500 resultados para compass


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This article reviews research on policy attitudes and ideological values from the perspective of social representations theory. In the first part of the paper, key features of lay political thinking are presented, its pragmatic imperative, its focus on communication and the social functions of shared knowledge. Objectification transforms abstract and group-neutral ideological values into concrete and socially useful knowledge, in particular stereotypes of value-conforming and value-violating groups. Such shared understandings of intergroup relations provide citizens with common reference knowledge which provides the cognitive and cultural basis of policy attitudes. Social representations theory further suggests that lay knowledge reflects the social context in which it has been elaborated (anchoring), an aspect which allows conceptualising aggregate-level differences in policy attitudes. In the second part of the paper, a model of lay conceptions of social order is outlined which organises four shared conceptions of social order, along with the stereotype-based thinking associated with each conception: Moral order, Free Market, Social diversity and Structural inequality. We conclude by arguing that policy attitudes are symbolic devices expressed to justify or to challenge existing social arrangements.


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Research on achievement goals usually defines mastery goals as the desire to acquire knowledge, and performance goals as the desire to outperform (or not to underperform) others. Educational contexts are most of the time social contexts, involving various persons and groups, of various hierarchical positions, and various cultural and ideological contexts. Surprisingly, most research in the achievement goal field has been conducted at an individual level of analysis. In the present paper, we will review the social consequences and antecedents of goal endorsement. This research indicates that goals strongly affect the way one behaves with co-learners. Moreover, it suggests that more than merely individual dispositions, goals reflect the social relation students have with other persons, institutions, and with the society to which they belong. We conclude this paper by setting an agenda for future achievement goal research.


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Le pentecôtisme a fait du miracle le coeur de sa théologie et l'élément central de ses activités d'évangélisation. Le catholicisme, par contre, a toujours voulu contrôler l'ensemble des déclarations de manifestations divines. Apparitions et guérisons miraculeuses ont donc systématiquement, et de plus en plus, été soumises à de lentes et rigoureuses procédures d'authentification. Les pentecôtistes voient Dieu comme un être extérieur qui surgit sur la terre pour chasser le mal qui l'envahit. Tous les convertis ont donc droit à la libération et personne ne doit accepter sagement la souffrance. Or, les pèlerins catholiques que nous avons étudiés ne partagent pas ces convictions pentecôtistes. Dieu agit de l'intérieur, non pas en les délivrant, mais en les soutenant dans leurs épreuves quotidiennes. Rare et peu recherchée, la guérison physique cède la place à la guérison spirituelle, accessible à tous. Il nous semble que ces deux types de représentations placent les fidèles dans des dispositions d'esprit très divergentes suscitant, dans un cas ou dans l'autre, des espoirs adaptés à la capacité du groupe à produire des miracles. Pentecostalism placed miracles at the centre of its theology as a key element of its evangelization activities. Catholicism, on the other hand, has always tried to control all declarations of divine demonstrations. Miraculous appearances and recoveries have been more and more systematically subjected to slow and rigorous procedures of verification. The Pentecostals see God as an external force which manifests itself on earth to drive out the evil which invades it. All believers have the right to be free from evil, and nobody should have to accept pain meekly. But the Catholic pilgrims we studied do not share these Pentecostal convictions. God acts from inside, not by delivering them but by supporting them in their daily tests. Physical recovery is rare and not very sought after so it takes second place to spiritual recovery which is accessible to everyone. It seems to us that these two types of representation place believers in very divergent frames of mind giving rise, in one group or the other, to hopes that correspond to the group's capacity to produce miracles.


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Political participation is often very low in Switzerland especially among students and young citizens. In the run-up to the Swiss parliamentary election in October 2007 several online tools and campaigns were developed with the aim to increase not only the level of information about the political programs of parties and candidates, but also the electoral participation of younger citizens. From a practical point of view this paper will describe the development, marketing efforts and the distribution as well as the use of two of these tools : the so-called "Parteienkompass" (party compass) and the "myVote"-tool - an online voting assistance tool based on an issue-matching system comparing policy preferences between voters and candidates on an individual level. We also havea look at similar tools stemming from Voting Advice Applications (VAA) in other countries in Western Europe. The paper closes with the results of an evaluation and an outlook to further developments and on-going projects in the near future in Switzerland.


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En Suisse, comme dans de nombreux pays européens, l'exigence d'une représentation musulmane impose une forme d'inscription dans l'espace public d'acteurs emblématiques de l'islam. Cette contribution entend éclairer les différentes contraintes institutionnelles qui poussent les musulmans à s'inscrire différemment dans l'espace public. On distingue d'une part, une tendance s'efforçant d'apparaître dans l'espace public comme une structure confessionnelle garant de la communitas islamica. Elle est composée de communautés de la diaspora qui ont obtenu des accords auprès de la Confédération et de communautés qui se fédèrent au niveau cantonal pour constituer une représentation auprès des autorités de régulation religieuse. D'autre part, des acteurs parviennent à imposer leurs exigences d'un homo islamicus idéalisé en s'inscrivant pleinement dans l'espace médiatique au risque de prétériter la « représentation » chèrement acquise par des acteurs institutionnels


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Information processing in groups has long been seen as a cooperative process. In contrast with this assumption, group members were rarely found to behave cooperatively: They withhold unshared information and stick to initial incorrect decisions. In the present article, we examined how group members' cooperative and competitivemotives impact on group information processing and propose that information sharing and use in groups could be seen as strategic behavior. We reviewed the latest developments in the literature investigating different forms of strategic information processing and their underlying mechanisms. This review suggests that explicit cooperative goals are needed for effective group decision-making.


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Disseny d'una aplicació per a dispositius mòbils basats en el sistema operatiu Android anomenada TrobaT. És tracta d'una eina d'orientació geogràfica que aprofita els sensors i els mecanismes de geolocalització que són habituals en els smartphones actuals. L'objectiu principal de l'aplicació és facilitar tres dades bàsiques per adreçar-se a un lloc: la distància a la que es troba, el desnivell que cal superar i l'orientació en forma d'azimut, és a dir, l'angle de deriva respecte al nord magnètic.


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It is presented a test bed applied to studies on dynamics, control, and navigation of mobile robots. A cargo ship scale model was chosen, which can be radio-controlled or operated autonomously through an embedded control system. A control program, which manages on board mission execution, is implemented on a microcontroller. Navigation is based on an electronic compass, which includes automatic compensation for pitch and roll motions. Heading control loop is based on this sensor, and on a rudder positioning system. A propulsion control system is also implemented. Typical manoeuvres as the turning test and "zig-zag", were implemented and tested. They are included on a manoeuvre library, and can be accessed independently or in combined modes. The embedded system is also in charge of signal acquisition and storing during the missions. It is possible to analyse experiments on identification of ship dynamics, control, and navigation, through the data transferred to a PC by serial communication. Navigation is going to be improved by including inertial sensors on board, and a DGPS. Preliminary tests are aimed to ship identification, and manoeuvrability, using free model tests. Future steps include extending this system for developing other mobile robots as, ROVs, AUVs, and aerial vehicles.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Jacob Hindman (1789-1827) was an American military officer who was a captain of the Second U.S. Artillery during the War of 1812. He commanded troops at the battles at Fort George and Stony Creek in 1813, and in June of that year became the major of the Second Artillery. He remained in this position until May of 1814 when the regiment was merged with the Corps of Artillery. During the Niagara campaign in 1814, Hindman’s company commanders included Nathan Towson, Thomas Biddle, John Ritchie, and Alexander Williams. During the British attack on Fort Erie in August 1814, Hindman led an assault for which he later received a brevet promotion to lieutenant colonel for “gallant conduct in the defense of Fort Erie”. In 1815, he received an additional brevet for “meritorious services”. He is generally regarded as one of the most successful artillerists of the War of 1812. James Hall (1793-1868) served with the U.S. military as a second lieutenant in the Second Artillery during the War of 1812. He fought in the Battle of Lundy’s Lane and was General Brown’s messenger during the attack on Fort Erie. He left the military in 1818 and became a newspaper editor and author. His experiences during the War of 1812 provided material for two stories, The Bearer of Despatches and Empty Pockets. Much of his work sought to popularize the West and promote western authors.


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The Woodruff Family Collection: From the time the Woodruff Family came to Canada from the United States in 1795, they took an active role in the forming of their communities both in a civic and social manner. This is evident through the documents contained in this collection. The Woodruffs played an active role in the battles fought in Upper Canada and they were an integral part of the Village of St. Davids. They were educated, business-minded and socially engaged. They accumulated much of their fortune through land dealings. Much of this collection focuses on Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff who was principally a businessman. His dedication to his work is shown through his numerous undertakings. He made his mark on the Niagara Peninsula through his work on the railways, roads, marsh land revisions, canals and the paper industry. He was also involved with the founding of the Long Point Company and he took control of building DeVeaux Hall down to the last detail. His offspring inherited his work ethic and his business acumen. The people who married into the Woodruff Family also possessed key social, political and business ties. Anne and Margaret Clement were from a staunch Loyalist background. Samuel Zimmerman was instrumental to the founding of Niagara Falls and Judge Samuel DeVeaux left behind a legacy for poor and homeless boys in Niagara Falls, New York. The Woodruff Family undoubtedly left a mark on the Niagara Peninsula. This collection brings to light many endeavours of the family and their varied contributions.


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Les professionnels ont par définition un public bénéficiaire de leurs services : le patient pour le médecin, le psychologue ou l’infirmière ; le client pour l’avocat ; le consommateur pour le gestionnaire d’une entreprise commerciale ; etc. L’usager ou l’habitant du cadre bâti constitue un des destinataires des services professionnels du designer d’intérieur. De quelle manière peut-on apprendre aux étudiants/futurs professionnels du design d’intérieur à se mettre à la place de l’usager/habitant des espaces qu’ils conçoivent ? Le concept de l’empathie, communément décrit comme la capacité de se mettre à la place de l’autre, de le comprendre et de ressentir ses sentiments et ses émotions, est bien adapté pour explorer cette attitude. Cet article est composé de deux parties. La première présente une expérience pédagogique en design d’intérieur où des étudiants apprennent à se représenter les usagers de leur projet d’aménagement en utilisant un outil méthodologique appelé « boussole éthique ». Cette boussole est constituée essentiellement de trois pôles qui renvoient aux trois rapports fondamentaux de l’être humain tels qu’étudiés dans la tradition stoïcienne : rapport à soi-même, à autrui et à la nature. Dans la seconde partie, l’article met en relief plusieurs éléments théoriques qui permettent de comprendre, de consolider et, éventuellement, de faire évoluer les bases conceptuelles qui sous-tendent cette démarche. Il s’agira notamment des théories éthiques et de certaines approches spécifiques au concept de l’empathie.


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Ce mémoire porte sur l’efficacité des campagnes sociales sur Internet afin d’encourager les jeunes adultes à voter. La constatation du déclin de la participation électorale des jeunes adultes nous a poussés à vouloir comprendre quels sont les enjeux qui touchent à cette problématique et comment les campagnes sociales incitatives au vote peuvent répondre à un certain besoin. La campagne électorale des élections générales canadiennes du 2 mai 2011, durant laquelle plusieurs outils Internet ont été développés pour inciter la population à voter, le plus connu étant la Boussole électorale, a constitué un contexte clé pour nous permettre d’explorer le sujet. À l’aide des théories sur l’influence des médias et de celles de la persuasion, nous allons mieux comprendre les possibilités qu’offre le Web pour la mobilisation sociale. Deux cueillettes de données ont été faites, soit une première quantitative par questionnaire pour voir le niveau de pénétration de ces outils Internet ainsi que leur appréciation, soit une deuxième qualitative par groupe de discussion afin d’approfondir la problématique de la désaffection politique et d’analyser la pertinence des campagnes sociales incitatives au vote. La mise en commun des résultats nous a permis de comprendre, entre autres, que les campagnes sociales sur Internet peuvent constituer un outil de conscientisation politique dans certaines circonstances et qu’elles peuvent bénéficier des réseaux sociaux comme Facebook et Twitter. Toutefois, le besoin d’éducation civique demeure une solution récurrente lorsqu’on parle d’encourager les jeunes adultes à voter.


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Global Positioning System (GPS), with its high integrity, continuous availability and reliability, revolutionized the navigation system based on radio ranging. With four or more GPS satellites in view, a GPS receiver can find its location anywhere over the globe with accuracy of few meters. High accuracy - within centimeters, or even millimeters is achievable by correcting the GPS signal with external augmentation system. The use of satellite for critical application like navigation has become a reality through the development of these augmentation systems (like W AAS, SDCM, and EGNOS, etc.) with a primary objective of providing essential integrity information needed for navigation service in their respective regions. Apart from these, many countries have initiated developing space-based regional augmentation systems like GAGAN and IRNSS of India, MSAS and QZSS of Japan, COMPASS of China, etc. In future, these regional systems will operate simultaneously and emerge as a Global Navigation Satellite System or GNSS to support a broad range of activities in the global navigation sector.Among different types of error sources in the GPS precise positioning, the propagation delay due to the atmospheric refraction is a limiting factor on the achievable accuracy using this system. The WADGPS, aimed for accurate positioning over a large area though broadcasts different errors involved in GPS ranging including ionosphere and troposphere errors, due to the large temporal and spatial variations in different atmospheric parameters especially in lower atmosphere (troposphere), the use of these broadcasted tropospheric corrections are not sufficiently accurate. This necessitated the estimation of tropospheric error based on realistic values of tropospheric refractivity. Presently available methodologies for the estimation of tropospheric delay are mostly based on the atmospheric data and GPS measurements from the mid-latitude regions, where the atmospheric conditions are significantly different from that over the tropics. No such attempts were made over the tropics. In a practical approach when the measured atmospheric parameters are not available analytical models evolved using data from mid-latitudes for this purpose alone can be used. The major drawback of these existing models is that it neglects the seasonal variation of the atmospheric parameters at stations near the equator. At tropics the model underestimates the delay in quite a few occasions. In this context, the present study is afirst and major step towards the development of models for tropospheric delay over the Indian region which is a prime requisite for future space based navigation program (GAGAN and IRNSS). Apart from the models based on the measured surface parameters, a region specific model which does not require any measured atmospheric parameter as input, but depends on latitude and day of the year was developed for the tropical region with emphasis on Indian sector.Large variability of atmospheric water vapor content in short spatial and/or temporal scales makes its measurement rather involved and expensive. A local network of GPS receivers is an effective tool for water vapor remote sensing over the land. This recently developed technique proves to be an effective tool for measuring PW. The potential of using GPS to estimate water vapor in the atmosphere at all-weather condition and with high temporal resolution is attempted. This will be useful for retrieving columnar water vapor from ground based GPS data. A good network of GPS could be a major source of water vapor information for Numerical Weather Prediction models and could act as surrogate to the data gap in microwave remote sensing for water vapor over land.