514 resultados para copepod


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The present study of the parasitic copepods gives the taxonomic description of thirty one species of parasites collected from various elasmobranch fishes of Kerala coast. Copepods parasitic on fishes include three sub orders, viz. poecilostomatoida, cyclopoida and siphonostomatoida. Parasitic copepods of elasmobranch fishes for the present study were collected from different fish landing centres of Kerala and by undertaking regular fishing trips. The collected parasites are identified to the species level and described. It is found that out of thirty one species, fifteen are new to science. They belong to the genera viz. Nothobomolochus Vervoot, 1962, Caligus Muller, 1785, Alebion, Kroyer, 1863, Gloipotes Steenstrup and Lutken, 1861, Pandarus Leach,1819, Perissopus Steenstrup and Lutken, 1861, Echthrogaleus Steenstrup and Lutken, 1861 and Kroyeria van Beneden, 1853. Fifteen new host records were reported. Two genera viz. Echthrogaleus and Entepherus were reported for first time from Indian waters. A new genus called Penicillus was erected. The general observations made during this study revealed certain interesting aspects of host-parasite relationship, host specificity, site specificity, adaptive modifications and geographical distribution.


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The present study of the parasitic copepods gives an account of the taxonomic description of seventy seven species of parasites collected from the food fishes of the Kerala coast. Out of the seventy seven species described, fourteen are new to science, two new records for the Indian waters and ten new host records. The males of Parapetalus longipinnatus Rangnekar and Lerna~thropus indicus Pillai were collected and described for the first time. The parasites described belong to the suborders Cyclopoida, Caligoida and Lernaeopodoida. The available description of many species of this locality is reviewed and supplemented with the help of the present detailed study. The general observations made during this study reveale certain interesting aspects of the host parasite relationship, host specificity, adaptive modification and geographical distribution. A brief discussion of these observations made is also presented.


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Studies on parasitic copepods from freshwater fishes are still in its infancy. In recent years, there- is a renewed enthusiasm in the study of freshwater fish parasites due to rapidly increasing aquaculture practices. The importance of diseases and their control assumes great significance because of the adverse impact of diseases on fish production and its economy. Copepods are one of the most harmful parasites of freshwater fishes. Reports on the damages caused by copepod parasites from different parts on the world are increasing alarmingly. But the information on parasitic copepods of freshwater fishes in India is quite meagre. Knowledge regarding this group of parasites, their Biology and pathology from Kerala. is lacking. The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is a general introduction which deals with the review of literature on various aspects of parasitic copepods viz; systematics, life history, host-parasite relationship, ecology, pathogenicity, prophylaxis and control measures. Systematics of parasitic copepods of freshwater fishes collected during the present study forms the second chapter. The third chapter deals with the life cycle study of the new Lernaeid copepod, Lernaea osphronemi. The fourth chapter contains host-parasite relationship. ecology and treatment of ‘the’ new species of Lernaea On Osphronemus goramy. General observations and a summary of the entire work constitute the fifth chapter


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The diel vertical migration (DVM) of the copepod Metridia pacifica was examined in Dabob Bay (47°45.05′N, 122°49.71′W), a fjord in Washington state. Although the population showed deep daytime residence (75-175 m), a proportion of the population was found in the surface waters at night. For individuals that migrated to the surface, the mean size of the oil sac was much smaller than those that remained at depth (mean lengths of oil sac 0.25 mm for individuals collected between 0 and 25 m at night, compared with 0.43 mm for individuals from between 125 and 175 m). Similarly, the C : N ratio was lower for animals collected from near the surface, indicative of their lower lipid reserves. These results suggest that individual variability in DVM was influenced by body condition, with those animals with larger lipid stores not needing to risk coming to the surface to feed at night.


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The archived data set collected over a 45-yr period (1948-1992) by Continuous Plankton Recorders (CPRs) towed in near-surface waters was used to investigate the diel vertical migration of the copepod Metridia lucens in the northeast Atlantic (47-63?N and 10-30?W). Although the CPR sampling intensity was uniform during the day and the night, M. lucens was caught predominantly in samples collected at night, consistent with a normal diel vertical migration pattern involving movement from greater depth during the day to shallower depths at night. The length of time spent near the surface varied seasonally and was closely correlated (r2 = 0.80) with seasonal change in length of night. The residual variation in length of time spent at the surface was nonrandom, with more time being spent at the surface in spring before the onset of the spring bloom, and less time being spent at the surface in autumn, than that predicted from the length of night at these periods. The timing of this enhanced near-surface occupation in spring varied with latitude, occurring a mean of 3.4 d later per degree of latitude.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Growth, reproduction and biochemical composition were analyzed for the copepod Argyrodiaptomus furcatus fed on the alga Ankistrodesmus gracilis grown in different media. The ingestion of this copepod by larvae of two species of tropical fishes was also evaluated. The mean peak density of the copepod population was 1369 individuals 1-1 for all four diets used, and the highest was 1387 individuals 1-1 on diet ARV (algae + ration + vitamins). A small copepod, A. furcatus tends to have a short life span. The smallest females did not attain maturity in the shortest time on all diets used. Food quality may play a major role in the dynamics of the biochemical composition of this copepod. Argyrodiaptomus furcatus was a more important food item for larvae of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) than of pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). However, it made up a large part of the gut contents of larvae of both species.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo principal avaliar a variação sazonal na estrutura da comunidade dos copépodos durante os meses de julho, setembro e novembro de 2003 (período seco) e janeiro, março e maio de 2004 (período chuvoso) no estuário do Curuçá, Norte do Brasil. As amostras foram coletadas nas marés de quadratura com auxílio de uma rede de plâncton com 200µm de abertura de malha, rebocada por meio de uma pequena embarcação a motor. As medidas de condutividade da água foram realizadas in situ utilizando-se um condutivímetro eletrônico e a salinidade foi posteriormente obtida através da transformação dos valores de condutividade. Os valores de salinidade variaram sazonalmente de 7, 2 ± 0, 1a 39, 2 ± 1, 8 (média ± desvio padrão), tendo sido principalmente influenciados pelas diferenças nas taxas de precipitação entre os períodos de amostragem estudados. Foram identificados no total 30 táxons, com Acartia tonsa constituindo a espécie mais representativa durante todo o período de estudo,seguida por Acartia lilljeborgii, Subeucalanus pileatus e Paracalanus quasimodo. Durante este trabalho, os valores de densidade, índices ecológicos e dominância das espécies de copépodos apresentaram um padrão sazonal claro, mostrando que a área estudada pode ser considerada sazonalmente heterogênea em relação a estes parâmetros investigados.


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Species richness and geographical distribution of Cyclopoida freshwater copepods were analyzed along the La Plata River basin. Ninety-six samples were taken from 24 sampling sites, twelve sites for zooplankton in open waters and twelve sites for zooplankton within macrophyte stands, including reservoirs and lotic stretches. There were, on average, three species per sample in the plankton compared to five per sample in macrophytes. Six species were exclusive to the plankton, 10 to macrophyte stands, and 17 were common to both. Only one species was found in similar proportions in plankton and macrophytes, while five species were widely found in plankton, and thirteen in macrophytes. The distinction between species from open water zooplankton and macrophytes was supported by nonmetric multidimensional analysis. There was no distinct pattern of endemicity within the basin, and double sampling contributes to this result. This lack of sub-regional faunal differentiation is in accordance with other studies that have shown that cyclopoids generally have wide geographical distribution in the Neotropics and that some species there are cosmopolitan. This contrasts with other freshwater copepods such as Calanoida and some Harpacticoida. We conclude that sampling plankton and macrophytes together provided a more accurate estimate of the richness and geographical distribution of these organisms than sampling in either one of those zones alone.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Freshwater copepods were sampled in the La Plata River basin to identify the processes that affect beta diversity and to determine the main factors influencing their geographical distribution and patterns of endemism. Beta diversity patterns exhibited strong dissimilarity between locations; the turnover process was predominant and indicated a replacement of species along the basin. Redundancy analysis indicated the presence of two large sets of species separated geographically by a boundary zone, with several associated variables. Northern species were associated with water transparency and temperature, mean air temperature, mean air temperature during winter and minimum air temperature of coldest month, indicating that these species are not tolerant to low temperatures and are abundant in reservoirs that are common in the upper stretch of the Paraná River basin. Southern species were related with amplitude of air temperature, turbidity, total phosphorus and total suspended matter, indicating that these species are polythermic and have adapted to live in river stretches. From 20 environmental variables analyzed in our study, partial least squares analysis indicated four variables with increased retention of effects on copepod abundance: air temperature, minimum temperature of coldest month, turbidity and transparency. Because almost all of the species found in this study occurred across a wide range of habitat types, the cause of the separation between river and reservoir species could be considered to be more anthropogenic than natural, and it primarily affected species abundance. For certain members of the northern group of copepod species, distribution was dependent on high temperatures, whereas the distribution of the southern group indicated that the species were polythermic.


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We report Phrixocephalus cincinnatus, a pennellid copepod infecting the eyes of flatfishes, from a single specimen of rex sole, Glyptocephalus zachirus, for the first time. In the typical host, the arrowtooth flounder, Atherestes stomias, the parasite occurred commonly in sampled populations from the Broughton Archipelago in British Columbia, infected primarily the right eye of the flounder, and on only one occasion presented more than two parasites per eye. The copepod attached to the choroid layer and ramified throughout the posterior compartment of the eye, resulting in the disruption of the retina and probably impairing host vision. Inflammation and hyperplasia progressed to necrosis and proliferation of connective tissue, resulting in the total destruction of the eye.