988 resultados para conformations multiples
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In this study is presented an economic optimization method to design telescope irrigation laterals (multidiameter) with regular spaced outlets. The proposed analytical hydraulic solution was validated by means of a pipeline composed of three different diameters. The minimum acquisition cost of the telescope pipeline was determined by an ideal arrangement of lengths and respective diameters for each one of the three segments. The mathematical optimization method based on the Lagrange multipliers provides a strategy for finding the maximum or minimum of a function subject to certain constraints. In this case, the objective function describes the acquisition cost of pipes, and the constraints are determined from hydraulic parameters as length of irrigation laterals and total head loss permitted. The developed analytical solution provides the ideal combination of each pipe segment length and respective diameter, resulting in a decreased of the acquisition cost.
Die Hämocyanine der Cephalopoden Nautilus pompilius und Sepia officinalis sorgen für den Sauerstofftransport zwischen den Kiemen und den Geweben. Sie bestehen aus einem zylindrischen Dekamer mit interner Kragenstruktur. Während eine Untereinheit (also eine Polypeptidkette) bei NpH aus sieben paralogen funktionellen Domänen (FU-a bis FU-g) besteht, führte ein Genduplikationsereignis der FU-d zu acht FUs in SoH (a, b, c, d, d´, e, f, g). In allen Mollusken Hämocyaninen bilden sechs dieser FUs den äußeren Ring und die restlichen die interne Kragenstruktur. rnrnIn dieser Arbeit wurde ein dreidimensionales Modell des Hämocyanins von Sepia officinalis (SoH) erstellt. Die Rekonstruktion, mit einer Auflösung von 8,8Å (FSC=0,5), erlaubt das Einpassen von Homolologiemodellen und somit das Erstellen eines molekularen Modells mit pseudo atomarer Auflösung. Des Weiteren wurden zwei Rekonstruktionen des Hämocyanins von Nautilus pompilius (NpH) in verschiedenen Oxygenierungszuständen erstellt. Die auf 10 und 8,1Å aufgelösten Modelle zeigen zwei verschiedene Konformationen des Proteins. Daraus ließ sich eine Modellvorstellung über die allosterische Funktionsweise ableiten. Die hier erreichte Auflösung von 8Å ist die momentan höchste eines Molluskenhämocyanins. rnAuf Grundlage des molekularen Modells von SoH konnte die Topologie des Proteins aufgeklärt werden. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die zusätzliche FU-d´ in den Kragen integriert ist und somit die prinzipielle Wandarchitektur aller Mollusken Hämocyanine identisch ist. Wie die Analyse des erstellten molekularen Modells zeigt werden sind die beiden Isoformen (SoH1 und SoH2) in den Bereichen der Interfaces nahezu identisch; auch der Vergleich mit NpH zeigt grosse Übereinstimmungen. Des weiteren konnte eine Fülle von Informationen bezüglich der allosterischen Signalübertragung innerhalb des Moleküls gewonnen werden. rnDer Versuch, NpH in verschiedenen Oxygenierungszuständen zu zeigen, war erfolgreich. Die Datensätze, die unter zwei atmosphärischen Bedingungen präpariert wurden, führten reproduzierbar zu zwei unterschiedlichen Rekonstruktionen. Dies zeigt, daß der hier entwickelte experimentelle Ansatz funktioniert. Er kann nun routinemäßig auf andere Proteine angewandt werden. Wie der strukturelle Vergleich zeigte, verändert sich die Orientierung der FUs durch die Oxygenierung leicht. Dies wiederum beeinflusst die Anordnung innerhalb der Interfaces sowie die Abstände zwischen den beteiligten Aminosäuren. Aus dieser Analyse konnte eine Modellvorstellung zum allosterischen Signaltransfer innerhalb des Moleküls abgeleitet werden, die auf einer Umordnung von Salzbrücken basiert.
The supermolecule approach has been used to model the hydration of cyclic 3‘,5‘-adenosine monophosphate, cAMP. Model building combined with PM3 optimizations predict that the anti conformer of cAMP is capable of hydrogen bonding to an additional solvent water molecule compared to the syn conformer. The addition of one water to the syn superstructure with concurrent rotation of the base about the glycosyl bond to form the anti superstructure leads to an additional enthalpy of stabilization of approximately −6 kcal/mol at the PM3 level. This specific solute−solvent interaction is an example of a large solvent effect, as the method predicts that cAMP has a conformational preference for the anti isomer in solution. This conformational preference results from a change in the number of specific solute−solvent interactions in this system. This prediction could be tested by NMR techniques. The number of waters predicted to be in the first hydration sphere around cAMP is in agreement with the results of hydration studies of nucleotides in DNA. In addition, the detailed picture of solvation about this cyclic nucleotide is in agreement with infrared experimental results.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. Tamoxifen is the preferred drug for estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer treatment, yet many of these cancers are intrinsically resistant to tamoxifen or acquire resistance during treatment. Therefore, scientists are searching for breast cancer drugs that have different molecular targets. Previous work revealed that 8-mer and cyclic 9-mer peptides inhibit breast cancer in mouse and rat model systems, interacting with an unknown receptor, while peptides smaller than eight amino acids did not inhibit breast cancer. We have shown that the use of replica exchange molecular dynamics predicts structure and dynamics of active peptides, leading to the discovery of smaller peptides with full biological activity. These simulations identified smaller peptide analogs with a conserved turn, a β-turn formed in the larger peptides. These analogs inhibit estrogen-dependent cell growth in a mouse uterine growth assay, a test showing reliable correlation with human breast cancer inhibition. We outline the computational methods that were tried and used with the experimental information that led to the successful completion of this research.
Peptide transporters (PTRs) of the large PTR family facilitate the uptake of di- and tripeptides to provide cells with amino acids for protein synthesis and for metabolic intermediates. Although several PTRs have been structurally and functionally characterized, how drugs modulate peptide transport remains unclear. To obtain insight into this mechanism, we characterize inhibitor binding to the Escherichia coli PTR dipeptide and tripeptide permease A (DtpA), which shows substrate specificities similar to its human homolog hPEPT1. After demonstrating that Lys[Z-NO2]-Val, the strongest inhibitor of hPEPT1, also acts as a high-affinity inhibitor for DtpA, we used single-molecule force spectroscopy to localize the structural segments stabilizing the peptide transporter and investigated which of these structural segments change stability upon inhibitor binding. This characterization was done with DtpA embedded in the lipid membrane and exposed to physiologically relevant conditions. In the unbound state, DtpA adopts two main alternate conformations in which transmembrane α-helix (TMH) 2 is either stabilized (in ∼43% of DtpA molecules) or not (in ∼57% of DtpA molecules). The two conformations are understood to represent the inward- and outward-facing conformational states of the transporter. With increasing inhibitor concentration, the conformation characterized by a stabilized TMH 2 becomes increasingly prevalent, reaching ∼92% at saturation. Our measurements further suggest that Lys[Z-NO2]-Val interacts with discrete residues in TMH 2 that are important for ligand binding and substrate affinity. These interactions in turn stabilize TMH 2, thereby promoting the inhibited conformation of DtpA.
The haloarchaeal phototaxis receptor sensory rhodopsin I (SRI) in complex with its transducer HtrI delivers an attractant signal from excitation with an orange photon and a repellent signal from a second near-UV photon excitation. Using a proteoliposome system with purified SRI in complex with its transducer HtrI, we identified by site-directed fluorescence labeling a site (Ser(155)) on SRI that is conformationally active in signal relay to HtrI. Using site-directed spin labeling of Ser(155)Cys with a nitroxide side chain, we detected a change in conformation following one-photon excitation such that the spin probe exhibits a splitting of the outer hyperfine extrema (2A'(zz)) significantly smaller than that of the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum in the dark state. The dark conformations of five mutant complexes that do not discriminate between orange and near-UV excitation show shifts to lower or higher 2A'(zz) values correlated with the alterations in their motility behavior to one- and two-photon stimuli. These data are interpreted in terms of a model in which the dark complex is populated by two conformers in the wild type, one that inhibits the CheA kinase (A) and the other that activates it (R), shifted in the dark by mutations and shifted in the wild-type SRI-HtrI complex in opposite directions by one-photon and two-photon reactions.
Introduction au livre Regards sur l'interculturalité. Un parcours interdisciplinaire
Enrique Vila-Matas hace un recorrido por la figura de Robert Walser a través del doctor Pasavento. Walser. Viaje real y literario que sostiene Doctor Pasavento. Redes y vínculos intertextuales e interpersonales. Papel de la vida y obra de Walser en la poética de Vila-Matas.
Enrique Vila-Matas hace un recorrido por la figura de Robert Walser a través del doctor Pasavento. Walser. Viaje real y literario que sostiene Doctor Pasavento. Redes y vínculos intertextuales e interpersonales. Papel de la vida y obra de Walser en la poética de Vila-Matas.
Enrique Vila-Matas hace un recorrido por la figura de Robert Walser a través del doctor Pasavento. Walser. Viaje real y literario que sostiene Doctor Pasavento. Redes y vínculos intertextuales e interpersonales. Papel de la vida y obra de Walser en la poética de Vila-Matas.