960 resultados para commodity spot


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The white spot viral disease in penaeid shrimp affects the development of the global shrimp industry. This paper reviews the viruses that cause the disease, the transmission of the virus, diagnosis and preventive measures.


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The magnitude of apparent specific dynamic action (SDA), the maximum rate of oxygen consumption and the length of time that the rate of oxygen uptake remained elevated above the prefeeding level were measured in the Pearl Spot, Etroplus suratensis, fed isonitrous test diets (D 1 - D 4 ) with varying nutrient sources. Irrespective of the diets, the metabolic rate increased immediately after feeding and reached the maximum within 3 to 4 hours. The source of nutrients in the diet significantly altered the magnitude of SDA. It was maximum (91.76% and 129.56%) for those fed on diets D 2 and D 3 and minimum 46.47% and 50.30% for those fed on diets D 1 and D 4 , respectively.


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Otoliths of larval and juvenile fish provide a record of age, size, growth, and development (Campana and Neilson, 1985; Thorrold and Hare, 2002). However, determining the time of first increment formation in otoliths (Campana, 2001) and assessing the accuracy (deviation from real age) and precision (repeatability of increment counts from the same otolith) of increment counts are prerequisites for using otoliths to study the life history of fish (Campana and Moksness, 1991). For most fish species, first increment deposition occurs either at hatching, a day after hatching, or after first feeding and yolksac absorption (Jones, 1986; Thorrold and Hare, 2002). Increment deposition before hatching also occurs (Barkmann and Beck, 1976; Radtke and Dean, 1982). If first increment deposition does not occur at hatching, the standard procedure is to add a predetermined number to increment counts to estimate fish age (Campana and Neilson, 1985).


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An investigation was carried out to monitor management practices and to find out whether there is any relationship with occurrence of deadly white spot disease and environmental parameters. Three semi-intensive and a improved traditional shrimp farms were selected in which mass mortality of shrimp (Penaeus monodon) by white spot disease occurred previously. The farms were situated at two different geographical locations. Two ponds from each farm at random were selected for the study. Out of eight investigated ponds, 6 ponds in three farms were affected by the disease during investigation period. The non-affected ponds had relatively lower stocking density, lightly different management practice and were located at different geographical area. There was no significant variation in water quality parameters among the affected and non-affected ponds. No significant variations were recorded in pond preparation, source of Post Larvae (PL), water and feed management among the affected and non-affected ponds. The observation indicated that pond micro-organisms in a farm may not the only cause of the disease but some external factors also might be responsible for the outbreak of this disease.


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The blue spot mullet Valamugil seheli spawns once a year between August and February with peak spawning during October - November. Males attain maturity at 250.5 mm and females at 256.5 mm total length. Males outnumbered females in the commercial catches, although the sex-ratio (M:F=1:0.90) in the population showed no significant deviation. The fecundity of this species varied from 108378 to 910350 eggs with an average of 327944. Linear relationships were found between fish length, gonad weight and fecundity; and between fish length, fish weight and ovary weight.


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This commodity and product identification research was undertaken in the context of the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS). AAS seeks to reduce poverty and improve food security for the millions of small-scale fishers and farmers who depend on the world’s floodplains, deltas and coasts. The objective of this research is to strengthen the capacity of AAS to undertake value chain studies with high potential impact on smallholders. The capacity-building aspect of this research was focused on the process of commodity and product identification for value chain analysis. Its scope was limited to fish and other aquatic animals and products in the Tonle Sap area identified for AAS intervention. The result of the identification process was the selection of a number of commodities and products that were deemed to involve a high number of smallholders along the value chain and that have high market development potential.


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Latex beads were sensitized with monoclonal antibodies (MAb) rose against VP28 of WSSV. The optimum concentration of MAb required to sensitize the latex beads was 125 µg/ml. The sensitized latex beads were used to detect WSSV from PCR-positive stomach tissue homogenates obtained from infected shrimp. Stomach tissue homogenates from WSSV-infected shrimp agglutinated the sensitized latex beads within 10 minutes, while uninfected samples did not produce any agglutination, although non-specific agglutinations were observed in some samples. The analytical sensitivity, analytical specificity, diagnostic sensitivity and diagnostic specificity of the (LAT) agglutination test were assessed. The analytical sensitivity of the test was 40 ng of purified WSSV (2 µg/ml). The sensitized latex beads did not agglutinate with normal shrimp tissue or MBV-infected tissue homogenate. The test has a diagnostic sensitivity of 70 and 45%, respectively, compared to single-step and nested PCR. The diagnostic specificity of the test was 82%. This test is a simple and rapid on-farm test which can be used to corroborate clinical signs for the detection of WSSV in grow-out ponds.


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The Ugandan fishery, heavily influenced by the emergence of global markets, is extremely dynamic. In recent years a major export trade, principally in Nile perch fillets from Lake Victoria, has expanded markedly. The growth of this factory based processing industry has had a marked impact on the pre-existing artisanal fishery, which has become increasingly dependent on supplying the export market instead of its traditional local small-scale markets. The industrial fishery developed as a response to the liberalisation of the management of the Ugandan economy and the consequent opening up of the export markets in North America and Europe. The emergence of the export industry has resulted in the creation of a dual structure in the fisheries sector, with the Nile perch catching and processing chain operating to European standards, whilst the artisanal sub-sector still utilises traditional methods. This dual structure is a potential source of disadvantage to the artisanal fishery which has command over fewer financial assets than the export fishery.


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There is now, more than ever before, a growing demand in this country for research to be directed towards the development programmes of the country. Researchers have come under increasing pressure to relate their work to specific development problems and design their investigations to produce results which will be applicable in addressing these problems. The Fish Commodity Systems Economics (U) Project is an attempt to strengthen the focus of studies at UFFRO and elsewhere within the fish system towards the problems of the fish commodity sub-sector in Uganda in order to formulate measures which will improve the performance of the sub-sector in alleviating some of the nation's socio-economic problems