306 resultados para de-professionalization


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In the late 1980s Stephen Weil (1990) raised the question of the extent to which museum work could be considered a profession, the extent to which it had been professionalized, and in what ways this professionalization was facilitated or impeded by the changing circumstances of museum work, its organizational and governance context and its already multiplying roles vis-à-vis public culture and society at large. Although Weil‘s thoughts were situated in the American museum context of the mid-1980s, many of his thoughts apply to contexts beyond the US, and some of the questions he raised about the potential for professionalising museum work still resonate with the current situation of museum work. This paper tries to pose and approach a host of questions that, whilst in the main echoing Stephen Weil‘s mid-1980s reflections, are reconfigured in light of some sweeping changes in the nature of museum work, its mode of governance and its governing norms and values.


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Fieldwork in a major construction programme is used to examine what is meant by professionalism where large integrated digital systems are used to design, deliver, and maintain buildings and infrastructure. The increasing ‘professionalization’ of the client is found to change other professional roles and interactions in project delivery. New technologies for approvals and workflow monitoring are associated with new occupational groups; new kinds of professional accountability; and a greater integration across professional roles. Further conflicts also arise, where occupational groups have different understandings of project deliverables and how they are competently achieved. The preliminary findings are important for an increasing policy focus on shareable data, in order for building owners and operators to improve the cost, value, handover and operation of complex buildings. However, it will also have an impact on wider public decision-making processes, professional autonomy, expertise and interdependence. These findings are considered in relation to extant literatures, which problematize the idea of professionalism; and the shift from drawings to shareable data as deliverables. The implications for ethics in established professions and other occupational groups are discussed; directions are suggested for further scholarship on professionalism in digitally mediated project work to improve practices which will better serve society.


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The auditor and the insitutionalization of distrust: the professionalization of external auditing in Sweden This paper addresses professionalization with a focus on trust, rather than on issues of power and competition. It contains a conceptual analysis of trust/confidence, as well as a case study of the professionalization of external auditing in Sweden. The conceptual analysis discusses the “time-binding” aspect of trust/confidence, and the significance of social control mechanisms related to “persons”, “roles”, “values” and “programs” for creating and sustaining trust/confidence. The case study focuses on the role of trust/confidence for the organization and professionalization of external auditing in Sweden, and in particular on the ways in which trust in auditors and auditing have been stabilized. The latter issue is dealt with through a discussion attempting to capture a historic displacement in three dimensions: from reliance on the auditor’spersonal reliability, to trust in the professional role; from trust in the individual discretion of certain persons to trust in the regulation of auditing as a standardized program; and finally, from trust in the values represented by individual auditors to trust in the institutionalized professional values.


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This article is concerned with interactions between the natural and the human sciences. It examines a specific late 19th-century episode in their relationship and argues that the schism between the two branches of knowledge was due to cognitive factors, but consolidated through the social dynamics of institutionalized disciplines. It contends that the assignment of a social function to the human sciences to compensate for the self-destructive tendencies inherent in the technological society was expressed even by those, at the end of the 19th century, who were fervent advocates of a science- and technology-driven modernization.


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This study applies the competing values approach (CVA) of organizational effectiveness to a sample of nonprofit Australian national Olympic sporting organizations (NOSOs). The purpose of the study was to determine the psychometric properties of the subscales developed within each of the four quadrants composing the CVA. Two hundred eightynine constituents from 10 NOSOs participated in this study. Initial factor analysis resulted in six of the eight theoretically derived cells in the CVAeach yielding one reliable factor. These were Flexibility, Resources, Planning, Productivity, Availability of Information, and Stability. The other two cells, Skilled Workforce and Cohesive Workforce, each produced a two-factor structure. To understand the relationship between these manifest factors (cells) and organizational effectiveness, a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted, which revealed that the rational-goal model, comprising Productivity and Planning, was the critical determinant of effectiveness in NOSOs.


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The authors report the results of a journal rating survey assessing 14 publications dedicated to arts management and related topics. Establishing a rating scheme for journals is an important step in the professionalization of an academic field. The authors argue that the development of a rating system in arts management is in the best interests of the discipline. Academics used weighted multidimensional perceptual ratings to evaluate each journal’s prestige, contribution to theory, contribution to practice and contribution to teaching. Cluster analysis using these four criteria identified three classes of journals: A, B+ and B. The setting of standards serves to identify quality goals for academics and journal editors alike, thus enhancing the standing of arts management as a subdiscipline of management.


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While spatial, historical and cultural variations across different countries have prevented any generalisation to be made of the professionalization process, various analytical themes can be said to have emerged in scholarly inquires relating to the professional organization of accountants. In highlighting these broad themes, this study argues that they have all revolved around one important relationship-that of the state and the accounting profession. The dynamics and the fluid nature of this intriguing relationship is further captured and contrasted in this study through an investigation of an episode of intra-professional conflict during the professionalization experience of the Chinese accountants.


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Purpose – This paper aims to present a quantitative analysis of arts management/marketing articles in leading general management/marketing journals, including an examination of the extent to which those top tier journal articles on arts/culture-related topics cite authors of leading arts management journal articles.

Design/methodology/approach – Using bibliometric techniques, this study examines the content of 20 top tier management and marketing journals over 22 years to identify articles published on arts management/marketing, which authors were cited, and from which arts management/marketing journals.

Findings – Analysis indicates that: relatively few citations in the top management/marketing journals reference arts management/marketing journals; assessment of interaction between the parent management/marketing disciplines and the arts management/marketing sub-discipline indicates that authors draw upon a large reserve of diverse literatures; and top journal arts-related management/marketing articles tend to utilize citations to journal articles grounded in the social sciences and aesthetics of management, with an increasing trend of citations to arts management/marketing journals.

Research limitations/implications – This study of the extent to which top journals have published arts/culture-related articles and the citation impact of arts management/marketing journals is the initial academic study on the topic and suggests opportunities for further research.

Practical implications – Analysis of arts management/marketing journal impact contributes to professionalization of the field and increased perceived value of those journals by industry practitioners.

Originality/value – This research is the first to examine the spectrum of arts management/marketing literature, including both top general management/marketing journals and sector-oriented arts management/marketing journals, establishing a body of knowledge for augmentation by future research over time.


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My life and intellectual history are closely connected to the late 20th Century rise of the second wave women’s, student and civil rights movements. These decades also witnessed the professionalization of women’s traditional fields of work— teaching and nursing—with their introduction into the academy. But as all feminists know, and my intellectual and personal history illustrates, there is no gradual progress towards the betterment of all or a fairer redistribution of power, and there is no safe discourse of equality. Any restructuring of the social relations of gender arising from local, national or global social, economic and political shifts often reasserts masculine privilege.


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With new changes to the role and view of design, design professionals are now a part of greater thinking and action on issues that are traditionally outside of the designer's realm. How does design education adapt to this reality? Russell Kennedy explores this and the role that the Icograda Education Network plays in the future of design education. Highlights of this article were originally published in Cumulus' DESIGNER: Careers and Professionalization.


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Recent emphasis upon Early Childhood as an educational priority for the Australian Government has resulted in increases in funding, government initiatives, course providers and the introduc- tion of new policies to the sector in order to improve the quality of early childhood education. The study reported here investigated the "reality" of what it means to be an Early Childhood Teacher within this changing context and identified the roles and responsibilities and the associated chal- lenges. A case study involving observation and interviews with five Bachelor qualified Teachers from varied early childhood settings was undertaken in order to gain knowledge about their ex- periences and perspectives on their work. The data were analyzed using a grounded theory ap- proach involving the identification of key themes and issues about the nature of teachers' work. The findings revealed that in their everyday practice teachers played a complex array of roles that required them to contribute far more than just their teaching skills and knowledge. They were expected to concurrently enact the roles of educator, leader, advocate, communicator, counsellor and administrator whilst juggling everyday challenges including a "lack of time", the need for "further support and more resources" and "building successful partnerships with parents".


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The Book Designer: Careers and Professionalisation features contrubutions from 62 International design educators and professionals.  These leaders in their field provide analysis and expert commontary on the skill and epertise now required for sucessful career in design.


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A relação entre cultura e desenvolvimento é um dos assuntos centrais dos debates contemporâneos que vão além do ambiente acadêmico e atinge a agenda política em diversos países. A cultura exerce um papel importante para o desenvolvimento que não se restringe à dimensão econômica, pois é capaz de construir ou reconstruir identidades, elevar a auto-estima individual e coletiva, adicionar valor ao patrimônio existencial humano. Faz-se necessário, ainda, um outro conceito de desenvolvimento, calcado em outras lógicas, sendo geográfica, social e culturalmente referenciado e promovendo uma transformação social profunda. No Brasil, alguns governos locais vêm assumindo o seu papel de protagonista do desenvolvimento com base nessa proposta. Em Nova Iguaçu - cidade localizada na Baixada fluminense - vem sendo desenvolvida uma política pública cujo protagonista e indutora é a Prefeitura municipal. Trata-se do Programa Bairro-Escola que, embora tenha como centralidade a educação, articula diversas secretarias da prefeitura e promove benefícios e oportunidades sociais às crianças, adolescentes e aos demais moradores da cidade que extrapolam o aspecto educacional. Para a sua operacionalização, a Prefeitura desenvolve parcerias com atores de diversas naturezas. O objetivo dessa dissertação foi compreender de que maneira o Bairro-Escola de Nova Iguaçu, especialmente seus programas, projetos e ações culturais, contribui para o desenvolvimento local. No que diz respeito à metodologia, a estratégia de pesquisa adotada, foi o estudo de caso. Para a coleta dos dados primários e secundários foram adotadas duas técnicas, a saber: bibliográfica-documental; e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com alguns representantes do Bairro-Escola e da Secretaria de Cultura de Nova Iguaçu. Os resultados indicam que o Bairro-Escola aponta para um esforço de inclusão e desenvolvimento social por meio de programas e ações integradas. Em síntese, as contribuições ao desenvolvimento proporcionadas pelo Bairro-Escola, pelas vias da cultura, em Nova Iguaçu são: ampliação do acesso da população à leitura - criação de cinco bibliotecas ramais nas Escolas da Rede Pública Municipal e reequipamento de duas bibliotecas comunitárias; criação de uma Escola de ensino e formação em audiovisual (Escola Livre de Cinema), com núcleos em quatro bairros da cidade; criação de uma Escola Livre de Música Eletrônica, atendendo, inicialmente, a 400 crianças beneficiárias do Bairro-Escola; oportunidade de experimentação artística para quase 7.000 crianças e jovens; capacitação de 52 artistas locais em artes cênicas; criação de um grupo cultural formado por artistas locais (Grupo Nós da Baixada) - grupo de artes cênicas no bairro Cerâmica; oportunidade de estágio (renda e aperfeiçoamento profissional) para cerca de 90 jovens nas oficinas culturais; perspectiva de trabalho para 96 grupos artístico-culturais locais, por meio do convênio com o Ministério da Cultura; fortalecimento de grupos artístico-culturais locais, por meio de assessoramento para a profissionalização e desenvolvimento desses grupos.


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A origem do comportamento orientado para a conquista de cargos públicos no Brasil remonta à formação dos primeiros povoados e vilas durante o período colonial. O nepotismo e o clientelismo político perpassam toda a história do País. Tendo como fio condutor o princípio republicano, buscou-se verificar até que ponto são os cargos em comissão utilizados no âmbito dos Municípios do Estado do Rio de Janeiro como estratégia para manter e atualizar práticas clientelísticas como o empreguismo e o nepotismo. A utilização de métodos e técnicas de análise documental e de conteúdo, em dispositivos legais produzidos pelos municípios estudados e em Relatórios de Inspeções Ordinárias neles realizadas pelo Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, permitiu não só o proceder de uma análise qualitativa como o uso de técnicas quantitativas e representações gráficas dos achados, possibilitando uma leitura mais amena àqueles que têm pouco contato com a matéria. Essa complementaridade de métodos permitiu depreender que as ações empreendidas pelos gestores públicos, no que tange à utilização da livre nomeação, encontram-se na contramão da prática da cidadania, do igualitarismo, do respeito ao servir público. A pesquisa atestou que a quase totalidade dos municípios estudados se utiliza dos cargos em comissão de forma totalmente avessa à prevista constitucionalmente, servindo tais cargos, na verdade, para dar ingresso no serviço público a pessoas das relações do administrador, não para assessorá-lo, mas para aumentar renda familiar, cumprir compromissos de campanha e, até mesmo, para, em troca de votos, exercerem funções que por suas características deveriam ser oferecidas em concurso a toda sociedade. O estudo sugere, ao fim, um conjunto de medidas, baseadas em critérios fundamentados em princípios científicos de gestão, visando à valorização do servidor público, à redução do grau de politização da direção da administração pública e da apropriação patrimonialista dos postos de trabalho, à aceleração da profissionalização das funções públicas e a restringir o livre provimento de cargos em comissão, bem como a impingir sanções, por improbidade administrativa, aos que as desrespeitarem. Em que pese à importância de medidas preventivas, orientadas para o desenvolvimento de uma postura no sentido de um autêntico servir público, a tendência à permissividade precisa ser urgentemente afastada.


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Este estudo trata da gestão hospitalar privada. Uma de suas bases é a necessidade de integração da alta gerência. Aponta diversas dimensões reveladoras, como: relação intraorganizacional; o desempenho institucional e o compartilhamento do conhecimento. Caracteriza a "profissionalização gerencial". A pesquisa é caracterizada estudo de caso. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas; observações participantes; e buscando informações através de pesquisas telematizadas e bibliográficas. O material teórico foi condensado, os dados foram coletados e analisados. Os resultados evidenciam a necessidade de uma relação intraorganizacional integrada da alta gerência, objetivando a construção do processo decisório.