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North South Survey of Children’s Oral Health 2002 This report presents the results of the first contemporaneous North South study of the oral health of children and adolescents on the island of Ireland. The last National Survey of Childrenâ?Ts Oral Health in the Republic of Ireland was carried out in 1984. The present study describes the oral health experience of children and adolescents in Ireland today. The results are of interest to the public, to policymakers and to service providers and will be of assistance in the evaluation of current oral health services and the planning of services for the next decade. Click here to download PDF 666kb
Nurses’ and Midwives’ Understanding and Experiences of Empowerment in Ireland With the recently launched national health strategy (Department of Health and Children, 2001) and a tightening fiscal policy there is a requirement for a more innovative use of existing resources dedicated to healthcare in Ireland. Nurses and midwives, one of the largest professional groups within the health service, will play a critical role in developing this â?onewâ?Âù health service. Click here to download PDF 745kb
Performance-Related Awards: Health Boards Scheme This progress report to September 2003 on the performance-related awards scheme for senior health board management has been prepared by the Committee for Performance Awards for the Health Board Scheme, in line with the recommendation in Report No. 38 of the Review Body for Higher Remuneration in the Public Sector, to contribute to the Review Bodyâ?Ts consideration at its next general review (para 13.4). Click here to download PDF 93kb
Report of the Inspector of Mental Hospitals for 2002 The Mental Treatment Act, 1945 requires the inspection of every public psychiatric hospital and unit at least once a year, and of every private hospital and the Central Mental Hospital twice a year. These inspections were carried out on both announced and unannounced visits. In recent years, the number of unannounced visits has increased. Click here to download PDF 2.1mb
Report of the National Task Force on Medical Staffing (Hanly report) Patients deserve the best possible care that the Irish health services can deliver. At present, most frontline medical care in hospitals is delivered by non-consultant hospital doctors (NCHDs), the majority of whom work excessively long hours. Patients have limited access to consultant care. NCHDs will soon be required by law to work fewer hours. This will have significant benefits for both doctors and patients. Click here to download PDF 1.7mb
Research Strategy for Nursing and Midwifery in Ireland The Report of the Commission on Nursing (1998, para. 6.77) recommended that the Nursing Policy Division in the Department of Health and Children, in consultation with the appropriate bodies, draw up a national strategy for nursing and midwifery research. In response to the above, the Chief Nursing Officer at the Department of Health and Children convened a consultative committee to prepare a research strategy for nursing and midwifery in Ireland. This committee was representative of those with a core interest in nursing and midwifery research. Click here to download PDF 501kb
Review of the Nursing Home Subvention Scheme The government decided in 1997 to approve proposals from the Minister for Finance for a process of expenditure reviews as a key part of the financial management systems that are central to the Strategic Management Initiative and are intended to ensure greater predictability in resource planning. The aims of the expenditure review process are as follows: Click here to download PDF 873kb
2003 Revised Estimates for Public Services – Estimate for the Department of Health and Children Estimate of the amount required in the year ending 31 December, 2003 for the salaries and expenses of the Office of the Minister for Health and Children (including Oifig an Ard- Chláraitheora), and certain other services administered by that Office, including grants to Health Boards and miscellaneous grants. Click here to download PDF 52kb
Second Report of the Working Group on Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Services The Minister for Health and Children established a Working Group on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in June 2000 with the following terms of reference:· To examine the current state of child and adolescent psychiatric services in the country; · To carry out a needs analysis of the population aged 0-18 years for such services and to identify shortcomings in meeting such needs; · To make recommendations on how child and adolescent psychiatric services should be developed in the short, medium and long term to meet identified needs. Click here to download PDF 58kb
Statement of Strategy 2003-2005 I am pleased to present this Statement of Strategy, prepared by my Department under the terms of the Public Service Management Act, 1997, which sets out the main objectives for the next three years. Click here to download PDF 1.1mb
The Development of Radiation Oncology Services in Ireland The provision of a high quality radiation oncology service is one of the cornerstones of a modern treatment programme for cancer patients. Timely and equitable access to a radiation oncology service of the highest international standard should be available to all cancer patients in Ireland and it was the achievement of this goal that guided and motivated the group in producing this report and its accompanying recommendations. Click here to download PDF 46kb
The National Health and Lifestyle Surveys 2003 Two baseline surveys of health related behaviours among adults and school-going young people were carried out across the Republic of Ireland in 1998 and again in 2002. The main aims of these surveys are to: Click here to download PDF 4.5mb
The Role and Future Development of Day Services in Ireland Government and health board policy documents have acknowledged the valuable role that day services play in providing services such as a midday meal, bath or shower, therapeutic and social services, and in promoting social contact and preventing loneliness, relieving caring relatives and providing social stimulation in a safe environment for older people with mild dementia (The Years Ahead, 1988). Click here to download PDF 461kb
Women And Cardiovascular Health Cardiovascular disease is currently the major cause of mortality among women in Ireland. During the years 1989-1998, it was found that an average of 4,252 women in this country died from ischaemic and other heart diseases each year (Balanda and Wilde, 2001). When compared with other European Union countries, Ireland has been found to have the second highest rate of ischaemic heart disease among women, Click here to download PDF 2.4mb This is a publication of the Women’s Health Council
Women, Disadvantage And Health The Womenâ?Ts Health Council is a statutory body established in 1997 to advise the Minister for Health and Children on all aspects of womenâ?Ts health. Following a recommendation in the Report of the Second Commission on the Status of Women (1993), the national Plan for Womenâ?Ts Health 1997-1999 was published in 1997. Click here to download PDF 2.6mb This is a publication of the Women’s Health Council