981 resultados para eBook in Pharmacology


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Background: Subjects with type 2 diabetes have high circulating levels of glucose. Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is an intestinal hormone that has a major role in glucose homeostasis. Exenatide and liraglutide are both agonists at the GLP-1 receptor, and are effective at reducing circulating glucose levels (measured as HbA1c levels), but they have not been compared. Objectives/methods: This evaluation is of a clinical trial comparing liraglutide once a day with exenatide twice a day in subjects with type 2 diabetes. Results: In the Liraglutide Effect and Action in Diabetes (LEAD)-6 trial, subcutaneous liraglutide 1.8 mg once a day was compared with exenatide 10 μg twice a day. The primary efficacy outcome was change in HbA1c levels, and this was significantly greater with liraglutide (1.12%) than with exenatide (0.79%). Liraglutide and exenatide had similar small abilities to reduce body weight, blood pressure and LDL-cholesterol. Conclusions: Liraglutide was more effective than exenatide for overall glycaemic control in subjects with type 2 diabetes. However, this is only true for the preparations and doses tested, that is liraglutide 1.8 mg once weekly and exenatide 10 μg b.i.d., and may not apply when the comparison is undertaken with the new longer-lasting preparation of exenatide once weekly.


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The anti-estrogen treatment for hormone-sensitive breast cancer and the androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer can lead to the development of osteoporosis and bone fractures. Metastases associated with prostate and breast cancer can also occur in bone. Bisphosphonates are used in these types of bone dysfunction. Zoledronic acid is the most potent bisphosphonate. In osteoporosis, zoledronic acid inhibits bone reabsorption and increases bone mineral density for at least a year after intravenous administration. The efficacy and safety of zoledronic acid in osteoporosis secondary to hormone-sensitive cancers (prostate and breast), and in the bone metastases associated with these cancers are reviewed.


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Background: Bone loss associated with low oestrogen levels in postmenopausal women, and with androgen deprivation therapy in men with hormone-sensitive prostate cancer, result in an increased incidence of fractures. Denosumab has been shown to increase bone mineral density in these two conditions. Objectives/methods: The objective of this evaluation is to review the clinical trials that have studied clinical endpoints in these conditions. Results: FREEDOM (Fracture Reduction Evaluation of Denosumab in Osteoporosis Every 6 Months) was an International Phase III clinical trial that measured the clinical endpoints with denosumab in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. At 36 months, new vertebral fractures had occurred in 7.2% of subjects in the placebo group and this was lowered to 2.3% of subjects treated with denosumab. HALT (Denosumab Hormone Ablation Bone Loss Trial) studied the clinical endpoints in men with non-metastatic prostate cancer receiving androgen-deprivation therapy. The incidence of vertebral fractures was significantly lower in the denosumab group (1.5%) than in the placebo group (3.9%). The incidence of adverse effects with denosumab in both clinical trials was low. Conclusions: Denosumab reduces the incidence of fractures in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis and in men with non-metastatic prostate cancer receiving androgen-deprivation therapy. Denosumab is well tolerated.


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ROLE OF LOW AFFINITY β1-ADRENERGIC RECEPTOR IN NORMAL AND DISEASED HEARTS Background: The β1-adrenergic receptor (AR) has at least two binding sites, 1HAR and 1LAR (high and low affinity site of the 1AR respectively) which cause cardiostimulation. Some β-blockers, for example (-)-pindolol and (-)-CGP 12177 can activate β1LAR at higher concentrations than those required to block β1HAR. While β1HAR can be blocked by all clinically used β-blockers, β1LAR is relatively resistant to blockade. Thus, chronic β1LAR activation may occur in the setting of β-blocker therapy, thereby mediating persistent βAR signaling. Thus, it is important to determine the potential significance of β1LAR in vivo, particularly in disease settings. Method and result: C57Bl/6 male mice were used. Chronic (4 weeks) β1LAR activation was achieved by treatment with (-)-CGP12177 via osmotic minipump. Cardiac function was assessed by echocardiography and catheterization. (-)-CGP12177 treatment in healthy mice increased heart rate and left ventricular (LV) contractility without detectable LV remodelling or hypertrophy. In mice subjected to an 8-week period of aorta banding, (-)-CGP12177 treatment given during 4-8 weeks led to a positive inotropic effect. (-)-CGP12177 treatment exacerbated LV remodelling indicated by a worsening of LV hypertrophy by ??% (estimated by weight, wall thickness, cardiomyocyte size) and interstitial/perivascular fibrosis (by histology). Importantly, (-)-CGP12177 treatment to aorta banded mice exacerbated cardiac expression of hypertrophic, fibrogenic and inflammatory genes (all p<0.05 vs. non-treated control with aorta banding).. Conclusion: β1LAR activation provides functional support to the heart, in both normal and diseased (pressure overload) settings. Sustained β1LAR activation in the diseased heart exacerbates LV remodelling and therefore may promote disease progression from compensatory hypertrophy to heart failure. Word count: 270


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This study examined the psychometric properties of an expanded version of the Algase Wandering Scale (Version 2) (AWS-V2) in a cross-cultural sample. A cross-sectional survey design was used. Study subjects were 172 English-speaking persons with dementia (PWD) from long-term care facilities in the USA, Canada, and Australia. Two or more facility staff rated each subject on the AWS-V2. Demographic and cognitive data (MMSE) were also obtained. Staff provided information on their own knowledge of the subject and of dementia. Separate factor analyses on data from two samples of raters each explained greater than 66% of the variance in AWS-V2 scores and validated four (persistent walking, navigational deficit, eloping behavior, and shadowing) of five factors in the original scale. Items added to create the AWS-V2 strengthened the shadowing subscale, failed to improve the routinized walking subscale, and added a factor, attention shifting as compared to the original AWS. Evidence for validity was found in significant correlations and ANOVAs between the AWS-V2 and most subscales with a single item indicator of wandering and with the MMSE. Evidence of reliability was shown by internal consistency of the AWS-V2 (0.87, 0.88) and its subscales (range 0.88 to 0.66), with Kappa for individual items (17 of 27 greater than 0.4), and ANOVAs comparing ratings across rater groups (nurses, nurse aids, and other staff). Analyses support validity and reliability of the AWS-V2 overall and for persistent walking, spatial disorientation, and eloping behavior subscales. The AWS-V2 and its subscales are an appropriate way to measure wandering as conceptualized within the Need-driven Dementia-compromised Behavior Model in studies of English-speaking subjects. Suggestions for further strengthening the scale and for extending its use to clinical applications are described.


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Adherence to medicines is a major determinant of the effectiveness of medicines. However, estimates of non-adherence in the older-aged with chronic conditions vary from 40 to 75%. The problems caused by non-adherence in the older-aged include residential care and hospital admissions, progression of the disease, and increased costs to society. The reasons for non-adherence in the older-aged include items related to the medicine (e.g. cost, number of medicines, adverse effects) and those related to person (e.g. cognition, vision, depression). It is also known that there are many ways adherence can be increased (e.g. use of blister packs, cues). It is assumed that interventions by allied health professions, including a discussion of adherence, will improve adherence to medicines in the older aged but the evidence for this has not been reviewed. There is some evidence that telephone counselling about adherence by a nurse or pharmacist does improve adherence, short- and long-term. However, face-to-face intervention counselling at the pharmacy, or during a home visit by a pharmacist, has shown variable results with some studies showing improved adherence and some not. Education programs during hospital stays have not been shown to improve adherence on discharge, but education programs for subjects with hypertension have been shown to improve adherence. In combination with an education program, both counselling and a medicine review program have been shown to improve adherence short-term in the older-aged. Thus, there are many unanswered questions about the most effective interventions to promote adherence. More studies are needed to determine the most appropriate interventions by allied health professions, and these need to consider the disease state, demographics, and socio-economic status of the older-aged subject, and the intensity and duration of intervention needed.


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Background: The hedgehog signaling pathway is vital in early development, but then becomes dormant, except in some cancer tumours. Hedgehog inhibitors are being developed for potential use in cancer. Objectives/Methods: The objective of this evaluation is to review the initial clinical studies of the hedgehog inhibitor, GDC-0449, in subjects with cancer. Results: Phase I trials have shown that GDC-0449 has benefits in subjects with metastatic or locally advanced basal-cell carcinoma and in one subjects with medulloblastoma. GDC-0449 was well tolerated. Conclusions: Long term efficacy and safety studies of GDC-0449 in these conditions and other solid cancers are now underway. These clinical trials with GDC-0449, and trials with other hedgehog inhibitors, will reveal whether it is beneficial and safe to inhibit the hedgehog pathway, in a wide range of solid tumours or not.


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Osteoporosis is the most common bone disease. Low levels of oestrogens or testosterone are risk factors for primary osteoporosis. The most common cause of secondary osteoporosis is glucocorticoid treatment, but there are many other secondary causes of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis can be secondary to anti-oestrogen treatment for hormone-sensitive breast cancer and to androgen-deprivation therapy for prostate cancer. Zoledronic is the most potent bisphosphonate at inhibiting bone resorption. In osteoporosis, zoledronic acid increases bone mineral density for at least a year after a single intravenous administration. The efficacy and safety of extended release (once-yearly) zoledronic acid in the treatment of osteoporosis is reviewed.


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Academic libraries have been acquiring ebooks for their collections for a number of years, but the uptake by some users has been curtailed by the limitations of screen reading on a traditional PC or laptop. Ebook readers promise to take us into a new phase of ebook development. Innovations include: wireless connectivity, electronic paper, increased battery life, and customisable displays. The recent rapid take-up of ebook readers in the United States, particularly Amazon’s Kindle, suggests that they may about to gain mass-market acceptance. A bewildering number of ebook readers are being promoted by companies eager to gain market share. In addition, each month seems to bring a new ebook reader or a new model of an existing device. Library administrators are faced with the challenge of separating the hype from the reality and deciding when the time is right to invest in and support these new technologies. The Library at QUT, in particular the QUT Library Ebook Reference Group (ERG) has been closely following developments in ebooks and ebook reader technologies. During mid 2010 QUT Library undertook a trial of a range of ebook readers available to Australian consumers. Each of the ebook readers acquired was evaluated by members of the QUT Library ERG and two student focus groups. Major criteria for evaluation included usability, functionality, accessibility and compatibility with QUT Library’s existing ebook collection. The two student focus groups evaluated the ebook readers mostly according to the criteria of usability and functionality. This paper will discuss these evaluations and outline a recommendation about which type (or types) of ebook readers could be acquired and made available for lending to students.