987 resultados para data replication


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Quiescent nuclei from differentiated somatic cells can reacquire pluripotence, the capacity to replicate, and reinitiate a program of differentiation after transplantation into amphibian eggs. The replication of quiescent nuclei is recapitulated in extracts derived from activated Xenopus eggs; therefore, we have exploited this cell-free system to explore the mechanisms that regulate initiation of replication in nuclei from terminally differentiated Xenopus erythrocytes. We find that these nuclei lack many, if not all, pre-replication complex (pre-RC) proteins. Pre-RC proteins from the extract form a stable association with the chromatin of permeable nuclei, which replicate in this system, but not with the chromatin of intact nuclei, which do not replicate, even though these proteins cross an intact nuclear envelope. During extract incubation, the linker histones H1 and H10 are removed from erythrocyte chromatin by nucleoplasmin. We show that H1 removal facilitates the replication of permeable nuclei by increasing the frequency of initiation most likely by promoting the assembly of pre-RCs on chromatin. These data indicate that initiation in erythrocyte nuclei requires the acquisition of pre-RC proteins from egg extract and that pre-RC assembly requires the loss of nuclear envelope integrity and is facilitated by the removal of linker histone H1 from chromatin.


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We present statistical methods for analyzing replicated cDNA microarray expression data and report the results of a controlled experiment. The study was conducted to investigate inherent variability in gene expression data and the extent to which replication in an experiment produces more consistent and reliable findings. We introduce a statistical model to describe the probability that mRNA is contained in the target sample tissue, converted to probe, and ultimately detected on the slide. We also introduce a method to analyze the combined data from all replicates. Of the 288 genes considered in this controlled experiment, 32 would be expected to produce strong hybridization signals because of the known presence of repetitive sequences within them. Results based on individual replicates, however, show that there are 55, 36, and 58 highly expressed genes in replicates 1, 2, and 3, respectively. On the other hand, an analysis by using the combined data from all 3 replicates reveals that only 2 of the 288 genes are incorrectly classified as expressed. Our experiment shows that any single microarray output is subject to substantial variability. By pooling data from replicates, we can provide a more reliable analysis of gene expression data. Therefore, we conclude that designing experiments with replications will greatly reduce misclassification rates. We recommend that at least three replicates be used in designing experiments by using cDNA microarrays, particularly when gene expression data from single specimens are being analyzed.


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Replication protein A (RPA), the nuclear single-stranded DNA binding protein is involved in DNA replication, nucleotide excision repair (NER) and homologous recombination. It is a stable heterotrimer consisting of subunits with molecular masses of 70, 32 and 14 kDa (p70, p32 and p14, respectively). Gapped DNA structures are common intermediates during DNA replication and NER. To analyze the interaction of RPA and its subunits with gapped DNA we designed structures containing 9 and 30 nucleotide gaps with a photoreactive arylazido group at the 3′-end of the upstream oligonucleotide or at the 5′-end of the downstream oligonucleotide. UV crosslinking and subsequent analysis showed that the p70 subunit mainly interacts with the 5′-end of DNA irrespective of DNA structure, while the subunit orientation towards the 3′-end of DNA in the gap structures strongly depends on the gap size. The results are compared with the data obtained previously with the primer–template systems containing 5′- or 3′-protruding DNA strands. Our results suggest a model of polar RPA binding to the gapped DNA.


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DNA replication of phage-plasmid P4 in its host Escherichia coli depends on its replication protein α. In the plasmid state, P4 copy number is controlled by the regulator protein Cnr (copy number regulation). Mutations in α (αcr) that prevent regulation by Cnr cause P4 over-replication and cell death. Using the two-hybrid system in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and a system based on λ immunity in E.coli for in vivo detection of protein–protein interactions, we found that: (i) α protein interacts with Cnr, whereas αcr proteins do not; (ii) both α–α and αcr–αcr interactions occur and the interaction domain is located within the C-terminal of α; (iii) Cnr–Cnr interaction also occurs. Using an in vivo competition assay, we found that Cnr interferes with both α–α and αcr–αcr dimerization. Our data suggest that Cnr and α interact in at least two ways, which may have different functional roles in P4 replication control.


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Recent experiments have measured the rate of replication of DNA catalyzed by a single enzyme moving along a stretched template strand. The dependence on tension was interpreted as evidence that T7 and related DNA polymerases convert two (n = 2) or more single-stranded template bases to double helix geometry in the polymerization site during each catalytic cycle. However, we find structural data on the T7 enzyme–template complex indicate n = 1. We also present a model for the “tuning” of replication rate by mechanical tension. This model considers only local interactions in the neighborhood of the enzyme, unlike previous models that use stretching curves for the entire polymer chain. Our results, with n = 1, reconcile force-dependent replication rate studies with structural data on DNA polymerase complexes.


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We describe here the development of a new approach to the analysis of Escherichia coli replication control. Cells were grown at low growth rates, in which case the bacterial cell cycle approximates that of eukaryotic cells with G1, S, and G2 phases: cell division is followed sequentially by a gap period without DNA replication, replication of the single chromosome, another gap period, and finally the next cell division. Flow cytometry of such slowly growing cells reveals the timing of replication initiation as a function of cell mass. The data show that initiation is normally coupled to cell physiology extremely tightly: the distribution of individual cell masses at the time of initiation in wild-type cells is very narrow, with a coefficient of variation of less than 9%. Furthermore, a comparison between wild-type and seqA mutant cells shows that initiation occurs at a 10-20% lower mass in the seqA mutant, providing direct evidence that SeqA is a bona fide negative regulator of replication initiation. In dnaA (Ts) mutants the opposite is found: the mass at initiation is dramatically increased and the variability in cell mass at initiation is much higher than that for wild-type cells. In contrast to wild-type and dnaA(Ts) cells, seqA mutant cells frequently go through two initiation events per cell division cycle, and all the origins present in each cell are not initiated in synchrony. The implications for the complex interplay amongst growth, cell division, and DNA replication are discussed.


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Human cytomegalovirus (CMV) replication begins with the expression of two regulatory proteins, IE1(491aa) and IE2(579aa), produced from differentially spliced transcripts under control of the ie1/ie2 promoter-enhancer. A deletion mutation removing all 406 IE1(491aa)-specific amino acids was engineered into the viral genome and this mutant (RC303 delta Acc) was propagated on an IE1(491aa)-expressing human fibroblast cell line (ihfie1.3). RC303 delta Acc failed to replicate on normal human fibroblasts at low multiplicities of infection (mois). At mois > 3 plaque-forming units per cell, virus replication and production of progeny were comparable to wild type. However, at mois between 0.01 and 1, mutant virus replicated slowly on normal fibroblasts, a pattern that suggested initiation of productive infection required multiple hits. Replication of RC303 delta Acc correlated with the ability to express IE2(579aa), consistent with a role for IE1(491aa) in positive autoregulation of the ie1/ie2 promoter-enhancer and with data suggesting that virion transactivators compensate for the lack of IE1(491aa) under high moi conditions. ie1-deficient CMV should be completely avirulent, suggesting its utility as a gene therapy vector for hematopoietic progenitors that are normal sites of CMV latency.


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Vaccinia virus is a complex DNA virus that exhibits significant genetic and physical autonomy from the host cell. Most if not all of the functions involved in replication and transcription of the 192-kb genome are virally encoded. Although significant progress has been made in identifying trans-acting factors involved in DNA synthesis, the mechanism of genome replication has remained poorly understood. The genome is a linear duplex with covalently closed hairpin termini, and it has been presumed that sequences and/or structures within these termini are important for the initiation of genome replication. In this report we describe the construction of minichromosomes containing a central plasmid insert flanked by hairpin termini derived from the viral genome and their use as replication templates. When replication of these minichromosomes was compared with a control substrate containing synthetic hairpin termini, specificity for viral telomeres was apparent. Inclusion of > or = 200 bp from the viral telomere was sufficient to confer optimal replication efficiency, whereas 65-bp telomeres were not effective. Chimeric 200-bp telomeres containing the 65-bp terminal element and 135 bp of ectopic sequence also failed to confer efficient replication, providing additional evidence that telomere function is sequence-specific. Replication of these exogenous templates was dependent upon the viral replication machinery, was temporally coincident with viral replication, and generated covalently closed minichromosome products. These data provide compelling evidence for specificity in template recognition and utilization in vaccinia virus-infected cells.


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All eukaryotes use feedback controls to order and coordinate cell cycle events. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, several classes of checkpoint genes serve to ensure that DNA replication is complete and free of error before the onset of mitosis. Wild-type cells normally arrest upon inhibition of DNA synthesis or in response to DNA damage, although the exact mechanisms controlling this arrest are unclear. Genetic evidence in fission yeast suggests that the dependence of mitosis upon completion of DNA replication is linked to the regulation of the p34cdc2 cyclin-dependent kinase. It has been hypothesized that inhibition of DNA synthesis triggers down-regulation of p34cdc2 kinase activity, although this has never been shown biochemically. We analyzed the activity of p34cdc2 in wild-type and checkpoint-defective cells treated with a DNA synthesis inhibitor. Using standard in vitro assays we demonstrate that p34cdc2 kinase activity is maintained in wild-type cells arrested at the replication checkpoint. We also used a novel in vivo assay for p34cdc2 kinase activity, in which we expressed a fragment of the human retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein in fission yeast. Phosphorylation of this fragment of the human retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein is dependent on p34cdc2 kinase activity, and this activity is also maintained in cells arrested at the replication checkpoint. These data suggest that the mechanism for cell-cycle arrest in response to incomplete DNA synthesis is not dependent on the attenuation of p34cdc2 activity.


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The development of an effective vaccine for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) would be a major advance toward controlling the AIDS pandemic. Several disparate strategies for a safe and effective HIV vaccine have been proposed. Recent data suggest that loss-of-function live-attenuated virus could be a safe lentivirus vaccine. Here, we propose a gain-of-function approach that can complement loss-of-function in enhancing the safety profile of a live-attenuated virus. We describe an example in which ganciclovir (GCV) was used to treat effectively nef(-)HIV-1 engineered to express herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) thymidine kinase (TK). This treatment was found to be highly efficient in controlling HIV-1 spread in tissue culture and in a small animal (hu-PBL-SCID) model. We demonstrate that one distinct advantage of GCV-HSV-TK treatment is the elimination of integrated proviruses, a goal not easily achieved with other antiretrovirals.


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In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe the cdc18'+gene is required both for initiation of DNA replication and for coupling mitosis to the completion of S phase. Cells lacking Cdc18 fail to enter S phase but still undergo nuclear division. Expression of cdc18+ is sufficient to drive a G1-arrested cdc10ts mutant into the S phase of the cell cycle, indicating that cdc18+ represents a critical link between passage through START and the initiation of DNA replication. Here we show that Cdcl8 is a highly unstable protein that is expressed only once per cell cycle at the boundary between GI and S phase. De novo synthesis of Cdc18 is required before, but not after, the initiation of DNA replication, indicating that Cdc18 function is not necessary once the initiation event has occurred. Overproduction of the protein results in an accumulation of cells with DNA content of greater than 2C and delays mitosis, suggesting that Cdc18 is sufficient to cause reinitiation of DNA replication within a given cell cycle. Our data indicate that the synthesis of Cdc18 protein is a critical rate-limiting step in the initiation of DNA replication during each cell cycle. The extreme lability of the protein may contribute to the prevention of reinitiation.


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We have constructed simian virus 40 minireplicons containing uniquely placed cis,syn-thymine dimers (T <> T) for the analysis of leading- and lagging-strand bypass replication. Assaying for replication in a human cell-free extract through the analysis of full-size labeled product molecules and restriction fragments spanning the T <> T site resulted in the following findings: (i) The primary site of synthesis blockage with T <> T in either the leading or lagging strand was one nucleotide before the lesion. (ii) Replicative bypass of T <> T was detected in both leading and lagging strands. The efficiency of synthesis past T <> T was 22% for leading-strand T <> T and 13% for lagging-strand T <> T. (iii) The lagging-strand T <> T resulted in blocked retrograde synthesis with the replication fork proceeding past the lesion, resulting in daughter molecules containing small gaps (form II' DNA). (iv) With T <> T in the leading-strand template, both the leading and lagging strands were blocked, representing a stalled replication fork. Uncoupling of the concerted synthesis of the two strands of the replication fork was observed, resulting in preferential elongation of the undamaged lagging strand. These data support a model of selective reinitiation downstream from the lesion on lagging strands due to Okazaki synthesis, with no reinitiation close to the damage site on leading strands [Meneghini, R. & Hanawalt, P.C. (1976) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 425, 428-437].


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A human cDNA expression library was used to investigate the nature of molecules recognized by serum from a patient with Sjögren syndrome that exhibits a mixed immunofluorescence pattern and reacts with multiple components on an immunoblot. The data demonstrated that this serum contains IgG antibodies specific for the 70- and 32-kDa subunits of replication protein A (RPA; RPA-70 and RPA-32, respectively), a highly conserved multisubunit DNA binding protein. Affinity purification of serum autoantibodies demonstrated a complete lack of cross-reactivity between RPA-70 and RPA-32, suggesting a direct participation of the native protein complex in the autoimmune response in this patient. Purified anti-RPA-70 and anti-RPA-32 antibodies labeled nuclear and cytoplasmic components in an immunofluorescence assay, suggesting that RPA is present in both cellular compartments. Additional sera from 55 patients with different autoimmune conditions were screened against purified RPA-70 and RPA-32 recombinant proteins. One of these 55 sera was positive and reacted with only RPA-32. Twenty sera from healthy control individuals did not react with RPA. These results show that RPA is a target for autoantibodies in human autoimmune diseases, although its precise frequency, occurrence in other autoimmune diseases, and pathological significance remain to be fully elucidated.


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Phosphorylation of the P proteins of nonsegmented negative-strand RNA viruses is critical for their function as transactivators of the viral RNA polymerases. Using unphosphorylated P protein of human parainfluenza virus type 3 (HPIV3) expressed in Escherichia coli, we have shown that the cellular protein kinase that phosphorylates P in vitro is biochemically and immunologically indistinguishable from cellular protein kinase C isoform zeta (PKC-zeta). Further, PKC-zeta is specifically packaged within the progeny HPIV3 virions and remains tightly associated with the ribonucleoprotein complex. The P protein seems also to be phosphorylated intracellularly by PKC-zeta, as shown by the similar protease digestion pattern of the in vitro and in vivo phosphorylated P proteins. The growth of HPIV3 in CV-1 cells is completely abrogated when a PKC-zeta-specific inhibitor pseudosubstrate peptide was delivered into cells. These data indicate that PKC-zeta plays an important role in HPIV3 gene expression by phosphorylating P protein, thus providing an opportunity to develop antiviral agents against an important human pathogen.


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Primary data obtained from unionized employees in Singapore were used to examine P. A. Bamberger, A. N. Kluger, and R. Suchard's (1999) integrative model of the antecedents and outcomes of union commitment. Structural equation modeling results revealed support for their integrative model. Specifically, the results revealed the influence of job satisfaction on union loyalty to be indirect through organizational commitment. However, the union-related antecedents (union socialization and union instrumentality) were both directly and indirectly related to union loyalty through pro-union attitudes. In addition, union loyalty was related to the individually and organizationally directed union citizenship behavior dimensions. Limitations of the study and implications of the findings are discussed.