927 resultados para disc jockeys
Objective: To detect and quantitate changes in optic nerve morphology after glaucoma surgery using the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph (HRT, Heidelberg Instruments, Heidelberg, Germany). Design: Nonconsecutive observational case series. Participants and Intervention: The authors prospectively enrolled 21 adult patients undergoing incisional glaucoma surgery for progressive glaucoma damage. Quantitative analysis of the optic nerve head by scanning laser tomography and automated perimetry were performed before and after glaucoma surgery. Main Outcome Measures: Changes in optic nerve parameters were subjected to linear regression analysis with respect to percent of postoperative reduction of intraocular pressure (IOP), as well as with respect to age, refraction, preoperative cup:disc ratio, and change in visual field parameters. Results: Seventeen patients had pre- and postoperative images suitable for analysis. Mean IOP at the time of image acquisition before surgery was 30.5 ± 12 mmHg, and after surgery 11.8 ± 5.2 mmHg (mean follow-up, 26 ± 7 weeks). Eleven of 13 (85%) patients having IOP reduction of greater than 40% showed improvement in optic disc parameters. All four patients with less than 25% reduction in IOP showed worsening of most parameters. Changes in optic disc parameters were highly correlated with percent IOP reduction and with age. The parameters in which change most strongly correlated with percent change of IOP were cup area, rim area, cup:disc ratio, and mean cup depth (each, P <0.005). The age of the patient correlated highly with change in maximum cup depth (P <0.005). Refraction and clinically determined cup:disc ratio correlated poorly with changes in measured optic disc parameters. Clinical improvement in visual fields was correlated with the degree of improvement of cup:disc ratio (P = 0.025). Conclusion: Most patients showing a 40% lowering of IOP after glaucoma surgery show improved optic nerve morphology as measured by the HRT. The amount of improvement correlated highly with the percent reduction of IOP.
Approximately 20 per cent of quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) exhibit broad, blue-shifted absorption lines in their ultraviolet spectra. Such features provide clear evidence for significant outflows from these systems, most likely in the form of accretion disc winds. These winds may represent the ‘quasar’ mode of feedback that is often invoked in galaxy formation/evolution models, and they are also key to unification scenarios for active galactic nuclei (AGN) and QSOs. To test these ideas, we construct a simple benchmark model of an equatorial, biconical accretion disc wind in a QSO and use a Monte Carlo ionization/radiative transfer code to calculate the ultraviolet spectra as a function of viewing angle. We find that for plausible outflow parameters, sightlines looking directly into the wind cone do produce broad, blue-shifted absorption features in the transitions typically seen in broad absorption line (BAL) QSOs. However, our benchmark model is intrinsically X-ray weak in order to prevent overionization of the outflow, and the wind does not yet produce collisionally excited line emission at the level observed in non-BAL QSOs. As a first step towards addressing these shortcomings, we discuss the sensitivity of our results to changes in the assumed X-ray luminosity and mass-loss rate, Ṁwind. In the context of our adopted geometry, Ṁwind ∼ Ṁacc is required in order to produce significant BAL features. The kinetic luminosity and momentum carried by such outflows would be sufficient to provide significant feedback.
The anaerobic skin commensal Propionibacterium acnes is an underestimated cause of human infections and clinical conditions. Previous studies have suggested a role for the bacterium in lumbar disc herniation and infection. To further investigate this, five biopsy samples were surgically excised from each of 64 patients with lumbar disc herniation. P. acnes and other bacteria were detected by anaerobic culture, followed by biochemical and PCR-based identification. In total, 24/64 (38%) patients had evidence of P. acnes in their excised herniated disc tissue. Using recA and mAb typing methods, 52% of the isolates were type II (50% of culture-positive patients), while type IA strains accounted for 28% of isolates (42% patients). Type III (11% isolates; 21% patients) and type IB strains (9% isolates; 17% patients) were detected less frequently. The MIC values for all isolates were lowest for amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, rifampicin, tetracycline, and vancomycin (≤1 mg/L). The MIC for fusidic acid was 1-2 mg/L. The MIC for trimethoprim and gentamicin was 2 to ≥4 mg/L. The demonstration that type II and III strains, which are not frequently recovered from skin, predominated within our isolate collection (63%) suggests that the role of P. acnes in lumbar disc herniation should not be readily dismissed.
Death receptor activation triggers recruitment of FADD, which via its death effector domain (DED) engages the DEDs of procaspase 8 and its inhibitor FLIP to form death-inducing signalling complexes (DISCs). The DEDs of FADD, FLIP and procaspase 8 interact with one another using two binding surfaces defined by α1/α4 and α2/α5 helices, respectively. Here we report that FLIP has preferential affinity for the α1/α4 surface of FADD, whereas procaspase 8 has preferential affinity for FADD's α2/α5 surface. These relative affinities contribute to FLIP being recruited to the DISC at comparable levels to procaspase 8 despite lower cellular expression. Additional studies, including assessment of DISC stoichiometry and functional assays, suggest that following death receptor recruitment, the FADD DED preferentially engages FLIP using its α1/α4 surface and procaspase 8 using its α2/α5 surface; these tripartite intermediates then interact via the α1/α4 surface of FLIP DED1 and the α2/α5 surface of procaspase 8 DED2.
Many high-state non-magnetic cataclysmic variables (CVs) exhibit blueshifted absorption or P-Cygni profiles associated with ultraviolet (UV) resonance lines. These features imply the existence of powerful accretion disc winds in CVs. Here, we use our Monte Carlo ionization and radiative transfer code to investigate whether disc wind models that produce realistic UV line profiles are also likely to generate observationally significant recombination line and continuum emission in the optical waveband. We also test whether outflows may be responsible for the single-peaked emission line profiles often seen in high-state CVs and for the weakness of the Balmer absorption edge (relative to simple models of optically thick accretion discs). We find that a standard disc wind model that is successful in reproducing the UV spectra of CVs also leaves a noticeable imprint on the optical spectrum, particularly for systems viewed at high inclination. The strongest optical wind-formed recombination lines are H alpha and He ii lambda 4686. We demonstrate that a higher density outflow model produces all the expected H and He lines and produces a recombination continuum that can fill in the Balmer jump at high inclinations. This model displays reasonable verisimilitude with the optical spectrum of RW Trianguli. No single-peaked emission is seen, although we observe a narrowing of the double-peaked emission lines from the base of the wind. Finally, we show that even denser models can produce a single-peaked H alpha line. On the basis of our results, we suggest that winds can modify, and perhaps even dominate, the line and continuum emission from CVs.
To investigate the heritability of intraocular pressure (IOP) and cup-to-disc ratio (CDR) in an older well-defined population.
Family-based cohort study.
Through the population-based Salisbury Eye Evaluation study, we recruited 726 siblings (mean age, 74.7 years) in 284 sibships.
Intraocular pressure and CDR were measured bilaterally for all participants. The presence or absence of glaucoma was determined by a glaucoma specialist for all probands on the basis of visual field, optic nerve appearance, and history. The heritability of IOP was calculated as twice the residual between-sibling correlation of IOP using linear regression and generalized estimating equations after adjusting for age, gender, mean arterial pressure, race, self-reported diabetes status, and history of systemic steroid use. The heritability of CDR was calculated using the same model and adjustments as above, while also adjusting for IOP.
Heritability and determinants of IOP and CDR, and impact of siblings' glaucoma status on IOP and CDR.
We estimated the heritability to be 0.29 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.12-0.46) for IOP and 0.56 (95% CI, 0.35-0.76) for CDR in this population. Mean IOP in siblings of glaucomatous probands was statistically significantly higher than in siblings of normal probands (mean difference, 1.02 mmHg; P = 0.017). The mean CDR in siblings of glaucomatous probands was 0.07 (or 19%) larger than in siblings of glaucoma suspect referrals (P = 0.045) and siblings of normal probands (P = 0.004).
In this elderly population, we found CDR to be highly heritable and IOP to be moderately heritable. On average, siblings of glaucoma patients had higher IOPs and larger CDRs than siblings of nonglaucomatous probands.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal estudar o comportamento mecânico do disco intervertebral recorrendo a sensores em fibra ótica. Na expetativa de efetuar o melhor enquadramento do tema foi efetuada uma revisão exaustiva das várias configurações de sensores em fibra ótica que têm vindo a ser utilizadas em aplicações biomédicas e biomecânicas, nomeadamente para medição de temperatura, deformação, força e pressão. Nesse âmbito, procurou-se destacar as potencialidades dos sensores em fibra ótica e apresentá-los como uma tecnologia alternativa ou até de substituição das tecnologias associadas a sensores convencionais. Tendo em vista a aplicação de sensores em fibra ótica no estudo do comportamento do disco intervertebral efetuou-se também uma revisão exaustiva da coluna vertebral e, particularmente, do conceito de unidade funcional. A par de uma descrição anatómica e funcional centrada no disco intervertebral, vértebras adjacentes e ligamentos espinais foram ainda destacadas as suas propriedades mecânicas e descritos os procedimentos mais usuais no estudo dessas propriedades. A componente experimental do presente trabalho descreve um conjunto de experiências efetuadas com unidades funcionais cadavéricas utilizando sensores convencionais e sensores em fibra ótica com vista à medição da deformação do disco intervertebral sob cargas compressivas uniaxiais. Inclui ainda a medição in vivo da pressão intradiscal num disco lombar de uma ovelha sob efeito de anestesia. Para esse efeito utilizou-se um sensor comercial em fibra ótica e desenvolveu-se a respetiva unidade de interrogação. Finalmente apresenta-se os resultados da investigação em curso que tem como objetivo propor e desenvolver protótipos de sensores em fibra ótica para aplicações biomédicas e biomecânicas. Nesse sentido, são apresentadas duas soluções de sensores interferométricos para medição da pressão em fluídos corporais.
Three different lubricating greases and their bleed and base oils were compared in terms of film thickness in a ball-on-disc test rig through optical interferometry. The theoretical values calculated according to Hamrock's equation are in close agreement with the base oil film thickness measurements, which validates the selected experimental methodology. The grease and bleed oil film thickness under fully flooded lubrication conditions presented quite similar behaviour and levels. Therefore, the grease film thickness under full film conditions might be predicted using their bleed oil properties, namely the viscosity and pressure-viscosity coefficient. The base and bleed oil lubricant parameter LP are proportional to the measured film thickness. A relationship between grease and the corresponding bleed oil film thickness was evidenced.
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 55472
Cette thèse constitue à la fois un apport de nature clinique et technologique dans l’approche diagnostique du glaucome. Plus précisément, nous nous proposons d’étudier une nouvelle façon de détecter le glaucome par la mesure de l’asymétrie du rapport de la surface de l’anneau neurorétinien et de la surface de la papille ou du disque optique ou rim to disc area asymmetry ratio (RADAAR). Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous avons recours à une base de données composée d’une population subdivisée en 4 différents groupes de diagnostic (normal, glaucome possible, glaucome probable et glaucome définitif). Les mesures du RADAAR sont calculées de différentes façons à partir des paramètres stéréométriques de la tête du nerf optique des sujets, produits par la microscopie confocale à balayage laser (Heidelberg Retina Tomograph (HRT) (Heidelberg Engineering, Germany)). Nous procédons à une analyse de données grâce au logiciel SPSS où nous mettons en exergue la distribution du RADAAR dans les différentes populations, sa validité et son utilité dans le dépistage du glaucome. Nous enrôlons donc 523 sujets dans cette étude avec 82 sujets atteints de glaucome définitif. La moyenne d’âge est de 62 ans. Il y a plus de femmes que d’hommes et plus de Caucasiens que d’Africains Caribéens. Nous trouvons que la distribution de la mesure du RADAAR est différente des sujets d’un groupe de diagnostic à l’autre. En termes de performance, la sensibilité de la mesure du RADAAR est très basse c'est-à-dire que sa capacité de détecter la maladie est basse. En revanche la mesure du RADAAR est plus spécifique c'est-à-dire que sa capacité d’identifier les sujets exempts de la maladie est plus grande. Elle tendrait à être aussi plus performante chez les Africains Caribéens que chez les Caucasiens. De même, elle serait plus sensible chez les hommes que chez les femmes. La mesure du RADAAR est utile si on l’associe à une autre méthode de diagnostic comme l’analyse de Régression de Moorfields (MRA) incluse dans le logiciel du HRT3 spécialement lors de la détection du glaucome dans la population à haut risque. En définitive, nous déterminons que la mesure du RADAAR se veut un outil d’aide au diagnostic. Elle est particulièrement intéressante dans le contexte de dépistage de glaucome.
Efficient optic disc segmentation is an important task in automated retinal screening. For the same reason optic disc detection is fundamental for medical references and is important for the retinal image analysis application. The most difficult problem of optic disc extraction is to locate the region of interest. Moreover it is a time consuming task. This paper tries to overcome this barrier by presenting an automated method for optic disc boundary extraction using Fuzzy C Means combined with thresholding. The discs determined by the new method agree relatively well with those determined by the experts. The present method has been validated on a data set of 110 colour fundus images from DRION database, and has obtained promising results. The performance of the system is evaluated using the difference in horizontal and vertical diameters of the obtained disc boundary and that of the ground truth obtained from two expert ophthalmologists. For the 25 test images selected from the 110 colour fundus images, the Pearson correlation of the ground truth diameters with the detected diameters by the new method are 0.946 and 0.958 and, 0.94 and 0.974 respectively. From the scatter plot, it is shown that the ground truth and detected diameters have a high positive correlation. This computerized analysis of optic disc is very useful for the diagnosis of retinal diseases
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