984 resultados para clean water


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the persistence of endocrine effects by prochloraz, a fungicide known to have multiple effects on the endocrine system of vertebrates. Since discontinuous exposure is particularly relevant in aquatic ecosystems, an exposure scenario with an exposure phase and a subsequent recovery period was chosen to assess the potential for reversibility of effects by prochloraz on the sexual development of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Zebrafish were exposed to different concentrations of prochloraz (10-300 μg/L) until 60 days post hatch (dph), which includes the period of sexual differentiation. For the subsequent 40 days, fish were either held in clean water for depuration or under further continuous exposure. Histological investigations of the gonads revealed persistent effects on sexual differentiation. The sex ratio was skewed towards males and significantly more intersex individuals were found after exposure to prochloraz at 60 dph. No intersex fish, but masculinized sex ratios were still present after the depuration period, documenting that prochloraz irreversibly affects the sexual development of zebrafish.


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NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material) Waste Policies for the nation's oil and gas producing states have been in existence since the 1980's, when Louisiana was the first state to develop a NORM regulatory program in 1989. Since that time, expectations for NORM Waste Policies have evolved, as Health, Safety, Environment, and Social responsibility (HSE & SR) grows increasingly important to the public. Therefore, the oil and gas industry's safety and environmental performance record will face challenges in the future, about its best practices for managing the co-production of NORM wastes. ^ Within the United States, NORM is not federally regulated. The U.S. EPA claims it regulates NORM under CERCLA (superfund) and the Clean Water Act. Though, there are no universally applicable regulations for radium-based NORM waste. Therefore, individual states have taken responsibility for developing NORM regulatory programs, because of the potential radiological risk it can pose to man (bone and lung cancer) and his environment. This has led to inconsistencies in NORM Waste Policies as well as a NORM management gap in both state and federal regulatory structures. ^ Fourteen different NORM regulations and guidelines were compared between Louisiana and Texas, the nation's top two petroleum producing states. Louisiana is the country's top crude oil producer when production from its Federal offshore waters are included, and fourth in crude oil production, behind Texas, Alaska, and California when Federal offshore areas are excluded. Louisiana produces more petroleum products than any state but Texas. For these reasons, a comparative analysis between Louisiana and Texas was undertaken to identify differences in their NORM regulations and guidelines for managing, handling and disposing NORM wastes. Moreover, this analysis was undertaken because Texas is the most explored and drilled worldwide and yet appears to lag behind its neighboring state in terms of its NORM Waste Policy and developing an industry standard for handling, managing and disposing NORM. As a result of this analysis, fourteen recommendations were identified.^


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This paper reports results of a geochemical study of suspended particulate matter and particle fluxes in the Norwegian Sea above the Bear Island slope. Concentrations of suspended particles and the main components of suspended matter were determined in the euphotic, intermediate (clean water), and bottom nepheloid layers. It was shown that biogenic components are predominant in water above the nepheloid layer, whereas suspended matter of the nepheloid layer is formed by resuspension of lithogenic components of bottom sediments. Chemical compositions of suspended matter and material collected in sediment traps are identical.


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For the decades to come can be foreseen that electricity and water will keep be playing a key role in the countries development, both can be considered the most important energy vectors and its control can be crucial for governments, companies and leaders in general. Energy is essential for all human activities and its availability is critical to economic and social development. In particular, electricity, a form of energy, is required to produce goods, to provide medical assistance and basic civic services in education, to assure availability of clean water, to create conducive environment for prosperity and improvement, and to keep an acceptable quality of life. The way in which electricity is generated from different resources varies through the different countries. Nuclear energy controlled within reactors to steam production, gas, fuel-oil and coal fired in power stations, water, solar and wind energy among others are employed, sometimes not very efficiently, to produce electricity. The so call energy mix of an individual country is formed up by the contribution of each resource or form of energy to the electricity generation market of the so country. During the last decade the establishment of proper energy mixes for countries has gained much importance, and energy drivers should enforce long term plans and policies. Hints, reports and guides giving tracks on energy resources contribution are been developed by noticeable organisations like the IEA (International Energy Agency) or the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) and the WEC (World Energy Council). This paper evaluates energy issues the market and countries are facing today regarding energy mix scheduling and panorama. This paper revises and seeks to improve methodology available that are applicable on energy mix plan definition. Key Factors are identified, established and assessed through this paper for the common implementation, the themes driving the future energy mix methodology proposal. Those have a clear influence and are closely related to future environmental policies. Key Factors take into consideration sustainability, energy security, social and economic growth, climate change, air quality and social stability. The strength of the Key Factors application on energy system planning to different countries is contingent on country resources, location, electricity demand and electricity generation industry, technology available, economic situation and prospects, energy policy and regulation


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Wetlands that are lost to development are not effectively compensated by the current wetland mitigation banking regulatory program due to inadequate monitoring and compliance. Based on a critical investigation of two wetland mitigation banks in Colorado described herein, recommendations are given to improve the effectiveness of the wetland mitigation banking program. The recommendations to improve mitigation banking are to specify and follow comprehensive monitoring and reporting plans, develop solid contingency and adaptive management plans, utilize specially developed checklists and templates, and impose enforcement when compliance is not met. Implementing these recommendations will assist regulators and bankers in achieving more effective wetland mitigation and will help the United States reach its no net loss of wetlands goal.


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Illegal dumping and improper disposal of pollutants in urban areas can contribute significant pollutant loads to the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) and natural environments. Illicit discharges to the MS4 can pose a significant risk to human and environmental health. The Clean Water Act requires that municipalities implement a legal mechanism and plan to detect and eliminate illicit discharges to the MS4. The methodology for program creation included the analysis of other municipal illicit discharge programs, review of state and federal guidance publications, and the review of illicit discharge case-studies. This paper describes a systematic approach applied to the creation and implementation of a legal ordinance and program manual designed for the purpose of illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE).


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El siglo XIX se caracteriza por numerosos cambios tanto a nivel social como estructural de la población: se produce un acelerado desarrollo urbano sin planificación y carente de servicios que da lugar a una mala calidad de vida y numerosas epidemias. Estos cambios tienen como resultado un nuevo movimiento, el Higienismo, que pretende mejorar las condiciones de vida de la población. En España, todas las reformas higiénicas se desarrollaron mediante los planes de Ensanche. Uno de los puntos clave de este pensamiento es el abastecimiento de agua potable como medio para evitar enfermedades. La ciudad de Valencia es un claro ejemplo de la importancia de este movimiento y cómo el abastecimiento de agua es un elemento clave en la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas.


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Wetlands are extremely valuable natural features that have decreased significantly in number over time in Illinois and the United States ... Their important functions include flood protection, water conservation in times of drought, groundwater recharge, improvement of water quality through sediment reduction and contaminant removal, and providing habitat for native animals and plants, including many sensitive and state-listed threatened and endangered species ... Due to a federal "no net loss" policy on wetlands adopted through executive order by President George H. Bush in 1990, as well as a prevailing heightened interest in conservation in general, there is currently considerable interest in the restoration and creation of wetlands. Both Section-404 of the Clean Water Act of 1972 and the Swampbuster Provision of the Food Securities Act of 1985 require compensation or mitigation for the loss of wetlands. A number of federal and state programs such as Section 319 of the Clean Water Act and the Conservation Reserve Program within the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) encourage wetland restoration and creation. In addition, various conservation organizations, such as The Nature Conservancy and Ducks Unlimited are very active in wetland restoration. Despite wetland restoration efforts and the national goal of no net loss, wetlands and wetland functions continue to be lost due to degradation of existing wetlands ... Unfortunately, no reliable information exists on the quality of existing wetlands or on trends in wetland quality over time ... The functional quality of existing wetlands is likely decreasing in many areas due to the combined effects of habitat fragmentation, alteration of hydrology, invasive species, and continued input of nutrients and pollutants. Furthermore, it is still debatable whether created or restored wetlands can adequately replace the suite of ecological functions provided by natural wetlands ... and the failure of many wetland compensation projects contributes to a continued national net loss of wetland functions ... The need for post-construction site monitoring and assessment of created and restored wetlands to evaluate functional success is widely recognized. ... At this time, there is little agreement on how to assess the success on quality of wetland restorations or creations.


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According to Section 305(b) of the Clean Water Act (i.e. a generic name that refers to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972, the Clean Water Act of 1977, and subsequent amendments) and guidance provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), each state must prepare and submit annually to the U.S. Congress and the USEPA report that describes the resource quality of the surface waters of the state. Every other year, this report, commonly referred to as the "305(b) report," must be provided in written form, whereas in alternate years each state may submit an electronic database to meet the reporting requirement. In the 305(b) report, states must also explain how they determined the resource quality of the waters of the state in terms of the degree to which predefined beneficial uses of those waters are supported. Also, in the 305(b) report when any designated use for any water body is not fully supported, the state must report potential reasons for the impairment. Herein, is explained how the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency determines the resource quality of Illinois streams, inland lakes, and Lake Michigan.


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The purpose of this report is to fulfill the requirements set forth in Section 303(d) of the Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) and the Water Quality Planning and Management regulation at 40 CFR Part 130 for the year 2002 [and to] inform the public about the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) program process. This report is submitted to the USEPA for review and approval of Illinois' list of water quality limited waters. It provides the state's supporting documentation required by 40 CFR Part 130.7 and rationale in fulfilling Section 303(d) requirements.


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"Prepared for the City of Paris, Illinois."


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"This report was financed in part by a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under Section 314 of the Clean Water Act."


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Arsenic contamination of groundwater (0.05 to 0.84 mg/L) in Kuitun, Xinjiang was first found in 1970’s. Alternative clean surface water was introduced in 1985. We aimed to assess the exposure and heath outcome since the mitigation. In 2000, we collected a total of 360 urine samples from villagers from the endemic area and a nearby control area for arsenic (As), porphyrins and malondialdehyde (MDA) measurements. The averaged urinary As level of villagers from the endemic site (117±8.3 μg/g creatinine; 4.2 to 943.8 μg/g creat) was higher than that of the control site (73.6±3.2 μg/g creat). No significant differences were found in urinary porphyrins or MDA between the endemic and control sites. However, when the urinary arsenic was higher than 150 μg/g creat, these two biomarkers were higher in the exposed group than the control. Within the exposed group, villagers with arsenic-related skin symptoms had higher arsenic, uroporphyrin and MDA compared to those who had not shown symptoms. Sine the water mitigation, villagers whose urinary arsenic levels were 270 μg/g creat dropped from 20% to 10% of the population. Population with arsenic-related skin symptoms remained unchanged at 31%. We noted that 7.8% of those who had skin lesions were born after the implementation of intervention and that some villagers still prefer to drink the groundwater. Further, in the dry season, lack of surface water and electrical power breakdowns are to blame for failure to ensure continuous supply of clean water. It is concluded that despite the prompt action and successful water mitigation program to curb arsenic poisonings, it is essential to continue to monitor the health outcome of this population.