902 resultados para electrical energy storage
Com a crescente integração de energias renováveis variáveis nos sistemas elétricos de energia surgem novos desafios à maneira como se efetua a exploração dos mesmos, devido à dificuldade na previsão produção e na controlabilidade destas energias. Estes desafios são ainda maiores quando se analisa uma rede elétrica isolada de pequenas dimensões sem possibilidade de ser interligada a uma rede continental, por apresentar uma maior fragilidade e dai resultarem critérios de exploração muito mais apertados, de forma a garantir da melhor forma a segurança e estabilidade da rede. Consequentemente existe a necessidade de serem adotadas medidas que atenuem os impactos da variabilidade e tornem mais previsíveis as energias renováveis. É neste âmbito que surgem as tecnologias de armazenamento de energia elétrica. O presente documento apresenta um estudo aprofundado ao sistema eletroprodutor da ilha da Madeira e às suas especificidades, analisando a viabilidade técnica da introdução de baterias em larga escala no sistema. De forma a realizar esta análise, criou-se uma ferramenta de simulação em Matlab, que visou quantificar o impacto da introdução de baterias, quer ao nível da integração de energia eólica, quer ao nível da redução da produção térmica. Esta ferramenta permite ainda uma análise gráfica do diagrama de produção agregado diário, assim como a evolução de potência e energia na bateria.
Kiinnostus sähkön varastointia kohtaan on kasvussa. Nykypäivänä ja etenkin tulevaisuudessa sähkövarastoilla voidaan parantaa energiantuotannon resurssitehokkuutta ja tukea aurinko- ja tuulisähkön käytön lisäämistä. Sähkövarastoja on pieniä ja suuria. On olemassa mekaanisia, sähkökemiallisia, kemiallisia ja sähköisiä varastoteknologioita. Varastoitua energiaa voidaan käyttää eri tehtävissä. Tehtävät vaihtelevat varastoidun energian määrässä ja siinä, millä teholla energia voidaan purkaa varastosta. Suurilla sähkövarastoilla taataan sähköntoimitus ja pienillä parannetaan sähkön laatua jakeluverkossa. Sähkövarastoja ei ole vielä laajasti otettu käyttöön, koska ne ovat kalliita. Sähkövaraston investointikustannukset ovat tällä hetkellä vähintään yhtä suuret kuin samankokoisen perinteisen voimalaitoksen. Sähkövarastojen tutkimus ja kehitys pienentää investointikustannuksia ja nopeuttaa varastojen laajempaa käyttöönottoa.
Electrical energy storage is a really important issue nowadays. As electricity is not easy to be directly stored, it can be stored in other forms and converted back to electricity when needed. As a consequence, storage technologies for electricity can be classified by the form of storage, and in particular we focus on electrochemical energy storage systems, better known as electrochemical batteries. Largely the more widespread batteries are the Lead-Acid ones, in the two main types known as flooded and valve-regulated. Batteries need to be present in many important applications such as in renewable energy systems and in motor vehicles. Consequently, in order to simulate these complex electrical systems, reliable battery models are needed. Although there exist some models developed by experts of chemistry, they are too complex and not expressed in terms of electrical networks. Thus, they are not convenient for a practical use by electrical engineers, who need to interface these models with other electrical systems models, usually described by means of electrical circuits. There are many techniques available in literature by which a battery can be modeled. Starting from the Thevenin based electrical model, it can be adapted to be more reliable for Lead-Acid battery type, with the addition of a parasitic reaction branch and a parallel network. The third-order formulation of this model can be chosen, being a trustworthy general-purpose model, characterized by a good ratio between accuracy and complexity. Considering the equivalent circuit network, all the useful equations describing the battery model are discussed, and then implemented one by one in Matlab/Simulink. The model has been finally validated, and then used to simulate the battery behaviour in different typical conditions.
Beside the traditional paradigm of "centralized" power generation, a new concept of "distributed" generation is emerging, in which the same user becomes pro-sumer. During this transition, the Energy Storage Systems (ESS) can provide multiple services and features, which are necessary for a higher quality of the electrical system and for the optimization of non-programmable Renewable Energy Source (RES) power plants. A ESS prototype was designed, developed and integrated into a renewable energy production system in order to create a smart microgrid and consequently manage in an efficient and intelligent way the energy flow as a function of the power demand. The produced energy can be introduced into the grid, supplied to the load directly or stored in batteries. The microgrid is composed by a 7 kW wind turbine (WT) and a 17 kW photovoltaic (PV) plant are part of. The load is given by electrical utilities of a cheese factory. The ESS is composed by the following two subsystems, a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and a Power Control System (PCS). With the aim of sizing the ESS, a Remote Grid Analyzer (RGA) was designed, realized and connected to the wind turbine, photovoltaic plant and the switchboard. Afterwards, different electrochemical storage technologies were studied, and taking into account the load requirements present in the cheese factory, the most suitable solution was identified in the high temperatures salt Na-NiCl2 battery technology. The data acquisition from all electrical utilities provided a detailed load analysis, indicating the optimal storage size equal to a 30 kW battery system. Moreover a container was designed and realized to locate the BESS and PCS, meeting all the requirements and safety conditions. Furthermore, a smart control system was implemented in order to handle the different applications of the ESS, such as peak shaving or load levelling.
Electrical energy is an essential resource for the modern world. Unfortunately, its price has almost doubled in the last decade. Furthermore, energy production is also currently one of the primary sources of pollution. These concerns are becoming more important in data-centers. As more computational power is required to serve hundreds of millions of users, bigger data-centers are becoming necessary. This results in higher electrical energy consumption. Of all the energy used in data-centers, including power distribution units, lights, and cooling, computer hardware consumes as much as 80%. Consequently, there is opportunity to make data-centers more energy efficient by designing systems with lower energy footprint. Consuming less energy is critical not only in data-centers. It is also important in mobile devices where battery-based energy is a scarce resource. Reducing the energy consumption of these devices will allow them to last longer and re-charge less frequently. Saving energy in computer systems is a challenging problem. Improving a system's energy efficiency usually comes at the cost of compromises in other areas such as performance or reliability. In the case of secondary storage, for example, spinning-down the disks to save energy can incur high latencies if they are accessed while in this state. The challenge is to be able to increase the energy efficiency while keeping the system as reliable and responsive as before. This thesis tackles the problem of improving energy efficiency in existing systems while reducing the impact on performance. First, we propose a new technique to achieve fine grained energy proportionality in multi-disk systems; Second, we design and implement an energy-efficient cache system using flash memory that increases disk idleness to save energy; Finally, we identify and explore solutions for the page fetch-before-update problem in caching systems that can: (a) control better I/O traffic to secondary storage and (b) provide critical performance improvement for energy efficient systems.
In this work, an investigation of the electrical and electrochemical properties responsible for the energy storage capability of nanocomposites has been carried out. We demonstrate that, in the case of the V2O5 xerogel and the nanocomposites polypyrrole (Ppy)/V2O5 and polyaniline (PANI)/V2O5, the quadratic logistic equation (QLE) can be used to fit the inverse of the resistance values as a function of the injected charge in non-steady-state conditions. This contributes to a phenomenological understanding of the lithium ion and electron transport. The departure of the experimental curve from the fitting observed for the V2O5 xerogel can be attributed to the trapping sites formed during the lithium electroinsertion, which was observed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The amount of trapping sites was obtained on the basis of the QLE. Similar values used to fit the inverse of the resistance were also used to fit the absorbance changes, which is also associated with the small polaron hopping from the V(IV) to the V(V) sites. On the other hand, there was good agreement between the experimental and the theoretical data when the profile of the inverse of the resistance as a function of the amount of inserted lithium ions of the nanocomposites Ppy/V2O5 and PANI/ V2O5 was concerned. We suggest that the presence of the conducting polymers is responsible for the different electrical profile of the V2O5 xerogel compared with those of the nanocomposites. In the latter case, interactions between the lithium ions and oxygen atoms from V2O5 are shielded, thus decreasing the trapping effect of lithium ions in the V2O5 sites. The different values of the lithium ion diffusion coefficient into these intercalation materials are in agreement with this hypothesis.
It is important to understand and forecast a typical or a particularly household daily consumption in order to design and size suitable renewable energy systems and energy storage. In this research for Short Term Load Forecasting (STLF) it has been used Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and, despite the consumption unpredictability, it has been shown the possibility to forecast the electricity consumption of a household with certainty. The ANNs are recognized to be a potential methodology for modeling hourly and daily energy consumption and load forecasting. Input variables such as apartment area, numbers of occupants, electrical appliance consumption and Boolean inputs as hourly meter system were considered. Furthermore, the investigation carried out aims to define an ANN architecture and a training algorithm in order to achieve a robust model to be used in forecasting energy consumption in a typical household. It was observed that a feed-forward ANN and the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm provided a good performance. For this research it was used a database with consumption records, logged in 93 real households, in Lisbon, Portugal, between February 2000 and July 2001, including both weekdays and weekend. The results show that the ANN approach provides a reliable model for forecasting household electric energy consumption and load profile. © 2014 The Author.
Scarcity of fuels, changes in environmental policy and in society increased the interest in generating electric energy from renewable energy sources (RES) for a sustainable energy supply in the future. The main problem of RES as solar and wind energy, which represent a main pillar of this transition, is that they cannot supply constant power output. This results inter alia in an increased demand of backup technologies as batteries to assure electricity system safety. The diffusion of energy storage technologies is highly dependent on the energy system and transport transition pathways which might lead to a replacement or reconfiguration of embedded socio-technical practices and regimes (by creating new standards or dominant designs, changing regulations, infrastructure and user patterns). The success of this technology is dependent on hardly predictable future technical advances, actor preferences, development of competing technologies and designs, diverging interests of actors, future cost efficiencies, environmental performance, the evolution of market demand and design and evolution of our society.
Based on the report for the unit “Métodos Interactivos de Participação e Decisão A” (Interactive methods of participation and decision A), coordinated by Prof. Lia Maldonado Teles de Vasconcelos and Prof. Nuno Miguel Ribeiro Videira Costa. This unit was provided for the PhD Program in Technology Assessment in 2015/2016.
Hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) have attracted very much attention during the latest years. Increasing environmental concern and an increase in fuel prices are key factors for the growing interest towards the HEV. In a hybrid electric vehicle the power train consists of both a mechanical power system and an electric power transmission system. The major subsystems in the mechanical power system are the internal combustion engine which powers the vehicle; electric power transmission including an energy storage, power electronic inverter, hybrid control system; the electric motor drive that runs either in the generating mode or in the motoring mode to process the power flow between the energy storage and the electrical machine. This research includes two advanced electric motors for a parallel hybrid: induction machine and permanent magnets synchronous machine. In the thesis an induction motor and a permanent magnet motor are compared as propulsion motors. Electric energy storages are also studied.
The power demand of many mobile working machines such as mine loaders, straddle carriers and harvesters varies significantly during operation, and typically, the average power demand of a working machine is considerably lower than the demand for maximum power. Consequently, for most of the time, the diesel engine of a working machine operates at a poor efficiency far from its optimum efficiency range. However, the energy efficiency of dieseldriven working machines can be improved by electric hybridization. This way, the diesel engine can be dimensioned to operate within its optimum efficiency range, and the electric drive with its energy storages responds to changes in machine loading. A hybrid working machine can be implemented in many ways either as a parallel hybrid, a series hybrid or a combination of these two. The energy efficiency of hybrid working machines can be further enhanced by energy recovery and reuse. This doctoral thesis introduces the component models required in the simulation model of a working machine. Component efficiency maps are applied to the modelling; the efficiency maps for electrical machines are determined analytically in the whole torque–rotational speed plane based on the electricalmachine parameters. Furthermore, the thesis provides simulation models for parallel, series and parallel-series hybrid working machines. With these simulation models, the energy consumption of the working machine can be analysed. In addition, the hybridization process is introduced and described. The thesis provides a case example of the hybridization and dimensioning process of a working machine, starting from the work cycle of the machine. The selection and dimensioning of the hybrid system have a significant impact on the energy consumption of a hybrid working machine. The thesis compares the energy consumption of a working machine implemented by three different hybrid systems (parallel, series and parallel-series) and with different component dimensions. The payback time of a hybrid working machine and the energy storage lifetime are also estimated in the study.
Today, renewable energy technologies and modern power electronics have made it feasible to implement low voltage direct current (LVDC) microgrids (MGs) ca-pable to island operation. Such LVDC networks are particularly useful in remote areas. However, there are still pending issues in island operated LVDC MGs like electrical safety and controlled operation, which should be addressed before wide-scale implementation. This thesis is focused on the overall protection of an island operated LVDC network concept, including protection against electrical shocks, mains equipment protection and protection of photovoltaic (PV) power sources and battery energy storage systems (BESSs). The topic is approached through ex-amination of the safety hazards and the appropriate methods to protect against them, comprising considerations for earthing system selection and realisation of the protection system.
Solid electrolytes for applications like chemical sensing, energy storage, and conversion have been actively investigated and developed since the early sixties. Although of immense potential, solid state protonic conductors have been ignored in comparison with the great interest that has been shown to other ionic conductors like lithium and silver ion conductors. The non-availability of good, stable protonic conductors could be partly the reason for this situation. Although organic solids are better known for their electrical insulating character, ionic conductors of organic origin constitute a recent addition to the class of ionic conductors. However, detailed studies (N1 such conductors are scarce. Also the last decade has witnessed an unprecedented boom in research on organic "conducting polymers". These newly devised materials show conductivity spanning from insulator to metallic regimes, which can be manipulated by appropriate chemical treatment. They find applications in devices ranging from rechargeable batteries to "smart windows". This thesis mainly deals with the synthesis and investigations on the electrical properties of (i) certain organbc protonic conductors derived from ethylenediamine and (ii) substituted polyanilines
Energy efficiency and renewable energy use are two main priorities leading to industrial sustainability nowadays according to European Steel Technology Platform (ESTP). Modernization efforts can be done by industries to improve energy consumptions of the production lines. These days, steel making industrial applications are energy and emission intensive. It was estimated that over the past years, energy consumption and corresponding CO2 generation has increased steadily reaching approximately 338.15 parts per million in august 2010 [1]. These kinds of facts and statistics have introduced a lot of room for improvement in energy efficiency for industrial applications through modernization and use of renewable energy sources such as solar Photovoltaic Systems (PV).The purpose of this thesis work is to make a preliminary design and simulation of the solar photovoltaic system which would attempt to cover the energy demand of the initial part of the pickling line hydraulic system at the SSAB steel plant. For this purpose, the energy consumptions of this hydraulic system would be studied and evaluated and a general analysis of the hydraulic and control components performance would be done which would yield a proper set of guidelines contributing towards future energy savings. The results of the energy efficiency analysis showed that the initial part of the pickling line hydraulic system worked with a low efficiency of 3.3%. Results of general analysis showed that hydraulic accumulators of 650 liter size should be used by the initial part pickling line system in combination with a one pump delivery of 100 l/min. Based on this, one PV system can deliver energy to an AC motor-pump set covering 17.6% of total energy and another PV system can supply a DC hydraulic pump substituting 26.7% of the demand. The first system used 290 m2 area of the roof and was sized as 40 kWp, the second used 109 m2 and was sized as 15.2 kWp. It was concluded that the reason for the low efficiency was the oversized design of the system. Incremental modernization efforts could help to improve the hydraulic system energy efficiency and make the design of the solar photovoltaic system realistically possible. Two types of PV systems where analyzed in the thesis work. A method was found calculating the load simulation sequence based on the energy efficiency studies to help in the PV system simulations. Hydraulic accumulators integrated into the pickling line worked as energy storage when being charged by the PV system as well.