155 resultados para diazepam


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A Clibadium sylvestre é largamente distribuída na região amazônica, onde é conhecida como cunambi ou cunhambi, e sua ingestão causa embriaguez, ou mesmo morte dos peixes, demonstrando propriedade ictiotóxica. Os compostos existentes nas folhas da Clibadium sylvestre são poderosos estimulantes do sistema nervoso central, suas folhas contêm substâncias com potencial convulsivante. As alterações eletroencefalográficas, crise convulsiva e os efeitos de drogas no controle do comportamento convulsivo foram estudados bem como a via metabólica dos componentes acetato de cunaniol e cunaniol. O trabalho foi realizado em ratos wistar machos adultos, tratados com DE50 de 2,92 mg/kg ou DL50 de 3,64 mg/kg de cunaniol a via de administração utilizada foi a intraperitoneal. Após a administração do cunaniol, a evolução das crises convulsivas foram observadas, permitindo classificá-las de acordo com a intensidade de apresentação e relacionar com a concentração plasmática do cunaniol. Os parâmetros eletroencefalográficos, da atuação das drogas no controle das convulsões e a característica cíclica foram determinadas e avaliadas. A análise de plasma obtido por cromatografia líquida após a aplicação das substâncias convulsivantes indicam que o acetato de cunaniol sofre desacetilação dando origem ao cunaniol, droga responsável pelo quadro convulsivo. Dados eletrocorticográficos demonstraram cinco padrões de traçados diferentes durante registro de 4 horas permanecendo com alterações de traçado por 12 horas após aplicação. As drogas utilizadas para prevenir o desencadeamento das convulsões, as mais efetivas foram o Diazepam, o Fenobarbital e a Quetamina. O comportamento convulsivo foi classificado em cinco estágios. Para a ocorrência dos estágios 4 e 5 não houve diferenças estatísticas quanto à concentração plasmática de cunaniol.


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Introdução: Petiveria alliacea L., conhecida popularmente como Mucuracaá, pertencente à família Phytolacaceae. Preparações desta planta têm sido amplamente utilizadas na medicina popular como sedativo, no tratamento da“memória fraca”, entre outros. Devido as suas características sedativas, procurou-se avaliar a atividade ansiolítica a partir dos efeitos comportamentais e de estresse oxidativo após a administração do extrato hidroalcoólico (EHA) em ratos adultos. Métodos: A planta foi coletada no município de Acará/Pa e suas folhas, talos e raízes foram tratados, depois macerados com etanol 70% e obtido o extrato. Ratos Wistar machos e fêmeas (n=5-10 por grupo) foram tratados com água e comida ad libitum e divididos em grupos: Controle, que recebeu solução salina; P. alliacea L., que receberam 900mg/Kg; diazepam (DZP) 1mg/Kg, como controle positivo para a atividade ansiolítica; fluoxetina (FXT) 10mg/Kg, como controle positivo para avaliar a atividade antidepressiva e cafeína(CAF) 10mg/Kg, como controle positivo para efeito mnemônico. Os testes comportamentais foram: campo aberto para a atividade ansiolítica e estimulatória, nado forçado para atividade antidepressiva, LTE para efeito mnemônico. Os testes de estresse oxidativo foram: TEAC para a dosagem de antioxidante total, dosagem do malondialdeído, dosagem de nitritos e nitratos e dosagem de metemoglobina. Resultados/Discussão: O tratamento com P. alliacea L. aumentou a atividade locomotora central e total dos ratos sugerindo atividade ansiolítica e estimulante; reduziu o tempo de imobilidade conferindo atividade antidepressiva e aumento na latência nos braços fechados na fase de teste do LTE demonstrando atividade mnemônica positiva. Nos parâmetros de estresse oxidativo, a espécie apresentou redução na capacidade antioxidante total e aumento das taxas de metemoglobina, sugerindo atividade pró-oxidante. Conclusão: Podemos concluir que o extrato possui atividade ansiolítica, atividade antidepressiva e atividade pró-oxidante. Entretanto, outros estudos são necessários para confirmar essas atividades.


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O Eupatorium ayapana Vent., da família Asteraceae, conhecida popularmente como japana é utilizada em infusões, decocção, banhos e chá, com ação sedativa, febrífuga, estimulante e tônica, utilizada também no combate à insônia, dor de cabeça, dor de garganta, diarréia, etc., sendo muito utilizada pela população amazônica. Este estudo avaliou a ação de diferentes doses do extrato hidroalcoólico de Eupatorium ayapana Vent (EHAEA) sobre o comportamento de ratos Wistar, na faixa etária de 2 meses. Foram utilizados 8 grupos de ratos machos (n= 7-10), divididos em controle, droga padrão de ação ansiolítica (diazepam), droga padrão de ação antidepressiva (fluoxetina) e 5 doses do extrato (100, 200, 400, 600, 800 mg/Kg), que foram solubilizados com tween 80 a 1%. A administração do extrato foi realizada de forma aguda por gavagem. No teste de toxicidade oral realizado, verificou-se que o extrato não é tóxico. Os testes comportamentais utilizados foram: o campo aberto, o Labirinto em Cruz Elevado (LCE) e o nado forçado. Após os testes comportamentais foi realizada a coleta de sangue na região do plexo retroorbital dos ratos, para avaliação dos níveis de estresse oxidativo como: Capacidade Antioxidante Total, malondialdeído (MDA) e NO, e também a ação antioxidante total do EHAEA. Os resultados obtidos no teste do campo aberto demonstraram atividade do tipo ansiolítica, resultado confirmado com o teste do LCE. No teste do Nado Forçado, o EHAEA demonstrou ação do tipo antidepressiva. Nos testes de nocicepção, o qual se utilizou camundongos, ocorreu atividade antinociceptiva no teste de contorção abdominal induzido, nas doses de 200, 400, 600 e 800 mg/Kg. Na avaliação da bioquímica oxidativa, observou-se que não ocorreu dano oxidativo nos grupos tratados com o EHAEA, os níveis de NO permaneceram inalterados nas doses de 200, 400 e 600 mg, e a capacidade antioxidante total mostrou-se aumentada. Com estes resultados apresentados, o presente trabalho pretende contribuir com futuros trabalhos, haja vista, serem escassos os trabalhos na área comportamental, de nocicepção e estresse oxidativo com esta espécie vegetal, e que estudos posteriores possam reforçar o uso do extrato da japana na medicina popular.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Background: There are few studies reporting pain and postoperative analgesia associated with mastectomy in dogs. The aim of this study was to evaluate postoperative pain after unilateral mastectomy using two different surgical techniques in the dog.Findings: Twenty female dogs were assigned (n=10/group) to undergo unilateral mastectomy using either the combination of sharp and blunt dissection (SBD) or the modified SBD (mSBD) technique, in which the mammary chain is separated from the abdominal wall entirely by blunt (hand and finger) dissection except for a small area cranial to the first gland, in a prospective, randomized, clinical trial. All dogs were premedicated with intramuscular acepromazine (0.05 mg/kg) and morphine (0.3 mg/kg). Anesthesia was induced with intravenous ketamine (5 mg/kg) and diazepam (0.25 mg/kg), and maintained with isoflurane. Subcutaneous meloxicam (0.2 mg/kg) was administered before surgery. Postoperative pain was evaluated according to the University of Melbourne pain scale (UMPS) by an observer who was blinded to the surgical technique.. Rescue analgesia was provided by the administration of intramuscular morphine (0.5 mg/kg) if pain scores were > 14 according to the UMPS. Data were analyzed using t-tests and ANOVA (P>0.05). There were no significant differences between the groups for age, weight, extubation time, and duration of surgery and anesthesia (P>0.05). There were no significant differences for postoperative pain scores between groups. Rescue analgesia was required in one dog in each group.Conclusions: The two surgical techniques produced similar surgical times, incidence of perioperative complications and postoperative pain. Multimodal analgesia is recommended for treatment of postoperative pain in dogs undergoing unilateral mastectomy.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Com o objetivo de propor mecanismos que auxiliem na compreensão da neurobiologia do medo e da ansiedade, diversos modelos animais vem sendo utilizados. Dentre eles destaca-se o Teste de Exposição ao Rato (RET), que é um modelo etológico de interação presa (camundongo) – predador (rato), conhecido por eliciar a expressão de diversos tipos de comportamentos defensivos no camundongo, tais como avaliação de risco, esquiva, congelamento, entre outros. Com o intuito de aumentar a aversividade do modelo proposto por Yang e colaboradores (2004), foi proposto um novo modelo de RET, semelhante ao modelo padrão, porém com alterações de algumas variáveis como aumento da luminosidade, ausência de maravalha, alteração do local de inserção do camundongo no aparato, substituição da tela de arame (usada na separação da superfície) por uma tela de acrílico e arame e uma divisão virtual da superfície em duas partes, uma distante da tela por 10 cm (superfície proximal) e outra com 13 cm até chegar ao túnel (superfície distal). Um estudo piloto realizado comparando o novo teste de exposição ao rato com o modelo padrão demonstrou que no novo modelo de exposição há uma maior preferência pela presa às áreas protegidas (toca e túnel) e uma maior expressão de avaliação de risco, indicando talvez uma maior sensibilidade à expressão de comportamentos defensivos de camundongos e possivelmente a fármacos que atuem no sistema de defesa. No presente estudo foram investigados os efeitos dos (i) benzodiazepínicos diazepam e alprazolam, (ii) dos fármacos ansiogênicos cafeína e pentilenotetrazol e (iii) do antidepressivo fluoxetina (aguda e cronicamente). O tratamento com alprazolam resultou num efeito antiaversivo mais evidente quando comparado ao diazepam. O tratamento agudo 10 com cafeína, por sua vez, apresentou um efeito ansiogênico bastante sutil, diferente... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The aims of this study were to evaluate the isoflurane sparing and clinical effects of a constant rate infusion of morphine - lidocaine - ketamine (MLK) in healthy sheep undergoing experimental gastrointestinal surgery. Twelve adult female sheep (Texel breed) were used, weighing 36.5 +/- 8.1 kg. The sheep were anesthetized for the implantation of duodenal cannulas. The sheep were premedicated with 0.3 mg kg(-1) intramuscular (IM) morphine and 20 mu g kg(-1) intravenous (IV) detomidine. After premedication, anesthesia was induced using 5 mg kg(-1) ketamine and 0.5 mg kg(-1) diazepam IV and maintained using isoflurane in 100% oxygen. After the induction of anesthesia, the animals were allocated into two groups (each n=6); the GMLK (MLK group - 10 mg morphine, 150 mg lidocaine, 30 mg de ketamine were added in 500 mL saline) received a 10 mL kg(-1)h(-1) MLK infusion during the maintenance of anesthesia, and GCON (control group) received 10 mL kg(-1)h(-1) of 0.9% sodium chloride. The animals were mechanically ventilated. Cardiopulmonary variables and end-tidal isoflurane concentration (FE'Iso) were measured at baseline (immediately before the surgery) and 15, 30 and 45 minutes after initiation of surgery. In GMLK, there was a decrease in the FE 'Iso at 15, 30 and 45 minutes, a reduction of up to 75.6% during the surgery. The HR was lower in GMLK compared with GCON at 30 minutes, and the MAP was at during baseline in GCON compared with GMLK. The standing time was less in GMLK than in GCON. The use of intravenous MLK was demonstrated to offer great efficiency as part of a balanced anesthesia protocol in sheep, with a 75.6% reduction in the need for isoflurane, providing stability of the cardiovascular parameters and blood gases with a shortened recovery period.


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Stress is an environmental factor that may predispose individuals to depression. Benzodiazepines have been prescribed as effective drugs in these situations. The purpose of this study was histological evaluate of the effect of chronic stress and benzodiazepine drugs on bone healing. Bone cavities were created in both tibias of 40 male rats were divided into two groups: Control and Treaty. In this, the stressor stimulus was applied 40 days pre-operative and all post-operative days until sacrifice in the morning for 2 hours, by immobilizing restraint. These animals also received diazepam benzodiazepine group, daily, at a concentration of 5mg/Kg/peso body within 15 days of preoperative. In groups of five animals were sacrificed at 7, 14, 30 and 60 days post-surgery. At 7 days postoperatively, while the control group exhibited tissue rich in fibroblasts, the treated group showed newly formed tissue with few fibroblasts and capillaries along with lymphocytes and macrophages. At 14 days postsurgery, the control group showed newly formed trabecular bone while the treated group progressed to thin trabecular bone with numerous osteoblasts on their borders. At 30 days post-operative bone healing is complete in both groups. At 60 days post-operative characteristics observed in the treated and control groups are similar to the previous period, but with more advanced osteogenesis.


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The status epilepticus (SE) is characterized by a series of crises which occur without recovery of consciousness or a single seizure lasting more than 30 minutes and can damage the central nervous system and systemic. The duration and frequency of attacks are directly related to patient prognosis. Whether seizures occur often and are longer, increase the risk of neurological and systemic complications. Child population has a higher frequency of seizures and it is associated with a lower threshold of immature brain to trigger these episodes. Aim: To determine the safest drugs prescribed for children in SE, their doses and schedules. A bibliographic survey was performed in electronic databases. Methods: The scientific health descriptors used for search was: “status epilecticus” and “anticonvulsivants” and “child”. Results: This strategy identified 396 manuscripts, of whom four were considered eligible for the study, after the assessment by floating reading and criteria. Of these, two were randomized trials and two descriptive. The studies address the use of oral midazolam, rectal diazepam and intravenous lorazepam. Conclusions: All investigated drugs were effective in treat in status epilepticus. Lorazepam is highlight, since it has fewer secondary effects and, as an alternative to the intravenous, oral midazolam. However, there is a need for further studies to demonstrate the efficacy and safety in the use of drugs in children.


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Aim: To report a possible case of tremor fluoxetine-induced treated as Parkinson’s disease in an elderly female patient noncompliant with the pharmacotherapy, with uncontrolled hypertension and using fluoxetine to treat depression. Presentation of Case: Patient complained of sleepiness in the morning, agitation, anxiety, insomnia and mental confusion. Her greatest concern was about bilateral hand tremors which, in her view became, worse after biperiden was prescribed. Therefore, she stopped taking it. The initial medication was: omeprazole, losartan, biperiden, fluoxetine, atenolol + chlorthalidone, acetylsalicylic acid, atorvastatin and diazepam. Pharmacotherapeutic follow up was performed in order to check the necessity, safety and effectiveness of treatment. Discussion: During the analysis of pharmacotherapy, the patient showed uncontrolled blood pressure and had difficulty complying with the treatment. Thus, in view of the complaints expressed by the patient, our first hypothesis was a possible serotonin syndrome related to fluoxetine use. We proposed a change in the fluoxetine regime and discontinuation of biperiden. As tremors persisted, we suggested the replacement of fluoxetine by sertraline, since a possible tremor fluoxetine-induced could explain the complaint. This approach solved the drug-related problem identified. Conclusion: Tremors reported by the patient was identified as an iatrogenic event related to fluoxetine, which was solved by management of serotonin-reuptake inhibitors.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study investigated whether perinatal exposure to picrotoxin, a GABA(A) antagonist, modifies the effect of muscimol, a GABA(A) agonist, on the sexual behavior of adult male rats. Two hours after birth and then once daily during the next 9 days of lactation, dams received picrotoxin (0.75 mg/kg subcutaneously) or saline (1 ml/kg subcutaneously). The adult male offspring from the picrotoxin and saline groups received saline (1 ml/kg intraperitoneally) or muscimol (1 mg/kg intraperitoneally), and 15 min later, their sexual behavior was assessed. Muscimol treatment in the saline-exposed group increased the mount and intromission latencies. However, these effects were absent in the picrotoxin-exposed groups. The latencies to first ejaculation, postejaculatory mount, and intromission were decreased in both picrotoxin-exposed groups relative to the saline-exposed groups. The picrotoxin + muscimol-treated rats required more intromissions to ejaculate and the picrotoxin-exposed groups made more ejaculations than the saline-exposed groups. Thus, muscimol treatment did not increase the mount and intromission latencies following picrotoxin exposure, but increased the ejaculation frequency, which did not differ between the picrotoxin + muscimol and the picrotoxin + saline groups. These data indicate that perinatal picrotoxin treatment interfered with GABA(A) receptor development Behavioural Pharmacology 23:703-709 (c) 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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Purpose: The study aimed to assess electrocardiographic alterations during oral implant placement surgeries under local anesthesia (lidocaine chlorhydrate with epinephrine), using 15 mg of midazolam as an anxiolytic premedication. Material and methods: The study randomly selected 20 patients, aged 21-50 years old, requiring bilateral mandibular dental implants. Each patient was assessed using placebo on one side and midazolam on the contralateral side, with random, double-blinded distribution. The electrocardiogram recorded 12 static leads every 2 min, while D2 derivations were recorded continuously. Results: No statistically significant differences were observed between the placebo and midazolam when analyzing the morphological behavior of the electrocardiographic wave and the presence of arrhythmias during the experiment. However, under sedation, assessment of the behavior of electrocardiographic parameters during different stages of the procedure revealed statistically significant differences (P<0.05) for heart rate, P-wave amplitude and duration of the RR and QTc intervals. The arrhythmias detected were considered low risk for patients without systemic alterations and were observed in 53.3% of patients. The most frequently occurring alterations were tachycardia, bradycardia, supraventricular and ventricular extrasystoles and blocked atrial extrasystole, which were similar for both placebo and midazolam, with the greatest incidence during the initial, incision and bone drilling stages. Conclusion: The use of 15 mg of midazolam made no difference compared with the placebo. The use of 15 mg of midazolam did not show an advantage in the incidence of arrhythmias The anxiolytic premedication does not prevent myocardial arrhythmias in endosseous implant placement. The clinical significance of the arrhythmias may not represent serious risks.