907 resultados para differential diagnosis
Hyperadrenocorticism is a rare endocrine disease in the cat; it is characterized by elevated blood cortisol level that generates numerous clinical signs including hyperglycemia, polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia and skin diseases. The average age of onset is around 10 years. This disease usually occurs link with other endocrine disorders such as diabetes mellitus.The disease can be produced by functional alteration of the pituitary gland or the adrenal. A case report, with differential diagnosis and review of the literature, is presented.
La osteocondritis de los sesamoideos es una enfermedad infrecuente, que se puede dar en cualquiera de los dos sesamoideos, siendo una patología incapacitante. A pesar de que los sesamoideos juegan un papel fundamental en la mecánica del antepié, algunos trastornos que se dan en ellos a menudo se pasan por alto o son mal diagnosticados. Se revisa y analizan las características clínicas de la enfermedad, su tratamiento y las claves diagnósticas que nos permiten establecer un correcto diagnóstico diferencial con otros procesos patológicos que afectan a los sesamoideos.
La estucoqueratosis es una patología dérmica que cursa con tumoraciones queratósicas asintomáticas, benignas, blanco-grisáceas y de pequeño tamaño. Éstas suelen localizarse en las extremidades (especialmente en las inferiores) en torno al tobillo. Su etiología es desconocida y su diagnóstico se realiza mediante una correcta anamnesis y exploración física ya que la morfología, localización y edad de presentación son claves para poder establecer un diagnóstico diferencial con otras afecciones aunque en caso necesario también se puede recurrir a la biopsia. Constituye una entidad clínica con especial interés podológico dada su frecuente aparición en las extremidades inferiores, de ahí la necesidad de conocerla y de saber realizar un correcto diagnóstico diferencial. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 45 años sin antecedentes dermatológicos que presenta estucoqueratosis en la extremidad inferior y que acude al Servicio de Dermatología del Hospital Naval de Ferrol.
Desmoplastic small round cell tumor is a rare malignant neoplasm mostly occurring in the vicinity of or within the peritoneal cavity, and is uncommon in the head and neck region. Tumor location within a major salivary gland is exceptional. We report a case of a 41-year-old Chinese man with a history of diabetes mellitus and end-stage renal failure on peritoneal dialysis with a desmoplastic small round cell tumor occurring in the left submandibular gland. Fine-needle aspiration cytology showed variably cohesive clusters of small cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and fine granular chromatin. On histology the neoplasm displayed classic features of a desmoplastic small round cell tumor with angulated nests of small round blue cells in a fibromyxoid/desmoplastic stroma. Neoplastic cells were immunoreactive for cytokeratins (AE1/3), desmin (paranuclear dot-like), WT-1 (nuclear), epithelial membrane antigen, and CD56. EWS gene translocation and EWS-WT1 gene fusion were detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, respectively. The case presented is the sixth case of and the oldest reported patient with a desmoplastic small round cell tumor occurring in a major salivary gland to date. Desmoplastic small round cell tumor should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a salivary gland neoplasm with a basaloid or small cell pattern on fine-needle aspiration cytology.
The differential diagnosis of soft tissue tumours poses a considerable challenge for pathologists, especially adipocytic tumours, as these may show considerable overlap in clinical presentation and morphological features with many other mesenchymal neoplasms. Hence, a specific and reliable marker that identifies adipocytic differentiation is much sought. We investigated the immunohistochemical expression of PIM-1 kinase in 35 samples of soft tissue tumours using tissue microarray technology and 49 full sections of adipocytic (n = 26) and non-adipocytic tumours (n = 23). Benign and malignant adipocytic tumours showed strong expression of PIM-1 while the non-adipocytic tumours were either negative or showed only weak staining for the protein. In myxoid liposarcomas, PIM-1 showed a distinct, unique vacuolar staining pattern, clearly outlining fine cytoplasmic lipid vacuoles. By contrast, non-adipocytic myxoid tumours (myxoma, chordoma and myxoid chondrosarcoma) did not show this vacuolar pattern of PIM-1 staining, although vacuolated cells were present on H&E. This differential expression was confirmed at a gene expression level in selected cases. Our results indicate that the expression of PIM-1 in adipose tissue may be a useful marker of adipocytic differentiation, in particular if the staining is both of high intensity and present in a unique, vacuolar pattern.
Plasma cell polyps of the vocal fold (plasma cell granulomas) are rare inflammatory polyps of the larynx. They should be included in the clinical and histological differential diagnosis of laryngeal polyps. Histologically they are polyclonal aggregates of plasma cells. It is essential to distinguish them from monoclonal, neoplastic plasma cell proliferations. The treatment of choice is surgical resection, although radiotherapy, laser ablation, antibiotics and steroids have been used successfully. We present a case of plasma cell granuloma presenting as a vocal fold polyp, treated surgically.
The young-onset diabetes seen in HNF1A-MODY is often misdiagnosed as Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes, unlike HNF1A-MODY, is associated with insulin resistance and a characteristic dyslipidaemia. We aimed to compare the lipid profiles in HNF1A-MODY, Type 2 diabetes and control subjects and to determine if lipids can be used to aid the differential diagnosis of diabetes sub-type.
1) 14 subjects in each group (HNF1A-MODY, Type 2 diabetes and controls) were matched for gender and BMI. Fasting lipid profiles and HDL lipid constituents were compared in the 3 groups. 2) HDL-cholesterol was assessed in a further 267 patients with HNF1A-MODY and 297 patients with a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes to determine its discriminative value.
1) In HNF1A-MODY subjects, plasma-triglycerides were lower (1.36 vs. 1.93 mmol/l, p = 0.07) and plasma-HDL-cholesterol was higher than in subjects with Type 2 diabetes (1.47 vs. 1.15 mmol/l, p = 0.0008), but was similar to controls. Furthermore, in the isolated HDL; HDL-phospholipid and HDL-cholesterol ester content were higher in HNF1A-MODY, than in Type 2 diabetes (1.59 vs. 1.33 mmol/L, p = 0.04 and 1.10 vs. 0.83 mmol/L, p = 0.019, respectively), but were similar to controls (1.59 vs. 1.45 mmol/L, p = 0.35 and 1.10 vs. 1.21 mmol/L, p = 0.19, respectively). 2) A plasma-HDL-cholesterol > 1.12 mmol/L was 75% sensitive and 64% specific (ROC AUC = 0.76) at discriminating HNF1A-MODY from Type 2 diabetes.
The plasma-lipid profiles of HNF1A-MODY and the lipid constituents of HDL are similar to non-diabetic controls. However, HDL-cholesterol was higher in HNF1A-MODY than in Type 2 diabetes and could be used as a biomarker to aid in the identification of patients with HNF1A-MODY.
A novel assay for the pan-serotypic detection of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) was designed using a 5' conjugated minor groove binder (MGB) probe real-time RT-PCR system. This assay targets the 3D region of the FMDV genome and is capable of detecting 20 copies of a transcribed RNA standard. The linear range of the test was eight logs from 2 x 10(1) to 2 x 10(8) copies and amplification time was approximately 2 h. Using a panel of 83 RNA samples from representative FMDV isolates, the diagnostic sensitivity of this test was shown to be equivalent to a TaqMan real-time RT-PCR that targets the 5' untranslated region of FMDV. Furthermore, the assay does not detect viruses causing similar clinical diseases in pigs such as swine vesicular disease virus and vesicular stomatitis virus, nor does it detect marine caliciviruses causing vesicular exanthema. The development of this assay provides a useful tool for the differential diagnosis of FMD, potentially for use in statutory or emergency testing programmes, or for detection of FMDV RNA in research applications. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The design and development of a 5' conjugated minor groove binder (MGB) probe real-time RT-PCR assay are described for rapid, sensitive and specific detection of swine vesicular disease virus (SVDV) RNA. The assay is designed to target the 2C gene of the SVDV genome and is capable of detecting 2 x 10(2) copies of an RNA standard per reaction. It does not detect any of the other RNA viruses that cause vesicular disease in pigs, or the human enterovirus, Coxsackie B5 virus (CVB5) which is closely related antigenically to SVDV. The linear range of this test was from 2 x 10(2) to 2 x 10(8) copies/mu l. The assay is rapid and can detect SVDV RNA in just over 3.5 h including the time required for nucleic acid extraction. The development of this assay provides a useful tool for the differential diagnosis of SVD or for the detection of SVDV in research applications. This study demonstrates the suitability of MGB probes as a real-time PCR chemistry for the diagnosis of swine vesicular disease. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The differential diagnosis of haematological abnormalities, such as leucocytosis, erythocytosis, thrombocytosis or indeed anaemia, is wide and disarming. Here we report on significant updates in the differential diagnosis of erythrocyosis and thrombocytosis presenting a simplified schema for the clinician. We then move to discuss significant advances in this field which have followed a series of key molecular findings, most specifically those affecting the JAK/STAT pathway.
We herein present a case of congenital erythrocytosis caused by haemoglobin (Hb) Bethesda in a Japanese family. A 55-year-old asymptomatic man was referred to our hospital for the investigation of erythrocytosis, which was present in other members of his family. The patient's serum erythropoietin level was normal, and the JAK2 V617F mutation was not detected. His P50 value was mildly decreased, thus we suspected the presence of an Hb variant with a high oxygen affinity. The high-performance liquid chromatography analysis showed an abnormal Hb, and by direct sequencing we identified the Hb Bethesda variant in this patient. For the differential diagnosis, we recommend the estimation of the P50 value as a practical and useful test.
The ability to carry out a neurological examination and make an appropriate differential diagnosis is one of the mainstays of our final Bachelor of Medicine (MB) exam; however, with the introduction of objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) it has become impossible to arrange for adequate numbers of suitable real patients to participate in the exam.
It is vital that newly qualified doctors can perform a basic neurological examination, interpret the physical signs and formulate a differential diagnosis.
It is vital that newly qualified doctors can perform a basic neurological examination
Since 2010 we have introduced an objective structured video examination (OSVE) of a neurological examination of a real patient as part of our final MB OSCE exam. The students view clips of parts of the examination process. They answer questions on the signs that are demonstrated and formulate a differential diagnosis.
This type of station is logistically a lot easier to organise than a large number of real patients at different examination sites. The featured patients have clearly demonstrated signs and, as every student sees the same patient, are perfectly standardised. It is highly acceptable to examiners and performed well as an assessment tool. There are, however, certain drawbacks in that we are not examining the student's examination technique or their interaction with the patient. Also, certain signs, in particular the assessment of muscle tone and power, are more difficult for a student to estimate in this situation
A demência é uma das principais causas de incapacidade entre os idosos, afetando mais de 36 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo. É caracterizada pela deterioração progressiva das funções cognitivas, resultando em dificuldades no desempenho das atividades diárias do indivíduo. A idade de aparecimento dos sintomas, bem como a sua taxa de progressão, são variáveis entre a maior parte das demências, sendo estas geralmente caracterizadas por uma natureza progressiva, aumentando de gravidade ao longo do tempo. Entre os tipos mais frequentes de demência encontram-se a Doença de Alzheimer (DA), Demência Vascular, Demência de Corpos de Lewy e Demência Frontotemporal. O diagnóstico diferencial das demências é realizado tipicamente por testes neuro-psicológicos (para a exclusão de outras demências) e por exames imagiológicos. Contudo, muitos dos sintomas clínicos característicos podem sobrepor-se entre os diversos tipos de demência, o que pode constituir um problema devido a falta de especificidade e erros de diagnóstico. A compreensão dos fatores de risco ambientais e genéticos que podem modular o aparecimento e/ou progressão de doenças abre novas perspetivas relativamente à gestão destas neuropatologias. O gene da apolipoproteína E (ApoE) é reconhecido como o maior fator de risco na demência, desempenhando um papel central em particular no desenvolvimento da DA, sendo que os portadores do alelo ε4 são mais suscetíveis para a doença. Além disso, possíveis associações foram também propostas entre este gene e outras doenças neurológicas, sendo no entanto estes dados ainda controversos. Assim, o objetivo principal deste trabalho consistiu em determinar as frequências alélicas e genotípicas do gene ApoE num grupo de estudo piloto de pacientes com demência na região de Aveiro. Este grupo foi subdividido com base no diagnóstico neuroquímico, no qual foram avaliados os níveis de Aβ1-42, Tau-total e fosfo-Tau 181 no líquido cefalorraquidiano dos pacientes. Como resultado, observou-se que o alelo ε3 foi o mais frequente no grupo total, independentemente do tipo de patologia, e que o alelo ε2 foi o menos comum. O alelo ε4 foi de facto mais frequente em pacientes com DA do que em pacientes com outras neuropatologias, o que está de acordo com a relação proposta por outros autores. Adicionalmente, foi possível verificar que a frequência deste alelo nos pacientes com patologia amilóide é semelhante à observada no grupo DA, sugerindo um papel relevante para o ApoE no metabolismo e acumulação cerebral do Aβ. Consequentemente, estes indivíduos podem ter uma maior suscetibilidade para o desenvolvimento de DA no futuro. Deste modo, os nossos dados corroboram a ideia de que o alelo ε4 é um forte fator de risco para a DA e que deve ser considerado como um teste genético relevante que pode contribuir para o diagnóstico clínico da demência.
The aim of this study is to report a clinical case of asymptomatic female Caucasian children with torpedo maculopathy. A 5-year-old girl was referred to our clinic for routine evaluation. The ophthalmic examination revealed best-corrected visual acuity of 20/20 in both eyes, without any changes in the biomicroscopy. Fundus examination showed normal findings in one eye, whereas in the contralateral eye it disclosed, in the temporal sector of the macular region, a whitish, atrophic, oval chorioretinal lesion with clearly defined margins. Posterior evaluations documented the stability of the lesion. Torpedo maculopathy diagnosis is based on its characteristic shape and peculiar location. The differential diagnosis has to be established versus choroidal lesions (melanoma and nevus), congenital or iatrogenic hyperplasia of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and particularly versus the congenital pigmented lesions associated with Gardner's syndrome.
Porokeratosis ptychotropica is a rare variant of porokeratosis that is classically located on the gluteal and perianal regions, seldom extending to the genitalia. The authors report an atypical presentation of porokeratosis ptychotropica and discuss the use of dermoscopy in evaluating this dermatosis. Dermoscopic findings, although not specific to this variant of porokeratosis, are helpful in the differential diagnosis of other genital disorders. Histopathology, through the visualization of multiple cornoid lamellae, prevails as the gold standard for the definite diagnosis of porokeratosis ptychotropica.