944 resultados para cognate objects
Behavior-based navigation of autonomous vehicles requires the recognition of the navigable areas and the potential obstacles. In this paper we describe a model-based objects recognition system which is part of an image interpretation system intended to assist the navigation of autonomous vehicles that operate in industrial environments. The recognition system integrates color, shape and texture information together with the location of the vanishing point. The recognition process starts from some prior scene knowledge, that is, a generic model of the expected scene and the potential objects. The recognition system constitutes an approach where different low-level vision techniques extract a multitude of image descriptors which are then analyzed using a rule-based reasoning system to interpret the image content. This system has been implemented using a rule-based cooperative expert system
We describe a model-based objects recognition system which is part of an image interpretation system intended to assist autonomous vehicles navigation. The system is intended to operate in man-made environments. Behavior-based navigation of autonomous vehicles involves the recognition of navigable areas and the potential obstacles. The recognition system integrates color, shape and texture information together with the location of the vanishing point. The recognition process starts from some prior scene knowledge, that is, a generic model of the expected scene and the potential objects. The recognition system constitutes an approach where different low-level vision techniques extract a multitude of image descriptors which are then analyzed using a rule-based reasoning system to interpret the image content. This system has been implemented using CEES, the C++ embedded expert system shell developed in the Systems Engineering and Automatic Control Laboratory (University of Girona) as a specific rule-based problem solving tool. It has been especially conceived for supporting cooperative expert systems, and uses the object oriented programming paradigm
We adapt the Shout and Act algorithm to Digital Objects Preservation where agents explore file systems looking for digital objects to be preserved (victims). When they find something they “shout” so that agent mates can hear it. The louder the shout, the urgent or most important the finding is. Louder shouts can also refer to closeness. We perform several experiments to show that this system works very scalably, showing that heterogeneous teams of agents outperform homogeneous ones over a wide range of tasks complexity. The target at-risk documents are MS Office documents (including an RTF file) with Excel content or in Excel format. Thus, an interesting conclusion from the experiments is that fewer heterogeneous (varying skills) agents can equal the performance of many homogeneous (combined super-skilled) agents, implying significant performance increases with lower overall cost growth. Our results impact the design of Digital Objects Preservation teams: a properly designed combination of heterogeneous teams is cheaper and more scalable when confronted with uncertain maps of digital objects that need to be preserved. A cost pyramid is proposed for engineers to use for modeling the most effective agent combinations
Paper presented in ISA RC23 meeting, Gothenburg July 16th 2010
It is generally accepted that the development of the modern sciences is rooted in experiment. Yet for a long time, experimentation did not occupy a prominent role, neither in philosophy nor in history of science. With the 'practical turn' in studying the sciences and their history, this has begun to change. This paper is concerned with systems and cultures of experimentation and the consistencies that are generated within such systems and cultures. The first part of the paper exposes the forms of historical and structural coherence that characterize the experimental exploration of epistemic objects. In the second part, a particular experimental culture in the life sciences is briefly described as an example. A survey will be given of what it means and what it takes to analyze biological functions in the test tube.
The recent emergence of low-cost RGB-D sensors has brought new opportunities for robotics by providing affordable devices that can provide synchronized images with both color and depth information. In this thesis, recent work on pose estimation utilizing RGBD sensors is reviewed. Also, a pose recognition system for rigid objects using RGB-D data is implemented. The implementation uses half-edge primitives extracted from the RGB-D images for pose estimation. The system is based on the probabilistic object representation framework by Detry et al., which utilizes Nonparametric Belief Propagation for pose inference. Experiments are performed on household objects to evaluate the performance and robustness of the system.
This thesis presents a framework for segmentation of clustered overlapping convex objects. The proposed approach is based on a three-step framework in which the tasks of seed point extraction, contour evidence extraction, and contour estimation are addressed. The state-of-art techniques for each step were studied and evaluated using synthetic and real microscopic image data. According to obtained evaluation results, a method combining the best performers in each step was presented. In the proposed method, Fast Radial Symmetry transform, edge-to-marker association algorithm and ellipse fitting are employed for seed point extraction, contour evidence extraction and contour estimation respectively. Using synthetic and real image data, the proposed method was evaluated and compared with two competing methods and the results showed a promising improvement over the competing methods, with high segmentation and size distribution estimation accuracy.
The lithograph, "General view of lands, tunnel and docks of Niagara River Hydraulic Tunnel, Power and Sewer Company," called for p. [4] in the Index, has been removed and encapsulated, and is shelved separately.
We provide a survey of the literature on ranking sets of objects. The interpretations of those set rankings include those employed in the theory of choice under complete uncertainty, rankings of opportunity sets, set rankings that appear in matching theory, and the structure of assembly preferences. The survey is prepared for the Handbook of Utility Theory, vol. 2, edited by Salvador Barberà, Peter Hammond, and Christian Seidl, to be published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. The chapter number is provisional.
We consider a probabilistic approach to the problem of assigning k indivisible identical objects to a set of agents with single-peaked preferences. Using the ordinal extension of preferences, we characterize the class of uniform probabilistic rules by Pareto efficiency, strategy-proofness, and no-envy. We also show that in this characterization no-envy cannot be replaced by anonymity. When agents are strictly risk averse von-Neumann-Morgenstern utility maximizers, then we reduce the problem of assigning k identical objects to a problem of allocating the amount k of an infinitely divisible commodity.
PériCulture est le nom d'un projet de recherche à l'Université de Montréal qui fait partie d'un projet plus vaste basé à l'Université de Sherbrooke. Ce dernier visait à former un réseau de recherche pour la gestion du contenu culturel numérique canadien. L'objectif général de la recherche de PériCulture était d'étudier les méthodes d'indexation de contenus culturels non textuels sur le Web, plus spécifiquement des images. Les résultats de la recherche présentés ici s'appuient sur des travaux précédents en indexation d'images et en indexation automatique (de texte), par l'étude des propriétés du texte associé à des images dans un environnement réseau. Le but était de comprendre la façon dont le texte associé à des images sur des pages Web (appelé péritexte) peut être exploité pour indexer les images correspondantes. Nous avons étudié cette question dans le contexte de pages Web sélectionnées, c'est à dire : des pages de contenu culturel canadien contenant des objets multimédia auxquels était associé du texte (plus que simplement les noms de fichiers et les légendes) et qui étaient bilingues (anglais et français). Nous avons identifié les mots-clés utiles à l'indexation situés à proximité de l'objet décrit. Les termes d'indexation potentiels ont été identifiés dans diverses balises HTML et dans le texte intégral (chacun étant considéré comme une source différente de péritexte). Notre étude a révélé qu'un grand nombre de termes d'indexation utiles sont disponibles dans le péritexte de nombreux sites Web ayant un contenu culturel, et ce péritexte de différentes sources a une utilité variable dans la recherche d’information. Nos résultats suggèrent que ces termes peuvent être exploités de différentes manières dans les systèmes de recherche d’information pour améliorer les résultats de recherche.
Compte-rendu / Review
Objektorientierte Modellierung (OOM) im Unterricht ist immer noch ein breit diskutiertes Thema - in der Didaktik akzeptiert und gewünscht, von der Praxis oft als unnötiger Overhead oder als schlicht zu komplex empfunden. Ich werde in dieser Arbeit zeigen, wie ein Unterrichtskonzept aufgebaut sein kann, das die lerntheoretischen Vorteile der OOM nutzt und dabei die berichteten Schwierigkeiten größtenteils vermeidet. Ausgehend von den in der Literatur dokumentierten Konzepten zur OOM und ihren Kritikpunkten habe ich ein Unterrichtskonzept entwickelt, das aus Erkenntnissen der Lernpsychologie, allgemeiner Didaktik, Fachdidaktik und auch der Softwaretechnik Unterrichtsmethoden herleitet, um den berichteten Schwierigkeiten wie z.B. dem "Lernen auf Vorrat" zu begegnen. Mein Konzept folgt vier Leitideen: models first, strictly objects first, Nachvollziehbarkeit und Ausführbarkeit. Die strikte Umsetzung dieser Ideen führte zu einem Unterrichtskonzept, das einerseits von Beginn an das Ziel der Modellierung berücksichtigt und oft von der dynamischen Sicht des Problems ausgeht. Da es weitgehend auf der grafischen Modellierungsebene verbleibt, werden viele Probleme eines Programmierkurses vermieden und dennoch entstehen als Ergebnis der Modellierung ausführbare Programme.