890 resultados para ease of use


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Many different immunochemical platforms exist for the screening of naturally occurring contaminants in food from the low cost enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) to the expensive instruments such as optical biosensors based on the phenomenon of surface plasmon resonance (SPR). The primary aim of this study was to evaluate and compare a number of these platforms to assess their accuracy and precision when applied to naturally contaminated samples containing HT-2/T-2 mycotoxins. Other important factors considered were the speed of analysis, ease of use (sample preparation techniques and use of the equipment) and ultimately the cost implications. The three screening procedures compared included an SPR biosensor assay, a commercially available ELISA and an enzyme-linked immunomagnetic electrochemical array (ELIME array). The qualitative data for all methods demonstrated very good overall agreements with each other, however on comparison with mass spectrometry confirmatory results, the ELISA and SPR assay performed slightly better than the ELIME array, exhibiting an overall agreement of 95.8% compared to 91.7%. Currently, SPR is more costly than the other two platforms and can only be used in the laboratory whereas in theory both the ELISA and ELIME array are portable and can be used in the field, but ultimately this is dependent on the sample preparation techniques employed. Sample preparative techniques varied for all methods evaluated, the ELISA was the most simple to perform followed by that of the SPR method. The ELIME array involved an additional clean-up step thereby increasing both the time and cost of analysis. Therefore in the current format, field use would not be an option for the ELIME array. In relation to speed of analysis, the ELISA outperformed the other methods.


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The continuing interest in semiconductor photochemistry, SPC, and the emergence of commercial products that utilise films of photocatalyst materials, has created an urgent need to agree a set of methods for assessing photocatalytic activity and international committees are now meeting to address this issue. This article provides a brief overview of two of the most popular current methods employed by researchers for assessing SPC activity. and one which has been published just recently and might gain popularity in the future, given its ease of use. These tests are: the stearic acid (SA) test, the methylene blue (MB) test and the resazurin (Rz) ink test, respectively. The basic photochemical and chemical processes that underpin each of these tests are described, along with typical results for laboratory made sol-gel titania films and a commercial form of self-cleaning glass, Activ (TM). The pros and cons of their future use as possible standard assessment techniques are considered. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A random dialing telephone survey of 1,071 60+ year-olds in 4 Ontario communities identified 553 (52%) users of natural health products. Mean age was 72 yrs (min-max:60-95); 76% were female. The most frequently reported natural health products were: echinacea (27%), glucosamine (26%), garlic (20%), ginkgo biloba (10%), St. John's wort (5%), ginseng (5%), flax seed oil (3%), evening primrose oil (2%), devil's claw (2%), saw palmetto (2%). Natural source vitamin use was reported by 24% of users, and 6% reporting using herbal teas. 51% of users used 2 or more herbal products and 8% used 5 or more products. 19% of herbal users also used a conventional prescription drug to manage the same health problem as the herbal product. The reported range of monthly expenditures for these products varied from a few cents (grew their own) to $288 (CAN). Thirty-five percent of users did not know the price of at least one of their natural products. Of the 75% of respondents willing to disclose their annual household income ($CAN), 20 had an income of $46,000. The widespread use and potential for significant expenditure of limited resources would suggest that more study is required into the efficacy, safety and value of these products.


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Microneedle (MN) arrays could offer an alternative method to traditional drug delivery and blood sampling methods. However, acceptance among key end-users is critical for new technologies to succeed. MNs have been advocated for use in children and so, paediatricians are key potential end-users. However, the opinions of paediatricians on MN use have been previously unexplored. The aim of this study was to investigate the views of UK paediatricians on the use of MN technology within neonatal and paediatric care. An online survey was developed and distributed among UK paediatricians to gain their opinions of MN technology and its use in the neonatal and paediatric care settings, particularly for MN-mediated monitoring. A total of 145 responses were obtained, with a completion response rate of 13.7 %. Respondents believed an alternative monitoring technique to blood sampling in children was required. Furthermore, 83 % of paediatricians believed there was a particular need in premature neonates. Overall, this potential end-user group approved of the MN technology and a MN-mediated monitoring approach. Minimal pain and the perceived ease of use were important elements in gaining favour. Concerns included the need for confirmation of correct application and the potential for skin irritation. The findings of this study provide an initial indication of MN acceptability among a key potential end-user group. Furthermore, the concerns identified present a challenge to those working within the MN field to provide solutions to further improve this technology. The work strengthens the rationale behind MN technology and facilitates the translation of MN technology from lab bench into the clinical setting.


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Objective: To evaluate the handling, by a group of practice-based researchers, of a recently introduced bulk fill resin-based composite restorative material, Filtek Bulk Fill Restorative (3M ESPE).

Methods: The twelve selected evaluators were sent explanatory letters, a pack of the material under investigation to use for 8 weeks, and a questionnaire.

Results: The evaluators rated the ease of use of the bulk fill restorative the same as the previously used posterior composite material. The provision of one shade only for evaluation may have compromised the score for aesthetic quality. No post-operative sensitivity was reported.

Conclusions: The bulk fill material was well received as indicated by the high number of evaluators who would both purchase the material and recommend it to colleagues.

Clinical relevance: A recently introduced bulk fill restorative material achieved a rating for handling which was similar to the evaluators’ previously used resin composite, although there were some concerns regarding the translucency of the material.


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Introduction: In addition to their afferent role in detection and signalling noxious stimuli, neuropeptide-containing sensory nerves may initiate and maintain chronic inflammation in diseases such as periodontitis by an efferent process known as neurogenic inflammation. Neuropeptides are susceptible to cleavage by peptidases, and therefore, the exact location and level of expression of peptidases are major determinants of neuropeptide action. Previous studies in our laboratory showed that enzyme components of gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) from periodontitis sites selectively inactivated the neuropeptide calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), known to have a role in inhibiting osteoclastic bone resorption. Objectives: The aim of this study was to design and synthesise a specific inhibitor to prevent the degradation of CGRP by components of GCF. Methods: A hydroxamate-based inhibitor with a biotinylated tag was designed to ensure selectivity for CGRP and ease of use for future purification strategies. The biotinylated peptide hydroxamate contained the P1-P4 amino acid sequence of the potential CGRP cleavage site and was synthesised by solid-phase methods using standard Fmoc chemistry. Inhibition of CGRP metabolism by GCF was determined by MALDI-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) using pooled GCF samples from periodontitis patients as a crude source of the CGRP-degrading enzyme. Results: MALDI-MS analysis of CGRP degradation showed almost complete inhibition in the presence of the biotinylated inhibitor. Our results showed that the rate-limiting step in the cleavage of CGRP is endopeptidase cleavage, followed by carboxypeptidase attack. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that the enzyme component of GCF responsible for the degradation of CGRP can be inhibited by a biotinylated hydroxamate modelled on a potential endopeptidase cleavage site. The biotin tag on the inhibitor will facilitate our future purification of the CGRP-cleavage enzyme using a streptavidin-agarose column.


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use of additives (Mg/P and nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide - DCD), on nitrous oxide emission during swine slurry composting. The experiment was run in duplicate; the gas was monitored for 30 days in different treatments (control, DCD, Mg/P and DCD + Mg/P). Nitrous oxide emissions rate (mg of N2O-N.day-1) and the accumulated emissions were calculated to compare the treatments. Results has shown that emissions of N-N2O were reduced by approximately 70, 46 and 96% through the additions of DCD, MgCl2.6H2O + H3PO4 and both additives, respectively, compared to the control. Keywords Composting; swine slurry; additives; nitrous


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Female sport fans make up ~40% of all North American big league sport fans. However, female sport fans make up only 20% of all fantasy sport participants. This study asked: why is there an under-representation of female participation in fantasy sports? In order to answer this question, 35 female sport fans who do not participate in fantasy sports were separated into five focus groups to provide the data necessary for this study. Seven themes emerged to explain why there is an under-representation of female participation in fantasy sports: lack of time, their friends do not play, negative associations, control versus escape, sport statistics, team versus player allegiances, and males acting as gatekeepers. Finally, four recommendations were made for those marketing fantasy sports to female sport fans: increase the overall awareness of fantasy sports, promote the social aspects of fantasy sports, streamline fantasy sports, and promote the ease of use.


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Affiliation: Pierre Dagenais : Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal


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Résumé: Les anti-infectieux sont parmi les médicaments les plus utilisés pendant la grossesse. Les indications pour l’utilisation de ces médicaments, telles que les infections bactériennes, figurent parmi les facteurs de risque les plus importants pour la prématurité et les enfants nés petits pour l'âge gestationnel («Small-for-gestational-age », SGA). Ces complications de la grossesse peuvent avoir des incidences sur la santé du nouveau né et sur son développement futur. Compte tenu des impacts sur la santé de la mère et de l’enfant, la prise en charge et le traitement efficace de ces infections sont impératifs. Cependant, l'utilisation des anti-infectieux, pour éviter des issues de grossesse défavorables, fait l’objet d’une controverse dans la littérature. Cette controverse est en partie liée à la qualité méthodologique discutable des études disponibles sur le sujet. Les quatre études présentées dans cette thèse ont donc pour objectif d’investiguer l’utilisation des anti-infectieux durant la grossesse ainsi que d’évaluer le risque de prématurité et de SGA après utilisation de ces médicaments en période gestationnelle. Une révision systématique de la littérature sur l’utilisation du métronidazole durant la grossesse est également présentée. Nous avons utilisé, comme source de données le Registre des Grossesses du Québec, une cohorte longitudinale conçue à partir du jumelage de trois bases de données administratives de la province du Québec (RAMQ, Med-Echo et ISQ). Le registre fournit des informations sur les prescriptions, les services pharmaceutiques et médicaux, ainsi que des donnés sur les soins d’hospitalisation de courte durée et démographiques. Les deux premières études présentées dans cette thèse ont eu pour objectif d’évaluer la prévalence, les tendances, les indications et les prédicteurs de l’utilisation des anti-infectieux dans une cohorte, extraite du registre, de 97 680 femmes enceintes. A l’aide d’un devis cas-témoins, les 2 dernières études ont mesuré l’association entre l’utilisation d’anti-infectieux durant les 2 derniers trimestres de grossesse et le risque de prématurité et de SGA, respectivement. Un cas de prématurité a été défini comme un accouchement survenu avant 37 semaines de gestation. Un cas de SGA a été défini comme l’accouchement d’un enfant dont le poids à la naissance se situe sous le 10ème percentile du poids normalisé à la naissance (compte tenu de l’âge gestationnel et du sexe du bébé). Les données ont été recueillies pour les agents systémiques oraux, ainsi que pour les classes et les agents individuels. Nos résultats ont montré que la prévalence de l’utilisation des anti-infectieux durant la grossesse était comparable à celle d’autres études déjà publiées (25%). Nous avons observé une augmentation de l’utilisation des agents plus anciens et ayant des profils d’innocuité connus. Les prédicteurs de l’usage en début de grossesse identifiés sont : avoir eu plus de deux différentes prescriptions (OR ajusté = 3,83, IC 95% : 3,3-4,3), avoir eu un diagnostic d’infection urinaire (OR= 1,50, IC 95% : 1,3-1,8) et un diagnostic d’infection respiratoire (OR= 1,40, IC 95% : 1,2-1,6). L’utilisation des macrolides a été associée à une diminution du risque de prématurité (OR =0,65, IC 95% : 0,50-0,85). En revanche, les femmes ayant été exposées au métronidazole ont vu leur risque augmenté de 80% (OR=1,81, IC 95% : 1,30-2,54). L’utilisation d’azithromycine a été associée à une diminution importante du risque chez les femmes ayant un diagnostic de rupture prématurée des membranes (OR=0,31, IC 95% : 0,10-0,93). Cependant, l'utilisation de sulfaméthoxazole-triméthoprime (SXT) a été significativement associée à une augmentation du risque de SGA (OR= 1,61, IC 95% : 1,16-2,23), tandis que celle des anti-infectieux urinaires a été associée à une diminution du risque (OR= 0,80, 95%CI : 0.65-0.97). Les conclusions de nos travaux suggèrent que l’utilisation des macrolides et des pénicillines diminuent le risque de prématurité et de SGA. Nous devons considérer l'utilisation de différents choix thérapeutiques tels que l’azithromycine, lors de la prise en charge des infections pouvant induire la prématurité et le SGA.


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The assessment of maturity of software is an important area in the general software sector. The field of OSS also applies various models to measure software maturity. However, measuring maturity of OSS being used for several applications in libraries is an area left with no research so far. This study has attempted to fill the research gap. Measuring maturity of software contributes knowledge on its sustainability over the long term. Maturity of software is one of the factors that positively influence adoption. The investigator measured the maturity of DSpace software using Woods and Guliani‟s Open Source Maturity Model-2005. The present study is significant as it addresses the aspects of maturity of OSS for libraries and fills the research gap on the area. In this sense the study opens new avenues to the field of library and information science by providing an additional tool for librarians in the selection and adoption of OSS. Measuring maturity brings in-depth knowledge on an OSS which will contribute towards the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use as explained in the Technology Acceptance Model theory.


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Freehand sketching is both a natural and crucial part of design, yet is unsupported by current design automation software. We are working to combine the flexibility and ease of use of paper and pencil with the processing power of a computer to produce a design environment that feels as natural as paper, yet is considerably smarter. One of the most basic steps in accomplishing this is converting the original digitized pen strokes in the sketch into the intended geometric objects using feature point detection and approximation. We demonstrate how multiple sources of information can be combined for feature detection in strokes and apply this technique using two approaches to signal processing, one using simple average based thresholding and a second using scale space.


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Abstract In this talk, I'll focus on the work we've been doing on evaluating the cognitive side of dealing with information resources and increasingly complex user interfaces. While we can build increasingly powerful user interfaces, they often come at the cost of simple design and ease of use. I'll describe two specific studies: 1) work on the ORCHID project focused on measuring mental workload during tasks using fNIRS (a blood-oxygen-based brain scanner), and 2) a evaluation metric for measuring how much people learn during tasks. Together these provide advances towards understanding the cognitive side of information interaction, in working towards building better tools for users.