980 resultados para diameter of stem


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It was objectified to quantify the initial growth of varieties of castor bean with boron fertilization. Had been tested to cultivate they AL-Guarani, Mirante 10 and Nordestina to the doses of 0; 0.25; 0.50; 0.75 and 1.0 mg kg -1 of B in controlled environment of greenhouse in the Sector of Cafeicultura of the Department of Agriculture of the UFLA. The characteristics valued were: height of plants, length of roots, leaf number, diameter of stem, mass of dry substance (MS) of leafs, of stem, the root and total. To cultivate Mirante 10 it was the one that got minor growth of the system of root. For leaf number to cultivate AL-Guarani it was superior to Mirante 10 and Nordestina. Also to cultivate better AL-Guarani if it detached how much to the production of total mass of MS, while to cultivate Mirante 10 produced more mass of MS than Nordestina.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Os ninhos de saúva são importantes perturbações naturais capazes de gerar mosaicos de determinados tipos de vegetação e afetar a estrutura e composição dos ecossistemas neotropicais. Nesse sentido, este estudo avaliou os efeitos dos ninhos de saúva (Atta spp.) na dinâmica de crescimento da vegetação de uma floresta de transição Amazônia-Cerrado submetida a um regime de incêndios periódicos, ao sul da bacia amazônica, Estado do Mato Grosso, Brasil. Especificamente, avaliou-se os efeitos dos ninhos: (1) na nutrição e crescimento da vegetação; (2) na proteção da vegetação contra o fogo e (3) na regeneração florestal pós-fogo. Para determinar tais efeitos, ninhos e vegetação associada (em um raio de até 10 m dos ninhos) estabelecidos em áreas de 150 ha da floresta de transição, foram mapeados e monitorados. Tais áreas subdivididas em parcelas de 50 ha com diferentes tratamentos: incêndios tri-anuais; incêndios anuais e proteção do fogo (controle) fazem parte do Projeto “Savanização” sob a coordenação do Instituto de Pesquisas Ambiental da Amazônia, IPAM. Os experimentos sobre os efeitos dos ninhos na nutrição e crescimento da vegetação indicaram que plantas estabelecidas próximas aos ninhos têm a absorção de nutriente facilitada e por isso apresentaram uma maior concentração foliar de Fósforo. Como conseqüência, foi registrado um maior crescimento em diâmetro do caule para estas plantas quando comparadas com aquelas distantes dos ninhos. Os ninhos funcionaram como aceiros (devido ao acúmulo de terra sobre os murundus resultante das escavações das saúvas) reduzindo a área total queimada em seu entorno, principalmente nos locais de bordas (local de maior incidência de ninhos) e protegendo a vegetação circundante da mortalidade pelo fogo. Em oposição a estes benefícios, foi constatado maior herbivoria de plântulas e remoção de sementes por saúvas nas áreas de alta densidade de colônias ativas, um resultado que compromete os estágios iniciais de sucessão florestal pós-fogo. Este estudo revela a importância das saúvas na redistribuição e reciclagem de nutrientes, e revela, pela primeira vez, a proteção da vegetação contra o fogo, por seus ninhos. Por outro lado, também mostra que perturbações antrópicas, como o fogo, aumentam as populações de saúva, o que pode tornar-se uma barreira ao sucesso da regeneração florestal pós-fogo. Com base nesse estudo, pode-se prever que ambientes naturais podem ter o crescimento da vegetação acelerado pela presença dos ninhos de saúva, mas em ambientes sob perturbação, a ação das saúvas pode ser a principal ameaça a regeneração da vegetação original. Desta forma, pode-se concluir que os efeitos (benéficos ou deletérios) das saúvas dependem do nível de perturbação ou maturidade do bioma no qual seus ninhos se estabelecem.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS


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El cultivo de café es de gran importancia a nivel mundial (ICO, 2011), y en el Ecuador ha sido uno de los cultivos más importantes en la generación de divisas (COFENAC, 2011). Sin embargo en los sistemas productivos de este país se puede apreciar el uso inapropiado de fertilizantes, lo que conlleva a una pérdida de nutrientes, por lo que es importante estudiar las dosis adecuadas para la fertilización tanto mineral como orgánica. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la fertilización mineral y orgánica en diferentes dosis en un monocultivo de café en la provincia de Loja, sobre las propiedades del suelo, la emisión de los principales gases que provocan el efecto invernadero y la fenología y productividad del cultivo. En la provincia de Loja (Ecuador) se seleccionó un área de 2.520 m2 en la que se establecieron 21 parcelas de café arábigo (Coffea arabica L.) var. caturra y se aplicó tres tratamientos con tres repeticiones de fertilización mineral y tres orgánicos con dosis: bajas minerales (MIN 1= 157 Kg NPK ha-1 año-1 para el primer año y 425 Kg NPK ha-1 año-1 para el segundo año), medias minerales (MIN 2= 325 Kg NPK ha-1 año-1 para el primer año y 650 Kg NPK ha-1 año-1 en el segundo año) y altas minerales (MIN 3= 487 y 875 Kg NPK ha-1 año-1 para el primer y segundo año respectivamente), bajas orgánicas (ORG 1= 147 Kg NPK ha-1 año-1 en el primer año y 388 Kg NPK ha-1 año-1 en el año dos), medias orgánicas (ORG 2= 265 Kg NPK ha-1 año-1 para el primer año y 541 Kg NPK ha-1 año-1 en el segundo año), altas orgánicas (ORG 3= 368 Kg NPK ha-1 año-1 para el primer año y 727 Kg NPK ha-1 año-1 en el segundo año) y fertilización cero (TES = sin fertilización). Se usó urea, roca fosfórica y muriato de potasio en la fertilización mineral y humus (Bioabor) en la orgánica, más un tratamiento testigo, cada tratamiento tuvo tres repeticiones. El tiempo de evaluación de los fertilizantes aplicados fue de dos años consecutivos, la fertilización se la realizó dos veces por año y en base a análisis del suelo y demandas nutricionales del cultivo. para determinar las características del suelo se realizó muestreos de suelos en cada parcela a una profundidad de 20 cm de estas muestras los parámetro iniciales determinados fueron: color (Munsell), textura (método del hidrómetro), pH (relación 1:2,5 suelo-agua), Materia orgánica (Walkey y Black), Nitrógeno (Micro Kjendahl), Fósforo (Bray y Kurtz), Potasio (Olsen), estos procesos se repitieron cada seis meses para poder evaluar los cambios de que se producen debido a la fertilización mineral y orgánica en el cultivo. Las emisiones de gases efecto invernadero desde el suelo al ambiente se determinaron por el método de cámara cerrada (Rondón, 2000) y la concentración por cromatografía de gases. Las mediciones fisiológicas (altura de planta, ancho de copa, grosor de tallo y producción) se las evaluó cada dos meses, a excepción de la producción que fue anual al término de cada cosecha. Además se realizó el análisis económico de la productividad del cultivo. El análisis estadístico de datos se lo realizó con el programa SPSS v. 17.0. Las medias fueron comprobadas mediante ANOVAS de un factor con test de Tukey (P < 0,05). El beneficio económico se estimó en términos de ingresos y gastos totales que se presentaron en el ensayo. Los resultados obtenidos al término del ensayo indican que los tratamientos MIN 2 y MIN 3 produjeron cambios más significativos en comparación con los otros tratamientos establecidos en la mejora de fertilidad del suelo, el pH ha sido menos afectado en la acidificación en comparación con los tratamientos orgánicos que se han acidificado mayormente; la materia orgánica (MO) tuvo incrementos considerablemente bueno en estos dos tratamientos, sin embargo fueron superados por los tratamientos de fertilización orgánica; el nitrógeno total (Nt )y el potasio (K) también presentaron mejores valores al termino del ensayo y el fósforo (P) mostro incrementos buenos aunque un poco menores que los de los tratamientos ORG 2 y ORG 3. En lo que respecta a las emisiones de gases efecto invernadero, los flujos acumulados de óxido nitroso (N2O) en los dos años han aumentado en todos los tratamientos en comparación con el tratamiento Testigo, pero de manera considerable y con mayores flujos en el tratamiento MIN 3 y MIN 2 que se podrían considerarse los de mayor contaminación por N2O al ambiente lo que se le atribuye a las dosis de fertilización mineral aplicadas en el periodo de investigación, los tratamiento MIN 1 y todos los tratamientos orgánicos muestran menores emisiones al ambiente. Las emisiones de metano (CH4) no muestran mayores diferencias de emisiones entre tratamientos, siendo los mayores emisores los tratamientos ORG 3 y ORG 2 posiblemente debido al abono orgánico y añadido al suelo; para las emisiones de dióxido de carbono (CO2) de manera similar al CH4 el tratamiento ORG 3 fue el que presento mayores emisiones, los flujos de CO2 al ambiente de los otros tratamientos fueron menores y no presentaron diferencias significativas entre ellos. La variables fisiológicas en todos los casos apoyaron al desarrollo de las plantas de café, esto al ser comparadas con el tratamiento Testigo, sin embargo las que alcanzaron las mayores altitudes, anchos de copas y diámetro de tallo fueron las plantas del tratamiento MIN 3, seguido del MIN 3, no mostrando significancia entre ellos, y para los tratamientos orgánicos el que presento muy buenos resultados en estas variables ha sido el ORG 3, el cual no presento diferencias significativas con el MIN 2, lo cual comprueba que la fertilización mineral es más efectiva en este caso frente a la orgánica. Para el primer año de producción el tratamiento mineral con fertilización MIN 3 es el que obtuvo mayor producción no presentando diferencia estadística con el tratamiento con el MIN 2, no obstante fueron significativamente mayores que los otros tratamientos. Vale indicar que también el tratamiento MIN 1 y el tratamiento ORG 3 han presentado una producción considerable de café no mostrando diferencias estadísticas entre ellos. Para el segundo año la producción el cultivo mostró mayores rendimientos que el primer año de evaluación en todos los tratamientos, esto debido a la fisiología propia del cultivo y por otra parte se atribuye a la adición de fertilizantes que se ha realizado durante todo el ensayo; de manera similar al anterior los tratamientos MIN 3 y MIN 2 obtuvieron mejores rendimientos, no enseñando diferencias estadísticas significativas entre ellos, no obstante el tratamiento mineral dosis MEDIA no presentó significancia estadística con el ORG 3. El benéfico económico ha resultado mayor en el tratamiento MIN 3 y MIN 2, aunque el tratamiento MIN 2, es el que obtiene la mejor relación costo-beneficio; los tratamientos ORG 2 y ORG 3 y Testigo has producido beneficios negativos para el productor. En cuanto a la parte ambiental se considera que los mejores tratamientos en cuanto ha cuidado ambiental serían los tratamientos MIN 1 y ORG 1, sin embargo a nivel de producción y rentabilidad para el productor baja. ABSTRACT Coffee growing has great importance worldwide (ICO, 2011), and in Ecuador, it has been one of the most important crops to generate income (COFENAC, 2011). However, in the productive systems of this country, the inappropriate use of fertilizers has been observed which produces loss of nutrients, thus it is important to study suitable doses for mineral and organic fertilizing. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of mineral and organic fertilizing at different doses in a coffee monoculture in the province of Loja on soil characteristics, emission of the main gasses that produce the greenhouse effect and the phenology and productivity of crops. In the province of Loja (Ecuador) an area of 2.520 m2 was chosen, where 21 plots of Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.), the caturra variety were cultivated and three treatments with three repetitions each one for mineral and organic fertilization were used with doses that ranged from: mineral low (MIN 1= 157 Kg NPK ha-1 año-1 for the first year y 425 Kg NPK ha-1 año-1 for the second year), mineral medium (MIN 2= 325 Kg NPK ha-1 año-1 for the first year y 650 Kg NPK ha-1 año-1 I the second year) y mineral high (MIN 3= 487 y 875 Kg NPK ha-1 año-1 for the first and second year respectively), organic low (ORG 1= 147 Kg NPK ha-1 año-1 in the first year y 388 Kg NPK ha-1 año-1 in the second year), organics medium (ORG 2= 265 Kg NPK ha-1 año-1 for the first year y 541 Kg NPK ha-1 año-1 in the second year), organics high (ORG 3= 368 Kg NPK ha-1 año-1 for the first year and 727 Kg NPK ha-1 año-1 in the second year) y fertilization zero (TES = no fertilization).; urea, phosphoric rock and muriate of potash were used in the mineral fertilization and humus (Bioabor) in the organic, plus a blank treatment. Time to evaluate the applied fertilizers was for two consecutive years, fertilization was done twice per year based on soil analysis and nutritional requirements of the crops. In order to determine the characteristics of the soil, samples of soil in each plot with a depth of 20 cm were done; from these samples, the determined initial parameters were: color (Munsell), texture (hydrometer method), pH (soil-water 1:2,5 relation), organic matter (Walkey y Black), nitrogen (Micro Kjendahl), phosphorus (Bray y Kurtz), potassium (Olsen); these processes were repeated each six months in order to evaluate the changes that are produced due to mineral and organic fertilization in the crops. The emissions of greenhouse gasses from the soil to the atmosphere were determined by using enclosure method (Rondón, 2000) and the concentration, by using gas chromatography during the whole testing. The physiological measures (plant height, width of the top of the tree, thickness of the stem and production) were evaluated each two months, except for production which was annual at the end of each harvest. Moreover, the economic analysis of the productivity of the crops was done. The statistical analysis of the data was done using SPSS v. 17.0. The means were proved by ANOVAS with a factor of a Tukey test (P < 0,05). The economic benefit was estimated in terms of incomes and total expenses which were presented in the essay. The results obtained at the end of the essay show that the MIN 2 and MIN 3 treatments produced more meaningful changes in comparison with the other treatments used to improve soil fertility; pH was less affected in the acidification compared with the organic treatments which were greatly acidified; organic matter (MO) had increased considerably in these two treatments; however, they were surpassed by the organic treatments of fertilization; total nitrogen (Nt) and potassium (K) also presented better results at the end of the essay and phosphorus (P) showed good increasing figures although a little lower compared with ORG 2 and ORG 3 treatments. Regarding the emission of the greenhouse gasses, the fluxes accumulated from nitrous oxide (N2O) in two years increased in all the treatments in comparison with the blank treatment, but in a greater form and with higher fluxes in the MIN 3 and MIN 2 treatments which can be considered as the ones with greater contamination of N2O in the atmosphere, this can be due to the applied mineral doses to fertilize during the process; MIN 1 treatments and all the organic ones showed lower emission to the atmosphere. Methane emissions (CH4) did not show major differences in emissions in the treatments, being the greater emissions the ORG 3 and ORG 2 treatments; this is possibly due to the organic compost added to the soil; regarding carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, in a similar way to CH4, the ORG 3 treatment was the one that presented greater emissions, the CO2 emissions to the atmosphere in the other treatments were lower and did not present meaningful differences among them. The physiological variables in all the cases helped coffee crops grow, this was observed when compared with the blank treatment; however, plants that reached the greatest height, width of top and diameter of stem were the plants of the MIN 3 treatment, followed by MIN 3, which did not show much significance among them, and for the organic treatments, the one that presented great results in these variables was ORG 3, which did not show meaningful differences compared with MIN 2, which proves that mineral fertilization is more effective in this case compared with the organic. In the first year of production, the mineral treatment with MIN 3 fertilization obtained greater production and thus did not show statistical difference with MIN 2 treatment, although the other treatments were greater. It is worth mentioning that MIN 1 treatment and ORG 3 treatment presented a meaningful production of coffee, not showing statistical differences among them. For the second year, the production of the crops showed greater profits than in the first year of evaluation in all the treatments, this was due to the physiological properties of the crops and on the other hand, it might be due to the addition of fertilizers during the whole essay; in a similar way, MIN 3 and MIN 2 performed better, not showing greater statistical differences among them, although the mineral treatment MEDIUM doses did not show statistical difference compared with ORG 3. The economic benefit was greater in the MIN 3 and MIN 2 treatments, although MIN 2 treatment is the one that shows the best cost-benefit ratios; ORG 2 and ORG 3 treatments and the blank produced negative benefits for the producer. Regarding the environment, the best treatments to care for the atmosphere are considered to be MIN 1 and ORG 1 treatments; however, regarding production volume and profitability they were low for the producer.


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Changes in the configuration of a tree stern result insignificant differences in its total volume and in the proportion of that volume that is merchantable timber. Tree allometry, as represented by stem-fo~, is the result of the vertical force of gravity and the horizontal force of wind. The effect of wind force is demonstrated in the relationship between stem-form, standclosure and site-conditions. An increase in wind force on the individual tree due to a decrease in stand density should produce a more tapered tree. The density of the stand is determined by the conditions that the trees are growing under. The ability of the tree to respond to increased wind force may also be a function of these conditions . This stem-form/stand-closure/site-conditions relationship was examined using a pre-existing database from westcentral Alberta. This database consisted of environmental, vegetation, soils and timber data covering a wide range of sites. There were 653 sample trees with 82 variables that formed the basis of the analysis. There were eight tree species consisting of Pinus contorta, Picea mariana, Picea engelmannii x glauca, Abies lasiocarpa, Larix laricina, Populus tremuloides, Betula papyrifera and Populus balsamifera plus a comprehensive all-species data set. As the actual conformation of the stern is very individual, stem-fo~was represented by the diameter at breast height to total height r~tio. The four stand-closure variables, crown closure, total basal area, total volume and total number of stems were reduced to total basal area and total number of stems utilizing a bivariate correlation matrix by species. Site-conditions were subdivided into macro, meso and micro variables and reduced in number 3 using cross-tabulations, bivariate correlation and principal components analysis as screening tools. The stem-fo~/stand-closure relationship was examined using bivariate correlation coefficients for stem-fo~ with total number of stems and stem-fo~ with total basal area. The stem-fo~/site-conditions and the stand-closure/site- conditions relationships were examined using multiple correlation coefficients. The stem-form/stand-closure/site-conditions relationship was examined using multiple correlation coefficients in separate analyses for both total number of stems and total basal area. An increase in stand-closure produced a decrease in stem-form for both total number of stems and total basal area for most species. There was a significant relationship between stem-form and site-conditions and between stand-closure and site-conditions for both total number of stems and total basal area for most species. There was a significant relationship between the stemform and site-conditions, including the stand-closure, for most species; total number of stems was involved independently of the site-conditions in the prediction of stem-form and total basal area was not. Larix laricina and Betula papyrifera were the exceptions to the trends observed with most species. The influence of both stand-closure (total number of stems in particular) and site-conditions (elevation in particular) suggest that forest management practices should include these- ecological parameters in determining appropriate restocking levels.


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Leaf and wood plasticity are key elements in the survival of widely distributed plant species. Little is known, however, about variation in stomatal distribution in the leaf epidermis and its correlation with the dimensions of conducting cells in wood. This study aimed at testing the hypothesis that Podocarpus lambertii, a conifer tree, possesses a well-defined pattern of stomatal distribution, and that this pattern can vary together with the dimensions of stem tracheids as a possible strategy to survive in climatically different sites. Leaves and wood were sampled from trees growing in a cold, wet site in south-eastern Brazil and in a warm, dry site in north-eastern Brazil. Stomata were thoroughly mapped in leaves from each study site to determine a spatial sampling strategy. Stomatal density, stomatal index and guard cell length were then sampled in three regions of the leaf: near the midrib, near the leaf margin and in between the two. This sampling strategy was used to test for a pattern and its possible variation between study sites. Wood and stomata data were analysed together via principal component analysis. The following distribution pattern was found in the south-eastern leaves: the stomatal index was up to 25 higher in the central leaf region, between the midrib and the leaf margin, than in the adjacent regions. The inverse pattern was found in the north-eastern leaves, in which the stomatal index was 10 higher near the midrib and the leaf margin. This change in pattern was accompanied by smaller tracheid lumen diameter and length. Podocarpus lambertii individuals in sites with higher temperature and lower water availability jointly regulate stomatal distribution in leaves and tracheid dimensions in wood. The observed stomatal distribution pattern and variation appear to be closely related to the placement of conducting tissue in the mesophyll.


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Amniotic fluid cells (AFCs) have been proposed as a valuable source for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. However, before clinical implementation, rigorous evaluation of this cell source in clinically relevant animal models accepted by regulatory authorities is indispensable. Today, the ovine model represents one of the most accepted preclinical animal models, in particular for cardiovascular applications. Here, we investigate the isolation and use of autologous ovine AFCs as cell source for cardiovascular tissue engineering applications. Fetal fluids were aspirated in vivo from pregnant ewes (n = 9) and from explanted uteri post mortem at different gestational ages (n = 91). Amniotic non-allantoic fluid nature was evaluated biochemically and in vivo samples were compared with post mortem reference samples. Isolated cells revealed an immunohistochemical phenotype similar to ovine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and showed expression of stem cell factors described for embryonic stem cells, such as NANOG and STAT-3. Isolated ovine amniotic fluid-derived MSCs were screened for numeric chromosomal aberrations and successfully differentiated into several mesodermal phenotypes. Myofibroblastic ovine AFC lineages were then successfully used for the in vitro fabrication of small- and large-diameter tissue-engineered vascular grafts (n = 10) and cardiovascular patches (n = 34), laying the foundation for the use of this relevant pre-clinical in vivo assessment model for future amniotic fluid cell-based therapeutic applications. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Phytophthora cinnamomi is a major pathogen in most macadamia plantations worldwide. Due to stem lesions, stem cankers and leaf defoliation it results in loss of productivity and tree death. In this study we examined accessions of the four Macadamia species and their hybrids, produced via rooted stem cuttings or germinated seeds, for susceptibility to stem canker and necrotic lesion caused by P. cinnamomi. Plants were wound-inoculated with agar containing P. cinnamomi. The symptoms produced in inoculated plants were used to characterize host susceptibility variation within and among the population. Lesion lengths and severity of stem canker were recorded. The four species and hybrids differed significantly in stem canker severity (P < 0.001) and lesion length (P = 0.04). M. integrifolia and M. tetraphylla hybrids were the most susceptible. M. integrifolia had the greatest stem canker severity and the most extensive lesions above and below the site of inoculation. Restricted lesion sizes were observed in M. ternifolia and M. jansenii. The effects of basal stem diameter and the method of propagation either from cuttings or seed were not significant. The genetic variation in the reactions of macadamia accessions to stem infection by P. cinnamomi is discussed.