonderem Interesse im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ist die Kombination der funktionalen Polymere mit Strukturen auf Siliziumbasis, insbesondere mit mikrostrukturierten Cantilevern. Die zuvor erhaltenen Ergebnisse bilden die Grundlage für das Design und die Dimensionierung der Mikroaktoren. Diese bestehen aus Siliziumcantilevern, die eine Elektrodenschicht aus Gold oder Platin tragen. Auf der Elektrode wird mittels Elektrodeposition eine homogene Schicht Polymer mit Schichtdicken bis zu 150 nm aufgebracht. Die Aktorcharakteristik, die Biegung des Cantilevers aufgrund des angelegten Potenzials, wird mit dem aus der Rastersondenmikroskopie bekannten Lichtzeigerverfahren gemessen. Das Aktorsystem wird hinsichtlich des angelegten Potenzials, des Elektrolyten und der Redox-Kinetik charakterisiert. Die verschiedenen Beiträge zum Aktorverhalten werden in situ während des Schichtwachstums untersucht. Das beobachtete Verhalten kann als Superposition verschiedener Effekte beschrieben werden. Darunter sind die Elektrodenaufladung (Elektrokapillarität), die Veränderungen der Elektrodenoberfläche durch dünne Oxidschichten und die Elektrochemomechanik des Polymers.


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A novel but simple time-of-flight neutron scattering geometry which allows structural anisotropy to be probed directly, simultaneously and thus unambiguously in polymeric and other materials is described. A particular advantage of the simultaneous data collection when coupled to the large area of the beam is that it enables thin films (< 10 μm < 10 mg) to be studied with relative ease. The utility of the technique is illustrated by studies on both deformed poly(styrene) glasses and on thin films of electrical conducting polymers. In the latter case, the power of isotopic substitution is illustrated to great effect. The development of these procedures for use in other areas of materials science is briefly discussed.


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We show that a broad class of quantum critical points can be stable against locally correlated disorder even if they are unstable against uncorrelated disorder. Although this result seemingly contradicts the Harris criterion, it follows naturally from the absence of a random-mass term in the associated order parameter field theory. We illustrate the general concept with explicit calculations for quantum spin-chain models. Instead of the infinite-randomness physics induced by uncorrelated disorder, we find that weak locally correlated disorder is irrelevant. For larger disorder, we find a line of critical points with unusual properties such as an increase of the entanglement entropy with the disorder strength. We also propose experimental realizations in the context of quantum magnetism and cold-atom physics. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2011


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The electrical properties of conducting polymers make them useful materials in a wide number of technological applications. In the last decade, an important effect on the properties of the conducting polymer when iron oxides particles are incorporated into the conductive matrix was shown. In the present study, films of polypyrrole were synthesized in the presence of magnetite particles. The effect of the magnetite particles on the structure of the polymer matrix was determined using Raman spectroscopy. Mass variations at different concentrations of Fe(3)O(4) incorporated into the conducting matrix were also measured by means of quartz crystal microbalance. Additionally, the changes in the resistance of the films were evaluated over time by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in solid state. These results show that the magnetite incorporation decreases polymeric film resistance and Raman experiments have evidenced that the incorporation of magnetite into polymeric matrix not only stabilizes the polaronic form of the polypyrrole, but also preserves the polymer from further oxidation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The interactions of emeraldine base form of polyaniline (EB-PANI) and Eu(III) ions in 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP) solution and in films have been investigated by UV-vis-NIR, resonance Raman. luminescence and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopies. These spectroscopic techniques allowed to characterize quinone and semiquinone segments in the polymeric chains. and the oxidation state of europium ions in Eu-PANI samples. For high values of Eu(III)/N molar ratio (24/1) the presence of a weak polaronic absorption band at 980 nm in UV-vis-NIR spectrum and the observation of bands at 1330 and 1378 (nu(center dot)(C-N+)) cm(-1) due to emeraldine salt in the Raman spectrum at 1064 nm indicate a low doping degree. Oxidation of EB-PANI to pernigraniline base (PB-PANI) occurs in diluted solutions. The experimental data showed that the solvent plays an important role on the nature of formed species. The narrow EPR signal at g = 2.006 (line width 8G) confirms the presence of PANI radical cations in Eu-PANI film. The absence of broad signal characteristic of Eu(II) in EPR spectrum suggested that europium ions are primarily at Eu(III) oxidation state. The luminescence spectra of Eu-PANI film presented emission bands at 405 and 418 nm assigned to PANI moieties and bands at 594,615 and 701 nm assigned to (5)D(0) -> (7)F(J) (J = 1, 2 and 4, respectively) transitions of Eu(III). EPR and photoluminescence data confirm that europium ions are mainly in Eu(III) oxidation state in Eu(III)/PANI films. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work deals with the structural and vibrational characterization of PANI nanofibers prepared through interfacial polymerization using different concentrations of HCl aqueous solution. The results were compared to those obtained by PANI prepared through the conventional route. X-ray diffraction and small-angle X-ray scattering techniques showed that high concentrations of HCl solutions used in the preparation of the PANI nanofibers reduce their crystallinity. The increase of regions with granular morphology was also observed in the scanning electron microscopy images. The changes in the resonance Raman spectra from 200 to 500 cm(-1), FTIR spectra, and the EPR data of the PANI nanofibers reveal an increase in the torsion angles of C-ring-N-C-ring segments owing the formation of bipolarons in the PANI backbone higher than the PANI samples prepared by conventional route.


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Polymeric electroactive blends formed by electropolymerized aniline inside a non-conductive polyacrylamide porous matrix were already shown as suitable materials for the electrocontrolled release of model compounds like safranin. In this paper the intermolecular interactions between the two components of the blend are put in evidence by Raman spectroscopy measurements. Also, in situ optical microscopy was used to follow changes occurring in the polyaniline/polyacrylamide blend during pyrocathecol violet release tests. These two sets of experiments show the possibility of controlling electrochemically the release of both, safranin (a cation) and pyrocathecol violet (an anion) and allow to infer a release mechanism based on the electromechanical properties of the blends explaining the dependence of the release kinetics on the applied potential. Tetracycline release curves for different potentials and pHs are shown and the obtained profiles are in agreement with those expected for a device acting as an electrochemically driven pump due to the artificial muscle properties of the conducting phase of the blends. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The polymerization of the intercalated aniline ions was studied in three different clays, Swy2-montmorillonite (MMT), synthetic mica-montmorillonite (Synl) and pillarized Swy2-montmorillonite (PILC). PANI is formed between the MMT and Syn1 clay layers, being confirmed by the shift of d(001) peak in the X-ray pattern. X-ray Absorption near to Si K edge (Si K XANES) data show that the structures of clays are preserved after the polymerization process and in addition to the SEM images show that morphologies of the clays are maintained after polymerization, indicating no polymerization in their external surface. UV-vis-NIR and resonance Raman data display that the PANI formed in Syn1 galleries has higher amount of phenazinic rings than observed for PANI intercalated in montmorillonite (MMT) clay. No polymer formation was detected in the PILC. N K XANES and EPR spectroscopies show the presence of azo and radical nitrogen in intercalated PAN! chains. Hence, the results are rationalized considering the structural differences between the clays for understanding the role of the anilinium polymerization within the clays galleries. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The products formed from the reaction of emeraldine base polyaniline (EB-PANI) with Fe(III) ions in N-methyl-pyrrolidone (NMP), dimethylacetamide (DMA), dimethylformamide (DMF) and m-cresol media have been investigated using UV-VIS-NIR and resonance Raman (lambda(0) = 632.8 and 1064 nm) spectroscopies. Through these results it was verified that the different PANI forms in solution can be formed by the suitable choice of the solvent. The behavior of Fe(III)/EB-PANI in different solvents was rationalized in terms of the interactions among Fe(III) ions, EB-PANI and solvent. In basic NMP, DMA and DMF media, the reaction of Fe(III) with EB-PANI yields EB-PANI doping giving ES-PANI and/or the EB-PANI oxidation to PB-PANI. The formation of ES-PANI is favored in DMF while PB-PANI is formed in a greater extension in NMP and DMA. In acidic m-cresol, only ES-PANI is produced in Fe(III)/EB-PANI solutions indicating the important role played by the solvent in the nature of the product. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Poly(ortho-phenylenediamine) and oligomers of ortho-phenylenediamine were chemically synthesized and characterized by UV-vis, (1)H and (13)C NMR, FTIR and resonance Raman spectroscopies. Polymerization of ortho-phenylenediamine in HCl medium with ammonium persulfate only leads the trimer compound, in disagreement with some previous reports. Nevertheless, in acetic acid medium it was possible to prepare a polymer constituted by ladder phenazinic segments with different protonation levels and quinonediimine rings (polyaniline-like). X-ray absorption at N K-edge (N K XANES), X-ray photoelectron (XPS) and Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopies were used to determine the different kinds of nitrogen presents in this class of polymer. N K XANES spectrum of poly(ortho-phenylenediamine) shows the band of -N=nitrogen of non-protonated phenazinic rings at 398.2 eV. In addition, XPS and N K XANES data confirm the presence of different types of protonated nitrogens in the polymeric poly(ortho-phenylenediamine) chain and the EPR spectrum shows that the polymer has a very weak polaronic signal. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The influence of molecular oxygen in the interactions of emeraldine base form of polyaniline (EB-PANI) with Fe(III) or Cu(II) ions in 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP) solutions has been investigated by UV-vis-NIR, resonance Raman and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopies. Through the set of spectroscopic results it was possible to rationalize the role Of O(2) and to construct a scheme of preferential routes occurring in the interaction of EB-PANI with Fe(III) or Cu(II). Solutions of 4.0 mmol L(-1) EB-PANI with 0.8, 2.0 and 20 mmol L(-1) Fe(III) or Cu(II) ions in NMP were investigated and the main observed reactions were EB-PANI oxidation to pernigraniline (PB-PANI) and EB-PANI doping process by pseudo-protonation, or by a two-step redox process. In the presence Of O(2), PB-PANI is observed in all Fe(III)/EB solutions and EB-PANI doping only occurs in solutions with high Fe(III) concentrations through pseudo-protonation. On the other hand, emeraldine salt (ES-PANI) is formed in all Fe(III)/EB solutions under N(2) atmosphere and, in this case, doping occurs both by the pseudo-protonation and two-step redox mechanisms. In all Cu(II)/EB solutions PB-PANI is formed both in the presence and absence of O(2), and only for solutions with high Cu(II) concentrations doping process occurs in a very low degree. The most important result from EPR spectra was providing evidence for redox steps. The determined Cu(II) signal areas under oxygen are higher than under N(2) and, further. the initial metal proportions (1:2:20) are maintained in these spectra, indicating that Cu(I) formed are re-oxidized by O(2) and. so, Cu(II) ions are being recycled. Consistently, for the solutions prepared under nitrogen, the corresponding areas and proportions in the spectra are much lower, confirming that a partial reduction of Cu(II) ions actually occurs. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.