851 resultados para coherent optical BPSK homodyne transmission


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A busca de sistemas de comunicação eficientes e econômicos é cada vez maior, principalmente com o aumento da demanda por tráfego e banda de transmissão. Conhecidas pela utilização eficiente de largura de banda, as redes ópticas de segmentação espectral flexível têm sido intensamente estudadas e são consideradas boas candidatas para a próxima geração de redes. Tais redes flexíveis utilizam formatos de modulação multinível e multiplexação multiportadora. Sistemas com alta capacidade de transmissão devem ser extremamente confiáveis, pois a falha em um dispositivo ou enlace da rede acarreta enorme perda de dados. Por isso, as técnicas de proteção e restauração do tráfego devem ser eficientes, de modo a garantir a sobrevivência da rede. Neste trabalho, foi desenvolvido um algoritmo capaz de lidar com cada requisição de conexão, encontrar um caminho óptico para transmissão e reservar outro caminho para recuperação do tráfego em caso de falha na rede. A seleção dos caminhos primário e de proteção utiliza a técnica smart-fit, que escolhe a solução com menor custo final, definido pela distância da rota percorrida somada ao custo do índice inicial da faixa espectral alocada, buscando equilibrar a escolha entre a posição no espectro e rota escolhida. Além disso, são definidos custos diferentes para slots de frequência livres e compartilhados, a fim de incentivar o compartilhamento espectral em caminhos de proteção. Dentre as técnicas de alocação espectral, a varredura com janela espectral varre o espectro em todos os enlaces da rota, slot por slot, em busca de uma faixa livre com tamanho suficiente para atender uma demanda. Neste trabalho, foi desenvolvida uma técnica chamada busca lógica, que lida simultaneamente com todos os enlaces da rota ao realizar operações lógicas com seus espectros. Em seguida, é realizada uma convolução entre a janela espectral, com tamanho da demanda, e o espectro resultante. A partir desse resultado, é possível saber as posições no espectro onde a demanda poderá ser alocada. Tal técnica, como será demonstrado, é mais veloz que a varredura com janela espectral. Para garantir a eficácia e confiabilidade do algoritmo, utilizando o software MATLAB, avaliou-se a probabilidade de bloqueio e probabilidade de bloqueio de banda, a fragmentação espectral média na rede, o grau de compartilhamento, a taxa de utilização espectral e a taxa de capacidade reservada. O algoritmo desenvolvido foi capaz de organizar o tráfego na rede de modo ordenado e pouco fragmentado, além de utilizar de maneira eficiente os recursos destinados à proteção.


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Nesta Tese foram preparados, em solução, filmes híbridos de argila e poliestireno provenientes de copos descartáveis comercializados no mercado brasileiro, com acetato de etila e glicerol. Posteriormente, foi adicionado o Hemi-hidrato de sulfato de cálcio como carga de reforço. Tanto a argila quanto o glicerol, assim como o hemihidrato de sulfato de cálcio, foram utilizados nos percentuais relativos à massa do poliestireno fragmentado correspondendo a 1%,2%, 3%,4%, 5% e 7%. Dos filmes, nos percentuais 3, 4, 5 e 7, exclui-se o percentual de 4% e os demais foram fragmentados e submetidos a extrusão, com resfriamento natural, à seco, produzindo-se grãos com os quais foi avaliado o índice de fluidez e injetados para a moldagem de corpos de prova rígidos. O desempenho dos corpos rígidos, foi comparado com os resultados do HIPS 484, e o GPPS comercializados no mercado brasileiro. Os filmes foram caracterizados por difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), além dos testes de resistência à tração, fluorescência de raios X, EDS e FTIR. Amostra do filme, ultrafino, obtido a partir da solução com o percentual de 5% foi observada ao microscópio ótico e no microscópio eletrônico de transmissão, assim como amostras de corpos rígidos microtomizadas. Nos corpos rígidos, além das análises instrumentais citadas, foram avaliadas a resistência à flexão, modulo de flexão, resistência à tração, alongamento e resistência ao impacto Izod. O desempenho sob chama foi avaliado em amostras de filme e também do corpo rígido. Resultados do DRX, e da MET foram coerentes com a bibliografia para nanocompósitos argila-polímero e, associado às respostas dos demais ensaios, indicaram um material de boa qualidade morfológica e boas propriedades mecânicas comparadas ao HIPS 484 e ao GPPS. Sob a chama o material produzido apresentou maior resistência à queima avaliado pela quantidade aparente de material residual para um mesmo tempo sob fogo. Constatou-se, também, uma boa dispersão das cargas na matriz polimérica, assim como uma adequada interação entre os elementos orgânicos e inorgânicos do material, a delaminação parcial da argila e quebra da estrutura do hemi-hidrato. Isto resultou em um bom desempenho mecânico e térmico do compósito que pode ser atribuído, tanto a uma forte influência dos íons metálicos presentes nas cargas inorgânicas, quanto às adições presentes na formulação dos copos descartáveis.


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We investigate experimentally and theoretically the dependence of the amplitude of the spatial fundamental grating, created by a pair of coherent light beams while using the running grating technique [M.P. Petrov, S.I. Stepanov and A.V. Khomenko, Photorefractive Crystals in Coherent Optical Systems, Springer Series in Optical Sciences (Springer, 1991); P. Refregier, L. Solymar, H. Rajbenbach and J.P. Huignard, J. Appl. Phys. 58 (1985) 45], as a function of detuning frequency and beam ratio ß in photorefractive Bi12SiO20. It is shown that for ß > 0.05, in addition to the main peak in the frequency dependence of the amplitude, there is an additional peak of lower frequency which, as a rule, dominates the main peak. The position of the main peak depends on ß. The experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical analysis and the general ideas about excitation and nonlinear interaction of weakly damped space-charge waves.


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Studying the transition from a linearly stable coherent laminar state to a highly disordered state of turbulence is conceptually and technically challenging, and of great interest because all pipe and channel flows are of that type. In optics, understanding how a system loses coherence, as spatial size or the strength of excitation increases, is a fundamental problem of practical importance. Here, we report our studies of a fibre laser that operates in both laminar and turbulent regimes. We show that the laminar phase is analogous to a one-dimensional coherent condensate and the onset of turbulence is due to the loss of spatial coherence. Our investigations suggest that the laminar-turbulent transition in the laser is due to condensate destruction by clustering dark and grey solitons. This finding could prove valuable for the design of coherent optical devices as well as systems operating far from thermodynamic equilibrium. © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited.


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We investigate experimentally and theoretically the dependence of the amplitude of the spatial fundamental grating, created by a pair of coherent light beams while using the running grating technique [M.P. Petrov, S.I. Stepanov and A.V. Khomenko, Photorefractive Crystals in Coherent Optical Systems, Springer Series in Optical Sciences (Springer, 1991); P. Refregier, L. Solymar, H. Rajbenbach and J.P. Huignard, J. Appl. Phys. 58 (1985) 45], as a function of detuning frequency and beam ratio ß in photorefractive Bi12SiO20. It is shown that for ß > 0.05, in addition to the main peak in the frequency dependence of the amplitude, there is an additional peak of lower frequency which, as a rule, dominates the main peak. The position of the main peak depends on ß. The experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical analysis and the general ideas about excitation and nonlinear interaction of weakly damped space-charge waves.


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Through numerical modeling, we illustrate the possibility of a new approach to digital signal processing in coherent optical communications based on the application of the so-called inverse scattering transform. Considering without loss of generality a fiber link with normal dispersion and quadrature phase shift keying signal modulation, we demonstrate how an initial information pattern can be recovered (without direct backward propagation) through the calculation of nonlinear spectral data of the received optical signal. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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We propose a robust adaptive time synchronization and frequency offset estimation method for coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) systems by applying electrical dispersion pre-compensation (pre-EDC) to the pilot symbol. This technique effectively eliminates the timing error due to the fiber chromatic dispersion, thus increasing significantly the accuracy of the frequency offset estimation process and improving the overall system performance. In addition, a simple design of the pilot symbol is proposed for full-range frequency offset estimation. This pilot symbol can also be used to carry useful data to effectively reduce the overhead due to time synchronization by a factor of 2.


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We experimentally demonstrate ∼2 dB quality (Q)-factor enhancement in terms of fiber nonlinearity compensation of 40 Gb/s 16 quadrature amplitude modulation coherent optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing at 2000 km, using a nonlinear equalizer (NLE) based on artificial neural networks (ANN). Nonlinearity alleviation depends on escalation of the ANN training overhead and the signal bit rate, reporting ∼4 dB Q-factor enhancement at 70 Gb/s, whereas a reduction of the number of ANN neurons annihilates the NLE performance. An enhanced performance by up to ∼2 dB in Q-factor compared to the inverse Volterra-series transfer function NLE leads to a breakthrough in the efficiency of ANN.


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The presence of high phase noise in addition to additive white Gaussian noise in coherent optical systems affects the performance of forward error correction (FEC) schemes. In this paper, we propose a simple scheme for such systems, using block interleavers and binary Bose–Chaudhuri–Hocquenghem (BCH) codes. The block interleavers are specifically optimized for differential quadrature phase shift keying modulation. We propose a method for selecting BCH codes that, together with the interleavers, achieve a target post-FEC bit error rate (BER). This combination of interleavers and BCH codes has very low implementation complexity. In addition, our approach is straightforward, requiring only short pre-FEC simulations to parameterize a model, based on which we select codes analytically. We aim to correct a pre-FEC BER of around (Formula presented.). We evaluate the accuracy of our approach using numerical simulations. For a target post-FEC BER of (Formula presented.), codes selected using our method result in BERs around 3(Formula presented.) target and achieve the target with around 0.2 dB extra signal-to-noise ratio.


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In this paper, we discuss in detail the performance of different blind phase noise estimation schemes for coherent optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing transmissions. We first derive a general model of such systems with phase noise. Based on this model, the phase cycle slip probability in blind phase noise estimation is calculated. For blind phase tracking, we present and discuss the implementation of feedback loop and digital phase tracking. We then analyze in detail the performance of a decision-direct-free blind scheme, in which only three test phases are required for phase noise compensation. We show that the decision-direct-free blind scheme is transparent to QAM formats, and can provide a similar performance to the conventional blind phase search employing 16 test phases. We also propose two novel cost functions to further reduce the complexity of this scheme.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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We report for the first time an ultra-stable optical-carrier dissemination technique for transmission over a 20km unidirectional fibre link. The optical-linewidth of the recovered carrier matches closely that of the original carrier. © 2014 OSA.


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In this thesis a novel transmission format, named Coherent Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CoWDM) for use in high information spectral density optical communication networks is proposed and studied. In chapter I a historical view of fibre optic communication systems as well as an overview of state of the art technology is presented to provide an introduction to the subject area. We see that, in general the aim of modern optical communication system designers is to provide high bandwidth services while reducing the overall cost per transmitted bit of information. In the remainder of the thesis a range of investigations, both of a theoretical and experimental nature are carried out using the CoWDM transmission format. These investigations are designed to consider features of CoWDM such as its dispersion tolerance, compatibility with forward error correction and suitability for use in currently installed long haul networks amongst others. A high bit rate optical test bed constructed at the Tyndall National Institute facilitated most of the experimental work outlined in this thesis and a collaboration with France Telecom enabled long haul transmission experiments using the CoWDM format to be carried out. An amount of research was also carried out on ancillary topics such as optical comb generation, forward error correction and phase stabilisation techniques. The aim of these investigations is to verify the suitability of CoWDM as a cost effective solution for use in both current and future high bit rate optical communication networks


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We discuss the long-distance transmission of qubits encoded in optical coherent states. Through absorption, these qubits suffer from two main types of errors, namely the reduction of the amplitude of the coherent states and accidental application of the Pauli Z operator. We show how these errors can be fixed using techniques of teleportation and error-correcting codes.