115 resultados para dishonest signer


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Twenty-five line handwritten epitaph in Latin written by Professor Edward Wigglesworth for Henry Flynt. Begins, "Huic Tumulo mandantur Exuvia / Vin admodum venerabilis Henrici Flynt Armigeri."


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Three unlined pages with notes written by Harvard undergraduate Elijah Dunbar. The documents consist of two pages of chemistry notes compiled in September 1792 when Dunbar was a junior and an undated, untitled list of theological themes. The chemistry notes include a summary of the discipline and a set of laws regarding the "affinity of composition." The verso of the second page was later annotated: "Borrow- He that discerneth Youth & Beau[ty] Elij. Dunar 2'd 1793. Rec'd David Tappan, Professor of Divinity in the University--Elijah Dunbar, jun." followed by a list of students identified as "Alchemists" in the "Ridiculous Society": Joseph Perkins, Isaac Braman, William Biglow, and Elijah Dunbar. The second document is an untitled list of 27 theological themes beginning "1. Doctrine of the Trinity," and ending "27. Family worship," and may refer to sermon or lecture topics.


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Manuscript narrative, signed by John Campion and Joseph Knills; dated at Carbonnear Is., Newfoundland, 14 May 1709.


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This legal document, a counterbond, was created on May 14, 1722 and involved John Oldham, James Clark, and Richard Moores. All three men were residents of Cambridge at the time of its creation. The document specifies Oldham's financial obligations to Clark, a cordwainer, and Moores, a tailor and was "Sign[ed], sealed & [delivered] in the presence of Nathaniel Sparhawk and Noah Sparkhawk." The document also refers to the "trustees for the town of Cambridge" Spencer Shipps, Nathaniel Sparhawk and John Dickson.


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Account of cash paid out to various people.


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In this deed of feoffment, written on Dec. 10, 1677, Thomas Sweetman agreed to sell his dwelling house, barn, and orchard to his son-in-law, Michael Spencer, for the cost of eighty pounds sterling. The property was located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on what was then the northwest corner of the grounds of Harvard College, and was sold "together with the wood lot upon the rocks and cow commons belonging to it." The deed specifies that both Sweetman and his wife Isabel were to be allowed to occupy the property until their deaths, and further explains that Spencer and his family were already living in the dwelling house, occupying three rooms. The document was signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of Daniel Gookin, Jr. and John Bridgham. It was also signed by Thomas Sweetman.


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This group of records contains deeds and related documents for a selection of properties owned by Harvard University in Boston and possibly Cambridge and other nearby communities through the mid 1940s. Documents include deeds, assignments of mortgages, receipts, correspondence, and other legal documents. Many of the documents record property transfers prior to Harvard's acquisition of the property, and often the documents do not fully identify Harvard's involvement with the property. The bulk of the documents date from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.


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Manuscript document, in an unidentified hand, concerning the staffing of the garrison of Calumet, western Quebec, with 20 armed men, ordered and signed by the Governor Henry de Giou, lord of Caylus. Also signed by Cesar de Bonnefont and Amable de Basmaison.


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Commission appointing Moses Deshon as major of a foot regiment under Col. Joseph Thatcher.


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O estudo da problemática da admissibilidade jurídico-penal do crime de burla por omissão, enquadrando-se na órbitra dos crimes comissivos por omissão, impõe, a título de questão prévia, a análise do conteúdo e alcance da cláusula de equiparação da omissão à acção, ínsita no art. 10.º do C.P, e, bem assim, a indagação do seu fundamento e da sua compatibilidade com o princípio jurídico-constitucional da legalidade das normas incriminadoras e suas exigências de determinação típica decorrentes dos princípios nullum crimen sine (prævia) lege e nulla poena sine (prævia) lege., matéria a que nos debruçaremos na Parte I da presente dissertação e que deverá ser essencialmente entendida à luz do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana e da necessidade de um equilíbrio entre a certeza e a segurança jurídicas com a tutela de determinados bens-jurídicos fundamentais, enquanto pilares essenciais de qualquer Estado de Direito Democrático. Na parte II, tentaremos determinar o significado e alcance da conduta enganosa e astuciosa do crime de burla, previsto e punido pelo n.º 1 do art.º 217.º do C.P., desbravando, antes de mais, a sua evolução normativa até aos tempos hodiernos, após o que definiremos a estrutura normativa do tipo. Buscaremos, de seguida, uma aproximação ao conceito de engano e a determinação das formas e modalidades que a conduta enganosa e astuciosa poderá assumir: Exigirá a conduta típica uma mise-en-scène perpetrada pelo agente ou poderá bastar-se com uma mera mentira? Alcançada a sua (possível) determinação, estaremos já em condições de nos debruçarmos sobre a problemática da admissibilidade jurídico-penal da burla por omissão, altura em que, sob uma perspectiva crítica e acompanhada da análise igualmente crítica de casos, avançaremos com argumentos favoráveis e contrários a essa admissibilidade, sem, naturalmente, deixarmos de auscultar a tendência de entendimento da nossa Jurisprudência.


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Green cloth binding, with gilt spine titles.


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Bound in flexible maroon leather; stamped in gold. T.p. in red and black.


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Title from caption.


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On cover: New York, J & J Harper, 1836.


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spec.: In slipcase.