972 resultados para contamination, environmental


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Since 1989, a red kite Milvus milvus reintroduction programme has been underway in the United Kingdom, with 4-6 week old nestlings brought into captivity and held for 6-8 weeks before reintroduction. As scavengers, red kites may consume unretrieved game, and ingest shot or lead (Pb) fragments in their prey's flesh. We evaluated exposure to Pb in captive and wild red kites by taking blood samples from 125 captive young red kites prior to release, through analysing 264 pellets (regurgitated by wild birds) collected from under a roost site, and analysing Pb concentrations in livers and/or bones of 87 red kites found dead between 1995 and 2003. Lead isotope analyses of livers were also conducted in an effort to identify Pb exposure routes. Forty-six (36.8%) kites sampled prior to release had elevated blood Pb concentrations (201-3340 microg l(-1)). The source of this Pb was probably small fragments of lead ammunition in the carcasses of birds or mammals either fed to the nestlings by their parents or, more likely, subsequently whilst in captivity. Once released, kites were also exposed to lead shot in their food, and a minimum of 1.5-2.3% of regurgitated pellets contained Pb gunshot. Seven of 44 red kites found dead or that were captured sick and died within a few days had elevated (>6 mg kg(-1) dry weight [d.w.]) liver Pb concentrations, and six of these (14%) had concentrations of >15 mg kg(-1) d.w., compatible with fatal Pb poisoning. Post-mortem analyses indicated that two of these birds had died of other causes (poisoning by rodenticide and a banned agricultural pesticide); the remaining four (9%) probably died of Pb poisoning. Bone samples from 86 red kites showed a skewed distribution of Pb concentration, and 18 samples (21%) had Pb concentrations >20 mg kg(-1) d.w., indicating elevated exposure to Pb at some stage in the birds' life. Lead isotopic signatures (Pb (208/206); Pb (206/207)) in liver samples of the majority of kites were compatible with those found in lead shot extracted from regurgitated pellets. Lead isotope ratios found in the livers of kites with very low Pb concentrations were distinct from UK petrol Pb isotopic signatures, indicating that birds were exposed to little residual petrol Pb. We conclude that the primary source of Pb to which red kites are exposed is lead ammunition (shotgun pellets or rifle bullets), or fragments thereof, in their food sources; in some cases exposure appears sufficient to be fatal. We make recommendations to reduce Pb poisoning in both captive and wild red kites and other scavenging species.


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This paper demonstrates that there can be a legacy of contamination on former arable land in remote rural areas as a result of past manuring practices. In the first part of the study four farms abandoned in the late 19th to mid-20th century were investigated with samples collected from residual material in domestic hearths, the midden heaps, kailyards (walled garden for vegetables), infields (intensively managed arable land) and outfields (less intensively managed land for cropping or grazing). Consistent sequences in concentration values were found for such elements as Pb, Zn, Cu and P in the order hearth>midden>kailyard>infield>outfield. Such patterns can in part be explained in terms of atmospheric deposition on peat and turf which were subsequently burnt in hearths to result in enhanced elemental concentrations. The ash then was deposited in midden heaps and subsequently on kailyards or infields. In the second part, microanalytical results from St. Kilda are discussed. Enhanced loadings of Pb and Zn were found in the old arable land. The highest levels of Zn were found in small fragments of carbonised and humified material and bone fragments; in contrast Pb tended to be more uniformly distributed. Seabird waste was extensively applied to the arable land and some of the Zn may have accumulated in the soil by this pathway. The retention of Zn in bone is likely to have been very minor given the rarity of bone fragments as evident in thin sections (0.3%); this compares with 6.8% for black carbonised particles which are likely to provide the main storage sites for Zn.


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Experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of single and multiple metal contamination (Cd, Pb, Zn, Sb, Cu) on Scots pine seedlings colonised by ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi from natural soil inoculum. Seedlings were grown in either contaminated field soil from the site of a chemical accident, soils amended with five metals contaminating the site, or in soil from an uncontaminated control site. Although contaminated and metal-amended soil significantly inhibited root and shoot growth of the Scots pine seedlings, total root tip density was not affected. Of the five metals tested in amended soils, Cd was the most toxic to ECM Scots pine. Field-contaminated soil had a toxic effect on ECM fungi associated with Scots pine seedlings and caused shifts in ECM species composition on ECM seedlings. When compared to soils amended with only one metal, soils amended with a combination of all five metals tested had lower relative toxicity and less accumulation of Pb, Zn and Sb into seedlings. This would indicate that the toxicity of multiple metal contamination cannot be predicted from the individual toxicity of the metals investigated.


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Arsenic can be highly toxic to mammals but there is relatively little information on its transfer to and uptake by free-living small mammals. The aim of this study was to determine whether intake and accumulation of arsenic by wild rodents living in arsenic-contaminated habitats reflected environmental levels of contamination and varied between species, sexes and age classes. Arsenic concentrations were measured in soil, litter, wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) and bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) from six sites which varied in the extent to which they were contaminated. Arsenic residues on the most contaminated sites were three and two orders of magnitude above background in soil and litter, respectively. Arsenic concentrations in the stomach contents, liver, kidney and whole body of small mammals reflected inter-site differences in environmental contamination. Wood mice and bank voles on the same sites had similar concentrations of arsenic in their stomach contents and accumulated comparable residues in the liver, kidney and whole body. Female bank voles, but not wood mice, had significantly higher stomach content and liver arsenic concentrations than males. Arsenic concentration in the stomach contents and body tissues did not vary with age class. The bioaccumulation factor (ratio of arsenic concentration in whole body to that in the diet) in wood mice was not significantly different to that in bank voles and was 0.69 for the two species combined, indicating that arsenic was not bioconcentrated in these rodents. Overall, this study has demonstrated that adult and juvenile wood mice and bank voles are exposed to and accumulate similar amounts of arsenic on arsenic-contaminated mine sites and that the extent of accumulation depends upon the level of habitat contamination.


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White storks (Ciconia ciconia) fed in contaminated waters resulting from the Aznacollar acid mining-sludge spillage into the R. Guadiamar, which feeds the eastern flank of the Guadalquivir marshes (Doñana), S.W. Spain. The sludge was rich in a range of toxic elements, and in organic pollutants such as the aromatic amines. Storks did not exhibit elevated metals in their blood immediately following the accident, but chick blood collected the year following the accident showed genotoxic damage compared to the controls. In this study lead isotope analysis was used to assess if the storks had ingested sludge-derived contaminants. The sludge lead isotope ratio was distinct from that of the Doñana sediments. The stork blood lead isotope ratios exactly matched that of the sludge. It was concluded that the storks had ingested sludge-derived contaminants. A detailed study of the lead contamination along the R. Guadiamar and the R. Guadalquivir (of which the Guadiamar is a tributary) was also conducted to place the white stork colony lead exposure in the context of the spatial contamination of the storks' habitat.


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Arsenic contaminated groundwater is used extensively in Bangladesh to irrigate the staple food of the region, paddy rice (Oryza sativa L.). To determine if this irrigation has led to a buildup of arsenic levels in paddy fields, and the consequences for arsenic exposure through rice ingestion, a survey of arsenic levels in paddy soils and rice grain was undertaken. Survey of paddy soils throughout Bangladesh showed that arsenic levels were elevated in zones where arsenic in groundwater used for irrigation was high, and where these tube-wells have been in operation for the longest period of time. Regression of soil arsenic levels with tube-well age was significant. Arsenic levels reached 46 microg g(-1) dry weight in the most affected zone, compared to levels below l0 microg g(-1) in areas with low levels of arsenic in the groundwater. Arsenic levels in rice grain from an area of Bangladesh with low levels of arsenic in groundwaters and in paddy soils showed that levels were typical of other regions of the world. Modeling determined, even these typical grain arsenic levels contributed considerably to arsenic ingestion when drinking water contained the elevated quantity of 0.1 mg L(-1). Arsenic levels in rice can be further elevated in rice growing on arsenic contaminated soils, potentially greatly increasing arsenic exposure of the Bangladesh population. Rice grain grown in the regions where arsenic is building up in the soil had high arsenic concentrations, with three rice grain samples having levels above 1.7 microg g(-1).


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Landfills are the primary option for waste disposal all over the world. Most of the landfill sites across the world are old and are not engineered to prevent contamination of the underlying soil and groundwater by the toxic leachate. The pollutants from landfill leachate have accumulative and detrimental effect on the ecology and food chains leading to carcinogenic effects, acute toxicity and genotoxicity among human beings. Management of this highly toxic leachate presents a challenging problem to the regulatory authorities who have set specific regulations regarding maximum limits of contaminants in treated leachate prior to disposal into the environment to ensure minimal environmental impact. There are different stages of leachate management such as monitoring of its formation and flow into the environment, identification of hazards associated with it and its treatment prior to disposal into the environment. This review focuses on: (i) leachate composition, (ii) Plume migration, (iii) Contaminant fate, (iv) Leachate plume monitoring techniques, (v) Risk assessment techniques, Hazard rating methods, mathematical modeling, and (vi) Recent innovations in leachate treatment technologies. However, due to seasonal fluctuations in leachate composition, flow rate and leachate volume, the management approaches cannot be stereotyped. Every scenario is unique and the strategy will vary accordingly. This paper lays out the choices for making an educated guess leading to the best management option.


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As part of any drilling cuttings pile removal process the requirement for monitoring the release of contaminants into the marine environment will be critical. Traditional methods for such monitoring involve taking samples for laboratory analysis. This process is time consuming and only provides data on spot samples taken from a limited number of locations and time frames. Such processes, therefore, offer very restricted information. The need for improved marine sensors for monitoring contaminants is established. We report here the development and application of a multi-capability optical sensor for the real-time in situ monitoring of three key marine environmental and offshore/oil parameters: hydrocarbons, synthetic-based fluids and heavy metal concentrations. The use of these sensors will be a useful tool for real-time in situ environmental monitoring during the process of decommissioning offshore structures. Multi-capability array sensors could also provide information on the dispersion of contamination from drill cuttings piles either while they are in situ or during their removal.


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On 25 April 1998 part of the tailings pond dike of the Aznalcollar Zn mine north of the Guadalquivir marshes (Donana) in southern Spain collapsed releasing an estimated 5 million m3 of acidic metal-rich waste. This event contaminated farmland and wetland up to >40 km downstream, including the 900-ha 'Entremuros', an important area for birds within the Donana world heritage site. In spite of the contamination, birds continued to feed in this area. Samples of two abundant macrophytes (Typha dominguensis and Scirpus maritimus) were taken from the Entremuros and nearby uncontaminated areas; these plants are important food items for several bird species. Analyses showed that in the Entremuros mean plant tissue concentrations of Cd were 3-40-fold (0.8-7.4 ppm) and Zn 20-100-fold (20-3384 ppm) greater than those from control areas. Comparable dietary concentrations of Zn have been reported to cause severe physiological damage to aquatic birds under experimental conditions. Elevated Cd concentrations are of concern as Cd bioconcentrates and is a cumulative poison. Metals released in this accident are moving into this food-chain and present a considerable risk to species feeding on Typha sp. and Scirpus sp. Many other food-webs exist in this area and require detailed examination to identify the species at risk, and to facilitate the management of these risks to minimise future impacts to the wildlife of Donana. Copyright (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The southern industrial rivers (Aire, Calder, Don and Trent) feeding the Humber estuary were routinely monitored for a range of chlorinated micro- organic contaminants at least once a week over a 1.5-year period. Environmental Quality Standards (EQSs) for inland waters were set under the European Economic Community for a limited number of problematic contaminants (18). The results of the monitoring program for seven classes of chlorinated pollutants on the EQS list are presented in this study. All compounds were detected frequently with the exception of hexachlorobutadiene (where only one detectable measurement out of 280 individual samples occurred). In general, the rivers fell into two classes with respect to their contamination patterns. The Aire and Calder carried higher concentrations of micro- pollutants than the Don and Trent, with the exception of hexachlorobenzene (HCB). For Σ hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers (α + γ) and for dieldrin, a number of samples (~ 5%) exceeded their EQS for both the Aire and Calder. Often, ΣHCH concentrations were just below the EQS level. Levels of p,p'- DDT on occasions approached the EQS for these two rivers, but only one sample (out of 140) exceeded the EQS. No compounds exceeded their EQS levels on the Don and Trent. Analysis of the ratio of γ HCH/αHCH indicated that the source of HCH for the Don and Trent catchments was primarily lindane (γHCH) and, to a lesser extent, technical HCH (mixture of HCH isomers, dominated by α HCH), while the source(s) for the Aire and Calder had a much higher contribution from technical HCH.


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Case histories of large, accidental fires are presented to illustrate that heavy metals may be used as markers to assess the extent of localized environmental contamination resulting from fires. Due to the complexity of fire chemistry with respect to organic pollutants, determination of organic pollutants in the environment following a fire would be time consuming and expensive. Using heavy metals as markers on the other hand is much cheaper and can be done very rapidly. © 1995.


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Os fármacos são importantes contaminantes ambientais. Nas últimas duas décadas, o número de estudos sobre a ocorrência destes poluentes emergentes em matrizes ambientais aumentou significativamente. Esta ocorrência generalizada preocupa a comunidade científica devido a evidências que comprovam a sua capacidade de interferir nos ecossistemas, mesmo em concentrações muito baixas. No caso particular dos fármacos psiquiátricos é expectável que constituam um risco ecológico significativo. Para uma melhor compreensão do impacto real destes poluentes é essencial que se proceda a uma avaliação extensiva da sua persistência e destino em matrizes ambientais. Os estudos apresentados nesta tese pretendem contribuir para melhorar o conhecimento acerca da ocorrência, persistência e destino ambiental de fármacos psiquiátricos. Para este efeito, foram seleccionados, como objecto de estudo, dois grupos de fármacos: anti-epilépticos (carbamazepina) e fármacos com efeitos ansiolíticos e sedativos (as benzodiazepinas diazepam, oxazepam, lorazepam e alprazolam). A fotodegradação é o principal processo que afecta a persistência de poluentes orgânicos em ambientes aquáticos. Consequentemente, a persistência dos cinco fármacos seleccionados foi avaliada através de estudos de fotodegradação directa e indirecta, tendo em consideração a influência de parâmetros relevantes tais como pH, nível de oxigenação e matéria orgânica dissolvida. Os estudos de fotodegradação aqui descritos foram seguidos por cromatografia micelar electrocinética com a aplicação de um capilar com revestimento dinâmico. Adicionalmente, os fotoprodutos resultantes de fotodegradação directa foram identificados por espectrometria de massa. O estudo da carbamazepina no ambiente é particularmente relevante uma vez que esta foi proposta como um potencial marcador de poluição antropogénica. A sua ocorrência em água superficiais, de sub-solo e residuais foi investigada através da implementação de um ensaio imunológico (ELISA), optimizado para a aplicação a triagens ambientais e amostras com matrizes complexas. O destino deste fármaco na interface água/solo foi também investigado usando solos agrícolas submetidos a fertilizações de longo prazo; este estudo permitiu tirar conclusões acerca da contaminação de águas adjacentes por solos contaminados. O trabalho aqui descrito constitui uma abordagem multidisplinar à problemática da ocorrência de fármacos psiquiátricos no ambiente, contribuindo de forma relevante para esta área de estudo.


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Apesar do recente aumento no número de estudos, os lagartos persistem como um dos grupos menos estudados em ecotoxicologia e o desconhecimento em relação à sua resposta à contaminação ambiental é enorme. A nível europeu, os lacertídeos têm sido identificados como potenciais espécies modelo para a ecotoxicologia com répteis. O principal objectivo deste projecto era determinar se um lacertídeo abundante pertencente ao género Podarcis, podia ser utilizado como bioindicador de exposição e toxicidade em zonas agrícolas. Para atingir este objectivo, utilizámos uma estratégia integrada com três fases. Numa primeira fase realizou-se um estudo de campo para documentar o tipo de exposição e parâmetros populacionais de populações de lacertídeos que ocorrem em zonas de uso intenso de pesticidas e zonas de agricultura orgânica. A segunda fase consistiu num estudo de mesocosmo em que se expuseram juvenis a um conjunto de pesticidas em condições controladas durante um período de um ano. Finalmente, a terceira fase incluiu um estudo laboratorial sobre os efeitos do clorpirifos, um dos insecticidas mais utilizado a nível global, em lagartixas. No término de cada um dos estudos, analisaram-se diversos biomarcadores e parâmetros de exposição e toxicidade a pesticidas nos diferentes indivíduos. Este conjunto abrangente de parâmetros foi analisado em diferentes níveis de organização biológica, incluindo parâmetros populacionais, bem como comportamentais, fisiológicos, bioquímicos e histológicos. Em geral, detectaram-se poucas diferenças estatísticas significativas entre as populações dos campos expostos a pesticidas e populações referência. Confirmando a dificuldade que existe em isolar os efeitos de diferentes contaminantes sobre as populações de outros factores locais, ciclos sazonais ou eventos estocásticos. As populações de P. bocagei parecem ser capazes de lidar com o nível observado de exposição a pesticidas. No entanto, indivíduos que vivem em locais expostos a pesticidas parecem estar menos adaptados ecologicamente do que aqueles que vivem em locais referência, apresentando um estado de depleção nutricional e sinais de stress metabólico. Os resultados obtidos com os animais da experiência de mesocosmo parecem reforçar estes resultados. Os animais prosperaram relativamente bem em todos os mesocosmos, independentemente do tratamento ou não com pesticidas, apresentando uma ampla gama de comportamentos naturais. A abordagem laboratorial confirmou P. bocagei como um valioso indicador de exposição sub-letal a doses ambientalmente realistas de clorpirifos. De acordo, com o conjunto d resultados obtidos, P. bocagei parece ser um bioindicador adequado de exposição a pesticidas.


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During the last century mean global temperatures have been increasing. According to the predictions, the temperature change is expected to exceed 1.5ºC in this century and the warming is likely to continue. Freshwater ecosystems are among the most sensitive mainly due to changes in the hydrologic cycle and consequently changes in several physico-chemical parameters (e.g. pH, dissolved oxygen). Alterations in environmental parameters of freshwater systems are likely to affect distribution, morphology, physiology and richness of a wide range of species leading to important changes in ecosystem biodiversity and function. Moreover, they can also work as co-stressors in environments where organisms have already to cope with chemical contamination (such as pesticides), increasing the environmental risk due to potential interactions. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of climate change related environmental parameters on the toxicity of pesticides to zebrafish embryos. The following environmental factors were studied: pH (3.0-12.0), dissolved oxygen level (0-8 mg/L) and UV radiation (0-500 mW/m2). The pesticides studied were the carbamate insecticide carbaryl and the benzimidazole fungicide carbendazim. Stressors were firstly tested separately in order to derive concentration- or intensity-response curves to further study the effects of binary combinations (environmental factors x pesticides) by applying mixture models. Characterization of zebrafish embryos response to environmental stress revealed that pH effects were fully established after 24 h of exposure and survival was only affected at pH values below 5 and above 10. Low oxygen levels also affected embryos development at concentrations below 4 mg/L (delay, heart rate decrease and edema), and at concentrations below 0.5 mg/L the survival was drastically reduced. Continuous exposure to UV radiation showed a strong time-dependent impact on embryos survival leading to 100% of mortality after 72 hours of exposure. The toxicity of pesticides carbaryl and carbendazim was characterized at several levels of biological organization including developmental, biochemical and behavioural allowing a mechanistic understanding of the effects and highlighting the usefulness of behavioural responses (locomotion) as a sensitive endpoint in ecotoxicology. Once the individual concentration response relationship of each stressor was established, a combined toxicity study was conducted to evaluate the effects of pH on the toxicity of carbaryl. We have shown that pH can modify the toxicity of the pesticide carbaryl. The conceptual model concentration addition allowed a precise prediction of the toxicity of the jointeffects of acid pH and carbaryl. Nevertheless, for alkaline condition both concepts failed in predicting the effects. Deviations to the model were however easy to explain as high pH values favour the hydrolysis of carbaryl with the consequent formation of the more toxic degradation product 1- naphtol. Although in the present study such explanatory process was easy to establish, for many other combinations the “interactive” nature is not so evident. In the context of the climate change few scenarios predict such increase in the pH of aquatic systems, however this was a first approach focused in the lethal effects only. In a second tier assessment effects at sublethal level would be sought and it is expectable that more subtle pH changes (more realistic in terms of climate changes scenarios) may have an effect at physiological and biochemical levels with possible long term consequences for the population fitness.