783 resultados para corrida bancária
Several methods are used towards delayed onset muscle soreness appraisal. This study's goal was to investigate, amongst three commonly adopted methods, which one would be the most effective (the one that shows higher values) in the quantification of this phenomenon. 10 male subjects, of age 22.8 ± 3.1 years old, weight 80 ± 12.4 kg, height 174 ± 0.07 cm, without recent experience with strength training (lower limbs) and/or running took place in this study. All subjects carried out a muscle damage induction protocol, which consisted of 30 minute downhill running (-16% or -9.09º) at 80% speed compared to their maximum oxygen consumption. Muscle damage determinants such as isometric peak torque, knee joint range of motion and circumference of the medial portion of the thight were measured before, during, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours after downhill running. The subjective pain perception was measured simultaneously with the other determinants through three different tests: sitting on and getting up of a chair; climbing and descending from a 45cm step; and self thigh palpation. After going through all subjective pain perception tests, the subjects filled out a visual analog scale with their perception of pain. Muscle damage changes over time were compared through variance analysis (ANOVA) one way for repeated measures. Subjective pain perception values obtained in all three different tests were compared through two way ANOVAs for repeated numbers. The significance level adopted in this study was z ≤ 0.05. The results showed that the step test was the on which better evaluated the delayed onset muscle soreness. No significant differences were found through the ADM and CIR recovery markers. Downhil running determined reduced of PTI (~22.4%). Significant links between pain were obtained for both subjective pain perception tests starting at 24 and 48 hours, where the highest registered average happened in the step test after 48h, with high...
The aim of this study was to verify the use of exertion subjective perception to control warm-up intensity performed by continuous running in children. Twenty-one children (11,4 ± 0,8 years, 45 ± 9,8 kg e 153,6 ± 9,6 cm), performed warm-up by continuous running in randomic order in three conditions with diferent intensities using rate of perceived exertion (RPE). The intensities were chosen according to RPE Borg CR-10 and the arbitrary units used were three (B3), Five (B5) and nine (B9). The heart rate (HR) and mean velocity of the run (VEL) were evaluated to analyse the intensity of the three warm-up conditions. Statistical analysis was done by annova one-way followed by post-hoc tukey test, considering significant level of 5%. There were significant increase in HR (B3= 112 ± 10, B5 = 140 ± 18 e B9 = 176 ± 21 bpm) and VEL (B3 = 4,01 ± 0,5, B5 = 7,09 ± 1,22 e B9 = 10,97 ± 1,70 km/h) between B5 and B9 condition compared to B3. Moreover, in both parameters B9 presented significantly higher results compared to the condition B5. It´s possible to control warm-up intensity performed by continuous running in children using RPE Borg CR-10.
The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between run-up spatial-temporal variables with ball velocity in the dominant and non-dominant kicks, and to compare the ball velocity between contralateral limbs. Six futsal players (aged 13 and 14 years) participated in the study. The participants performed 4 kicks with maximal velocity in the stationary ball with each limb. Participants’ movements were recorded by 4 digital cameras (120 Hz). Dvideow software was used for kinematic procedures. The variables analyzed were: length and width of the last but one step and last step before ball contact, distance of the support foot to the ball, run-up velocity and ball velocity. The relationship between spatial-temporal variables with the ball velocity was analyzed by linear regressions with ball velocity as dependent variable. Student t test for paired samples was used to compare ball velocity between dominant and non-dominant kicks. For the dominant limb, the ball velocity was predicted only by the run-up velocity in 16.7%, while for the non-dominant limb only the distance of the support foot to the ball was prognostic variable in 11.9%. The ball velocity was greater for the dominant limb. Run-up variables that predictive ball velocity were different between the dominant and non-dominant kicks.
The actual study goal is to test the Ellestad and Weltman protocol concordance in the prediction of VO2max in Futsal athletes. There was no significant difference between the two protocols, there was significant correlation between methods, but the Bland & Altman plotting shown very high amplitude in the Confident Interval at 95%.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
With highlighted sprint ability, the racing line is important segment within the Quarter Horses breed, with huge impact on agribusiness. Theseanimals have noted morphological differences when compared to other lines within the breed, especially for larger body size proportions.The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters forbody measurements traitsof the racing line of the Quarter Horses breed via Bayesian inference. Here,289 animals of both sexes, registered at brazilian association of breeders (ABQM), were used. The results showed high coefficient of heritability for body length (0.74) and back-loin lenght(0.61). The heritability coefficients for height at withersand croup length were moderate (0.44 and 0.47, respectively). High genetic correlation for body length and croup length and for body length and back-loins lengthwas also observed(0.80 and 0.76, respectively). Taking into account the estimates of heritability and genetic correlations between body measurement traits, the body length and height at withers traits proved to be appropriate to provide future researches that investigate the genetic correlation between body measurements and racing performance.
With highlighted sprint ability, the racing line is important segment within the Quarter Horses breed, with huge impact on agribusiness. Theseanimals have noted morphological differences when compared to other lines within the breed, especially for larger body size proportions.The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters forbody measurements traitsof the racing line of the Quarter Horses breed via Bayesian inference. Here,289 animals of both sexes, registered at brazilian association of breeders (ABQM), were used. The results showed high coefficient of heritability for body length (0.74) and back-loin lenght(0.61). The heritability coefficients for height at withersand croup length were moderate (0.44 and 0.47, respectively). High genetic correlation for body length and croup length and for body length and back-loins lengthwas also observed(0.80 and 0.76, respectively). Taking into account the estimates of heritability and genetic correlations between body measurement traits, the body length and height at withers traits proved to be appropriate to provide future researches that investigate the genetic correlation between body measurements and racing performance. Keywords: Heritability, Correlation, Length, Heigth.
A estratégia de corrida tem sido apontada como um fator decisivo para o sucesso do atleta. Durante corridas de média e longa duração, a melhor estratégia será aquela capaz de poupar as "reservas fisiológicas", permitindo ao atleta terminar a prova no menor tempo possível. O controle da estratégia de corrida parece ser influenciado por fatores fisiológicos e psicológicos, que são ajustados constantemente durante a corrida, permitindo ao atleta determinar a intensidade do esforço. Diversas variáveis fisiológicas têm sido relacionadas aos ajustes da estratégia de corrida, no entanto, os resultados observados são controversos e foco de grandes discussões. Assim, a presente revisão tem como objetivo propiciar aos profissionais do esporte um melhor entendimento de questões como: 1) quais as melhores estratégias adotadas para determinado tipo de prova?; 2) como os ajustes da estratégia de corrida são realizados?; e 3) quais variáveis fisiológicas influenciam no controle da estratégia de corrida?
O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar o sinal eletromiográfi co, a frequência e a amplitude de passada entre diferentes intensidades de corrida: 60%, 80% e 100% da velocidade máxima em dois protocolos incrementais. Participaram deste estudo 11 corredores do sexo masculino. Os protocolos de corrida foram realizados com velocidades iniciais de 10 km.hr-1, com incrementos de 1 km.hr-1 a cada três minutos até a exaustão, que diferiram em relação ao intervalo entre cada estágio incremental: 30 e 120 segundos. Foram analisados valores RMS dos músculos iliocostal lombar, reto femoral, vasto lateral, vasto medial, bíceps femoral, tibial anterior, e gastrocnêmio, e a amplitude e frequência de passada. Os valores RMS mostraram aumento entre as intensidades para quase todos os músculos, e não foram influenciados pelo tipo de protocolo utilizado para maioria dos músculos. A frequência e amplitude de passada apresentaram contribuições percentuais diferenciadas para o aumento da velocidade de corrida.