949 resultados para corpus analysis


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Dissertação de mest., Natural Language Processing & Human Language Technology, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. do Algarve, 2011


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Ce mémoire propose une analyse sémio-narrative d’un corpus de dix-neuf contes merveilleux recueillis auprès des conteurs canadiens-français et canadiens-hurons par l’anthropologue Charles-Marius Barbeau, au début du XXe siècle. Après avoir passé en revue les principales théories dans l’approche sémiotique du conte à partir de Vladimir Propp jusqu’à nos jours, nous avons procédé à une étude narrative du corpus selon la méthode du grand folkloriste russe : cela nous a permis d’en montrer la valeur exceptionnelle mais aussi les limites. Nous avons constaté ainsi que le travail sur un corpus inédit peut mener à l’identification de nouveaux éléments dans la structure du conte merveilleux. En poursuivant nos recherches sur les dix-neuf contes recueillis par Barbeau, nous sommes passée du schéma linéaire, syntagmatique de Propp aux modèles logiques de ses continuateurs, particulièrement celui élaboré par Guy Laflèche. Nos analyses ont mis en évidence non seulement le fait que la structure en miroir est un modèle valide auquel une partie des contes merveilleux se plie parfaitement (d’emblée l’exclusivité du schéma de Propp est mise en question, sinon infirmée), mais aussi que tout conte merveilleux est exceptionnellement organisé, structuré (ce qui confirme la théorie de Claude Bremond conformément à laquelle le récit narratif est une alternance de dégradations et d’améliorations). Enfin, la dernière partie du mémoire est une analyse sémio-discursive de notre corpus qui, au lieu d’être une simple accumulation de listes de mots, d’expressions et de figures, tente d’aborder la structure idéologique, grâce à une étude en parallèle d’un conte du corpus et de deux versions littéraires.


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Les travaux entrepris dans le cadre de la présente thèse portent sur l’analyse de l’équivalence terminologique en corpus parallèle et en corpus comparable. Plus spécifiquement, nous nous intéressons aux corpus de textes spécialisés appartenant au domaine du changement climatique. Une des originalités de cette étude réside dans l’analyse des équivalents de termes simples. Les bases théoriques sur lesquelles nous nous appuyons sont la terminologie textuelle (Bourigault et Slodzian 1999) et l’approche lexico-sémantique (L’Homme 2005). Cette étude poursuit deux objectifs. Le premier est d’effectuer une analyse comparative de l’équivalence dans les deux types de corpus afin de vérifier si l’équivalence terminologique observable dans les corpus parallèles se distingue de celle que l’on trouve dans les corpus comparables. Le deuxième consiste à comparer dans le détail les équivalents associés à un même terme anglais, afin de les décrire et de les répertorier pour en dégager une typologie. L’analyse détaillée des équivalents français de 343 termes anglais est menée à bien grâce à l’exploitation d’outils informatiques (extracteur de termes, aligneur de textes, etc.) et à la mise en place d’une méthodologie rigoureuse divisée en trois parties. La première partie qui est commune aux deux objectifs de la recherche concerne l’élaboration des corpus, la validation des termes anglais et le repérage des équivalents français dans les deux corpus. La deuxième partie décrit les critères sur lesquels nous nous appuyons pour comparer les équivalents des deux types de corpus. La troisième partie met en place la typologie des équivalents associés à un même terme anglais. Les résultats pour le premier objectif montrent que sur les 343 termes anglais analysés, les termes présentant des équivalents critiquables dans les deux corpus sont relativement peu élevés (12), tandis que le nombre de termes présentant des similitudes d’équivalence entre les corpus est très élevé (272 équivalents identiques et 55 équivalents non critiquables). L’analyse comparative décrite dans ce chapitre confirme notre hypothèse selon laquelle la terminologie employée dans les corpus parallèles ne se démarque pas de celle des corpus comparables. Les résultats pour le deuxième objectif montrent que de nombreux termes anglais sont rendus par plusieurs équivalents (70 % des termes analysés). Il est aussi constaté que ce ne sont pas les synonymes qui forment le groupe le plus important des équivalents, mais les quasi-synonymes. En outre, les équivalents appartenant à une autre partie du discours constituent une part importante des équivalents. Ainsi, la typologie élaborée dans cette thèse présente des mécanismes de l’équivalence terminologique peu décrits aussi systématiquement dans les travaux antérieurs.


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Ce mémoire de maitrise vise à dresser un portrait des erreurs syntaxiques des élèves du secondaire en analysant un corpus de textes de cinq groupes du Québec, de la 1re à la 5e secondaire. Les résultats actuels aux épreuves ministérielles des élèves de 5e secondaire nous indiquent que les élèves éprouvent des difficultés avec l’écriture du français. Une analyse approfondie nous permet de comprendre que l’amélioration de la situation passe par une meilleure connaissance des erreurs syntaxiques des élèves. En nous appuyant sur la grille de Boivin et Pinsonneault (2014), nous avons analysé les données provenant du codage des textes d’élèves de la 1re à la 5e secondaire. L’analyse de ces données nous a permis de constater que parmi les sept grandes catégories d’erreurs de la grille, c’est en syntaxe que les élèves commettent le plus d’erreurs. Une incursion au cœur des six sous-catégories de la syntaxe a révélé que la ponctuation causait le plus de problème aux élèves, et ce, à tous les niveaux. Les erreurs liées à la détermination de la catégorie grammaticale des mots (homophones) arrivaient en deuxième place. Par la suite, nous avons précisé davantage l’analyse en déterminant, pour chacun des codes, l’évolution du nombre d’erreurs d’un niveau du secondaire à l’autre. Il est ressorti de cette étude que les deux principales erreurs, basées sur les sous-catégories syntaxiques, sont celles portant sur l’usage de la virgule et celles liées à la confusion qui existe encore un verbe terminant par «er» et un adjectif ou un participe passé terminant par «é-e-s».


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Dopamine D2 receptors are involved in ethanol self- administration behavior and also suggested to mediate the onset and offset of ethanol drinking. In the present study, we investigated dopamine (DA) content and Dopamine D2 (DA D2) receptors in the hypothalamus and corpus striatum of ethanol treated rats and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity in the liver and plasma of ethanol treated rats and in vitro hepatocyte cultures. Hypothalamic and corpus striatal DA content decreased significantly (P\0.05, P\0.001 respectively) and homovanillic acid/ dopamine (HVA/DA) ratio increased significantly (P\0.001) in ethanol treated rats when compared to control. Scatchard analysis of [3H] YM-09151-2 binding to DA D2 receptors in hypothalamus showed a significant increase (P\0.001) in Bmax without any change in Kd in ethanol treated rats compared to control. The Kd of DA D2 receptors significantly decreased (P\0.05) in the corpus striatum of ethanol treated rats when compared to control. DA D2 receptor affinity in the hypothalamus and corpus striatum of control and ethanol treated rats fitted to a single site model with unity as Hill slope value. The in vitro studies on hepatocyte cultures showed that 10-5 M and 10-7 M DA can reverse the increased ALDH activity in 10% ethanol treated cells to near control level. Sulpiride, an antagonist of DA D2, reversed the effect of dopamine on 10% ethanol induced ALDH activity in hepatocytes. Our results showed a decreased dopamine concentration with enhanced DA D2 receptors in the hypothalamus and corpus striatum of ethanol treated rats. Also, increased ALDH was observed in the plasma and liver of ethanol treated rats and in vitro hepatocyte cultures with 10% ethanol as a compensatory mechanism for increased aldehyde production due to increased dopamine metabolism. A decrease in dopamine concentration in major brain regions is coupled with an increase in ALDH activity in liver and plasma, which contributes to the tendency for alcoholism. Since the administration of 10-5 M and 10-7 M DA can reverse the increased ALDH activity in ethanol treated cells to near control level, this has therapeutic application to correct ethanol addicts from addiction due to allergic reaction observed in aldehyde accumulation.


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The thesis which follows, entitled ''The Postoccidental Deconstruction and Resignification of 'Modemity': A Critical Analysis", is an exposition and criticism of the critique of occidental modemity found in a group of writings which identify their critique with a "postoccidental" point of view with respect to postcolonial studies. The general problem ofthe investigation concems the significance and reach ofthis critique of modemity in relation to the ongoing debate, in Latín American studies, about the historical relationship between Latín America, as a mu1ticultural/ structurally heterogeneous region, and the industrial societies of Euro pe and North America. A brief Preface explains the genealogy of the author's ideas on this subject Following this preface, the thesis proceeds to analyze the writings in this corpus through an intertextual, schematic approach which singles out two rnajor elements of the postoccidental critique: "coloniality" and "eurocentrism". These two main elements are investigated in the Introduction and Chapters One and Two, in terms of how they distinguish postoccidental analysis from other theoretical tendencias with which it has affinities but whose key concepts it reformu1ates in ways that are key to the unique approach which postoccidental analysis takes to modemity, the nature of the capitalist world system, colonialism, subaltemization, center/periphery and development . Chapter Three attempts a critical analysis of the foregoing postoccidentalist deconstruction according to the following question: to what extent does it succeed in deconstructing "modernity" as a term which refers to a historically articulated set of discourses whose underlying purpose has been to justify European and North American hegemony and structural asymmetries vis-a-vis the peripheries of the capitalist world system, based on an ethnocentric, racialist logic of exploitation and subalternization of non-European peoples? A Conclusion follows Chapter Three.


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Corpus-assisted analyses of public discourse often focus on the lexical level. This article argues in favour of corpus-assisted analyses of discourse, but also in favour of conceptualising salient lexical items in public discourse in a more determined way. It draws partly on non-Anglophone academic traditions in order to promote a conceptualisation of discourse keywords, thereby highlighting how their meaning is determined by their use in discourse contexts. It also argues in favour of emphasising the cognitive and epistemic dimensions of discourse-determined semantic structures. These points will be exemplified by means of a corpus-assisted, as well as a frame-based analysis of the discourse keyword financial crisis in British newspaper articles from 2009. Collocations of financial crisis are assigned to a generic matrix frame for ‘event’ which contains slots that specify possible statements about events. By looking at which slots are more, respectively less filled with collocates of financial crisis, we will trace semantic presence as well as absence, and thereby highlight the pragmatic dimensions of lexical semantics in public discourse. The article also advocates the suitability of discourse keyword analyses for systematic contrastive analyses of public/political discourse and for lexicographical projects that could serve to extend the insights drawn from corpus-guided approaches to discourse analysis.


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This article suggests a theoretical and methodological framework for a systematic contrastive discourse analysis across languages and discourse communities through keywords, constituting a lexical approach to discourse analysis which is considered to be particularly fruitful for comparative analysis. We use a corpus assisted methodology, presuming meaning to be constituted, revealed and constrained by collocation environment. We compare the use of the keyword intégration and Integration in French and German public discourses about migration on the basis of newspaper corpora built from two French and German newspapers from 1998 to 2011. We look at the frequency of these keywords over the given time span, group collocates into thematic categories and discuss indicators of discursive salience by comparing the development of collocation profiles over time in both corpora as well as the occurrence of neologisms and compounds based on intégration/Integration.


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This chapter is an analysis of a 100,000-word corpus consisting of message-board postings on hip-hop websites. A discourse analysis of this corpus reveals three strategies employed by the posters to identify themselves as members of the hip-hop community in the otherwise anonymous setting of the internet: (1) defined openings and closings, (2) repeated use of slang and taboo terms, and (3) performance of verbal art. Each strategy is characterized by the codification of non-standard grammar and pronunciations characteristic of speech, as well as by the use of non-standard orthography. The purpose of the discourse is shown to be a performance of identity, whereby language is used and recognized as the discursive construction of one’s hip-hop identity.


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This paper analyzes some forms of linguistic manipulation in Japanese in newspapers when reporting on North Korea and its nuclear tests. The focus lies on lexical ambiguity in headlines and journalist’s voices in the body of the articles, that results in manipulation of the minds of the readers. The study is based on a corpus of nine articles from two of Japan’s largest newspapers Yomiuri Online and Asahi Shimbun Digital. The linguistic phenomenon that contribute to create manipulation are divided into Short Term Memory impact or Long Term Memory impact and examples will be discussed under each of the categories.The main results of the study are that headlines in Japanese newspapers do not make use of an ambiguous, double grounded structure. However, the articles are filled with explicit and implied attitudes as well as attributed material from people of a high social status, which suggests that manipulation of the long term memory is a tool used in Japanese media.


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This study aims to test Robertson’s lexical transfer principle, which posits that Chinese learners use demonstratives (particularly this) and the numeral one as markers of definiteness and indefiniteness. This is tested by analysing Chinese learners’ written production collected from the Spoken and Written English Corpus of Chinese Learners 2.0 (SWECCL 2.0). The purpose is to understand the variation of article usage by adult Chinese learners of English. More specifically, the study examines to what extent articles, possessive and demonstrative pronouns are used in Chinese learners’ English and how definite and indefinite articles are used by the Chinese learners. Findings suggest that Robertson’s lexical transfer principle was corroborated by the present study. In addition, Chinese learners prefer to use demonstrative determiners, the possessive determiner our, and the numeral one to perform the function of marking definiteness and indefiniteness. In particular, the learners try to use the demonstrative determiners that and this in the anaphoric function instead of the definite article, and the demonstrative determiner those is frequently used in the cataphoric function. What is more, the learners use the numeral one as a marker of indefiniteness, and it is also used as a marker of definiteness in the anaphoric function. Further, the possessive determiner our is used as a marker of definiteness in larger situation uses referring to something unique. To this end, the study is able to show that the definite article is used to perform the function of marking indefiniteness, and in some particular contexts the definite article functions as a Chinese specifier in Chinese learners’ English. Also, the indefinite article is frequently used in quantifier phrases but is rarely used in other functions. There are three main reasons that may explain why Chinese learners use determiners variously. Firstly, the choice of determiners by Chinese learners is influenced by linguistic contexts. Secondly, because of learning strategies, Chinese learners try to ignore the anaphoric function and cataphoric function that they are not yet ready to process in article usage. Thirdly, interlanguage grammar influences the optionality in the use of articles. 


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In the present study, seventy-two adult rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) aged three months were used. The animals were divided into two groups (control and alcoholic). The control group received a solid diet (Purina rat chow) and tap water ad libitum. The alcoholic group received the same solid diet and sugar-cane liquid (trade 51, 41° Gay Lussac - GL) diluted 30° GL. At the end or 90, 180 and 270 days of treatment, ten rats of each group were anaesthetized with ethyl ether and sacrificed. The ovaries were collected, fixed, included and submitted to analysis by both light and electron microscopy. The alcoholic group showed increase in the number of corpora lutea at both 180 and 270 days of treatment, atresic follicles at 270 days of treatment, decreased diameter of corpora lutea at 180 and 270 days of treatment, the granulosa layer of the antral follicles at 180 days of treatment, and gradual regression of the theca antral follicles. Furthermore, an increase in diameter and posterior regression of the antral follicle were observed, as well as vacuolation, increased lipid droplets in the granulosa cell at 90 days and in the theca at 180 and 270 days of treatment and gradually in the interstitial cell. The rats showed ovarian alterations after ingestion of alcohol. There was a correlation between exposure time to the drug and the injury observed.