818 resultados para directors


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Inside this Issue: WPADirector's ForumArchivesM. L King LibraryElectronic Info


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Best corporate governance practices published in the primers of Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission and the Brazilian Corporate Governance Institute promote board independence as much as possible, as a way to increase the effectiveness of governance mechanism (Sanzovo, 2010). Therefore, this paper aims at understanding if what the managerial literature portraits as being self-evident - stricter governance, better performance - can be observed in actual evidence. The question answered is: do companies with a stricter control and monitoring system perform better than others? The method applied in this paper consists on comparing 116 companies in respect to the their independence level between top management team and board directors– being that measured by four parameters, namely, the percentage of independent outsiders in the board, the separation of CEO and chairman, the adoption of contingent compensation and the percentage of institutional investors in the ownership structure – and their financial return measured in terms return on assets (ROA) from the latest Quarterly Earnings release of 2012. From the 534 companies listed in the Stock Exchange of Sao Paulo – Bovespa – 116 were selected due to their level of corporate governance. The title “Novo Mercado” refers to the superior level of governance level within companies listed in Bovespa, as they have to follow specific criteria to assure shareholders ´protection (BM&F, 2011). Regression analyses were conducted in order to reveal the correlation level between two selected variables. The results from the regression analysis were the following: the correlation between each parameter and ROA was 10.26%; the second regression analysis conducted measured the correlation between the independence level of top management team vis-à-vis board directors – namely, CEO relative power - and ROA, leading to a multiple R of 5.45%. Understanding that the scale is a simplification of the reality, the second part of the analysis transforms all the four parameters into dummy variables, excluding what could be called as an arbitrary scale. The ultimate result from this paper led to a multiple R of 28.44%, which implies that the combination of the variables are still not enough to translate the complex reality of organizations. Nonetheless, an important finding can be taken from this paper: two variables (percentage of outside directors and percentage of institutional investor ownership) are significant in the regression, with p-value lower than 10% and with negative coefficients. In other words, counter affirming what the literature very often portraits as being self-evident – stricter governance leads to higher performance – this paper has provided evidences to believe that the increase in the formal governance structure trough outside directors in the board and ownership by institutional investor might actually lead to worse performance. The section limitations and suggestions for future researches presents some reasons explaining why, although supported by strong theoretical background, this paper faced some challenging methodological assumptions, precluding categorical statements about the level of governance – measured by four selected parameters – and the financial return in terms of financial on assets.


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Vila Nova Esperança é uma das 400 favelas do estado de São Paulo. Nos últimos anos, esta comunidade sobreviveu a um duro processo judiciário em contra de poderosos órgãos governamentais e ganhou a atenção de organizações não governamentais que vêm esta comunidade como um lugar de sucesso para implementar os seus projetos. O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar quem som os atores de dentro e de fora que mais influencia têm na comunidade, como foi que eles conseguiram esse poder e as implicações da distribuição de poder. As principais conclusões desta dissertação são que o poder dentro da comunidade está centrado em apenas uma pessoa, que a os membros da comunidade sentem que eles não tem controle da sua situação, que existe um déficit de comunicação entre a comunidade e as administrações publicas e que as ONGs que alcançam posições de influência dentro da comunidade fazê-lo graças ao seu esforço e persistência prolongado no tempo.


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Presenta la organizacion de los trabajos y resumen de los debates de la reunion, en la que se analizaron aspectos globales de los Censos de Poblacion y Vivienda que requieren decisiones a nivel de Directores de Estadistica; la participacion de los paises latinoamericanos y del Caribe en el 24o periodo de sesiones de la Comision de Estadistica de las Naciones Unidas; y se evaluaron las actividades acordadas en la 9a Conferencia Interamericana de Estadistica.


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Presenta el resumen de los debates de la reunión que tuvo como principales propósitos evaluar los avances logrados en actividades preparatorias de la Ronda de Censos del 90, absorción de tecnologías computacionales para el desarrollo estadístico de la región, cooperación técnica, capacitación y situación de las estadísticas sociales.


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Presenta una serie de consideraciones acerca de la importancia de la investigacion agricola como fuente de crecimiento del sector y de la necesidad de colaboracion entre las agencias de investigacion nacionales y regionales, asi como los criterios recomendados para hacer efectiva dicha colaboracion.


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First meeting on European soil. The Nineteenth Meeting of National Customs Directors of Latin America, Spain and Portugal was held in Palma, Mallorca, Spain, from 2 to 6 November 1998. The opening session stressed the importance of this being the first meeting held on European soil, and members were urged to pool their efforts to develop closer cooperative ties between the region's customs services.


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The seventeenth Meeting of National Customs Directors of Latin America, Spain and Portugal was held in Santa Cruz, Bolivia from 27 to 31 January 1997. The meeting was attended by representatives from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Uruguay and Venezuela. Observers from Australia, France, Japan and the United States were also present. Representatives of the following international organizations also attended the meeting: Association of Customs Agents of Uruguay, International Association of Professional Customs Agents (ASAPRA), Latin American Integration Organization (LAIA), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Latin American Convention of Courier Enterprises (CLADEC), Central American Institute of Business Administration (INCAE), Board of the Cartagena Agreement (JUNAC), Organization of American States (OAS), World Customs Organization (WCO), and Postal Union of the Americas, Spain and Portugal (PUASP).


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The twentieth Meeting of National Customs Directors of Latin America, Spain and Portugal was held from 26 to 29 October 1999 in Cancún, Quinta Roo, Mexico. Working groups discussed issues relating to control, harmonization of customs procedures, strategic alliances for combating commercial fraud, integrity and the impact of the year 2000 computer problem on customs services. At the plenary meeting of this session, agreement was reached on 30 points.Uruguay, headquarters for the twenty-first meeting: The delegation of Uruguay's offer to host the twenty-first meeting in October 2000 was accepted.