994 resultados para edge C4 graph


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We consider the problem of how to maximize secure connectivity of multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks after deployment. Two approaches, based on graph augmentation problems with nonlinear edge costs, are formulated. The first one is based on establishing a secret key using only the links that are already secured by secret keys. This problem is in NP-hard and does not accept polynomial time approximation scheme PTAS since minimum cutsets to be augmented do not admit constant costs. The second one is based of increasing the power level between a pair of nodes that has a secret key to enable them physically connect. This problem can be formulated as the optimal key establishment problem with interference constraints with bi-objectives: (i) maximizing the concurrent key establishment flow, (ii) minimizing the cost. We show that both problems are NP-hard and MAX-SNP (i.e., it is NP-hard to approximate them within a factor of 1 + e for e > 0 ) with a reduction to MAX3SAT problem. Thus, we design and implement a fully distributed algorithm for authenticated key establishment in wireless sensor networks where each sensor knows only its one- hop neighborhood. Our witness based approaches find witnesses in multi-hop neighborhood to authenticate the key establishment between two sensor nodes which do not share a key and which are not connected through a secure path.


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Traffic congestion has a significant impact on the economy and environment. Encouraging the use of multimodal transport (public transport, bicycle, park’n’ride, etc.) has been identified by traffic operators as a good strategy to tackle congestion issues and its detrimental environmental impacts. A multi-modal and multi-objective trip planner provides users with various multi-modal options optimised on objectives that they prefer (cheapest, fastest, safest, etc) and has a potential to reduce congestion on both a temporal and spatial scale. The computation of multi-modal and multi-objective trips is a complicated mathematical problem, as it must integrate and utilize a diverse range of large data sets, including both road network information and public transport schedules, as well as optimising for a number of competing objectives, where fully optimising for one objective, such as travel time, can adversely affect other objectives, such as cost. The relationship between these objectives can also be quite subjective, as their priorities will vary from user to user. This paper will first outline the various data requirements and formats that are needed for the multi-modal multi-objective trip planner to operate, including static information about the physical infrastructure within Brisbane as well as real-time and historical data to predict traffic flow on the road network and the status of public transport. It will then present information on the graph data structures representing the road and public transport networks within Brisbane that are used in the trip planner to calculate optimal routes. This will allow for an investigation into the various shortest path algorithms that have been researched over the last few decades, and provide a foundation for the construction of the Multi-modal Multi-objective Trip Planner by the development of innovative new algorithms that can operate the large diverse data sets and competing objectives.


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We consider the problem of maximizing the secure connectivity in wireless ad hoc networks, and analyze complexity of the post-deployment key establishment process constrained by physical layer properties such as connectivity, energy consumption and interference. Two approaches, based on graph augmentation problems with nonlinear edge costs, are formulated. The first one is based on establishing a secret key using only the links that are already secured by shared keys. This problem is in NP-hard and does not accept polynomial time approximation scheme PTAS since minimum cutsets to be augmented do not admit constant costs. The second one extends the first problem by increasing the power level between a pair of nodes that has a secret key to enable them physically connect. This problem can be formulated as the optimal key establishment problem with interference constraints with bi-objectives: (i) maximizing the concurrent key establishment flow, (ii) minimizing the cost. We prove that both problems are NP-hard and MAX-SNP with a reduction to MAX3SAT problem.


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Quantitative imaging methods to analyze cell migration assays are not standardized. Here we present a suite of two–dimensional barrier assays describing the collective spreading of an initially–confined population of 3T3 fibroblast cells. To quantify the motility rate we apply two different automatic image detection methods to locate the position of the leading edge of the spreading population after 24, 48 and 72 hours. These results are compared with a manual edge detection method where we systematically vary the detection threshold. Our results indicate that the observed spreading rates are very sensitive to the choice of image analysis tools and we show that a standard measure of cell migration can vary by as much as 25% for the same experimental images depending on the details of the image analysis tools. Our results imply that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to meaningfully compare previously published measures of cell migration since previous results have been obtained using different image analysis techniques and the details of these techniques are not always reported. Using a mathematical model, we provide a physical interpretation of our edge detection results. The physical interpretation is important since edge detection algorithms alone do not specify any physical measure, or physical definition, of the leading edge of the spreading population. Our modeling indicates that variations in the image threshold parameter correspond to a consistent variation in the local cell density. This means that varying the threshold parameter is equivalent to varying the location of the leading edge in the range of approximately 1–5% of the maximum cell density.


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Links between the built environment and human behaviour have long been of interest to those involved in the fields of urban planning and architecture, but direct assessments of the links between the three-dimensional building façade form and human behaviour are rare. Much work has been completed on subjects’ responses to the aesthetic of architectural frontages but this has generally been conducted using two-dimensional images of structures and in no way assesses human responses when in the presence of these structures. This research has set about observing the behaviour of individuals and groups in the public realm and recording their reactions to architecture which has a distinct three-dimensional character, with particular reference to the street level façade. The behaviour was recorded and quantified and indicated that there is significant differences in human behaviour around these various types of architecture.


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First-principles computational studies indicate that (B, N, or O)-doped graphene ribbon edges can substantially reduce the energy barrier for H2 dissociative adsorption. The low barrier is competitive with many widely used metal or metal oxide catalysts. This suggests that suitably functionalized graphene architectures are promising metal-free alternatives for low-cost catalytic processes.


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As highlighted by previous work in Normal Accident Theory1 and High Reliability Organisations, 2 the ability of a system to be flexible is of critical importance to its capability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disturbance and disasters. This paper proposes that the research into ‘edge organisations’3 and ‘agility’4 is a potential means to operationalise components that embed high reliable traits in the management and oversight of critical infrastructure systems. Much prior work has focused on these concepts in a military frame whereas the study reported on here examines the application of these concepts to aviation infrastructure, specifically, a commercial international airport. As a commercial entity functions in a distinct manner from a military organisation this study aims to better understand the complementary and contradictory components of the application of agility work to a commercial context. Findings highlight the challenges of making commercial operators of infrastructure systems agile as well as embedding traits of High Reliability in such complex infrastructure settings.


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In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised approach of anomaly detection in Online Social Networks. The social network is modeled as a graph and its features are extracted to detect anomaly. A clustering algorithm is then used to group users based on these features and fuzzy logic is applied to assign degree of anomalous behavior to the users of these clusters. Empirical analysis shows effectiveness of this method.


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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the edge condition between the digital layers and the physical layers of the city and how tangible expressions of the interrelationships between them to create and define new experiences of place, creating hybrid place. To date there has been discussion and investigation into understanding the importance of place, similarly into defining hybrid space. This paper explores principles of place and space to question how they can be applied into defining and proposing the notion of hybrid place in urban environments. The integration of media spaces into architecture provide infrastructure for the development of hybrid place. The physical boundaries of urban spaces become blurred through the integration of media such as computer technologies connecting the physical environment with the digital. Literature and case studies that reflect the current trends of use of technology by people in space and place within urban environments are examined.


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A people-to-people matching system (or a match-making system) refers to a system in which users join with the objective of meeting other users with the common need. Some real-world examples of these systems are employer-employee (in job search networks), mentor-student (in university social networks), consume-to-consumer (in marketplaces) and male-female (in an online dating network). The network underlying in these systems consists of two groups of users, and the relationships between users need to be captured for developing an efficient match-making system. Most of the existing studies utilize information either about each of the users in isolation or their interaction separately, and develop recommender systems using the one form of information only. It is imperative to understand the linkages among the users in the network and use them in developing a match-making system. This study utilizes several social network analysis methods such as graph theory, small world phenomenon, centrality analysis, density analysis to gain insight into the entities and their relationships present in this network. This paper also proposes a new type of graph called “attributed bipartite graph”. By using these analyses and the proposed type of graph, an efficient hybrid recommender system is developed which generates recommendation for new users as well as shows improvement in accuracy over the baseline methods.


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The assessment of choroidal thickness from optical coherence tomography (OCT) images of the human choroid is an important clinical and research task, since it provides valuable information regarding the eye’s normal anatomy and physiology, and changes associated with various eye diseases and the development of refractive error. Due to the time consuming and subjective nature of manual image analysis, there is a need for the development of reliable objective automated methods of image segmentation to derive choroidal thickness measures. However, the detection of the two boundaries which delineate the choroid is a complicated and challenging task, in particular the detection of the outer choroidal boundary, due to a number of issues including: (i) the vascular ocular tissue is non-uniform and rich in non-homogeneous features, and (ii) the boundary can have a low contrast. In this paper, an automatic segmentation technique based on graph-search theory is presented to segment the inner choroidal boundary (ICB) and the outer choroidal boundary (OCB) to obtain the choroid thickness profile from OCT images. Before the segmentation, the B-scan is pre-processed to enhance the two boundaries of interest and to minimize the artifacts produced by surrounding features. The algorithm to detect the ICB is based on a simple edge filter and a directional weighted map penalty, while the algorithm to detect the OCB is based on OCT image enhancement and a dual brightness probability gradient. The method was tested on a large data set of images from a pediatric (1083 B-scans) and an adult (90 B-scans) population, which were previously manually segmented by an experienced observer. The results demonstrate the proposed method provides robust detection of the boundaries of interest and is a useful tool to extract clinical data.


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Neo-angiogenesis during neoplastic growth involves endothelial mitogenic and migration stimuli produced by cancer or tumour stromal cells. Although this active angiogenesis takes place in the tumour periphery, the process of vessel growth and survival in inner areas and its clinical role remain largely unexplored. The present study compared the microvessel score (MS) as well as the single endothelial cell score (ECS) in the invading edge and in inner areas of non-small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLCs). Three different patterns of vascular growth were distinguished: the edvin (edge vs. inner) type 1, where a low MS was observed in both peripheral and inner tumour areas; the edvin type 2, where a high MS was noted in the invading front but a low MS in inner areas; and the edvin type 3, where both peripheral and inner tumour areas had a high MS. The ECS was high in the invading edge in edvin type 2 and 3 cases and was sharply decreased in both types in inner areas, suggesting that endothelial cell migration is unlikely to contribute to the angiogenic process in areas away from the tumour front. Expression of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and of thymidine phosphorylase (TP) was associated with a high MS in the invading edge. VEGF was associated with a high MS in inner areas (edvin 3), while TP expression was associated with edvin type 2, showing that VEGF (and not TP) contributes to the preservation of the inner vasculature. Both edvin type 2 and 3 cases showed an increased incidence of node metastasis, but edvin type 3 cases had a poorer prognosis, even in the N1-stage group. The present study suggests that tumour factors regulating angiogenesis and vascular survival are not identical. A possible method is reported to quantify these two parameters by comparing the MS in the invading edge and inner areas (edvin types). This observation may contribute to the evaluation of the effectiveness of different therapeutic approaches, namely vascular targeting vs. anti-angiogenesis. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.


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We study the natural problem of secure n-party computation (in the computationally unbounded attack model) of circuits over an arbitrary finite non-Abelian group (G,⋅), which we call G-circuits. Besides its intrinsic interest, this problem is also motivating by a completeness result of Barrington, stating that such protocols can be applied for general secure computation of arbitrary functions. For flexibility, we are interested in protocols which only require black-box access to the group G (i.e. the only computations performed by players in the protocol are a group operation, a group inverse, or sampling a uniformly random group element). Our investigations focus on the passive adversarial model, where up to t of the n participating parties are corrupted.


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The purpose of this paper is to describe a new decomposition construction for perfect secret sharing schemes with graph access structures. The previous decomposition construction proposed by Stinson is a recursive method that uses small secret sharing schemes as building blocks in the construction of larger schemes. When the Stinson method is applied to the graph access structures, the number of such “small” schemes is typically exponential in the number of the participants, resulting in an exponential algorithm. Our method has the same flavor as the Stinson decomposition construction; however, the linear programming problem involved in the construction is formulated in such a way that the number of “small” schemes is polynomial in the size of the participants, which in turn gives rise to a polynomial time construction. We also show that if we apply the Stinson construction to the “small” schemes arising from our new construction, both have the same information rate.


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The Australian Government’s Skills for the Carbon Challenge (SCC) initiative aims to accelerate industry and the education sectors response to climate change. As part of the SCC initiative, the Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIICCSRTE) provided funding to investigate the state of energy efficiency education in engineering-related Australian Technical and Further Education (TAFE) Programs. The following document reports on the outcomes of a multi-stage consultation project that engaged with participants from over 80% of TAFE institutions across Australia with the aim of supporting and enhancing future critical skills development in this area. Specifically, this report presents the findings of a national survey, based on a series of TAFE educator focus groups, conducted in May 2013 aimed at understanding the experiences and insights of Australian TAFE educators teaching engineering-related courses. Responses were received from 224 TAFE Educators across 50 of the 61 TAFE institutions in Australia (82% response rate).