936 resultados para drug utilization evaluation


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Tecnologia Farmacêutica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2014


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Les amidons non modifiées et modifiés représentent un groupe d’excipients biodégradables et abondants particulièrement intéressant. Ils ont été largement utilisés en tant qu’excipients à des fins diverses dans des formulations de comprimés, tels que liants et/ou agents de délitement. Le carboxyméthylamidon sodique à haute teneur en amylose atomisé (SD HASCA) a été récemment proposé comme un excipient hydrophile à libération prolongée innovant dans les formes posologiques orales solides. Le carboxyméthylamidon sodique à haute teneur en amylose amorphe (HASCA) a d'abord été produit par l'éthérification de l'amidon de maïs à haute teneur en amylose avec le chloroacétate. HASCA a été par la suite séché par atomisation pour obtenir le SD HASCA. Ce nouvel excipient a montré des propriétés présentant certains avantages dans la production de formes galéniques à libération prolongée. Les comprimés matriciels produits à partir de SD HASCA sont peu coûteux, simples à formuler et faciles à produire par compression directe. Le principal objectif de cette recherche était de poursuivre le développement et l'optimisation des comprimés matriciels utilisant SD HASCA comme excipient pour des formulations orales à libération prolongée. A cet effet, des tests de dissolution simulant les conditions physiologiques du tractus gastro-intestinal les plus pertinentes, en tenant compte de la nature du polymère à l’étude, ont été utilisés pour évaluer les caractéristiques à libération prolongée et démontrer la performance des formulations SD HASCA. Une étude clinique exploratoire a également été réalisée pour évaluer les propriétés de libération prolongée de cette nouvelle forme galénique dans le tractus gastro-intestinal. Le premier article présenté dans cette thèse a évalué les propriétés de libération prolongée et l'intégrité physique de formulations contenant un mélange comprimé de principe actif, de chlorure de sodium et de SD HASCA, dans des milieux de dissolution biologiquement pertinentes. L'influence de différentes valeurs de pH acide et de temps de séjour dans le milieu acide a été étudiée. Le profil de libération prolongée du principe actif à partir d'une formulation de SD HASCA optimisée n'a pas été significativement affecté ni par la valeur de pH acide ni par le temps de séjour dans le milieu acide. Ces résultats suggèrent une influence limitée de la variabilité intra et interindividuelle du pH gastrique sur la cinétique de libération à partir de matrices de SD HASCA. De plus, la formulation optimisée a gardé son intégrité pendant toute la durée des tests de dissolution. L’étude in vivo exploratoire a démontré une absorption prolongée du principe actif après administration orale des comprimés matriciels de SD HASCA et a montré que les comprimés ne se sont pas désintégrés en passant par l'estomac et qu’ils ont résisté à l’hydrolyse par les α-amylases dans l'intestin. Le deuxième article présente le développement de comprimés SD HASCA pour une administration orale une fois par jour et deux fois par jour contenant du chlorhydrate de tramadol (100 mg et 200 mg). Ces formulations à libération prolongée ont présenté des valeurs de dureté élevées sans nécessiter l'ajout de liants, ce qui facilite la production et la manipulation des comprimés au niveau industriel. La force de compression appliquée pour produire les comprimés n'a pas d'incidence significative sur les profils de libération du principe actif. Le temps de libération totale à partir de comprimés SD HASCA a augmenté de manière significative avec le poids du comprimé et peut, de ce fait, être utilisé pour moduler le temps de libération à partir de ces formulations. Lorsque les comprimés ont été exposés à un gradient de pH et à un milieu à 40% d'éthanol, un gel très rigide s’est formé progressivement sur leur surface amenant à la libération prolongée du principe actif. Ces propriétés ont indiqué que SD HASCA est un excipient robuste pour la production de formes galéniques orales à libération prolongée, pouvant réduire la probabilité d’une libération massive de principe actif et, en conséquence, des effets secondaires, même dans le cas de co-administration avec une forte dose d'alcool. Le troisième article a étudié l'effet de α-amylase sur la libération de principe actif à partir de comprimés SD HASCA contenant de l’acétaminophène et du chlorhydrate de tramadol qui ont été développés dans les premières étapes de cette recherche (Acetaminophen SR et Tramadol SR). La modélisation mathématique a montré qu'une augmentation de la concentration d’α-amylase a entraîné une augmentation de l'érosion de polymère par rapport à la diffusion de principe actif comme étant le principal mécanisme contrôlant la libération de principe actif, pour les deux formulations et les deux temps de résidence en milieu acide. Cependant, même si le mécanisme de libération peut être affecté, des concentrations d’α-amylase allant de 0 UI/L à 20000 UI/L n'ont pas eu d'incidence significative sur les profils de libération prolongée à partir de comprimés SD HASCA, indépendamment de la durée de séjour en milieu acide, le principe actif utilisé, la teneur en polymère et la différente composition de chaque formulation. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse démontre clairement l'utilité de SD HASCA en tant qu'un excipient à libération prolongée efficace.


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An active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) was found to dissociate from the highly crystalline hydrochloride form to the amorphous free base form, with consequent alterations to tablet properties. Here, a wet granulation manufacturing process has been investigated using in situ Fourier transform (FT)-Raman spectroscopic analyses of granules and tablets prepared with different granulating fluids and under different manufacturing conditions. Dosage form stability under a range of storage stresses was also investigated. Despite the spectral similarities between the two drug forms, low levels of API dissociation could be quantified in the tablets; the technique allowed discrimination of around 4% of the API content as the amorphous free base (i.e. less than 1% of the tablet compression weight). API dissociation was shown to be promoted by extended exposure to moisture. Aqueous granulating fluids and manufacturing delays between granulation and drying stages and storage of the tablets in open conditions at 40◦C/75% relative humidity (RH) led to dissociation. In contrast, non-aqueous granulating fluids, with no delay in processing and storage of the tablets in either sealed containers or at lower temperature/humidity prevented detectable dissociation. It is concluded that appropriate manufacturing process and storage conditions for the finished product involved minimising exposure to moisture of the API. Analysis of the drug using FT-Raman spectroscopy allowed rapid optimisation of the process whilst offering quantitative molecular information concerning the dissociation of the drug salt to the amorphous free base form.


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Intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production is essential to normal cell function. However, excessive ROS production causes oxidative damage and cell death. Many pharmacological compounds exert their effects on cell cycle progression by changing intracellular redox state and in many cases cause oxidative damage leading to drug cytotoxicity. Appropriate measurement of intracellular ROS levels during cell cycle progression is therefore crucial in understanding redox-regulation of cell function and drug toxicity and for the development of new drugs. However, due to the extremely short half-life of ROS, measuring the changes in intracellular ROS levels during a particular phase of cell cycle for drug intervention can be challenging. In this article, we have provided updated information on the rationale, the applications, the advantages and limitations of common methods for screening drug effects on intracellular ROS production linked to cell cycle study. Our aim is to facilitate biomedical scientists and researchers in the pharmaceutical industry in choosing or developing specific experimental regimens to suit their research needs.


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In this work, we introduce dipeptides containing tryptophan N-capped with the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug naproxen and C-terminal dehydroamino acids, dehydrophenylalanine (ΔPhe), dehydroaminobutyric acid (ΔAbu), and dehydroalanine (ΔAla) as efficacious protease resistant hydrogelators. Optimized conditions for gel formation are reported. Transmission electron microscopy experiments revealed that the hydrogels consist of networks of micro/nanosized fibers formed by peptide self-assembly. Fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy indicate that the self-assembly process is driven by stacking interactions of the aromatic groups. The naphthalene groups of the naproxen moieties are highly organized in the fibers through chiral stacking. Rheological experiments demonstrated that the most hydrophobic peptide (containing C-terminal ΔPhe) formed more elastic gels at lower critical gelation concentrations. This gel revealed irreversible breakup, while the C-terminal ΔAbu and ΔAla gels, although less elastic, exhibited structural recovery and partial healing of the elastic properties. A potential antitumor thieno[3,2-b]pyridine derivative was incorporated (noncovalently) into the gel formed by the hydrogelator containing C-terminal ΔPhe residue. Fluorescence and Förster resonance energy transfer measurements indicate that the drug is located in a hydrophobic environment, near/associated with the peptide fibers, establishing this type of hydrogel as a good drug-nanocarrier candidate.


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There is a growing need for advanced practice mental health and drug and alcohol nursing roles in the care of people living with HIV/AIDS; however, limited publications address these domains. This study evaluated a community-based mental health drug and alcohol nurse role caring for people living with HIV/AIDS (Mental Health D&A Nurse) in a large not-for-profit district nursing organization providing care to people living with HIV/AIDS in an Australian city. Outcomes from a client assessment and 6–8-week follow-up by the Mental Health D&A Nurse are presented as captured by the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS 21), Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST), Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HONOS) and WHOQoL BREF. Mean scores and caseness were analysed, and significant differences were found on the 'impairment' and 'social problems' subscales of the HONOS. Results of semi-structured interviews with clients describe effective and supportive mental health care and health-promoting education following visits by the Mental Health D&A Nurse. These positive findings support continuing implementation of the role within this community setting and indicate that even greater benefits will ensue as the role develops further. Findings are of interest to clinicians and policy makers seeking to implement similar roles in community-based HIV/AIDS care.


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Introduction and Aims. High prevalence mental health (HPMH) comorbidity is common in clients seeking alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment yet can remain undetected. Although research has reported on the introduction of screening into AOD services, little research has reported on the processes surrounding the introduction or evaluated its effectiveness.This study reports on the implementation and evaluation of brief anxiety and depression screening within a specialised, publicly funded AOD service in South-East Victoria.
Design and Methods. Study one examined the implementation of standardised HPMH screening with 114 adult clients (Mean age = 35.49, SD = 9.53; 64% male) telephoning an AOD service over a 5 week period. Measures included severity of HPMH problems,AOD use, care plans and referrals. Study two used semistructured interviews with nine staff/managers to evaluate the effectiveness of screening and its impact on service delivery.
Results. Ninety-four per cent of clients were identified at risk of anxiety or depression. Most care plans incorporated counselling, and concurrent referrals commonly involved a general practitioner. Staff and management found systematic screening increased identification and understanding of comorbid issues and enhanced client interaction but impacted on resource requirements.
Discussion and Conclusions. Most AOD treatment seekers were identified HPMH comorbid and care plans generally included counselling.Adjunctive referrals were more common for severely depressed clients. Screening was effective and enhanced client rapport.Evaluations revealed low confidence in treating HPMH issues in-house.Training may increase worker confidence in managing mental health interventions with subclinical cases, enhancing services’ ability to move towards dual diagnosis capability.


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Drug targeting is an active area of research and nano-scaled drug delivery systems hold tremendous potential for the treatment of neoplasms. In this study, a novel cyclodextrin (CD)-based nanoparticle drug delivery system has been assembled and characterized for the therapy of folate receptor-positive [FR(+)] cancer. Water-soluble folic acid (FA)-conjugated CD carriers (FACDs) were successfully synthesized and their structures were confirmed by 1D/2D nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer (MALDI-TOF-MS), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and circular dichroism. Drug complexes of adamatane (Ada) and cytotoxic doxorubicin (Dox) with FACD were readily obtained by mixed solvent precipitation. The average size of FACD-Ada-Dox was 1.5-2.5 nm. The host-guest association constant Ka was 1,639 M-1 as determined by induced circular dichroism and the hydrophilicity of the FACDs was greatly enhanced compared to unmodified CD. Cellular uptake and FR binding competitive experiments demonstrated an efficient and preferentially targeted delivery of Dox into FR-positive tumor cells and a sustained drug release profile was seen in vitro. The delivery of Dox into FR(+) cancer cells via endocytosis was observed by confocal microscopy and drug uptake of the targeted nanoparticles was 8-fold greater than that of non-targeted drug complexes. Our docking results suggest that FA, FACD and FACD-Ada-Dox could bind human hedgehog interacting protein that contains a FR domain. Mouse cardiomyocytes as well as fibroblast treated with FACD-Ada-Dox had significantly lower levels of reactive oxygen species, with increased content of glutathione and glutathione peroxidase activity, indicating a reduced potential for Dox-induced cardiotoxicity. These results indicate that the targeted drug complex possesses high drug association and sustained drug release properties with good biocompatibility and physiological stability. The novel FA-conjugated β-CD based drug complex might be promising as an anti-tumor treatment for FR(+) cancer.