965 resultados para correspondence analysis


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Um dos objectivos deste trabalho, sobre homicídios múltiplos e o “estripador de Lisboa”, passa por sublinhar a importância dos perfis criminais e abordar os problemas de validade científica dos mesmos, tendo em conta as principais metodologias de investigação criminal e do criminal profiling, atento o valor dos processos de análise de dados que podem ser utilizados para a obtenção de informação de natureza preditiva, com relevância para os contributos da psicologia. Assim, e de um ponto de vista transdisciplinar, definimos o nosso problema de investigação questionando se os conhecimentos e competências da psicologia teriam aumentado a eficácia e a eficiência da investigação criminal relativamente ao “estripador de Lisboa”, em termos preditivos do crime e de elaboração do perfil. Para fundamentar o estudo empírico, analisamos os conceitos de violência e de perigosidade, as teorias explicativas do comportamento criminal, as características das personalidades desviantes, o conceito de psicopatia, de assassinos em série, bem como os métodos científicos e não científicos de perfis criminais. A propósito destes, salientamos o perfil lust murder. Trata-se de um estudo de casos múltiplos, complementado por uma entrevista semi-estruturada e um sistema de criminal profiling (tipo indutivo e dedutivo). A amostra é constituída por cinco mulheres, prostitutas, vítimas de homicídio, encontradas na margem Norte e na margem Sul do Tejo, cujas idades variavam entre 22 e 27 anos. Para a realização do estudo recorremos a fontes documentais, à realização da citada entrevista semi-estruturada gravada, bem como utilizámos uma máquina fotográfica e um manequim, de material acrílico, como simulacro do sexo feminino. Para cada caso foi feita uma análise qualitativa, no âmbito da metodologia de estudo de caso. Para a comparação dos casos efectuámos uma Análise de Correspondências Múltiplas (ACM). Analisados os dados, concluímos que o caso particular do “estripador de Lisboa” é, sem dúvida, um bom exemplo de que a fórmula “organizado / desorganizado” não funciona quando aplicada a casos reais. Contudo, cruzando os contributos da psicologia com a reconstituição dos factos, encontramos evidências que nos levam a classificar o autor dos crimes como um sujeito psicopata, com traços esquizóides. O assassino em série que atormentou a cidade de Lisboa seria um indivíduo aparentemente normal, com uma vida social pouco activa e uma visão hostil do mundo exterior. Seria um sujeito impulsivo e agressivo, sem capacidade para sentir qualquer empatia. Essencialmente vingativo e virado para si próprio, tenderia a desenvolver comportamentos de evitação social, mantendo os seus relacionamentos a um nível superficial. Tratar-se-ia de uma pessoa distante, centrada nele mesmo e desligada de factores externos, o que explica a sua falta de cuidado e de planeamento na cena do crime (pela não antecipação das consequências dos factores envolvidos).


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Although the knowledge on heavy metal hyperaccumulation mechanisms is increasing, the genetic basis of cadmium (Cd) hyperaccurnulation remains to be elucidated. Thlaspi caerulescens is an attractive model since Cd accumulation polymorphism observed in this species suggests genetic differences between populations with low versus high Cd hyperaccumulation capacities. In our study, a methodology is proposed to analyse at a regional scale the genetic differentiation of T. caerulescens natural populations in relation to Cd hyperaccumulation capacity while controlling for different environmental, soil, plant parameters and geographic origins of populations. Twenty-two populations were characterised with AFLP markers and cpDNA polymorphism. Over all loci, a partial Mantel test showed no significant genetic structure with regard to the Cd hyperaccumulation capacity. Nevertheless, when comparing the marker variation to a neutral model, seven AFLP fragments (9% of markers) were identified as presenting particularly high genetic differentiation between populations with low and high Cd hyperaccurnulation capacity. Using simulations, the number of outlier loci was showed to be significantly higher than expected at random. These loci presented a genetic structure linked to Cd hyperaccumulation capacity independently of the geography, environment, soil parameters and Zn, Pb, Fe and Cu concentrations in plants. Using a canonical correspondence analysis, we identified three of them as particularly related to the Cd hyperaccumutation capacity. This study demonstrates that populations with low and high hyperaccurnulation capacities can be significantly distinguished based on molecular data. Further investigations with candidate genes and mapped markers may allow identification and characterization of genomic regions linked to factors involved in Cd hyperaccumulation.


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L'approche des régimes providentiels élaborée par Esping-Andersen dans les années 1990 présente un grand intérêt dans l'appréhension des lignes directrices de la protection sociale: elle met en relief le jeu d'interrelations entre différents piliers de bien-être (l'État, le marché et la famille) dans la production et la distribution du bien-être. Esping-Andersen a identifié à cet effet trois types de régimes providentiels: les régimes social-démocrate, libéral et conservateur (qui correspondent respectivement aux pays nordiques, anglo-saxons et d'Europe continentale) auxquels certains observateurs ont rajouté le type latin, qui correspond aux pays d'Europe du Sud (Espagne, Grèce, Italie, Portugal). Ces régimes se sont consolidés dans un contexte industriel d'après-guerre et on peut se demander s'ils peuvent tenir la route à l'ère post-industrielle. En effet, le jeu d'interrelations entre l'État, le marché et la famille est appelé à connaître des reconfigurations, pour répondre plus adéquatement aux divers risques nouveaux qu'encourent les individus. La résilience des régimes providentiels est donc mise à l'épreuve et doit composer avec de nouvelles réalités sociales et économiques qui peuvent l'amener vers des terrains qui lui étaient jusque là inconnus. Notre examen s'intéresse à l'évolution des régimes providentiels à l'ère post-industrielle. Nous cherchons à caractériser et à différencier vingt pays de l'OCDE sur la base d'indicateurs quantitatifs de dépenses publiques et de situations socio-économiques couvrant la période de 1985 aux années 2000. Au moyen de l'analyse factorielle des correspondances et de l'analyse de classification hiérarchique, nous avons pu dégager des regroupements de pays qui correspondent assez fidèlement à la typologie d'Esping-Andersen et à ses développements subséquents et à mettre en relief différentes formes de protection sociale à l'ère post-industrielle: soit "l'activation laissée au marché" dans les pays anglo-saxons, "l'activation comme projet en devenir" dans les pays d'Europe continentale et, finalement, "la faible référence à l'activation" dans les pays d'Europe du Sud.


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Cette étude de cas, composée de trois articles, examine les diverses sources d’explication de l’écart salarial selon le genre chez les professeurs d’une grande université de recherche canadienne. Le premier article analyse les écarts selon le genre sur les primes “de marché” à partir de données d’un sondage réalisé auprès des professeurs en 2002. Une analyse des correspondances donne une solution à deux facteurs dans laquelle le second facteur oppose clairement les professeurs qui ont reçu une prime à ceux qui n’en n’ont pas reçue. Le genre est fortement associé à ce facteur, la catégorie “femme” se retrouvant du côté de l’axe associé à l’absence de primes de marché. Les résultats de la régression logistique confirment que le secteur d’activité, la fréquence des contrats de recherche, la valorisation du salaire ainsi que le rang combiné à l’ancienneté sont reliés à la présence de primes de marché, tel que proposé par les hypothèses. Toutefois, même après avoir contrôlé pour ces relations, les femmes sont toujours près de trois fois moins susceptibles de s’être vu attribuer des primes de marché que leurs homologues masculins. Dans l’ensemble, les résultats suggèrent que dans un contexte où les salaires sont déterminés par convention collective, la réindividualisation du processus de détermination des salaires — en particulier le versement de primes de marché aux professeurs d’université — peut favoriser la réapparition d’écarts de salaire selon le genre. Le second article est réalisé à partir de données administratives portant sur les années 1997 à 2006. Les contributions respectives de quatre composantes de la rémunération à l’écart salarial selon le genre y sont analysées, soit le salaire de base, l’accès au rang de professeur titulaire, l’accès aux primes de marché et chaires de recherche du Canada, de même que les montants reçus. Les composantes varient quant à leur degré de formalisation. Ceci permet de tester l’hypothèse selon laquelle l’ampleur de l’écart salarial selon le genre varie en fonction du degré de formalisation des composantes salariales. Nous déterminons également dans quelle mesure l’écart selon le genre sur les diverses composantes de la rémunération varie en fonction de la représentation relative des femmes professeurs au sein des unités. Les résultats démontrent l’existence de variations dans l’ampleur des différences selon le genre en fonction du degré de formalisation des pratiques de rémunération. Qui plus est, après contrôles, la rémunération est plus faible dans les unités où les femmes sont fortement représentées. Le dernier article examine les mécanismes pouvant mener à un écart selon le genre en ce qui a trait à l’accès aux primes de marché chez les professeurs de l’institution. Les processus d’attribution de ces suppléments salariaux sont examinés à partir d’entretiens réalisés avec 17 administrateurs à tous les niveaux hiérarchiques de l’institution et dans une diversité d’unités académiques. Les résultats suggèrent que les différences selon le genre pourraient être liées à des caractéristiques spécifiques du processus d’attribution et à une distribution inégale des primes aux unités à forte représentation féminine. De façon générale, les résultats démontrent que l’écart de rémunération selon le genre chez les professeurs de cette université n’est pas totalement expliqué par des différences dans les caractéristiques individuelles des hommes et femmes. L’analyse révèle que l’écart réside dans des différences selon le genre en ce qui a trait à l’accès aux primes de marché et aux chaires de recherches du Canada et, dans une moindre mesure, au rang de professeur titulaire. Aucune différence n’est observée sur le salaire de base et le montant des primes salariales reçues, que celles-ci soient dites de “marché” ou associées à une chaire de recherche du Canada. Qui plus est, on constate que la rémunération est plus faible dans les unités où les femmes sont le mieux représentées. L’accès différencié selon le genre aux primes de marché qui est observé pourrait être lié à certains processus organisationnels qui limitent les probabilités d’octrois à des femmes. Les femmes pourraient être particulièrement désavantagées dans ce système d’octroi, pour plusieurs raisons. L’existence de différences selon le genre en ce qui a trait aux dispositions ou habiletés des individus à négocier leur salaire est évoquée et supposée par certains administrateurs. Un accès limité aux informations concernant la politique de primes pourrait réduire la probabilité que des femmes tentent d’obtenir ces suppléments salariaux. Les directeurs d’unités, qui sont en majorité des hommes, pourraient être biaisées en faveur des professeurs masculins dans leurs évaluations s’ils tendent à favoriser ceux qui leurs ressemblent. Il est également possible que les directeurs d’unités où les femmes sont les mieux représentées n’aient pas reçu d’information sur les primes de marché ou que des traditions disciplinaires les aient rendu réticents à demander des primes.


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Cette thèse de doctorat a pour objectif de développer une typologie socioculturelle de la consommation d’alcool à partir des mesures d’usages, de contextes et de motivations à boire pour approfondir notre connaissance sur les pratiques collectives de boire au Canada et d’explorer la variabilité des pratiques selon les caractérisations sociodémographiques et socioéconomiques des buveurs . Partant du constat des limites conceptuelles des modèles typologiques développés en alcoologie qui ne permettent pas d’observer toute la complexité des pratiques du boire dans une société puisqu’ils sont construits principalement à partir de l’usage, cette thèse propose de conceptualiser les pratiques de boire comme l’interface de l’usage, des contextes de consommation et des motivations à consommer. Les données utilisées proviennent de l’enquête GENder, Alcohol, and Culture: an international study – Canada. Uniquement les buveurs réguliers (consommant au moins une fois par mois) ont été retenus dans le cadre de cette thèse. Des analyses de correspondances et des analyses de classes latentes ont permis de dériver des typologies tridimensionnelles des pratiques de boire et de les associer à des caractéristiques sociales. Les résultats de recherche sont présentés en trois articles scientifiques qui répondent chacun à un objectif spécifique de la thèse. Le premier article présente une classification des buveurs réguliers canadiens en six grands types et établit le lien entre ces types et le genre ainsi que le groupe d’âge. Le deuxième article teste l’invariance de la typologie selon le genre et propose des classifications distinctes pour les femmes et pour les hommes en lien avec le groupe d’âge et le niveau d’éducation. Le troisième article se concentre sur les buveurs réguliers en emploi et examine l’association entre la position socioprofessionnelle dans la hiérarchie sociale et les pratiques de boire.


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The composition and variability of heterotrophic bacteria along the shelf sediments of south west coast of India and its relationship with the sediment biogeochemistry was investigated. The bacterial abundance ranged from 1.12 x 103 – 1.88 x 106 CFU g-1 dry wt. of sediment. The population showed significant positive correlation with silt (r = 0.529, p< 0.05), organic carbon (OC) (r = 0.679, p< 0.05), total nitrogen (TN) (r = 0.638, p< 0.05), total protein (TPRT) (r = 0.615, p< 0.05) and total carbohydrate (TCHO) (r = 0.675, p< 0.05) and significant negative correlation with sand (r = -0.488, p< 0.05). Community was mainly composed of Bacillus, Alteromonas, Vibrio, Coryneforms, Micrococcus, Planococcus, Staphylococcus, Moraxella, Alcaligenes, Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Flavobacterium and Aeromonas. BIOENV analysis explained the best possible environmental parameters i.e., carbohydrate, total nitrogen, temperature, pH and sand at 50m depth and organic matter, BPC, protein, lipid and temperature at 200m depth controlling the distribution pattern of heterotrophic bacterial population in shelf sediments. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the environmental variables showed that the first and second principal component accounted for 65% and 30.6% of the data variance respectively. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) revealed a strong correspondence between bacterial distribution and environmental variables in the study area. Moreover, non-metric MDS (Multidimensional Scaling) analysis demarcated the northern and southern latitudes of the study area based on the bioavailable organic matter


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The Paper unfolds the paradox that exists in the tribal community with respect to the development indicators and hence tries to cull out the difference in the standard of living of the tribes in a dichotomous framework, forward and backward. Four variables have been considered for ascertaining the standard of living and socio-economic conditions of the tribes. The data for the study is obtained from a primary survey in the three tribal predominant districts of Wayanad, Idukki and Palakkad. Wayanad was selected for studying six tribal communities (Paniya, Adiya, Kuruma, Kurichya, Urali and Kattunaika), Idukki for two communities (Malayarayan and Muthuvan) and Palakkad for one community (Irula). 500 samples from 9 prominent tribal communities of Kerala have been collected according to multistage proportionate random sample framework. The analysis highlights the disproportionate nature of socio-economic indicators within the tribes in Kerala owing to the failure of governmental schemes and assistances meant for their empowerment. The socio-economic variables, such as education, health, and livelihood have been augmented with SLI based on correlation analysis gives interesting inference for policy options as high educated tribal communities are positively correlated with high SLI and livelihood. Further, each of the SLI variable is decomposed using Correlation and Correspondence analysis for understanding the relative standing of the nine tribal sub communities in the three dimensional framework of high, medium and low SLI levels. Tribes with good education and employment (Malayarayan, Kuruma and Kurichya) have a better living standard and hence they can generally be termed as forward tribes whereas those with a low or poor education, employment and living standard indicators (Paniya, Adiya, Urali, Kattunaika, Muthuvans and Irula) are categorized as backward tribes


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Little is known about the bacterial ecology of evaporative salt-mining sites (salterns) of which Teguidda-n-Tessoumt at the fringe of the West-African Saharan desert in Niger is a spectacular example with its many-centuries-old and very colorful evaporation ponds. During the different enrichment steps of the salt produced as a widely traded feed supplement for cattle, animal manure is added to the crude brine, which is then desiccated and repeatedly crystallized. This study describes the dominant Bacteria and Archaea communites in the brine from the evaporation ponds and the soil from the mine, which were determined by PCR-DGGE of 16S rDNA. Correspondence analysis of the DGGE-community fingerprints revealed a change in community structure of the brine samples during the sequential evaporation steps which was, however, unaffected by the brine's pH and electric conductivity (EC). The Archaea community was dominated by a phylogenetically diverse group of methanogens, while the Bacteria community was dominated by gamma proteobacteria. Microorganisms contained in the purified salt product have the potential to be broadly disseminated and are fed to livestock across the region. In this manner, the salt mines represent an intriguing example of long-term human activity that has contributed to the continual selection, cultivation, and dissemination of cosmopolitan microorganisms.


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The statistical analysis of literary style is the part of stylometry that compares measurable characteristics in a text that are rarely controlled by the author, with those in other texts. When the goal is to settle authorship questions, these characteristics should relate to the author’s style and not to the genre, epoch or editor, and they should be such that their variation between authors is larger than the variation within comparable texts from the same author. For an overview of the literature on stylometry and some of the techniques involved, see for example Mosteller and Wallace (1964, 82), Herdan (1964), Morton (1978), Holmes (1985), Oakes (1998) or Lebart, Salem and Berry (1998). Tirant lo Blanc, a chivalry book, is the main work in catalan literature and it was hailed to be “the best book of its kind in the world” by Cervantes in Don Quixote. Considered by writters like Vargas Llosa or Damaso Alonso to be the first modern novel in Europe, it has been translated several times into Spanish, Italian and French, with modern English translations by Rosenthal (1996) and La Fontaine (1993). The main body of this book was written between 1460 and 1465, but it was not printed until 1490. There is an intense and long lasting debate around its authorship sprouting from its first edition, where its introduction states that the whole book is the work of Martorell (1413?-1468), while at the end it is stated that the last one fourth of the book is by Galba (?-1490), after the death of Martorell. Some of the authors that support the theory of single authorship are Riquer (1990), Chiner (1993) and Badia (1993), while some of those supporting the double authorship are Riquer (1947), Coromines (1956) and Ferrando (1995). For an overview of this debate, see Riquer (1990). Neither of the two candidate authors left any text comparable to the one under study, and therefore discriminant analysis can not be used to help classify chapters by author. By using sample texts encompassing about ten percent of the book, and looking at word length and at the use of 44 conjunctions, prepositions and articles, Ginebra and Cabos (1998) detect heterogeneities that might indicate the existence of two authors. By analyzing the diversity of the vocabulary, Riba and Ginebra (2000) estimates that stylistic boundary to be near chapter 383. Following the lead of the extensive literature, this paper looks into word length, the use of the most frequent words and into the use of vowels in each chapter of the book. Given that the features selected are categorical, that leads to three contingency tables of ordered rows and therefore to three sequences of multinomial observations. Section 2 explores these sequences graphically, observing a clear shift in their distribution. Section 3 describes the problem of the estimation of a suden change-point in those sequences, in the following sections we propose various ways to estimate change-points in multinomial sequences; the method in section 4 involves fitting models for polytomous data, the one in Section 5 fits gamma models onto the sequence of Chi-square distances between each row profiles and the average profile, the one in Section 6 fits models onto the sequence of values taken by the first component of the correspondence analysis as well as onto sequences of other summary measures like the average word length. In Section 7 we fit models onto the marginal binomial sequences to identify the features that distinguish the chapters before and after that boundary. Most methods rely heavily on the use of generalized linear models


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By using suitable parameters, we present a uni¯ed aproach for describing four methods for representing categorical data in a contingency table. These methods include: correspondence analysis (CA), the alternative approach using Hellinger distance (HD), the log-ratio (LR) alternative, which is appropriate for compositional data, and the so-called non-symmetrical correspondence analysis (NSCA). We then make an appropriate comparison among these four methods and some illustrative examples are given. Some approaches based on cumulative frequencies are also linked and studied using matrices. Key words: Correspondence analysis, Hellinger distance, Non-symmetrical correspondence analysis, log-ratio analysis, Taguchi inertia


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The aim of this study is to explore the environmental factors that determine plant Community distribution in northeast Algeria. This paper provides a quantitative analysis of the vegetation-environment relationships for a study site in the Cholt El Beida wetland, a RAMSAR site in Setif, Algeria. Sixty vegetation plots were sampled and analysed using TWINSPAN and Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) in order to identify the principal vegetation communities and determine the environmental gradients associated with these. 127 species belonging to 41 families and 114 genera were recorded. Six of the recorded species were endemic representing 4.7% of the total species. The richest families were Compositae, Gramineae, Cruciferae and Chenopodiaceae. Therophytes and hemicryptophytes were the most frequent life forms. the Mediterranean floristic element is dominant and is represented by 39 species. The samples were classified into four main community types. The principal DCA axes represent gradients of soil salinity, moisture and anthropogenic pressure. The use of classification in combination with ordination techniques resulted in a good discrimination between plant communities and a greater understanding of controlling environmental factors. The methodology adopted can be employed for improving baseline information on plant community ecology and distribution in often critically endangered Mediterranean wetland areas. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aim The aim of this study was to explore the environmental factors that determine the spatial distribution of oro-mediterranean and alti-mediterranean plant communities in Crete. Location The paper provides a quantitative analysis of vegetation-environment relationships for two study areas within the Lefka Ori massif Crete, a proposed Natura 2000 site. Methods Eleven environmental variables were recorded: altitude, slope, aspect, percentage of bare rock, percentage of unvegetated ground, soil depth, pH, organic matter content and percentages of sand, silt and clay content. Classification of the vegetation was based on twinspan, while detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) were used to identify environmental gradients linked to community distribution. Results One hundred and twenty-five species were recorded from 120 plots located within the two study areas. Forty-seven of the recorded species are endemic, belonging to 35 families. Hemicryptophytes and chamaephytes were the most frequent, suggesting a typical oro-mediterranean life form spectrum. The samples were classified into five main community types and one transitional. The main gradients, identified by CCA, were altitude and surface cover type in the North-west site, while in the Central site the gradients were soil formation-development and surface cover type. Main conclusions The use of classification in combination with ordination techniques resulted in a good discrimination between plant communities and a greater understanding of controlling environmental factors. The methodology adopted can be employed for improving baseline information on plant community ecology and distribution in Mediterranean mountain zones.


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The aim of this study is to explore the environmental factors that determine plant Community distribution in northeast Algeria. This paper provides a quantitative analysis of the vegetation-environment relationships for a study site in the Cholt El Beida wetland, a RAMSAR site in Setif, Algeria. Sixty vegetation plots were sampled and analysed using TWINSPAN and Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) in order to identify the principal vegetation communities and determine the environmental gradients associated with these. 127 species belonging to 41 families and 114 genera were recorded. Six of the recorded species were endemic representing 4.7% of the total species. The richest families were Compositae, Gramineae, Cruciferae and Chenopodiaceae. Therophytes and hemicryptophytes were the most frequent life forms. the Mediterranean floristic element is dominant and is represented by 39 species. The samples were classified into four main community types. The principal DCA axes represent gradients of soil salinity, moisture and anthropogenic pressure. The use of classification in combination with ordination techniques resulted in a good discrimination between plant communities and a greater understanding of controlling environmental factors. The methodology adopted can be employed for improving baseline information on plant community ecology and distribution in often critically endangered Mediterranean wetland areas. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aims of this study were to explore the environmental factors that determine the distribution of plant communities in temporary rock pools and provide a quantitative analysis of vegetation-environment relationships for five study sites on the island of Gavdos, southwest of Crete, Greece. Data from 99 rock pools were collected and analysed using Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN), Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) to identify the principal communities and environmental gradients that are linked to community distribution. A total of 46 species belonging to 21 families were recorded within the study area. The dominant families were Labiatae, Gramineae and Compositae while therophytes and chamaephytes were the most frequent life forms. The samples were classified into six community types using TWINSPAN, which were also corroborated by CCA analysis. The principal gradients for vegetation distribution, identified by CCA, were associated with water storage and water retention ability, as expressed by pool perimeter and water depth. Generalised Additive Models (GAMs) were employed to identify responses of four dominant rock pool species to water depth. The resulting species response curves showed niche differentiation in the cases of Callitriche pulchra and Tillaea vaillantii and revealed competition between Zannichellia pedunculata and Chara vulgaris. The use of classification in combination with ordination techniques resulted in a good discrimination between plant communities. Generalised Additive Models are a powerful tool in investigating species response curves to environmental gradients. The methodology adopted can be employed for improving baseline information on plant community ecology and distribution in Mediterranean ephemeral pools.


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In the Loess Plateau, China, arable cultivation of slope lands is common and associated with serious soil erosion. Planting trees or grass may control erosion, but planted species may consume more soil water and can threaten long-term ecosystem sustainability. Natural vegetation succession is an alternative ecological solution to restore degraded land, but there is a time cost, given that the establishment of natural vegetation, adequate to prevent soil erosion, is a longer process than planting. The aims of this study were to identify the environmental factors controlling the type of vegetation established on abandoned cropland and to identify candidate species that might be sown soon after abandonment to accelerate vegetation succession and establishment of natural vegetation to prevent soil erosion. A field survey of thirty-three 2 × 2–m plots was carried out in July 2003, recording age since abandonment, vegetation cover, and frequency of species together with major environmental and soil variables. Data were analyzed using correspondence analysis, classification tree analysis, and species response curves. Four vegetation types were identified and the data analysis confirmed the importance of time since abandonment, total P, and soil water in controlling the type of vegetation established. Among the dominant species in the three late-successional vegetation types, the most appropriate candidates for accelerating and directing vegetation succession were King Ranch bluestem (Bothriochloa ischaemum) and Lespedeza davurica (Leguminosae). These species possess combinations of the following characteristics: tolerance of low water and nutrient availability, fibrous root system and strong lateral vegetative spread, and a persistent seed bank.