973 resultados para continuum thermodynamics
In this work, we present an atomistic-continuum model for simulations of ultrafast laser-induced melting processes in semiconductors on the example of silicon. The kinetics of transient non-equilibrium phase transition mechanisms is addressed with MD method on the atomic level, whereas the laser light absorption, strong generated electron-phonon nonequilibrium, fast heat conduction, and photo-excited free carrier diffusion are accounted for with a continuum TTM-like model (called nTTM). First, we independently consider the applications of nTTM and MD for the description of silicon, and then construct the combined MD-nTTM model. Its development and thorough testing is followed by a comprehensive computational study of fast nonequilibrium processes induced in silicon by an ultrashort laser irradiation. The new model allowed to investigate the effect of laser-induced pressure and temperature of the lattice on the melting kinetics. Two competing melting mechanisms, heterogeneous and homogeneous, were identified in our big-scale simulations. Apart from the classical heterogeneous melting mechanism, the nucleation of the liquid phase homogeneously inside the material significantly contributes to the melting process. The simulations showed, that due to the open diamond structure of the crystal, the laser-generated internal compressive stresses reduce the crystal stability against the homogeneous melting. Consequently, the latter can take a massive character within several picoseconds upon the laser heating. Due to the large negative volume of melting of silicon, the material contracts upon the phase transition, relaxes the compressive stresses, and the subsequent melting proceeds heterogeneously until the excess of thermal energy is consumed. A series of simulations for a range of absorbed fluences allowed us to find the threshold fluence value at which homogeneous liquid nucleation starts contributing to the classical heterogeneous propagation of the solid-liquid interface. A series of simulations for a range of the material thicknesses showed that the sample width we chosen in our simulations (800 nm) corresponds to a thick sample. Additionally, in order to support the main conclusions, the results were verified for a different interatomic potential. Possible improvements of the model to account for nonthermal effects are discussed and certain restrictions on the suitable interatomic potentials are found. As a first step towards the inclusion of these effects into MD-nTTM, we performed nanometer-scale MD simulations with a new interatomic potential, designed to reproduce ab initio calculations at the laser-induced electronic temperature of 18946 K. The simulations demonstrated that, similarly to thermal melting, nonthermal phase transition occurs through nucleation. A series of simulations showed that higher (lower) initial pressure reinforces (hinders) the creation and the growth of nonthermal liquid nuclei. For the example of Si, the laser melting kinetics of semiconductors was found to be noticeably different from that of metals with a face-centered cubic crystal structure. The results of this study, therefore, have important implications for interpretation of experimental data on the kinetics of melting process of semiconductors.
There are two principal chemical concepts that are important for studying the natural environment. The first one is thermodynamics, which describes whether a system is at equilibrium or can spontaneously change by chemical reactions. The second main concept is how fast chemical reactions (kinetics or rate of chemical change) take place whenever they start. In this work we examine a natural system in which both thermodynamics and kinetic factors are important in determining the abundance of NH+4 , NO−2 and NO−3 in superficial waters. Samples were collected in the Arno Basin (Tuscany, Italy), a system in which natural and antrophic effects both contribute to highly modify the chemical composition of water. Thermodynamical modelling based on the reduction-oxidation reactions involving the passage NH+4 -> NO−2 -> NO−3 in equilibrium conditions has allowed to determine the Eh redox potential values able to characterise the state of each sample and, consequently, of the fluid environment from which it was drawn. Just as pH expresses the concentration of H+ in solution, redox potential is used to express the tendency of an environment to receive or supply electrons. In this context, oxic environments, as those of river systems, are said to have a high redox potential because O2 is available as an electron acceptor. Principles of thermodynamics and chemical kinetics allow to obtain a model that often does not completely describe the reality of natural systems. Chemical reactions may indeed fail to achieve equilibrium because the products escape from the site of the rection or because reactions involving the trasformation are very slow, so that non-equilibrium conditions exist for long periods. Moreover, reaction rates can be sensitive to poorly understood catalytic effects or to surface effects, while variables as concentration (a large number of chemical species can coexist and interact concurrently), temperature and pressure can have large gradients in natural systems. By taking into account this, data of 91 water samples have been modelled by using statistical methodologies for compositional data. The application of log–contrast analysis has allowed to obtain statistical parameters to be correlated with the calculated Eh values. In this way, natural conditions in which chemical equilibrium is hypothesised, as well as underlying fast reactions, are compared with those described by a stochastic approach
Este libro es el resultado, no sólo de años de intensa actividad investigativa, sino también de la necesaria reflexión asociada, por parte de científicos de la neurociencia y de filósofos de distintas nacionalidades quienes, en un fructífero encuentro efectuado en Madrid, España, dieron un paso crucial en la construcción del arco conceptual que vincula, por no decir identifica, la actividad cerebral con la mente propiamente dicha. En consideración a la relevancia de la obra para nuestra comunidad científica, la Universidad del Rosario, fiel a su convicción de brindar apoyo e incentivar la divulgación del conocimiento, decidió participar por intermedio de su Centro Editorial en la publicación de esta primera edición en idioma español, con la certeza de estar contribuyendo al desarrollo de la investigación, mediante la difusión de los hallazgos en este importante y aun no conocido a cabalidad campo de la ciencia.
Participators Trevor Kettle and Yvonne Middlewick
Participators Trevor Kettle and Yvonne Middlewick
Este es un estudio de casos múltiples realizado después de la inserción ecológica de los investigadores en los contextos de desarrollo de cuatro adolescentes en situación de vulnerabilidad social. Estos fueron seleccionados de un estudio más amplio llevado a cabo con 98 adolescentes de Brasil de dos grupos diferentes (G1 en situación de calle, y G2 en condición de extrema pobreza). Los adolescentes seleccionados tenía las calificaciones más altas y las más bajas de ajuste en sus respectivos grupos. Los cuatro jóvenes fueron descritos en cuanto a indicadores de ajuste, factores de riesgo y factores de protección, utilizando datos cuantitativos y datos del diario de campo. Los resultados mostraron puntos comunes y divergentes entre los casos y la existencia de un continuo de vulnerabilidad social. Este se relaciona más con la forma en que factores de riesgo y protección interactúan en la vida de cada adolescente, que con el contexto en el que viven (calle o familia).
Es importante mantener un buen clima entre los profesores, pero también crear complicidades con los padres y los alumnos. Hace falta, pues, tener valores y comunicarlos adecuadamente, por lo cual es necesario cuidar las diversas imágenes de la escuela, especialmente la autoimagen profesional. Pero eso no surge espontáneamente: se debe crear, tractar, defender y comunicar nuestra realidad como profesionales y como institución de forma que el entorno nos muestre una imagen positiva y motivadora.
Es un instrumento de diagnóstico que permite a los profesores vincular la evaluación con la enseñanza, al proporcionar el mapa del recorrido de un niño en su etapa de aprendizaje del lenguaje oral y escrito. Es decir, es utilizado para evaluar y supervisar los progresos de los alumnos de párvulos a lo largo de los siguientes años de escolarización y, da una visión general del nivel alcanzado por éstos, así como, información sobre sus aptitudes hacia la lectura, la escritura y la comprensión.
Esta guía, ordenada de forma alfabética, comprende los conceptos clave, los recursos, resultados de investigaciones, movimientos, cuestiones, debates, educadores y organizaciones que caracterizan la enseñanza de la geografía. Por lo cual, constituye un recurso tanto para los profesores de geografía como para los alumnos.
Dentro de la educación multicultural se hace necesario exponer el enfoque anti-racista, multicultural e intercultural en el marco de una acción colectiva que afirme unos valores y reglas de comportamiento donde se asiente una sociedad democrática y respetuosa con los derechos del hombre y de los pueblos. Para ello, se analizan las identidades colectivas diversas y sus dinámicas. Se realiza un análisis de la proliferación y de las variaciones de las identidades colectivas identificables en las sociedades europeas, con el fin de proponer una perspectiva de educación multicultural, centrada en el reconocimiento universal de la libertad de identificación colectiva como un continuum entre ciudadanía y cosmopolitismo.
Measurements of near-infrared water vapour continuum using continuous wave cavity ring down spectroscopy (cw- CRDS) have been performed at around 10611.6 and 10685:2 cm1. The continuum absorption coefficients for N2- broadening have been determined for two temperatures and wavenumbers. These results represent the first near-IR continuum laboratory data determined within the complex spectral environment in the 940nm water vapour band and are in reasonable agreement with simulations using the semiempirical CKD formulation.
The water vapour continuum absorption is an important component of molecular absorption of radiation in atmosphere. However, uncertainty in knowledge of the value of the continuum absorption at present can achieve 100% in different spectral regions leading to an error in flux calculation up to 3-5 W/m2 global mean. This work uses line-by-line calculations to reveal the best spectral intervals for experimental verification of the CKD water vapour continuum models in the currently least studied near-infrared spectral region. Possible sources of errors in continuum retrieval taken into account in the simulation include the sensitivity of laboratory spectrometers and uncertainties in the spectral line parameters in HITRAN-2004 and Schwenke-Partridge database. It is shown that a number of micro-windows in near-IR can be used at present for laboratory detection of the water vapour continuum with estimated accuracy from 30 to 5%.
Despite the potentially important role that water dimers may play in the Earth’s energy balance, there is still a lack of firm evidence for absorption of radiation by dimers in near-atmospheric conditions. We present results of the first high-resolution laboratory measurements of the water vapor continuum absorption within the 3100–4400 cm1 spectral region at a range of near-room temperatures. The analysis indicates a large contribution of dimer absorption to the water vapor continuum, significantly in excess of that predicted by other modern representations of the continuum. The temperature dependence agrees well with that expected for dimers.