843 resultados para cost saving production technologies


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La acuicultura, el cultivo y cría de animales y plantas acuáticas, representa en la actualidad una fuente esencial de proteína animal y vegetal altamente saludable y nutritiva, proporcionando un sistema de vida y de ingresos en todo el mundo. La acuicultura además de ser un motor para el desarrollo social y económico de las áreas costeras marinas y fluviales mundiales, supone en muchas regiones subdesarrolladas una garantía de alimento de alta calidad y es clave en la seguridad alimentaria de sus poblaciones. El desarrollo de la acuicultura se ha realizado fundamentalmente en los últimos 50 años, y ha sido sobre todo en la década de los años 80, cuando la acuicultura ha experimentado un fuerte crecimiento con tasas anuales que superan el 6%. Con el estancamiento de la producción pesquera y el incremento de la población mundial, la acuicultura se presenta como la única fuente posible de suministro de proteínas (vegetales y animales) de alta calidad, ricas en aceites omega 3 (EPA y DHA) de origen acuático. En la actualidad la producción procedente de la acuicultura supera los 95 millones de toneladas anuales, siendo ligeramente superior a los 94 millones de toneladas anuales provenientes de la pesca extractiva. De este total mundial acuícola, la producción asiática representa el 89%, mientras que la europea el 4,2% Aunque el 46% de la producción mundial acuícola se concentra únicamente en solo 10 especies, una de las principales características de la acuicultura es la gran diversidad de especies cultivadas, más de 500, realizándose su cría bajo diferentes tecnologías y sistemas productivos. El ámbito de esta tesis, es únicamente la acuicultura marina que se desarrolla en las aguas del mar mediterráneo, indistintamente de los sistemas y tecnología de producción utilizados. Los principales grupos de cultivo que se realizan en las aguas del Mediterráneo son los moluscos y los peces, siendo muy escasos los cultivos de otros grupos como crustáceos y macroalgas. La piscicultura marina mediterránea está dominada por el cultivo en jaulas flotantes de dos especies, la dorada (Sparus auratus) y la lubina (Dicentrarchus labrax). Estas dos especies y tras 30 años de experiencia de cultivo, mantienen todavía una ineficiencia productiva alta (reducida selección genética, lento crecimiento hasta talla comercial, alto factor de conversón del pienso…) y además ocupan un estrecho nicho de mercado, ya que prácticamente toda la comercialización de la dorada y lubina se realiza en fresco y sin elaborar ni transformar, a una talla media de 500 g. Para dar respuesta desde la acuicultura mediterránea al alto consumo y a la creciente demanda que en la Unión Europea existe de los productos acuícolas, y en especial los productos elaborados y transformados, es necesario de manera urgente, un aumento de la producción de las especies ya cultivadas (dorada y lubina) mediante la mejora de su eficiencia productiva, al mismo tiempo que se debe iniciar la producción industrial de nuevas especies piscícolas, mediante la diversificación de los cultivos. Para llevar a cabo esta diversificación, se hace necesario el establecimiento de una metodología clara, que asegure una selección de especies apropiadas y rentables para la industria acuícola mediterránea, cuyo cultivo sostenible debiera cumplir con los desafíos que el sector tiene. Nuevas especies que complementen y cubran las demandas actuales y futuras del mercado Europeo e Internacional de productos acuícolas. Nuevas especies con parámetros productivos eficientes, que garanticen unos costes productivos competitivos. Nuevas especies que puedan ser cultivadas utilizando como base la tecnología de producción ya existente en el sector. El objetivo de esta tesis es la definición y desarrollo de una metodología sencilla para la selección de nuevas especies piscícolas marinas para su cultivo eficiente y sostenible Y bajo la aplicación de esta metodología, la selección de un grupo de especies piscícolas para su cultivo rentable a corto y medio plazo (6-8 años) en el Mediterráneo. Para ello se ha definido y aplicado una metodología con la que se han evaluado diez especies candidatas, previamente escogidas de una serie de listas previas originadas en los distintos estudios y trabajos de diversificación realizados con anterioridad por otros equipos de investigación. Estas especies candidatas han sido: Seriola dumerili. (Seriola) , Argyrosomus regius (Corvina), Polyprion americanus (Cherna), Ephinephelus marginatus (Mero), Dentex dentex (Dentón), Pagrus pagrus (Pargo), Solea senegalensis (Lenguado del Senegal), Thunnus thynnus (Atún rojo), Mugil cephalus (Lisa), Coryphaena hippurus (Lampuga). El conjunto de estas especies ocupa un amplio y variado espectro dentro de las distintas áreas de mercado, productiva, tecnológica, y medioambiental . Y en todas ellas existe una experiencia mínima en sus diferentes fases de cultivo. En el desarrollo de la metodología de selección, en esta tesis se han definido diversos parámetros de evaluación, considerados como los más significativos y sencillos de aplicar. Los parámetros se han agrupado en tres bloques, el comercial, el productivo y el medioambiental. El Bloque de Mercado, comprende aquellos criterios que están relacionados con la comercialización de la especie. Calidad de la carne del pescado. Competencia con otras especies en el mercado. Potencial de Transformado. Precio de venta del pescado. El bloque Medioambiental incluye criterios del grado de idoneidad de la especie en la región y del grado de impacto ambiental de su cultivo. Rango de temperaturas del agua óptimo para el cultivo. Potencial impacto ambiental de su cultivo. Eslabón trófico de la especie.. El bloque Productivo, engloba los criterios y parámetros relacionados con el nivel de conocimiento y control que sobre su cultivo existen ( larvario, engorde, tecnología) Grado de control de la fase larvaria. Disponibilidad de alevines en el sector Crecimiento. Factor de conversión Aprovechamiento de la capacidad productiva instalada, Coste de inversión. Previa a la evaluación se han descrito las principales características de las especies candidatas en función del estado y experiencia actual sus cultivos. En la aplicación de estos criterios se han establecido matrices de evaluación y a cada criterio se le ha asignado un valor diferente en función de sus características y propiedades selectivas. Los resultados obtenidos mediante la aplicación de la metodología de evaluación propuesta, han señalado la seriola y la corvina como especies más recomendadas para su puesta en cultivo en el Mediterráneo a corto y medio plazo. Las otras dos especies seleccionadas han sido la lisa y la lampuga. Como conclusión final podemos señalar que el cultivo de nuevas especies es fundamentalmente para el desarrollo sostenible de la acuicultura mediterránea. Esta diversificación debe basarse en la aplicación de una metodología sencilla y práctica, que garantice una selección de especies cuyo cultivo sea rentable y abarquen nuevos segmentos de mercado. ABSTRACT Aquaculture, the cultivation and breeding of aquatic animals and plants, currently represents an essential source of highly nutritious and healthy protein that provides a way of life and income all over the world. Apart from being a social and economic driver in coastal and marine areas, it also entails a guaranteed high quality nourishment in many undeveloped areas being key to the alimentary safety of their population. Aquaculture has developed mainly in the last 50 years and experienced a high growth especially during the Eighties when the annual rates were above 6%. With fishing production stagnating and the global population increasing, aquaculture emerges as the only possible animal and vegetable protein source of aquatic origin, high in quality and omega 3 oils (EPA and DHA). Here and now, aquaculture production is over 95 million tons per year, which is slightly higher than the 94 million tons per year that come from extractive fisheries. From this aquaculture total, Asiatic production represents 89% while Europe´s is only 4.2%. Even though 46% of the global aquaculture production focuses just on 10 species, one of the main characteristics of aquaculture is the wide diversity of cultivated species –over 500– using different technologies and production systems. This PhD’s scope is only marine aquaculture in Mediterranean water, regardless of the technology or systems used. The main crop groups in the Mediterranean sea are molluscs and finfish, while crustacean and macroalgae cultivations are very limited. Mediterranean fish culture is dominated by the cultivation in floating cages of two species: Bream (Sparus auratus) and Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). After 30 years of farming, these two species still keep a high productive inefficiency –reduced genetic selection, slow growth to marketable size, high feed conversion rate– and fill a narrow niche market as practically all bream and bass is sold fresh and whole, unprocessed and untransformed, with an average size of 500 grams. To meet the high consumption and growing demand of aquaculture products, in the European Union (especially those prepared and transformed), Mediterranean aquaculture needs to urgently increase the production of the species already under cultivation (Bass and Bream) by means of improving its productive efficiency and at the same time begin initiating industrial production of new species by diversifying the cultivation. To carry out this diversification it is necessary to establish a clear methodology that ensures the selection of adapted and profitable species for the Mediterranean aquaculture industry. The sustainable farming of these new species needs to meet the challenges this sector faces: New species that complement and meet the current and future needs of the European and International markets for aquaculture products. New species with efficient production parameters that ensure competitive production costs. New species that can be cultivated using already existing production technologies. The aim of this PhD is to define and develop a simple methodology for the selection of new marine fish species for their efficient and sustainable cultivation. And by applying this methodology, to select a group of fish species for its profitable crop in the short and medium term (6-8 years) in the Mediterranean. For this, a methodology has been defined and applied evaluating ten candidate species selected from a series of lists originated from different studies and from diversification works previously conducted by other research teams. These candidate species are: Seriola dumerili. (Greater amberjack), Argyrosomus regius (Meagre), Polyprion americanus (Wreckfish), Ephinephelus marginatus (Dusky grouper), Dentex dentex (Common dentex), Pagrus pagrus (Red porgy), Solea senegalensis (Senegal sole), Thunnus thynnus (Bluefin tuna), Mugil cephalus (Grey mullet), Coryphaena hippurus (Dolphinfish). All these species occupy a broad and varied spectrum within different productive, technological and environmental market areas. There is minimal experience in their different stages of cultivation for all of them. While developing the selection methodology several evaluation parameters have been defined in this PhD, considered the most significant and simple to apply. The parameters are grouped in three blocks: commercial, productivity and environmental. Market block comprises criteria related to the marketing of the species. Quality of the fish meatCompetition with other species in the marketTransformation potentialFish selling price Environment block includes criteria related to the degree of suitability of the species in the region and the degree of environmental impact of their cultivation. Optimal water temperature range for cultivationPotential environmental impact of their cultivationTrophic chain level. Productivity block includes criteria and parameters related to the level of knowledge and control over their cultivation (larval, ongrowing, technology) Degree of control of the larval stageAvailability of alevin in the sector GrowthFeed conversion rate. Exploitation of installed capacityInvestment cost Prior to the evaluation, the main characteristics of the candidate species have been described based on the current status and experience of their cultivations. When applying these criteria evaluation matrices have been established assigning to each criteria a different value depending on their characteristics and selective properties. The results obtained by applying the proposed assessment methodology have identified the Greater Amberjack and Meagre as the most recommended species for farming in the Mediterranean in the short and medium term. The other two selected species were the Grey Mullet and the Dolphinfish. In conclusion, the cultivation of new species is crucial for the sustainable development of Mediterranean aquaculture. This diversification has to be based on the application of a simple and practical methodology that guarantees a selection of species whose cultivation is profitable and covers new market segments.


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Las enfermedades no transmisibles provocan cada ano 38 millones de fallecimientos en el mundo. Entre ellas, tan solo cuatro enfermedades son responsables del 82% de estas muertes: las enfermedades cardiovasculares, las enfermedades crónicas respiratorias, la diabetes, y el cáncer. Se prevé que estas cifras aumenten en los próximos anos, ya que las tendencias indican que en el año 2030 las muertes por esta causa ascenderán a 53 millones de personas. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) considera importante buscar soluciones para afrontar esta situación y ha solicitado a los gobiernos del mundo la implementación de intervenciones para mejorar los hábitos de vida de las personas y reducir así el riesgo de desarrollo de enfermedades no trasmisibles. Cada año se producen 32 millones de infartos de miocardio y derrames celebrales, de los cuales 12.5 son mortales. En el mundo entre el 40% y 75% de la víctimas de un infarto de miocardio mueren antes de su ingreso en el hospital. En los casos que sobreviven, la adopción de un estilo de vida saludable puede evitar infartos sucesivo, y supone un ahorro potencial de 6 billones de euros al año. La rehabilitación cardiaca es un programa individualizado que aplica un método multidisciplinar para ayudar al paciente a recuperar su condición física, a gestionar la enfermedad cardiovascular y sus comorbilidades, a adoptar hábitos de vida saludables, y a promover su salud mental. La rehabilitación cardiaca requiere la total involucración y motivación del paciente, solo de esta manera se podrán promover hábitos saludables y mejorar la gestión y prevención de su enfermedad. Aunque la participación en los programas de rehabilitación cardiaca es baja, hoy en día existen programas de rehabilitación cardiaca que el paciente puede realizar en su casa. Estos suponen una solución prometedora para aumentar la participación. La rehabilitación cardiaca se considera una intervención integral donde los modelos de psicología de la salud son aplicados para promover un cambio en el estilo de vida de las personas así como para ayudarles a afrontar su propia enfermedad. Existen métodos para implementar cambios de hábitos y de aptitud, y también se considera muy relevante promover no solo el bienestar físico sino también el mental. Existen tecnologías que promueven los cambios de comportamientos en los seres humanos. En concreto, las tecnologías persuasivas y los sistemas de apoyo al cambio de comportamientos modelan las características, las estrategias y los métodos de diseño para promover cambios usando la tecnología. Pero estos modelos tienen algunas limitaciones: todavía no se ha definido que rol tienen las emociones en el cambio de comportamientos y como traducir los métodos de la psicología de la salud en la tecnología. Esta tesis se centra en tres elementos que tienen un rol clave en los cambios de hábitos y actitud: el estado físico, el estado mental, y la tecnología. -Estado de salud: un estado de salud critico puede modificar la actitud del ser humano respecto al cambio. A la vez un buen estado de salud hace que la necesidad del cambio sea menos percibida. -Estado emocional: la actitud tiene un componente afectivo. Los estados emocionales negativos pueden reducir la habilidad de una persona para adoptar nuevos comportamientos. La salud mental es la situación ideal donde los individuos tienen predisposición a los cambios. La tecnología puede ayudar a las personas a adoptar nuevos hábitos, así como a mantener una salud física y mental. Este trabajo de investigación se centra en el diseño de tecnologías para la mejora del estado físico y emocional de las personas. Se ha propuesto un marco de diseño llamado “Well.Be.Sign”. El marco se basa en tres aspectos: El marco teórico: representa los elementos que se tienen que definir para diseñar tecnologías para promover el bienestar de las personas. -El diagrama de influencia: presenta las fuerzas de ‘persuasión’ en el contexto de la salud. El rol de las tecnologías persuasivas ha sido contextualizado en una dimensión donde otros elementos influencian el usuario.  El proceso de diseño: describe el proceso de diseño utilizando una metodología iterativa e incremental que aplica una combinación de métodos de diseño existentes (Diseño Orientado a Objetivos, Diseño de Sistemas Persuasivos) así como elementos originales de este trabajo de investigación. Los métodos se han aplicados para diseñar un sistema que ofrezca un programa de tele-rehabilitación cardiaca. Inicialmente se ha diseñado un prototipo de acuerdo con las necesidades del usuario. En segundo lugar, el prototipo se ha extendido especificando la intervención requerida para al programa de rehabilitación cardiaca. Finalmente el sistema se ha desarrollado y validado en un ensayo clínico con grupo control, donde se observaron las variaciones del estado cardiovascular, el nivel de conocimiento acerca de la enfermedad, la percepción de la enfermedad, la persistencia de hábitos saludables, y la aceptabilidad del sistema. Los resultados muestran que el grupo de intervención tiene una superior capacidad cardiovascular, mejor conocimiento acerca de la enfermedad, y más percepción de control de la enfermedad. Asimismo, en algunos casos se ha registrado persistencia de los hábitos de ejercicios 6 meses después del uso del sistema. Otros dos estudios se han presentado para demonstrar la relevancia del estado emocional del usuario en el diseño de aplicaciones para la promoción del bienestar.  En personas con una grave enfermedad crónica como la insuficiencia cardiaca, donde se ha presentado las conexiones entre estado de salud y estado emocional. En el estudio se ensena la relaciones que tienen los síntomas y las emociones negativas y como un estado negativo emocional puede empeorar la condición física del paciente. -Personas con trastornos del humor: el estudio muestra como las emociones pueden tener un impacto en la percepción de la tecnología por parte del usuario. ABSTRACT Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) cause the death of 38 million people every year. Four major NCDs are responsible for 82% of these deaths: cardio vascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, diabetes and cancer. These pandemic numbers are projected to raise to 53 million deaths in 2030, and for this reason the assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO) considers communicable diseases as an urgent need to be addressed. It is also a trend to advocate the adoption of mobile technology to deliver health services and to promote healthy behaviours among citizens, but adopting healthS promoting lifestyle is still a difficult task facing human tendencies. Within this context, there is a promising opportunity: persuasive technologies. These technologies are intentionally designed to change a person’s attitudes or behaviours; when applied in this context, than can be used to change health-related attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours. Each year there are 32 million heart attacks and strokes globally, of which about 12.5 million are fatal. Worldwide between 40 and 75% of all heart-attack victims die before reaching hospital. Avoiding a second heart attack by improving adherence to lifestyle and medication regimens has a cost saving potential of around €6 billion per year. In most of the cases the cardiovascular event has been provoked by unhealthy lifestyle. Furthermore, after an MI event the patient's decision to adopt or not healthier behaviour will influence the progress of the disease. Cardio-rehabilitation is an individualized program that follows a multidisciplinary approach to support the user to recover from the Myocardial Infarction, manage the Cardio Vascular Disease and the comorbidities, adopt healthy habits, and cope with any emotional distress. Cardio- rehabilitation requires patient participation and willingness to perform behavioral modifications and change the attitude toward the management and prevention of the disease. Participation in the Cardio Rehabilitation program is not high; the home-based rehabilitation program is a promising solution to increase participation. Nowadays cardio rehabilitation is considered a comprehensive intervention in which models of health psychology are applied to promote the behaviour change of the individuals. Relevant methods that have been successfully applied to foster healthy habits include the Health Belief Model and the Trans Theoretical Model. Studies also demonstrate the importance to promote not only the physical but also the mental well being of the individuals. The idea of also promoting behaviour change using technologies has been defined by the literature as persuasive technologies or behaviour change support systems, in which the features, the strategies and the design method have been modelled to foster the behaviour change using technology. Limitations have been found in this model: there is still research to be done on the role of the emotions and how psychological health intervention can be translated into computer methods. This research focuses on three elements that could foster behaviour change in individuals: the physical and emotional status of the person, and the technology. Every component can influence the user's attitude and behaviour in the following ways: ' Physical status: bad physical status could change human attitude toward the necessity to adopt health behaviours; at the same time, good health status reduces the need to adopt healthy habits. ' Emotional status: the attitude has an affective component, negative emotional state can reduce the ability of a person to adopt new behaviours, and mental well being is the ideal situation in which individuals have a predisposition to adopt healthy behaviours. ' Technology: it can help users to adopt new behaviours and can also be support to promote physical and emotional status. Following this approach the idea driven in this research is that technology that is designed to improve the physical status and the emotional status of the individual could better foster behaviour change. According to this principle, the Well.Be.Sign framework has been proposed. The framework is based on three views: ' The theoretical framework: it represents the patterns that have to be defined to design the technologies to promote well being. ' The influence diagram: it shows the persuasive forces in the context of health care. The role of the persuasive technologies is contextualized in a wider universe where other factors and persuasive forces influence a patient. ' The design process: it shows the process of design using an iterative, incremental methodology that applies a combination of existing methodologies (Goal Directed Design and Persuasive System Design) and others that are original to this research. The methods have been applied to design a system to deliver cardio rehabilitation at home: first a prototype has been defined according to the user’s needs, then it has been extended with the specific intervention required for the cardio–rehabilitation, finally the system has been developed and validated in a controlled clinical study in which the cardiovascular fitness, the level of knowledge, the perception of the illness, the persistence of healthy habits and the system acceptance (only the intervention group) were measured. The results show that the intervention group increased cardiovascular capacity, knowledge, feeling of control of illness and perceived benefits of exercise at the end of the study. After six months of the study, a followSup of the exercise habits was performed. Some individuals of the intervention group continued to be engaged in the running exercise sessions promoted in the designed system. Two other cases have been presented to demonstrate the foundations of the Well.Be.Sign’s approach to promote both physical and emotional status: ' People affected by Heart Failure, in which a bidirectional connection between health status and emotions has been discussed with patients. Two correlations were demonstrated: the relationship between symptoms and negative emotional response, and that negative emotional status is correlated with worsening of chronic conditions. ' People with mood disorders: the study shows that emotions could also impact how the user perceives the technology.


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Na atual conjuntura, no que se refere à energia renovável, o etanol é um dos principais, se não o mais importante, produto brasileiro. Proveniente da fermentação de açúcares, processo conhecido há séculos, tem se tornado o carro chefe do país como garantia de voz ativa nas discussões energéticas pelo mundo afora. Porém, atualmente, o setor sucroalcooleiro está passando por um momento de cautela devido à queda de produtividade e longevidade dos canaviais ao longo dos últimos anos ocasionados principalmente pela mecanização da colheita e plantio da cana-de-açúcar. Cabe ressaltar que as perdas de produção podem ser ainda maiores diante da ausência do manejo varietal e de cuidados adequados em relação à sanidade de mudas utilizadas para a multiplicação de viveiros. Nesse sentido, nos últimos anos, o emprego da irrigação no cultivo da cana-de-açúcar associada a outras tecnologias de plantio, tais como formação de viveiros com mudas pré-brotadas, vem merecendo papel de destaque. Esse cenário obriga pesquisadores a buscar novas tecnologias para aumento de produtividade, longevidade dos canaviais e redução do custo por tonelada de cana produzida, tais como a produção de mudas sadias para formação de viveiros de cana-de-açúcar. Diante disso, a presente pesquisa teve por objetivo, submeter mudas pré-brotadas de cana-de-açúcar, durante plantio de inverno, na região de Piracicaba, SP, sob diferentes lâminas de irrigação (10 mm; 20 mm; 30 mm e 40 mm), utilizando um sistema de irrigação por aspersão com alas móveis. Dessa forma, buscou-se determinar qual seria a melhor lâmina de irrigação, necessária para garantir o melhor índice de pegamento e alto vigor no estabelecimento e desenvolvimento das mudas pré-brotadas de cana-de-açúcar para a região de Piracicaba-SP. Foram feitas avaliações periódicas (não destrutivas), tais como: mortalidade das mudas; clorofila total na folha; tamanho da muda; índice de área foliar; número de perfilhos brotados por metro; percentual de falha no canavial. Além de avaliações periódicas (destrutivas), tais como: avaliação do tamanho da raiz; massa seca da raiz; massa seca da parte aérea e número de perfilhos totais. As análises estatísticas das lâminas de irrigação foram realizadas pelo método de Tukey ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Diante dos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que a lâmina de 10 mm possibilitou os melhores índices de pegamento e proporcionou um índice superior a 97,8% de sobrevivência de mudas. Também, observou-se uma estreita relação entre o índice de mortalidade no plantio de inverno das mudas pré-brotadas de cana-de-açúcar com o manejo da irrigação, a qual nos primeiros dias após plantio foi fundamental para o estabelecimento e desenvolvimento das mudas. Cabe ressaltar que em caso da adoção de outro manejo de irrigação, com lâminas maiores, nessas condições experimentais, possivelmente haveria perdas de água, cujo fato nos dias atuais não é o ideal tendo em vista a busca por economia e manejo racional da água.


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BACKGROUND: Sustained virological response (SVR) is the primary objective in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C (CHC). Results from a recent clinical trial of patients with previously untreated CHC demonstrate that the combination of peginterferon alpha-2a and ribavirin produces a greater SVR than interferon alpha-2b and ribavirin combination therapy. However, the cost-effectiveness of peginterferon alpha-2a plus ribavirin in the U.S. setting has not been investigated. METHODS: A Markov model was developed to investigate cost-effectiveness in patients with CHC using genotype to guide treatment duration. SVR and disease progression parameters were derived from the clinical trials and epidemiologic studies. The impact of treatment on life expectancy and costs were projected for a lifetime. Patients who had an SVR were assumed to remain virus-free for the rest of their lives. In genotype 1 patients, the SVRs were 46% for peginterferon alpha-2a plus ribavirin and 36% for interferon alpha-2b plus ribavirin. In genotype 2/3 patients, the SVRs were 76% for peginterferon alpha-2a plus ribavirin and 61% for interferon alpha-2b plus ribavirin. Quality of life and costs were based on estimates from the literature. All costs were based on published U.S. medical care costs and were adjusted to 2003 U.S. dollars. Costs and benefits beyond the first year were discounted at 3%. RESULTS: In genotype 1, peginterferon alpha-2a plus ribavirin increases quality-adjusted life expectancy (QALY) by 0.70 yr compared to interferon alpha-2b plus ribavirin, producing a cost-effectiveness ratio of $2,600 per QALY gained. In genotype 2/3 patients, peginterferon alpha-2a plus ribavirin increases QALY by 1.05 yr in comparison to interferon alpha-2b plus ribavirin. Peginterferon alpha-2a combination therapy in patients with HCV genotype 2 or 3 is dominant (more effective and cost saving) compared to interferon alpha-2b plus ribavirin. Results weighted by genotype prevalence (75% genotype 1; 25% genotype 2 or 3) also show that peginterferon alpha-2a plus ribavirin is dominant. Peginterferon alpha-2a and ribavirin remained cost-effective (below $16,500 per QALY gained) under sensitivity analyses on key clinical and cost parameters. CONCLUSION: Peginterferon alpha-2a in combination with ribavirin with duration of therapy based on genotype, is cost-effective compared with conventional interferon alpha-2b in combination with ribavirin when given to treatment-naive adults with CHC.


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Chambers and Quiggin (2000) use state-contingent representations of risky production technologies to establish important theoretical results concerning producer behavior under uncertainty. Unfortunately, perceived problems in the estimation of state-contingent models have limited the usefulness of the approach in policy formulation. We show that fixed and random effects state-contingent production frontiers can be conveniently estimated in a finite mixtures framework. An empirical example is provided. Compared to conventional estimation approaches, we find that estimating production frontiers in a state-contingent framework produces significantly different estimates of elasticities, firm technical efficiencies, and other quantities of economic interest.


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Chambers and Quiggin (2000) use state-contingent representations of risky production technologies to establish important theoretical results concerning producer behavior under uncertainty. Unfortunately, perceived problems in the estimation of state-contingent models have limited the usefulness of the approach in policy formulation. We show that fixed and random effects state-contingent production frontiers can be conveniently estimated in a finite mixtures framework. An empirical example is provided. Compared to conventional estimation approaches, we find that estimating production frontiers in a statecontingent framework produces significantly different estimates of elasticities, firm technical efficiencies and other quantities of economic interest.


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Many maintenance managers find it difficult to justify investments in maintenance improvement initiatives. In part, this is due to a tendency by mine managers to regard maintenance purely as a cost centre, and not as a process able to influence productive capacity and profit. It is also hindered by a lack of alignment between commonly used maintenance performance measures and key business drivers, and the lack of formal business training amongst maintenance professionals. With this in mind, a model to assist maintenance managers in evaluating the benefits of maintenance improvement projects was recently formulated. The model considers four cost saving dimensions. These are: 1. reduction in the cost of unplanned repairs and maintenance, 2. increased or accelerated production and/or sales, 3. spares inventory reduction, and 4. reduction in over-investment in physical assets and operating costs. This paper discusses the application of this model and a number of numerical examples are given to justify investments in maintenance improvement projects having varying objectives.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate an underexplored aspect of outsourcing involving a mixed strategy in which parallel production is continued in-house at the same time as outsourcing occurs. Design/methodology/approach – The study applied a multiple case study approach and drew on qualitative data collected through in-depth interviews with wood product manufacturing companies. Findings – The paper posits that there should be a variety of mixed strategies between the two governance forms of “make” or “buy.” In order to address how companies should consider the extent to which they outsource, the analysis was structured around two ends of a continuum: in-house dominance or outsourcing dominance. With an in-house-dominant strategy, outsourcing complements an organization's own production to optimize capacity utilization and outsource less cost-efficient production, or is used as a tool to learn how to outsource. With an outsourcing-dominant strategy, in-house production helps maintain complementary competencies and avoids lock-in risk. Research limitations/implications – This paper takes initial steps toward an exploration of different mixed strategies. Additional research is required to understand the costs of different mixed strategies compared with insourcing and outsourcing, and to study parallel production from a supplier viewpoint. Practical implications – This paper suggests that managers should think twice before rushing to a “me too” outsourcing strategy in which in-house capacities are completely closed. It is important to take a dynamic view of outsourcing that maintains a mixed strategy as an option, particularly in situations that involve an underdeveloped supplier market and/or as a way to develop resources over the long term. Originality/value – The concept of combining both “make” and “buy” is not new. However, little if any research has focussed explicitly on exploring the variety of different types of mixed strategies that exist on the continuum between insourcing and outsourcing.


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Background aims: The cost-effective production of human mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs) for off-the-shelf and patient specific therapies will require an increasing focus on improving product yield and driving manufacturing consistency. Methods: Bone marrow-derived hMSCs (BM-hMSCs) from two donors were expanded for 36 days in monolayer with medium supplemented with either fetal bovine serum (FBS) or PRIME-XV serum-free medium (SFM). Cells were assessed throughout culture for proliferation, mean cell diameter, colony-forming potential, osteogenic potential, gene expression and metabolites. Results: Expansion of BM-hMSCs in PRIME-XV SFM resulted in a significantly higher growth rate (P < 0.001) and increased consistency between donors compared with FBS-based culture. FBS-based culture showed an inter-batch production range of 0.9 and 5 days per dose compared with 0.5 and 0.6 days in SFM for each BM-hMSC donor line. The consistency between donors was also improved by the use of PRIME-XV SFM, with a production range of 0.9 days compared with 19.4 days in FBS-based culture. Mean cell diameter has also been demonstrated as a process metric for BM-hMSC growth rate and senescence through a correlation (R2 = 0.8705) across all conditions. PRIME-XV SFM has also shown increased consistency in BM-hMSC characteristics such as per cell metabolite utilization, in vitro colony-forming potential and osteogenic potential despite the higher number of population doublings. Conclusions: We have increased the yield and consistency of BM-hMSC expansion between donors, demonstrating a level of control over the product, which has the potential to increase the cost-effectiveness and reduce the risk in these manufacturing processes.


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Pharmaceutical scientists who bulk freeze dry need to foremost identify what quality factors are of a priority during cycle development since the economics of freeze-drying do not allow for both the cost-efficient production and the ability to obtain the highest quality score across all quality factors. Consider; morphology, activity, dissolution, long-term storage, packaging and cost.


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Recycled materials replacing part of virgin materials in highway applications has shown great benefits to the society and environment. Beneficial use of recycled materials can save landfill places, sparse natural resources, and energy consumed in milling and hauling virgin materials. Low price of recycled materials is favorable to cost-saving in pavement projects. Considering the availability of recycled materials in the State of Maryland (MD), four abundant recycled materials, recycled concrete aggregate (RCA), recycled asphalt pavement (RAP), foundry sand (FS), and dredged materials (DM), were studied. A survey was conducted to collect the information of current usage of the four recycled materials in States’ Department of Transportation (DOTs). Based on literature review, mechanical and environmental properties, recommendations, and suggested test standards were investigated separately for the four recycled materials in different applications. Constrains in using these materials were further studied in order to provide recommendations for the development of related MD specifications. To measure social and environmental benefits from using recycled materials, life-cycle assessment was carried out with life-cycle analysis (LCA) program, PaLATE, and green highway rating system, BEST-in-Highway. The survey results indicated the wide use of RAP and RCA in hot mix asphalt (HMA) and graded aggregate base (GAB) respectively, while FS and DM are less used in field. Environmental concerns are less, but the possibly low quality and some adverse mechanical characteristics may hinder the widely use of these recycled materials. Technical documents and current specifications provided by State DOTs are good references to the usage of these materials in MD. Literature review showed consistent results with the survey. Studies from experimental research or site tests showed satisfactory performance of these materials in highway applications, when the substitution rate, gradation, temperature, moisture, or usage of additives, etc. meet some requirements. The results from LCA revealed significant cost savings in using recycled materials. Energy and water consumption, gas emission, and hazardous waste generation generally showed reductions to some degree. Use of new recycled technologies will contribute to more sustainable highways.


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An Approach with Vertical Guidance (APV) is an instrument approach procedure which provides horizontal and vertical guidance to a pilot on approach to landing in reduced visibility conditions. APV approaches can greatly reduce the safety risk to general aviation by improving the pilot’s situational awareness. In particular the incidence of Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) which has occurred in a number of fatal air crashes in general aviation over the past decade in Australia, can be reduced. APV approaches can also improve general aviation operations. If implemented at Australian airports, APV approach procedures are expected to bring a cost saving of millions of dollars to the economy due to fewer missed approaches, diversions and an increased safety benefit. The provision of accurate horizontal and vertical guidance is achievable using the Global Positioning System (GPS). Because aviation is a safety of life application, an aviation-certified GPS receiver must have integrity monitoring or augmentation to ensure that its navigation solution can be trusted. However, the difficulty with the current GPS satellite constellation alone meeting APV integrity requirements, the susceptibility of GPS to jamming or interference and the potential shortcomings of proposed augmentation solutions for Australia such as the Ground-based Regional Augmentation System (GRAS) justifies the investigation of Aircraft Based Augmentation Systems (ABAS) as an alternative integrity solution for general aviation. ABAS augments GPS with other sensors at the aircraft to help it meet the integrity requirements. Typical ABAS designs assume high quality inertial sensors to provide an accurate reference trajectory for Kalman filters. Unfortunately high-quality inertial sensors are too expensive for general aviation. In contrast to these approaches the purpose of this research is to investigate fusing GPS with lower-cost Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) and a mathematical model of aircraft dynamics, referred to as an Aircraft Dynamic Model (ADM) in this thesis. Using a model of aircraft dynamics in navigation systems has been studied before in the available literature and shown to be useful particularly for aiding inertial coasting or attitude determination. In contrast to these applications, this thesis investigates its use in ABAS. This thesis presents an ABAS architecture concept which makes use of a MEMS IMU and ADM, named the General Aviation GPS Integrity System (GAGIS) for convenience. GAGIS includes a GPS, MEMS IMU, ADM, a bank of Extended Kalman Filters (EKF) and uses the Normalized Solution Separation (NSS) method for fault detection. The GPS, IMU and ADM information is fused together in a tightly-coupled configuration, with frequent GPS updates applied to correct the IMU and ADM. The use of both IMU and ADM allows for a number of different possible configurations. Three are investigated in this thesis; a GPS-IMU EKF, a GPS-ADM EKF and a GPS-IMU-ADM EKF. The integrity monitoring performance of the GPS-IMU EKF, GPS-ADM EKF and GPS-IMU-ADM EKF architectures are compared against each other and against a stand-alone GPS architecture in a series of computer simulation tests of an APV approach. Typical GPS, IMU, ADM and environmental errors are simulated. The simulation results show the GPS integrity monitoring performance achievable by augmenting GPS with an ADM and low-cost IMU for a general aviation aircraft on an APV approach. A contribution to research is made in determining whether a low-cost IMU or ADM can provide improved integrity monitoring performance over stand-alone GPS. It is found that a reduction of approximately 50% in protection levels is possible using the GPS-IMU EKF or GPS-ADM EKF as well as faster detection of a slowly growing ramp fault on a GPS pseudorange measurement. A second contribution is made in determining how augmenting GPS with an ADM compares to using a low-cost IMU. By comparing the results for the GPS-ADM EKF against the GPS-IMU EKF it is found that protection levels for the GPS-ADM EKF were only approximately 2% higher. This indicates that the GPS-ADM EKF may potentially replace the GPS-IMU EKF for integrity monitoring should the IMU ever fail. In this way the ADM may contribute to the navigation system robustness and redundancy. To investigate this further, a third contribution is made in determining whether or not the ADM can function as an IMU replacement to improve navigation system redundancy by investigating the case of three IMU accelerometers failing. It is found that the failed IMU measurements may be supplemented by the ADM and adequate integrity monitoring performance achieved. Besides treating the IMU and ADM separately as in the GPS-IMU EKF and GPS-ADM EKF, a fourth contribution is made in investigating the possibility of fusing the IMU and ADM information together to achieve greater performance than either alone. This is investigated using the GPS-IMU-ADM EKF. It is found that the GPS-IMU-ADM EKF can achieve protection levels approximately 3% lower in the horizontal and 6% lower in the vertical than a GPS-IMU EKF. However this small improvement may not justify the complexity of fusing the IMU with an ADM in practical systems. Affordable ABAS in general aviation may enhance existing GPS-only fault detection solutions or help overcome any outages in augmentation systems such as the Ground-based Regional Augmentation System (GRAS). Countries such as Australia which currently do not have an augmentation solution for general aviation could especially benefit from the economic savings and safety benefits of satellite navigation-based APV approaches.


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In the quest for shorter time-to-market, higher quality and reduced cost, model-driven software development has emerged as a promising approach to software engineering. The central idea is to promote models to first-class citizens in the development process. Starting from a set of very abstract models in the early stage of the development, they are refined into more concrete models and finally, as a last step, into code. As early phases of development focus on different concepts compared to later stages, various modelling languages are employed to most accurately capture the concepts and relations under discussion. In light of this refinement process, translating between modelling languages becomes a time-consuming and error-prone necessity. This is remedied by model transformations providing support for reusing and automating recurring translation efforts. These transformations typically can only be used to translate a source model into a target model, but not vice versa. This poses a problem if the target model is subject to change. In this case the models get out of sync and therefore do not constitute a coherent description of the software system anymore, leading to erroneous results in later stages. This is a serious threat to the promised benefits of quality, cost-saving, and time-to-market. Therefore, providing a means to restore synchronisation after changes to models is crucial if the model-driven vision is to be realised. This process of reflecting changes made to a target model back to the source model is commonly known as Round-Trip Engineering (RTE). While there are a number of approaches to this problem, they impose restrictions on the nature of the model transformation. Typically, in order for a transformation to be reversed, for every change to the target model there must be exactly one change to the source model. While this makes synchronisation relatively “easy”, it is ill-suited for many practically relevant transformations as they do not have this one-to-one character. To overcome these issues and to provide a more general approach to RTE, this thesis puts forward an approach in two stages. First, a formal understanding of model synchronisation on the basis of non-injective transformations (where a number of different source models can correspond to the same target model) is established. Second, detailed techniques are devised that allow the implementation of this understanding of synchronisation. A formal underpinning for these techniques is drawn from abductive logic reasoning, which allows the inference of explanations from an observation in the context of a background theory. As non-injective transformations are the subject of this research, there might be a number of changes to the source model that all equally reflect a certain target model change. To help guide the procedure in finding “good” source changes, model metrics and heuristics are investigated. Combining abductive reasoning with best-first search and a “suitable” heuristic enables efficient computation of a number of “good” source changes. With this procedure Round-Trip Engineering of non-injective transformations can be supported.


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The significant challenge faced by government in demonstrating value for money in the delivery of major infrastructure resolves around estimating costs and benefits of alternative modes of procurement. Faced with this challenge, one approach is to focus on a dominant performance outcome visible on the opening day of the asset, as the means to select the procurement approach. In this case, value for money becomes a largely nominal concept and determined by selected procurement mode delivering, or not delivering, the selected performance outcome, and notwithstanding possible under delivery on other desirable performance outcomes, as well as possibly incurring excessive transaction costs. This paper proposes a mind-set change in this particular practice, to an approach in which the analysis commences with the conditions pertaining to the project and proceeds to deploy transaction cost and production cost theory to indicate a procurement approach that can claim superior value for money relative to other competing procurement modes. This approach to delivering value for money in relative terms is developed in a first-order procurement decision making model outlined in this paper. The model developed could be complementary to the Public Sector Comparator (PSC) in terms of cross validation and the model more readily lends itself to public dissemination. As a possible alternative to the PSC, the model could save time and money in preparation of project details to lesser extent than that required in the reference project and may send a stronger signal to the market that may encourage more innovation and competition.


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Lean project management is the comprehensive adaption of other lean concept like lean construction, lean manufacturing and lean thinking into project management context. Execution of many similar industrial projects creates the idea of lean project management in companies and rapidly growing in industries. This paper offers the standardization method in order to achieve Lean project management in large scale industrial project. Standardization refers to all activity which makes two projects most identical and unify to each other like standardization of design, reducing output variability, value analysis and strategic management. Although standard project may have minor effi ciency decrease, compare to custom built project; but great advantage of standard project like cost saving, time reduction and quality improvement justify standardization methodology. This paper based on empirical experience in industrial project and theoretical analysis of benefi ts of project standardization.