989 resultados para effective size


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In this paper we study the effective electron mass (EEM) in Nano wires (NWs) of nonlinear optical materials on the basis of newly formulated electron dispersion relation by considering all types of anisotropies of the energy band constants within the framework of k . p formalism. The results for NWs of III-V, ternary and quaternary semiconductors form special cases of our generalized analysis. We have also investigated the EEM in NWs of Bi, IV-VI, stressed Kane type materials, Ge, GaSb and Bi2Te3 by formulating the appropriate 1D dispersion law in each case by considering the influence of energy band constants in the respective cases. It has been found that the 1D EEM in nonlinear optical materials depend on the size quantum numbers and Fermi energy due to the anisotropic spin orbit splitting constant and the crystal field splitting respectively. The 1D EEM is Bi, IV-VI, stressed Kane type semiconductors and Ge also depends on both the Fermi energy and the size quantum numbers which are the characteristic features of such NWs. The EEM increases with increase in concentration and decreasing film thickness and for ternary and quaternary compounds the EEM increases with increase in alloy composition. Under certain special conditions all the results for all the materials get simplified into the well known parabolic energy bands and thus confirming the compatibility test.


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In the search for newer distributed phases that can be used in Ni-composite coatings, inexpensive and naturally available pumice has been identified as a potential candidate material. The composition of the pumice mineral as determined by Rietveld analysis shows the presence of corundum, quartz, mulllite, moganite and coesite phases. Pumice stone is crushed, ball-milled, dried and dispersed in a nickel sulfamate bath and Ni-pumice coatings are electrodeposited at different current densities and magnetic agitation speeds. Pumice particles are uniformly incorporated in the nickel matrix and Ni-pumice composite coatings with microhardness as high as 540 HK are obtained at the lowest applied current density. In the electrodeposited Ni-pumice coatings, the grain size of Ni increases with the applied current density. The overall intensity of texture development is slightly stronger for the Ni-pumice composite coating compared to plain Ni coating and the texture evolution is possibly not the strongest deciding factor for the enhanced properties of Ni-pumice coatings. The wear and oxidation resistances of Ni-pumice coating are commensurate with that of Ni-SiC coating electrodeposited under similar conditions. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have performed fully atomistic classical molecular dynamics simulations to calculate the effective interaction between two polyamidoamine dendrimers. Using the umbrella sampling technique, we have obtained the potential of mean force (PMF) between the dendrimers and investigated the effects of protonation level and dendrimer size on the PMF. Our results show that the interaction between the dendrimers can be tuned from purely repulsive to partly attractive by changing the protonation level. The PMF profiles are well-fitted by the sum of an exponential and a Gaussian function with the weight of the exponential function dominating over that of the Gaussian function. This observation is in disagreement with the results obtained in previous analytic C. Likos, M. Schmidt, H. Lowen, M. Ballauff, D. Potschke, and P. Lindner, Macromolecules 34, 2914 (2001)] and coarse-grained simulation I. Gotze, H. Harreis, and C. Likos, J. Chem. Phys. 120, 7761 (2004)] studies which predicted the effective interaction to be Gaussian. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A reactive polymer nanocomposite system was proposed as an effective water vapor barrier material for organic device encapsulation. Nanosized magnesium oxide (MgO) was synthesized by the solution combustion technique using two different fuels, lactose and alanine. The purity and crystallite size of MgO were determined from X-ray diffraction studies. The surface areas and porosity measurements were used to determine the water adsorption capacities of MgO. Nanocomposites with various concentrations (wt% = 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2.5) of MgO were prepared using Surlyn as the base polymer. The permeation rate of moisture through the fabricated films was calculated using calcium degradation test and these rates were further used to calculate the diffusivities. Accelerated aging experiments were conducted to study the performance of organic photovoltaic devices encapsulated with synthesized films under accelerated weathering conditions. The performance of the barrier materials with synthesized MgO was also compared to that obtained with commercial MgO. The films containing MgO obtained from lactose exhibited better barrier properties compared to other films made with commercial MgO and MgO synthesized using alanine as well as other nanocomposites reported in the literature.


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We present the results of combined experimental and theoretical (molecular dynamics simulations and integral equation theory) studies of the structure and effective interactions of suspensions of polymer grafted nanoparticles (PGNPs) in the presence of linear polymers. Due to the absence of systematic experimental and theoretical studies of PGNPs, it is widely believed that the structure and effective interactions in such binary mixtures would be very similar to those of an analogous soft colloidal material-star polymers. In our study, polystyrene-grafted gold nanoparticles with functionality f = 70 were mixed with linear polystyrene (PS) of two different molecular weights for obtaining two PGNP: PS size ratios, xi = 0.14 and 2.76 (where, xi = M-g/M-m, M-g and M-m being the molecular weights of grafting and matrix polymers, respectively). The experimental structure factor of PGNPs could be modeled with an effective potential (Model-X), which has been found to be widely applicable for star polymers. Similarly, the structure factor of the blends with xi = 0.14 could be modeled reasonably well, while the structure of blends with xi = 2.76 could not be captured, especially for high density of added polymers. A model (Model-Y) for effective interactions between PGNPs in a melt of matrix polymers also failed to provide good agreement with the experimental data for samples with xi = 2.76 and high density of added polymers. We tentatively attribute this anomaly in modeling the structure factor of blends with xi = 2.76 to the questionable assumption of Model-X in describing the added polymers as star polymers with functionality 2, which gets manifested in both polymer-polymer and polymer-PGNP interactions especially at higher fractions of added polymers. The failure of Model-Y may be due to the neglect of possible many-body interactions among PGNPs mediated by matrix polymers when the fraction of added polymers is high. These observations point to the need for a new framework to understand not only the structural behavior of PGNPs but also possibly their dynamics and thermo-mechanical properties as well. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Campaigners are increasingly using online social networking platforms for promoting products, ideas and information. A popular method of promoting a product or even an idea is incentivizing individuals to evangelize the idea vigorously by providing them with referral rewards in the form of discounts, cash backs, or social recognition. Due to budget constraints on scarce resources such as money and manpower, it may not be possible to provide incentives for the entire population, and hence incentives need to be allocated judiciously to appropriate individuals for ensuring the highest possible outreach size. We aim to do the same by formulating and solving an optimization problem using percolation theory. In particular, we compute the set of individuals that are provided incentives for minimizing the expected cost while ensuring a given outreach size. We also solve the problem of computing the set of individuals to be incentivized for maximizing the outreach size for given cost budget. The optimization problem turns out to be non trivial; it involves quantities that need to be computed by numerically solving a fixed point equation. Our primary contribution is, that for a fairly general cost structure, we show that the optimization problems can be solved by solving a simple linear program. We believe that our approach of using percolation theory to formulate an optimization problem is the first of its kind. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effective thermal conductivity of steel alloy FeCrAlY (Fe-20 wt.% Cr-5 wt.% Al-2 wt.% Y-20 wt.%) foams with a range of pore sizes and porosities was measured between 300 and 800 K, under both vacuum and atmospheric conditions. The results show that the effective thermal conductivity increases rapidly as temperature is increased, particularly in the higher temperature range (500-800 K) where the transport of heat is dominated by thermal radiation. The effective conductivity at temperature 800 K can be three times higher than that at room temperature (300 K). Results obtained under vacuum conditions reveal that the effective conductivity increases with increasing pore size or decreasing porosity. The contribution of natural convection to heat conduction was found to be significant, with the effective thermal conductivity at ambient pressure twice the value of vacuum condition. The results also show that natural convection in metal foams is strongly dependent upon porosity. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effective elastic modulus and fracture toughness of the nanofilm were derived with the surface relaxation and the surface energy taken into consideration by means of the interatomic potential of an ideal crystal. The size effects of the effective elastic modulus and fracture toughness were discussed when the thickness of the nanofilm was reduced. And the dependence of the size effects on the surface relaxation and surface energy was also analyzed.


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In situ compressive tests on specially designed small samples made from brittle metallic foams were accomplished in a loading device equipped in the scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Each of the small samples comprises only several cells in the effective test zone (ETZ), with one major cell in the middle. In such a system one can not only obtain sequential collapse-process images of a single cell and its cell walls with high resolution, but also correlate the detailed failure behaviour of the cell walls with the stress-strain response, therefore reveal the mechanisms of energy absorption in the mesoscopic scale. Meanwhile, the stress-strain behaviour is quite different from that of bulk foams in dimensions of enough large, indicating a strong size effect. According to the in situ observations, four failure modes in the cell-wall level were summarized, and these modes account for the mesoscopic mechanisms of energy absorption. Paralleled compression tests on bulk samples were also carried out, and it is found that both fracturing of a single cell and developing of fracture bands are defect-directed or weakness-directed processes. The mechanical properties of the brittle aluminum foams obtained from the present tests agree well with the size effect model for ductile cellular solids proposed by Onck et al. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An analytical model for thermal conductivity of composites with nanoparticles in a matrix is developed based on the effective medium theory by introducing the intrinsic size effect of thermal conductivity of nanoparticles and the interface thermal resistance effect between two phases. The model predicts the percolation of thermal conductivity with the volume fraction change of the second phase, and the percolation threshold depends on the size and the shape of the nanoparticles. The theoretical predictions are in agreement with the experimental results.


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A generalized model for the effective thermal conductivity of porous media is derived based on the fact that statistical self-similarity exists in porous media. The proposed model assumes that porous media consist of two portions: randomly distributed non-touching particles and self-similarly distributed particles contacting each other with resistance. The latter are simulated by Sierpinski carpets with side length L = 13 and cutout size C = 3, 5, 7 and 9, respectively, depending upon the porosity concerned. Recursive formulae are presented and expressed as a function of porosity, ratio of areas, ratio of component thermal conductivities and contact resistance, and there is no empirical constant and every parameter has a clear physical meaning. The model predictions are compared with the existing experimental data, and good agreement is found in a wide range of porosity of 0.14-0.80, and this verifies the validity of the proposed model.


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A shear-lag model is used to study the mechanical properties of bone-like hierarchical materials. The relationship between the overall effective modulus and the number of hierarchy level is obtained. The result is compared with that based on the tension-shear chain model and finite element simulation, respectively. It is shown that all three models can be used to describe the mechanical behavior of the hierarchical material when the number of hierarchy levels is small. By increasing the number of hierarchy level, the shear-lag result is consistent with the finite element result. However the tension-shear chain model leads to an opposite trend. The transition point position depends on the fraction of hard phase, aspect ratio and modulus ratio of hard phase to soft phase. Further discussion is performed on the flaw tolerance size and strength of hierarchical materials based on the shear-lag analysis.


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A theoretical model is presented to investigate the size-dependent bending elastic properties of a nanobeam with the influence of the surface relaxation and the surface tension taken into consideration. The surface layer and its thickness of a nanostructure are defined unambiguously. A three-dimensional (3D) crystal model for a nanofilm with n layers of relaxed atoms is investigated. The four nonzero elastic constants of the nanofilm are derived, and then the Young's modulus for simple tension is obtained. Using the relation of energy equilibrium, the size-dependent effective elastic modulus and effective flexural rigidity of a nanobeam with two kinds of cross sections are derived, and their dependence on the surface relaxation and the surface tension is analysed.


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The paper traces the different management practices adopted for Nigerian inland water bodies from the Colonial era to independence. It observes that the full potentials of these waters have never been realized over the years due to the absence of an effective management. The replacement of the traditional fisheries management by the centralized top-down approach by government after independence has not helped matters. Lately, the cooperative/community-based management approach has taken the centre stage worldwide. This has been identified to offer the most viable and equitable option towards the attainment of an optimum utilization of the fisheries resource. The entire community sensing security of tenure and enjoying some of the benefits from access control will actively take responsibility and enforcement. The paper drew experiences from some water bodies in Bangladesh, Philippines, Benin Republic and Malawi showing sound management strategy that, if adopted for our small and medium size reservoirs and other water bodies, would help optimize on an sustainable manner the benefits from those water bodies


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The motion of a single Brownian particle of arbitrary size through a dilute colloidal dispersion of neutrally buoyant bath spheres of another characteristic size in a Newtonian solvent is examined in two contexts. First, the particle in question, the probe particle, is subject to a constant applied external force drawing it through the suspension as a simple model for active and nonlinear microrheology. The strength of the applied external force, normalized by the restoring forces of Brownian motion, is the Péclet number, Pe. This dimensionless quantity describes how strongly the probe is upsetting the equilibrium distribution of the bath particles. The mean motion and fluctuations in the probe position are related to interpreted quantities of an effective viscosity of the suspension. These interpreted quantities are calculated to first order in the volume fraction of bath particles and are intimately tied to the spatial distribution, or microstructure, of bath particles relative to the probe. For weak Pe, the disturbance to the equilibrium microstructure is dipolar in nature, with accumulation and depletion regions on the front and rear faces of the probe, respectively. With increasing applied force, the accumulation region compresses to form a thin boundary layer whose thickness scales with the inverse of Pe. The depletion region lengthens to form a trailing wake. The magnitude of the microstructural disturbance is found to grow with increasing bath particle size -- small bath particles in the solvent resemble a continuum with effective microviscosity given by Einstein's viscosity correction for a dilute dispersion of spheres. Large bath particles readily advect toward the minimum approach distance possible between the probe and bath particle, and the probe and bath particle pair rotating as a doublet is the primary mechanism by which the probe particle is able to move past; this is a process that slows the motion of the probe by a factor of the size ratio. The intrinsic microviscosity is found to force thin at low Péclet number due to decreasing contributions from Brownian motion, and force thicken at high Péclet number due to the increasing influence of the configuration-averaged reduction in the probe's hydrodynamic self mobility. Nonmonotonicity at finite sizes is evident in the limiting high-Pe intrinsic microviscosity plateau as a function of bath-to-probe particle size ratio. The intrinsic microviscosity is found to grow with the size ratio for very small probes even at large-but-finite Péclet numbers. However, even a small repulsive interparticle potential, that excludes lubrication interactions, can reduce this intrinsic microviscosity back to an order one quantity. The results of this active microrheology study are compared to previous theoretical studies of falling-ball and towed-ball rheometry and sedimentation and diffusion in polydisperse suspensions, and the singular limit of full hydrodynamic interactions is noted.

Second, the probe particle in question is no longer subject to a constant applied external force. Rather, the particle is considered to be a catalytically-active motor, consuming the bath reactant particles on its reactive face while passively colliding with reactant particles on its inert face. By creating an asymmetric distribution of reactant about its surface, the motor is able to diffusiophoretically propel itself with some mean velocity. The effects of finite size of the solute are examined on the leading order diffusive microstructure of reactant about the motor. Brownian and interparticle contributions to the motor velocity are computed for several interparticle interaction potential lengths and finite reactant-to-motor particle size ratios, with the dimensionless motor velocity increasing with decreasing motor size. A discussion on Brownian rotation frames the context in which these results could be applicable, and future directions are proposed which properly incorporate reactant advection at high motor velocities.