810 resultados para dropping out of school


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INTRODUCTION: Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) is often used to treat out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients who also often simultaneously receive insulin for stress-induced hyperglycaemia. However, the impact of TH on systemic metabolism and insulin resistance in critical illness is unknown. This study analyses the impact of TH on metabolism, including the evolution of insulin sensitivity (SI) and its variability, in patients with coma after OHCA. METHODS: This study uses a clinically validated, model-based measure of SI. Insulin sensitivity was identified hourly using retrospective data from 200 post-cardiac arrest patients (8,522 hours) treated with TH, shortly after admission to the intensive care unit (ICU). Blood glucose and body temperature readings were taken every one to two hours. Data were divided into three periods: 1) cool (T <35°C); 2) an idle period of two hours as normothermia was re-established; and 3) warm (T >37°C). A maximum of 24 hours each for the cool and warm periods was considered. The impact of each condition on SI is analysed per cohort and per patient for both level and hour-to-hour variability, between periods and in six-hour blocks. RESULTS: Cohort and per-patient median SI levels increase consistently by 35% to 70% and 26% to 59% (P <0.001) respectively from cool to warm. Conversely, cohort and per-patient SI variability decreased by 11.1% to 33.6% (P <0.001) for the first 12 hours of treatment. However, SI variability increases between the 18th and 30th hours over the cool to warm transition, before continuing to decrease afterward. CONCLUSIONS: OCHA patients treated with TH have significantly lower and more variable SI during the cool period, compared to the later warm period. As treatment continues, SI level rises, and variability decreases consistently except for a large, significant increase during the cool to warm transition. These results demonstrate increased resistance to insulin during mild induced hypothermia. Our study might have important implications for glycaemic control during targeted temperature management.


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Prior research on school dropout has often focused on stable person- and institution-level variables. In this research, we investigate longitudinally perceived stress and optimism as predictors of dropout intentions over a period of four years, and distinguish between stable and temporary predictors of dropout intentions. Findings based on a nationally representative sample of 16e20 year-olds in Switzerland (N ¼ 4312) show that both average levels of stress and optimism as well as annually varying levels of stress and optimism affect dropout intentions. Additionally, results show that optimism buffers the negative impact of annually varying stress (i.e., years with more stress than usual), but not of stable levels of stress (i.e., stress over four years). The implications of the results are discussed according to a dynamic and preventive approach of school dropout.


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To assess the effectiveness of a school based physical activity programme during one school year on physical and psychological health in young schoolchildren. Cluster randomised controlled trial. 28 classes from 15 elementary schools in Switzerland randomly selected and assigned in a 4:3 ratio to an intervention (n=16) or control arm (n=12) after stratification for grade (first and fifth grade), from August 2005 to June 2006. 540 children, of whom 502 consented and presented at baseline. Children in the intervention arm (n=297) received a multi-component physical activity programme that included structuring the three existing physical education lessons each week and adding two additional lessons a week, daily short activity breaks, and physical activity homework. Children (n=205) and parents in the control group were not informed of an intervention group. For most outcome measures, the assessors were blinded. Primary outcome measures included body fat (sum of four skinfolds), aerobic fitness (shuttle run test), physical activity (accelerometry), and quality of life (questionnaires). Secondary outcome measures included body mass index and cardiovascular risk score (average z score of waist circumference, mean blood pressure, blood glucose, inverted high density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides). 498 children completed the baseline and follow-up assessments (mean age 6.9 (SD 0.3) years for first grade, 11.1 (0.5) years for fifth grade). After adjustment for grade, sex, baseline values, and clustering within classes, children in the intervention arm compared with controls showed more negative changes in the z score of the sum of four skinfolds (-0.12, 95 % confidence interval -0.21 to -0.03; P=0.009). Likewise, their z scores for aerobic fitness increased more favourably (0.17, 0.01 to 0.32; P=0.04), as did those for moderate-vigorous physical activity in school (1.19, 0.78 to 1.60; P<0.001), all day moderate-vigorous physical activity (0.44, 0.05 to 0.82; P=0.03), and total physical activity in school (0.92, 0.35 to 1.50; P=0.003). Z scores for overall daily physical activity (0.21, -0.21 to 0.63) and physical quality of life (0.42, -1.23 to 2.06) as well as psychological quality of life (0.59, -0.85 to 2.03) did not change significantly. A school based multi-component physical activity intervention including compulsory elements improved physical activity and fitness and reduced adiposity in children. Trial registration Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN15360785.


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Introduction: The majority of convulsions are due to an epilepticseizure or a convulsive syncope. In some cases, this is the firstsymptom of an out of hospital cardiac arrest (OH-CA).Objective: This study was aimed to measure the proportion of adultnon traumatic OH-CA presenting as a convulsion.Methodology: We prospectively collected all incoming calls with anout-of-hospital non traumatic seizure as the chief complaint in patients>18 years during a 24-months period. Among these calls, we collectedcases identified as OH-CA by paramedics.Results: During the 24-months period, the EMS dispatch centerreceived 561 calls for an out-of-hospital non traumatic convulsion in anadult. Twelve cases were ultimately classified as CA. In this group, onebystander spontaneously reported that the patient was known forepilepsy. The incidence of OH-CA presenting as convulsions wastherefore 2.1% of all calls for convulsion. Over the same period, theEMS dispatch center received 1035 calls related to an adult nontraumatic OH-CA. Therefore the rate of OH-CA presenting as aconvulsion represented 1.2% of all adult non traumatic OH-CA.Conclusion: Only 12 cases out of the 531 calls for non traumatic adultconvulsions were confirmed OH-CA (2.1%). Nevertheless, this unusualpresentation of OH-CA must be recognized by dispatchers, even whena patient is reported by bystander as a known epileptic. Dispatchersshould keep bystanders on line or call them back before paramedics'arrival, and have them confirm the progressive return of a normalpattern of breathing and state of consciousness; if not, they shouldencourage when necessary bystander to initiate CPR. For dispatchers,a past medical history of epilepsy should not be regarded as sufficientinformation to rule-out OH-CA. It is mandatory that known epilepticpatients should be monitored in the same way as non-epileptic patients.


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The outcome for patients after an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) has been poor over many decades and single interventions have mostly resulted in disappointing results. More recently, some regions have observed better outcomes after redesigning their cardiac arrest pathways. Optimised resuscitation and prehospital care is absolutely key, but in-hospital care appears to be at least as important. OHCA treatment requires a multidisciplinary approach, comparable to trauma care; the development of cardiac arrest pathways and cardiac arrest centres may dramatically improve patient care and outcomes. Besides emergency medicine physicians, intensivists and neurologists, cardiologists are playing an increasingly crucial role in the post-resuscitation management, especially by optimising cardiac output and undertaking urgent coronary angiography/intervention.


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Purpose/Aim: To review the embryological basis of a wide spectrum of anorectal malformations (ARM), to provide anatomical schemas showing the possiblelocations of fistulas in boys and girls and to present the typical imaging findings of these complex anomalies using various imaging methods with emphasis on3T-MRI.Content Organization: 1. Embryology. 2. Imaging techniques. 3. Normal 3T-MRI pelvic anatomy. 4. Ano-rectal malformations in boys: - Classification -Anatomic schemas of location of fistulas. - Imaging studies. 5. Ano-rectal malformations in girls: - Classification - Anatomic schemas of location of fistulas. -Imaging studies. 6. Imaging of Currarino syndrome. 7. Imaging of Vacterl syndrome.Summary: ARM are a group of complex anatomical alterations characterized by an abnormal separation of genitourinary system from hindgut. The major teachingpoints of this pictorial essay are to show: - The normal anatomy of the pelvis floor and the sphincter muscle complex in 3T-MRI. - Anatomic schemas of thedifferent types of ARM in boys and girls. - Imaging findings of a wide spectrum of ARM using a multimodality approach. including colostogramm, voidingcystourethrogramm and MRI of the pelvis.


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Introduction: The majority of convulsions are due to an epileptic seizure or a convulsive syncope. The incidence of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OH-CA) presenting as a convulsion is unknown. Objective: This study aimed to measure the incidence of adult nontraumatic OH-CA presenting as a convulsion, a rate that has not been published so far, to the best of our knowledge. Methods: We prospectively collected all incoming calls with an out-of-hospital nontraumatic seizure as the chief complaint in patients >18 years old during a 24-month period. Among these calls, we collected cases identified as OH-CA by paramedics. Results: During the 24-month period, the emergency medical services (EMS) dispatch center received 561 calls for an out-of-hospital nontraumatic convulsion in an adult. Twelve cases were ultimately classified as CA. In this group, one bystander spontaneously reported that the patient was known for epilepsy. The incidence of OH-CA presenting as convulsions was therefore 2.1% of all calls for convulsion. Over the same period, the EMS dispatch center received 1,035 calls related to an adult nontraumatic OH-CA. Therefore, the rate of OH-CA presenting as a convulsion represented 1.2% of all adult nontraumatic OH-CA. Conclusion:L Only 12 cases out of the 531 calls for nontraumatic adult convulsions were confirmed OHCA (2.1%). Nevertheless, this unusual presentation of OH-CA must be recognized by dispatchers, even when a patient is reported by bystander as a known epileptic. Dispatchers should keep bystanders on the line or call them back before paramedics' arrival, and have them confirm the progressive return of a normal pat- tern of breathing and state of consciousness; if not, they should encourage the bystander to initiate CPR when necessary. An intervention should be implemented to improve the detection by dispatchers of OH-CA presenting as convulsion by the development of a specific interview and directed observation. For dispatchers, a past medical history of epilepsy should not be regarded as sufficient information to rule out OH-CA. It is mandatory that known epileptic patients should be monitored in the same way as nonepileptic patients.


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To assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the management, administrative and support structures for the General Practitioner out-of-hours pilot projects in the North Eastern and South Eastern Health Boards having regard to value for money and service enhancement considerations Download the Report here


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This Code of Practice sets out best practice approaches that should be followed by planning authorities in ensuring that the planning system plays its full part in facilitating the timely and cost-effective roll-out of school facilities by the Department of Education and Science and in line with the principles of proper planning and sustainable development. Complementing and expanding on previous planning guidelines issued by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (DEHLG) in 2007 on the preparation of development plans (2007), these guidelines also include details of how: the Department of Education and Science will support the work of planning authorities in their planning functions, and planning authorities can complement and build on such interaction through site identification and acquisition


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The Atripump is a motorless, volume displacement pump based on artificial muscle technology that could reproduce the pump function of normal atrium. It could help prevent blood clots due to blood stagnation and eventually avoid anticoagulation therapy in atrial fibrillation (AF). An animal study has been designed to assess mechanical effects of this pump on fibrillating atrium. The Atripump is a dome shaped silicone coated nitinol actuator. A pacemaker like control unit drives the actuator. In five adult sheep, the right atrium (RA) was exposed and dome sutured onto the epicardium. Atrial fibrillation was induced using rapid epicardial pacing (600 beats/min). Ejection fraction of the RA was obtained with intracardiac ultrasound in baseline, AF and Atripump assisted AF conditions. The dome's contraction rate was 60/min with power supply of 12V, 400 mA for 200 ms and ran for 2 hours in total. Mean temperature on the RA was 39+/-1.5 degrees C. Right atrium ejection fraction was 31% in baseline conditions, 5% and 20% in AF and assisted AF, respectively. In two animals a thrombus appeared in the right appendix and washed out once the pump was turned on. The Atripump washes blood out the RA acting as an anticoagulant device. Possible clinical implications in patients with chronic AF are prevention of embolism of cardiac origin and avoidance of hemorrhagic complication due to chronic anticoagulation.


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The PHA, through the Regional HSC Personal and Public Involvement Forum, have led on the development of an agreed regional policy to ensure that services users and carers are not out of pocket when involved in helping us to plan, deliver, review and evaluate HSC services. Staff are asked to familiarise themselves with the policy and apply it when involving services users and carers in their work.���