143 resultados para convictions


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This paper‟s starting point was the objective of understanding the relation between the reasons pointed out by small businesses owners for the continuity or shutdown of their businesses, and the reasons presented by the Environmental Theories. The paper discusses the Environmental Theories understand that it is supported by a systemic metaphor speech, discussing the theme in terms of organizational survival and mortality . The text reviews the literature showing the changes in the administrative thinking regarding the organization versus environment relation, and presenting general ideas about the micro and small businesses. In methodological terms, the qualitative approach was used in the research. Regarding the data collection technique, an in-depth thematic interview was used. It was carried out considering the elements of the techniques of life history and oral history, always giving priority to real world related narratives told by the interviewed subjects. The empirical corpus of the research was made up of seven owners of small retail businesses in two Potiguar cities: Natal and Mossoró. The interpretative and analytical process focused, at first, on the reflexive dialogue with each one of the owners‟ professional life history and business management experience, constituting the first level of analysis: reflections on individual narratives; and, afterwards, the interpretative process was developed through the analysis of all the subjects‟ statements, identifying the recurring themes and constituting the second level of analysis: reflection on the totalizing narrative. The themes identified in the totalizing narrative, that refer to the continuity of the businesses are: evolution, control, fidelity, liking what one does for a living. The themes that came up as reasons for shutdown are: lack of empathy with the business, lack of evolution, competition problems, suppliers and the government. The text synthesizes its comprehensions affirming that the reasons associated with continuity and shutdown of small markets, for this group of owners specifically, come up as a permanent tension between the volunteerism (quite human) and the determinism (systemic). The tension is shown in testimonies that at the same time evoke the organicist systemic logic through the themes evolution/no evolution, and also counterpoints with themes related to the interested human action, based on desires, feelings and personal convictions such as: liking what one does/ lack of empathy. As for the reflexive dialogue between the postulates of the Environmental Theories and the narratives, the results make it possible to affirm that, differently from the tension expressed by the subjects while talking about their reasons, the reasons associated with survival and mortality of businesses according to the Environmental Theories are theoretically polarized, seeming to preach options that are stagnated and shaping towards the subjects involved in the organization-environment relation


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This paper concern the general subject of teacher career construction, since the period of the initial formation in the teaching course of pedagogy crossing the first effectives experiences of professional performance, until the reflections about the results of the continuous formation propositions. The specifics subject is the formative quotidian in the teacher s life beyond of the traditional stereotypes about individuals and institutions bring up for discussion a micro sociological approach about the professionals uncertainty and the personal hopes, the teacher displeasures and the pedagogical satisfactions. The epistemological reflection about the different formatives experiences, taking as example the Programa de Formação de Alfabetizadores PROFA (Alphabetizers Formation Program) developed by the Secretaria Municipal de Educação of Natal City, consider the ambiguous tension between the knowledge that the teachers acquire in their formation and the concrete teachers practical since those experiences. The study methodology is based in the qualitative comprehensive research, sustained by observations, impressive reflective accounts, and also in the theoretic analyses with contemporary references to the critical pedagogical through and education sociology. I used the autobiographic reflective account by the writer-researcher in her owner academic and professional way. I propose an image of a teacher s factory in such a way for its conformist aspects to the continuity stands as much the internal contradictions of the system. Gears, pieces and manual instructions are the educational components of this factory as ideological, institutional and technical structures to aim at to limit the critics and the changes. However the teachers thinking and acting with their owner creativity to adapted uncontexted professional knowledge s to their pedagogical lives. Under those analogies I propose the problem of this research the teacher s formation and theirs pedagogical practices- and also examine briefly its theoretic-philosophical and methodological basis. From the analysis and interpretation of my owner experiential life as teacher s educator I put the necessity of re-thinking the teacher s formation in terms to rebound more meaningfully in their pedagogical actuation. I believe an important part of the teacher s formation process is the personal wish to learn more about the office, explicitly connected to human convictions and values such as to a positive professional identity. Thus, the teacher able to reflect about your owner educator life can find the best way to help the students to think critically about their culture and history, valorizing creative exits by themselves to face the conformist social stands connected with school education


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This article is the short but crucial history of four years of transition in a monetary and exchange-rate regime that culminated in 1933 with the final abandonment of the gold standard in Argentina. That process involved decisions made at critical junctures at which the government authorities had little time to deliberate and against which they had no analytical arsenal, no technical certainties and few political convictions. The objective of this study is to analyse those “decisions” at seven milestone moments, from the external shock of 1929 to the submission to Congress of a bill for the creation of the central bank and a currency control regime characterized by multiple exchange rates. The new regime that this reordering of the Argentine economy implied would remain in place, in one form or another, for at least a quarter of a century.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Os extremos climáticos impactam negativamente o agronegócio brasileiro e ameaçam o desenvolvimento das comunidades rurais que são altamente dos recursos naturais. Por isso é fundamental estudar-se a cadeia produtiva de dendê (Elais guineensis Jacq.) de óleo diante de futuros riscos climáticos, devido o Estado do Pará ser o maior produtor nacional de dendê e a cadeia ser estruturada com a integração da agricultura familiar á cadeia agrícola. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi de analisar as vulnerabilidades dos agricultores familiares da Comunidade Águas Pretas do município de Moju, Estado do Pará, inseridos na cadeia de produção de biodiesel de dendê, diante dos extremos de precipitação. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em dois momentos: o primeiro analisou os extremos climáticos da série temporal de precipitação de 1981 a 2009 empregando o método descritivo e dos quantis, e o segundo momento analisou a vulnerabilidade dos agricultores através de variáveis/indicadores de desvantagem socioeconômica, tecnológica e de percepção, que representavam situação de vulnerabilidade. Para a identificação de vulnerabilidade dos agricultores foi utilizado a análise fatorial por componentes principais, a elaboração de índices de vulnerabilidade climática e a análise agrupamento, onde foram alocados 22 agricultores em cinco categorias de classificação rédefinidas. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a ocorrência de extremos muito secos e muito chuvosos na série de dados entre os anos de 1981 a 2009 do município de Moju (PA). O risco climático identificado no município representa grande ameaça à produção de dendê, uma vez que os impactos dos extremos de precipitação sobre a planta vão desde distúrbios nas fases de desenvolvimento até, a redução parcial e total da produção dos cachos de dendê. Estes impactos em longo prazo, afeta diretamente os agricultores familiares que são dependentes da venda exclusiva dos cachos de dendê á agroindústria, assim como compromete aos objetivos de inclusão social e produção de energia renovável do Programa de biodiesel. Os agricultores familiares da comunidade Águas Pretas integrados a cadeia de produção de biodiesel de dendê reagiram de formas distintas, considerando fatores socioeconômico, tecnológico e de percepção, sendo distribuídos em cinco categorias de vulnerabilidade (alta, média alta, média, média baixa e baixa). Os grupos de vulnerabilidade de maior interesse na pesquisa foram de alta e baixa vulnerabilidade, correspondentes a 14% (3 agricultores) e 18% (agricultores), respectivamente, do total de agricultores entrevistados. O grupo de alta vulnerabilidade foi caracterizado por agricultores que utilizaram com baixa eficiência a maior parte das variáveis de desvantagens, indicando dificuldades de competir e adaptar-se, em caso de extremos climáticos. No grupo de baixa vulnerabilidade foi caracterizado por agricultores que usam com eficiência todas as macrovariáveis estudadas, mostrando vantagens socioeconômicas, tecnológicas e de percepção. Este grupo se mostrou mais adaptado em caso de extremos de clima, dentro da cadeia de biodiesel, podendo ser parâmetros para elaborações de estratégias de adaptação local. A percepção do risco e os fatores levantados mostraram-se ser um forte recurso para analisar a situação de vulnerabilidade dos agricultores locais. A percepção do agricultor é orientada segundo suas convicções e experiências diárias, sendo determinantes para elaboração de estratégias adaptativas para enfrentar extremos climáticos.


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Este trabalho procura desenvolver algumas temáticas essenciais da Hermenêutica Filosófica em prol da uma fundamentação ética dos direitos humanos. Parte-se de problemas referentes ao discurso representativo da ciência jurídica e de metodologias canônicas de interpretação que acreditamos não serem capazes de determinar a razão de ser de direitos humanos enquanto um fundamento ético coerente da prática jurídica contemporânea. Trabalha-se, então, o sentido filosófico do cotidiano como tematização vinculada à vivência intuitiva dos intérpretes do direito: a qualificação ética dos direitos humanos emergiria, ademais, como parte constitutiva daquilo que, intuitivamente, reputamos como mais justo ou mesmo como um direito “melhor” já que eticamente fundamentado. Sob as premissas do pensamento ontológico de Heidegger, tratamos, pois, da fundamentação de direitos humanos enquanto um acontecimento necessário de nossa epocalidade. Doutra maneira, é dizer: tais direitos corresponderiam, de todo modo, ao movimento simbólico de nossa própria convivência – do ser-com epocal que nos determina ontologicamente no mundo. Para a viabilidade deste pensamento na prática jurídica; trabalhamos, já com Gadamer, sobre alguns conceitos humanísticos resgatados pela Hermenêutica Filosófica: nada mais oportuno, neste viés, do que pensarmos o direito enquanto uma filosofia prática. É pela atualidade hermenêutica da antiga phronésis que, então, a prática interpretativa pode corresponder ao seu substrato ético mais fundamental. Ainda sob as diretrizes da filosofia hermenêutica – e da Hermenêutica filosófica – tratamos, ao final, sobre em como intuições cotidianas do justo e as convicções que disto criamos poderiam corresponder à temática das estruturas pré-conceituais. Tal é o mote para se trabalhar, mais especificamente, a problemática da interpretação no direito. Em suma, visamos ressaltar, neste trabalho, a viabilidade ontológica dos direitos humanos na forma de valores contemporâneos vinculados à própria tradição da justiça: o sensus ético que fazemos em nosso cotidiano mais elementar torna-se, pois, mais um modo de sugerir a premência epocal destes direitos para o ethos de nossa convivência.


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O intuito do presente texto é destacar na trajetória de Anísio Teixeira ciclos que permitem observar momentos, idéias e fases de sua biografia. Para tanto, vale observar que a idéia de ciclos não se refere apenas a uma forma de delimitação biográfica da vida de Anísio, pois visa colocar em perspectiva o modo de constituição do pensamento e das posições desse educador. Desse modo, a sua correspondência com Fernando de Azevedo e Monteiro Lobato é tomada como produção que atravessa diferentes fases de sua trajetória, permitindo observar o quanto suas posturas e convicções se preservam ou são alteradas ao longo do tempo, em especial durante o período em que esteve afastado da vida publica entre 1936 e 1946.


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What became accustomed to call “paganism” is undoubtedly one of the most significant forms of what is designated as “popular religiosity”. This expression, which seems useful when a generalization is required, shows all its weakness when a more precise and objective observation of a particular religion is attempted. Would the official visigothic kingdom’s “conversion” to Catholicism, with Recardo (586-601) at the Council of Toledo of 589 have effectively matched to the “conversion” of this kingdom’s population? Firstly, it is necessary to consider, in beyond the exalting intentions of the sources of that moment, that mass conversions do not imply a radical change in the convictions and religious practices of an entire people. Secondly, that “conversion” and “Christianization” are not synonymous. “Religiosity”, which includes the “conversion”, implies a fundamental religious attitude, which can simply be interior and personal. On the other hand, “religion”, in which “Christianization” is included, would correspond to a public aspect, institutionalized, which elaborates a set of techniques aiming, as in the case of “religiosity”, the guarantee of the supernatural Thus, elevated to the position of “official religion,” Catholic Christianity would live with a series of rites, rituals, devotions, from the previous “religiosity” that, through its ecclesiastical perspective, would be reprehensible, considered marginal and something that would lead to error. However, on the eve of the Muslim invasion in 711, not only among the laity but even in ecclesiastical segments, the manifestations of the “paganism” still were aim of coactive condemnation in the Catholic kingdom of Toledo’s councils.


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Throughout theatre history, styles of theatre have come in and out of favor in response to the zeitgeist of the period. Neoclassical, Melodrama, Naturalism, all have their place in history offering enlightenment, passion and truth each in tune with the values of the culture in which it was created. As society transforms, so too does the stage, offering new ways to reflect, interpret and challenge our assumptions about the changing world. Our current society wrestles with a ‘shrinking world’, a world consumed with technological advances that fan the fire of the growing interconnectedness of human beings all over the earth. This ‘shrinking world’ phenomenon has the effect of an‘expanded world awareness’. That is to say, now more than ever we question all assumption regarding singular perspectives and cultural convictions. What our new society values is diversification of insight and a myriad of experiences from which to draw our conclusions about the world in which we live. The kind of theatre that fills this need is Devised Theatre. Theatre is a collaborative art form by nature. Theatre cannot be practiced alone. One must partner other artists as well as an audience in order to create a theatre performance. Theatre is a dialogue which can take many shapes. Devised Theatre is a process of making theatre that enables a group of performers to be physically and practically creative in the sharing and shaping of an original product that directly emanates from assembling, editing and reshaping individual’s contradictory experiences of the world. A devised theatre product is a work that has emerged from and been generated by a group of people working in collaboration. There is an emphasis on a way of working that values an accumulation of ideas. (Oddey)


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BACKGROUND: This project is part of an evaluation of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) aimed at providing a scientific basis for the Swiss Government to include 5 CAM methods in basic health coverage: anthroposophic medicine, homeopathy, neural therapy, phytotherapy and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). OBJECTIVES: The objective was to explore the philosophy of care (convictions and values, priorities in medical activity, motivation for CAM, criteria for the practice of CAM, limits of the used methods) of conventional and CAM general practitioners (GPs) and to determine differences between both groups. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was a cross-sectional survey of a representative sample of 623 GPs who provide complementary or conventional primary care. A mailed questionnaire with open-ended questions focusing on the philosophy of care was used for data collection. An appropriate methodology using a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches was developed. RESULTS: Significant differences between both groups include philosophy of care (holistic versus positivistic approaches), motivation for CAM (intrinsic versus extrinsic) and priorities in medical activity. Both groups seem to be aware of limitations of the therapeutic methods used. The study reveals that conventional physicians are also using complementary medicine. DISCUSSION: Our study provides a wealth of data documenting several aspects of physicians' philosophy of care as well as differences and similarities between conventional and complementary care. Implications of the study with regard to quality of care as well as ethical and health policy issues should be investigated further.


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Erick Fahle Burman. a Swedish-born, Finnish-speaking labor and political activist, twice had cases argued on his behalf before the Michigan Supreme Court. In People vs. Burman, Burman, along with nine other defendants, had his conviction affirmed by the court and all ten were forced to pay a fine of $25 each for disturbing the peace. In People vs. Immonen, Burman and his co-defendant, Unto Immonen, had their convictions overturned because of improper evidence being admitted in their lower court trial. Though the conviction was overturned, the two men had already spent several months as prisoners at hard labor in Marquette State Prison located in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Over twenty-five years separate Burman's two trips to Michigan's high court. On the first occasion, his arrest came less than five years after his arrival as an immigrant to the U. S. On the second occasion, his arrest came less than two years after his return to the state after being away for nearly two decades. On both occasions, Burman was arrested for his involvement with red flags. Though separated by decades, these cases, taken together, are important indicators of the state of Finnish-American radicalism in the years surrounding the red flag incidents and provide interesting insights into the delicacies of political suppression. Examination of these cases within the larger career of Fahle Burman points up his overlooked importance in the history of Finnish-American socialism and communism.