227 resultados para dormant
Contient : IRoman des Sept sages ; « Ci commance li livres des VII sages de Rome... Il ot jadis I emperere à Rome, qui ot non Diocliciens ; il ot eu famme... » ; «... aprés l'ampereour fu son fill ampereres tant coume il vesqui. Explicit. Explicit » ; IIMarqués de Rome ; « Ci commance li romanz de Marqués, le filz Chaton. Jadis out I empereeur à Rome, qui avoit non Diocliciens ; li empereres fu mult vieuz hom... » ; « ... et vesquirent ainsint en samble toutes leurs vies. Ici faut li rommanz de Marqués et des VII sages de Rome » ; IIIMiracles de Notre-Dame, en vers, par GAUTIER DE COINCY, incomplets du début. Exemplaire non cité dans l'édition de l'abbé Poquet ; Fragments du Prologue ; Les Miracles de la sainte Vierge, publiés par l'abbé Poquet, 1857, vers 25-30, 62-69, 99-106, 138-142 ; Suite du Prologue, à partir du vers 143 ; Fin du Prologue : « ... La langue GAUTIER DE CHOISI (sic), Qui por s'amor commance einsi » ; Miracle de Théophile : « Por ceus esbatre et deporter... » ; Les Miracles de la sainte Vierge, col. 50 ; « Un biau miracle vos récite... » ; Les Miracles de la sainte Vierge, col. 423 ; « Tenez silence, bones genz... » ; Les Miracles de la sainte Vierge, col. 355 ; « Un biau miracle vos weil dire... » ; Les Miracles de la sainte Vierge, col. 291 ; « [M]es livres me dit et revelle... » ; Les Miracles de la sainte Vierge., col. 475 ; « Ci aprés vell metre en brief... » ; Les Miracles de la sainte Vierge, col. 501 ; « Queque talant avez d'oïr... » ; Les Miracles de la sainte Vierge, col. 511 ; « De l'abesse qui fu enceinte, que Nostre Dame délivra de son enfant en dormant. Une abesse fu jadis, Qui la dame de Paradis... » ; Ulrich, dans Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, t. VI (1882), p. 334 ; « Un miracle truis d'un provoire... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 323 ; « Un moine fu d'une abahie... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 327 ; « Por plusors cuers plus enflammer... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 341 ; « Un arcevesque ot à Touleste... », texte très abrégé ; édit. Poquet, col. 77 ; « Tuit li miracle Nostre Dame... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 429 ; « Entendez tuit, et cler et lai... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 517 ; « Tant convolante me semont... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 303 ; « Pour ce qu'oiseuse est mort à l'ame... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 523 ; « [C]i fu un clers, un damoisiaux... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 363 ; « Entendez tuit, faites silence... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 443 ; « Des V siaumes de Maria. Un brief miracle vos veil dire, Conter vos veil d'un simple moinne... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 359 ; « Si com mes [livres] me tesmoigne... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 455 ; « A ceus qui aiment doucement... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 493 ; « A la loange de la Virge... » ; texte abrégé, comprenant seulement les 114 premiers vers ; édit. Poquet, col. 481 ; « Queque d'oïr estes en grant... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 505 ; « A Chartres fu ce truis uns clers... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 297 ; « Bien est que nos le bien dions... » ; édit. Poquet, col. 347 ; « Cele en cui prist humanité... », texte incomplet ; édit. Poquet, col. 461 ; « De la nonnein que li chevalliers espoussa. A la gloire la glorieuse, Une merveille merveilleuse... » ; Ulrich, dans Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, t. VI (1882), p. 339 ; « ... Et serront tant com Dieux dura, Beneoiz soit qui l'endurra. Amen. Amen. Explicit les miracles de Nostre Dame sainte Marie, la douce dame et la beningne » ; IVLa Conception de Notre-Dame, par WACE ; « Ci commance la vie Nostre Damne. El non Dieu, qui nous doint sa grace, Oiiez que nos dit mestre GASCE... » — Le texte est incomplet des 18 derniers vers, et s'arrête (fol. 200 v°, col. 2) à ces mots : « ... Si Jonas en la mer sauva, Les IIII enfanz el feu garda, Bien pout donques [resusciter...] » ; cf La vie de la vierge Marie, de maître Wace, p. p. V. Luzarche, Tours, 1859, p. 90
Contient : 1 Un Prologue ; 2 Le Psaume « Benedictus Dominus Deus meus... » ; 3 « Autre Pseaume : Beati omnes qui timent Dominum... » ; 4 « Une Chasse du cerf »
The relationships between vine water status, soil texture, and vine size were observed in four Niagara, Ontario Pinot noir vineyards in 2008 and 2009. The vineyards were divided into water status zones using geographic information systems (GIS) software to map the seasonal mean midday leaf water potential (,P), and dormant pruning shoot weights following the 2008 season. Fruit was harvested from all sentinel vines, bulked by water status zones and made into wine. Sensory analysis included a multidimensional sorting (MDS) task and descriptive analysis (DA) of the 2008 wines. Airborne multispectral images, with a spatial resolution of 38 cm, were captured four times in 2008 and three times in 2009, with the final flights around veraison. A semi-automatic process was developed to extract NDVI from the images, and a masking procedure was identified to create a vine-only NDVI image. 2008 and 2009 were cooler and wetter than mean years, and the range of water status zones was narrow. Yield per vine, vine size, anthocyanins and phenols were the least consistent variables. Divided by water status or vine size, there were no variables with differences between zones in all four vineyards in either year. Wines were not different between water status zones in any chemical analysis, and HPLC revealed that there were no differences in individual anthocyanins or phenolic compounds between water status zones within the vineyard sites. There were some notable correlations between vineyard and grape composition variables, and spatial trends were observed to be qualitatively related for many of the variables. The MDS task revealed that wines from each vineyard were more affected by random fermentation effects than water status effects. This was confirmed by the DA; there were no differences between wines from the water status zones within vineyard sites for any attribute. Remotely sensed NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) correlated reasonably well with a number of grape composition variables, as well as soil type. Resampling to a lower spatial resolution did not appreciably affect the strength of correlations, and corresponded to the information contained in the masked images, while maintaining the range of values of NDVI. This study showed that in cool climates, there is the potential for using precision viticulture techniques to understand the variability in vineyards, but the variable weather presents a challenge for understanding the driving forces of that variability.
La diapause embryonnaire se manifeste par un arrêt réversible du développement embryonnaire durant la période de préimplantation et induit un retard de l’implantation. Chez le vison américain, une diapause embryonnaire obligatoire caractérise chaque gestation. Si les mécanismes de contrôle de la diapause embryonnaire obligatoire chez cette espèce sont bien connus, le rôle utérin impliqué dans la réactivation de l’embryon demeure, quant à lui, encore inconnu. Le sujet de ce doctorat a consisté dans un premier temps à explorer l’environnement utérin à la sortie de la diapause embryonnaire afin de caractériser, dans un deuxième temps, les principaux acteurs utérins qui provoquent la réactivation de l’embryon. Nous avons effectué une analyse du transcriptome utérin à l’émergence de la diapause embryonnaire ce qui a permis de construire une librairie de 123 séquences d’ADNc utérines différentiellement exprimées à la réactivation de l’embryon et homologues à des séquences de gènes connues chez d’autres espèces. Ces gènes sont impliqués dans la régulation du métabolisme (25 %), de l’expression génique (21 %), de la transduction de signal (15 %), du cycle cellulaire (15 %), du transport (10 %) et de la structure cellulaire (9 %), reflétant ainsi d’importantes modifications utérines à la réactivation embryonnaire. Nous avons validé l’expression différentielle de dix gènes ainsi identifiés : GDF3 (growth and differentiation 3), ALCAM (activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule), ADIPOR1 (adiponectin receptor 1), HMGN1 (high mobility group N1), TXNL1 (thioredoxin like 1), TGM2 (tissue transglutaminase 2), SPARC (secreted protein acidic rich in cystein), et trois gènes codant pour AZIN1 (antizyme inhibitor 1), ODC1 (ornithine decarboxylase 1) et SAT1 (spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase), des enzymes impliquées dans la biosynthèse des polyamines. Le patron de l’expression spatio-temporel de SPARC et d’HMGN1 illustrent spécifiquement un remodelage tissulaire et de la chromatine au niveau utérin à la sortie de la diapause embryonnaire. Ayant mesuré une augmentation des concentrations utérines en polyamines à la reprise du développement embryonnaire, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que les polyamines seraient impliquées dans les événements menant à la sortie de la diapause. L’inhibition de la biosynthèse des polyamines par un traitement à l’ α-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) a provoqué une diminution significative de la proliferation cellulaire dans les embryons à la réactivation, un retard du moment de l’implantation, mais n’a pas affecté le succès de la reproduction. De manière similaire, nous avons induit un état de dormance dans les cellules de trophoblaste de vison en présence DFMO dans le milieu de culture, et constaté que cet état était réversible. En conclusion, cette étude a non seulement ouvert de nouveaux horizons quant à la compréhension du rôle utérin dans les événements menant à la sortie de la diapause embryonnaire, mais a démontré pour la première fois, l’existence de facteurs utérins indispensables à la réactivation de l’embryon: les polyamines.
The present study is on the nature, problems and prospects of the handloom industry in Kerala. The problems of the industry are mostly in the nature of low earnings of the workers, underutilisation of the existing capacity and low profit in its various sectors. The majority of the handloom co-operative societies are either dormant or facing liquidation. The income and employment of weavers are so pitiably low that they are living in utter poverty and starvation. Frequent price fluctuations of yarns, dyes and chemicals increase the cost of production and reduce the profitability. Consequently handloom fabrics are not able to compete with mill cloths and powerloom products. Accumulating the unsold stocks in the godowns of co-operative societies and with master weavers has become the practice of the day. Spinning mills in Kerala are producing only lower counts of yarns. S, handloom industry has to depend on textile mills in Tamil Nadu for higher counts of yarn. They create artificial scarcity and increase the prices exflorbitantly. Wage rates prevailing in Kerala are higher than those in Tamil Hadu. So rich master weavers are migrating to Tamil.Nadu and exporting the fabrics. under the label 'Kera1a Handlooms'. Governmental efforts to tackle the crisis by way of rebates and subsidies are found to be futile.
Mangroves are considered to play a significant role in global carbon cycling. Themangrove forests would fix CO2 by photosynthesis into mangrove lumber and thus decrease the possibility of a catastrophic series of events - global warming by atmospheric CO2, melting of the polar ice caps, and inundation of the great coastal cities of the world. The leaf litter and roots are the main contributors to mangrove sediments, though algal production and allochthonous detritus can also be trapped (Kristensen et al, 2008) by mangroves due to their high organic matter content and reducing nature are excellent metal retainers. Environmental pollution due to metals is of major concern. This is due to the basic fact that metals are not biodegradable or perishable the way most organic pollutants are. While most organic toxicants can be destroyed by combustion and converted into compounds such as C0, C02, SOX, NOX, metals can't be destroyed. At the most the valance and physical form of metals may change. Concentration of metals present naturally in air, water and soil is very low. Metals released into the environment through anthropogenic activities such as burning of fossils fuels, discharge of industrial effluents, mining, dumping of sewage etc leads to the development of higher than tolerable or toxic levels of metals in the environment leading to metal pollution. Of course, a large number of heavy metals such as Fe, Mn, Cu, Ni, Zn, Co, Cr, Mo, and V are essential to plants and animals and deficiency of these metals may lead to diseases, but at higher levels, it would lead to metal toxicity. Almost all industrial processes and urban activities involve release of at least trace quantities of half a dozen metals in different forms. Heavy metal pollution in the environment can remain dormant for a long time and surface with a vengeance. Once an area gets toxified with metals, it is almost impossible to detoxify it. The symptoms of metal toxicity are often quite similar to the symptoms of other common diseases such as respiratory problems, digestive disorders, skin diseases, hypertension, diabetes, jaundice etc making it all the more difficult to diagnose metal poisoning. For example the Minamata disease caused by mercury pollution in addition to affecting the nervous system can disturb liver function and cause diabetes and hypertension. The damage caused by heavy metals does not end up with the affected person. The harmful effects can be transferred to the person's progenies. Ironically heavy metal pollution is a direct offshoot of our increasing ability to mass produce metals and use them in all spheres of existence. Along with conventional physico- chemical methods, biosystem approachment is also being constantly used for combating metal pollution
Housing is one of the primary human needs. It is second only to the need for food and clothing. From a macro perspective, housing is an industry that can prove itself to be a growth engine for a nation, particularly a developing nation like India. Housing has been one of the top priorities for the various governments in India since the seventies. The need for housing has been increasing at a phenomenal pace in India and so also the need for housing finance. Since the growth in supply of housing could not keep pace with the growth in its demand, housing shortage has been on the rise over the years. Housing finance industry which was relatively dormant till the early nineties underwent sweeping changes ever since the initiation of financial sector deregulation measures. Financial deregulation measures brought about several changes in this industry, the first and foremost being the fast growth rate in the industry coupled with cutthroat competition among the industry players. This trend has been quite prominent since the entry of commercial banks into this arena. Accordingly, there has been a surge in the growth of retail (personal) loans segment, particularly in respect of housing loans. This is evident from the fact that housing loans disbursed by banks as a percentage of their total loans has increased from just 2.79% as of end-March 1997 to as high as 12.52% as of end-March 2007. Thus, there has been an unprecedented growth rate in the disbursement of housing loans by banks, and as of 31 March 2007 the outstanding balance of housing loans by all banks in India stands at Rs.230689 Crore, as against just Rs.7946 Crore as of 31 March 1997, the growth rate being 35.82 %CAGR (for the eleven years’ period, FY 1997-‘2007). However, in spite of the impressive growth in housing finance over the years, there are growing apprehensions regarding its inclusiveness, i.e. accessibility to the common man, the underprivileged sections of the society to housing finance etc. Of late, it is widely recognized that formal housing finance system, particularly the commercial banks (CBs) – most dominant among the players – is fast becoming exclusive in operations, with nearly 90% of the total housing credit going to the rich and upper middle income group, primarily the salaried class. The case of housing finance companies (HFCs) is quite similar in this regard. The poor and other marginalized sections are often deprived of adequate credit facilities for housing purpose. Studies have revealed that urban housing poverty is much more acute than the rural probably because of the very fast process of urbanization coupled with constant rural to urban migration
Globalization is widely regarded as the rise of the borderless world. However in practice, true globalization points rather to a “spatial logic” by which globalization is manifested locally in the shape of insular space. Globalization in this sense is not merely about the creation of physical fragmentation of space but also the creation of social disintegration. This study tries to proof that global processes also create various forms of insular space leading also to specific social implications. In order to examine the problem this study looks at two cases: China’s Pearl River Delta (PRD) and Jakarta in Indonesia. The PRD case reveals three forms of insular space namely the modular, concealed and the hierarchical. The modular points to the form of enclosed factories where workers are vulnerable for human-right violations due to the absent of public control. The concealed refers to the production of insular space by subtle discrimination against certain social groups in urban space. And the hierarchical points to a production of insular space that is formed by an imbalanced population flow. The Jakarta case attempts to show more types of insularity in relation to the complexity of a mega-city which is shaped by a culture of exclusion. Those are dormant and hollow insularity. The dormant refers to the genesis of insular– radical – community from a culture of resistance. The last type, the hollow, points to the process of making a “pseudo community” where sense of community is not really developed as well as weak social relationship with its surrounding. Although global process creates various expressions of territorial insularization, however, this study finds that the “line of flight” is always present, where the border of insularity is crossed. The PRD’s produces vernacular modernization done by peasants which is less likely to be controlled by the politics of insularization. In Jakarta, the culture of insularization causes urban informalities that have no space, neither spatially nor socially; hence their state of ephemerality continues as a tactic of place-making. This study argues that these crossings possess the potential for reconciling venue to defuse the power of insularity.
Germination experiments were performed with seeds of two species of genus Allium section Allium, a rare and endangered species A. pyrenaicum and a common A. sphaerocephalon. Different pre-treatments and a photoperiod of 24 h darkness were applied in order to simulate different germination conditions. Both species showed a high percentage of viable seeds a part of which were dormant. An elevate percentage of dormant seeds could be caused by a later collection time. Low altitude populations had more mortality than the others, possibly caused by the hard summer conditions during flowering and fruiting time. Comparisons between dates of species coexistence localities only show inter-population variability and it could be caused by the detected dormancy. Darkness accelerates germination, possibly for elongation radicle stimulation. Heat-shock pre-treatments decreased germination time in seeds from localities where fire is a probable event. The rarity of A. Pyrenaicum not seems to be caused by restricted germination requirements but is attributable to distinct habitat preferences, related to his altitudinal range of distribution
Los procesos transnacionales han marcado un cambio en las relaciones entre los actores del sistema internacional, permitiendo el trabajo por diversas causas a través de las fronteras. Esto ha sido aprovechado por los movimientos sociales, para que su lucha no quede enmarcada simplemente en su país, sino que a partir de objetivos, problemáticas, valores y acciones similares se vea reflejado en diferentes Estados y se de una acción común y colectiva para generar un cambio. Este fenómeno ha sido tomado como referente el Movimiento Pro-choice para articularse transnacionalmente en Colombia para la promoción de los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos en el periodo de 2001 a 2011, alcanzando una serie de objetivos importantes que han permitido cambios legales al interior del país, generando también un cambio dentro de la sociedad colombiana. El estudio, análisis y comprensión de la articulación del movimiento prochoice a partir de una dinámica transnacional para la promoción de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos en Colombia, se perfila como un tema de importancia por su coyuntura actual en el mundo, puesto que ha estado latente en los últimos veinte años. Igualmente, la identificación de la acción de los MST como otros actores internacionales en la transformación de las sociedades tanto locales como internacionales, traducido como un fenómeno que se puede explicar dentro de las Relaciones Internacionales.
1. The hypothesis that nutrient enrichment will affect bryozoan abundance was tested using two complementary investigations; a field-based method determining bryozoan abundance in 20 rivers of different nutrient concentrations by deploying statoblast (dormant propagule) traps and an experimental laboratory microcosm study measuring bryozoan growth and mortality. These two methods confirmed independently that increased nutrient concentrations in water promote increases in the biomass of freshwater bryozoans. 2. Statoblasts of the genus Plumatella were recorded in all rivers, regardless of nutrient concentrations, demonstrating that freshwater bryozoans are widespread. Concentrations of Plumatella statoblasts were high in rivers with high nutrient concentrations relative to those with low to moderate nutrient concentrations. Regression analyses indicated that phosphorus concentrations, in particular, significantly influenced statoblast concentrations. 3. Concentrations of Lophopus crystallinus statoblasts were also higher in sites characterised by high nutrient concentrations. Logistic regression analysis revealed that the presence of L. crystallinus statoblasts was significantly associated with decreasing altitude and increasing phosphorus concentrations. This apparently rare species was found in nine rivers (out of 20), seven of which were new sites for L. crystallinus. 4. Growth rates of Fredericella sultana in laboratory microcosms increased with increasing nutrient concentration and high mortality rates were associated with low nutrient concentrations. 5. Our results indicate that bryozoans respond to increasing nutrient concentrations by increased growth, resulting in higher biomasses in enriched waters. We also found that an important component of bryozoan diets can derive from food items lacking chlorophyll a. Finally, bryozoans may be used as independent proxies for inferring trophic conditions, a feature that may be especially valuable in reconstructing historical environments by assessing the abundance of statoblasts in sediment cores.
Canopy interception of incident precipitation is a critical component of the forest water balance during each of the four seasons. Models have been developed to predict precipitation interception from standard meteorological variables because of acknowledged difficulty in extrapolating direct measurements of interception loss from forest to forest. No known study has compared and validated canopy interception models for a leafless deciduous forest stand in the eastern United States. Interception measurements from an experimental plot in a leafless deciduous forest in northeastern Maryland (39°42'N, 75°5'W) for 11 rainstorms in winter and early spring 2004/05 were compared to predictions from three models. The Mulder model maintains a moist canopy between storms. The Gash model requires few input variables and is formulated for a sparse canopy. The WiMo model optimizes the canopy storage capacity for the maximum wind speed during each storm. All models showed marked underestimates and overestimates for individual storms when the measured ratio of interception to gross precipitation was far more or less, respectively, than the specified fraction of canopy cover. The models predicted the percentage of total gross precipitation (PG) intercepted to within the probable standard error (8.1%) of the measured value: the Mulder model overestimated the measured value by 0.1% of PG; the WiMo model underestimated by 0.6% of PG; and the Gash model underestimated by 1.1% of PG. The WiMo model’s advantage over the Gash model indicates that the canopy storage capacity increases logarithmically with the maximum wind speed. This study has demonstrated that dormant-season precipitation interception in a leafless deciduous forest may be satisfactorily predicted by existing canopy interception models.
We investigated seed dormancy and germination in Ficus lundellii Standl. (Moraceae), a native species of Mexico's Los Tuxtlas tropical rain forest. In an 8-h photoperiod at an alternating diurnal (16/8 h) temperature of 20/30 degrees C, germination was essentially complete (96%) within 28 days, whereas in darkness, all seeds remained dormant. Neither potassium nitrate (0.05-0.2%) applied continuously nor gibberellic acid applied either continuously (10-200 ppm) or as a 24 hour pretreatment (2000 ppm) induced germination in the dark. Germination in the light was not reduced by a 24-h hydrochloric acid (0.1-1%) pretreatment, but it was reduced both by a 24-h pretreatment with either H2O2 (0. 1-5 M) or 5% HCl, or by more than 5 days of storage at 40 degrees C (4.5% seed water content). In a study with a 2-dimensional temperature gradient plate, seeds germinated fully and rapidly in the light at a constant temperature of 30 degrees C, and fully but less rapidly in the light at alternating temperatures with low amplitudes (< 12 degrees C) about the optimal constant temperature. The base, optimal and ceiling temperatures for rate of germination were estimated as 13.8, 30.1 and 41.1 degrees C, respectively. In all temperature regimes, light was essential for the germination of F lundellii seeds.
center dot Background and Aims The control of dormancy in yam (Disocorea spp.) tubers is poorly understood and attempts to shorten the long dormant period (i.e. cause tubers to sprout or germinate much earlier) have been unsuccessful. The aim of this study was to identify and define the phases of dormancy in Dioscorea rotundata tubers, and to produce a framework within which dormancy can be more effectively studied. center dot Methods Plants of 'TDr 131' derived from tissue culture were grown in a glasshouse simulating temperature and photoperiod at Ibadan (7 degrees N), Nigeria to produce tubers. Tubers were sampled on four occasions: 30 d before shoot senescence (149 days after planting, DAP), at shoot senescence (179 DAP), and twice during storage at a constant 25 degrees C (269 and 326 DAP). The development of the apical shoot bud was described from tissue sections. In addition, the responsiveness of shoot apical bud development to plant growth regulators (gibberellic acid, 2-chloroethanol and thiourea) applied to excised tuber sections was also examined 6 and 12 d after treatment. center dot Key Results and Conclusions Three phases of tuber dormancy are proposed: Phase I, from tuber initiation to the appearance of the tuber germinating meristem; Phase II, from the tuber germinating meristem to initiation of foliar primordium; and Phase III, from foliar primordium to appearance of the shoot bud on the surface of the tuber. Phase I is the longest phase (approx. 220 d in 'TDr 131'), is not affected by PGRs and is proposed to be an endo-dormant phase. Phases II and III are shorter (< 70 d in total), are influenced by PGRs and environmental conditions, and are therefore endo-/eco-dormant phases. To manipulate dormancy to allow off-season planting and more than one generation per year requires that the duration of Phase I is shortened.
Dormancy is an adaptive trait in seed populations that helps ensure that seed germination is distributed over time and occurs in environmental conditions suitable for seedling growth. Several genes.. associated with seed dormancy in various plant species, have been integrated into a hypothetical dormancy model for Avena fatua L. (wild oats). Generally, the synthesis of, and sensitivity to, abscisic acid (ABA) during imbibition determines whether genes similar to those during maturation are expressed leading to a maintenance of dormancy during extended imbibition. Alternatively, there may be a shift towards expression of genes associated with gibberellins leading to germination. Environmental factors during maturation, after-ripening and imbibition are likely to interact with the genotype to affect gene expression and hence whether or not a seed germinates. In spite of the difficulties of working on a hexaploid species, A. fatua was selected for study because of its worldwide importance as a weed. Dormant and non-dormant genotypes of this species were also available. Gene expression studies are being carried out on three A.fatua genotypes produced tinder different environmental conditions to investigate the role of specific genes in dormancy and genotype X environment interactions in relation to dormancy.