993 resultados para cerrado vegetation


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Effect of green manure and sowing date on the productivity of bean no-tillage in the Cerrado region. Green manure and sowing date are two important factors that influence the productivity of cultivars. The objective of this study was to evaluate the production of biomass from different vegetation covers (millet, sorghum and Brachiaria brizantha) and the accumulation of nutrients and their effects on the bean cultivars (Pearl, IAC Tuna and Carioca Precoce) at different sowing dates (6/22 and 7/6). The experiment was conducted at the experimental area of the Universidade Estadual Paulista - Unesp, located in Selviria, Mato Grosso do Sul State, in the 2006/2007 agricultural year. The randomized blocks design was used with four replications, and the evaluations of the coverage were: the biomass of fresh and dry matter and nutrients accumulated in plants; for the beans: cycle, final stand, number of pods/plant, number of seeds per pod, mass of 100 seeds, and productivity. It was observed that millet and sorghum showed higher productivity of fresh and dry mass, and accumulate greater quantity of nutrients in straw; the time most suitable for sowing was in June, and the late sowing of cv. Carioca Precoce did not affect their productivity, the use of Brachiaria brizantha straw in coverage provided better conditions for productivity in the bean no-tillage system.


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Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are obligatory symbiotic organisms that associate with roots of a large number of plant taxa, and are found in all terrestrial ecosystems. These fungi promote greater tolerance to environmental stresses to associated plant, favoring the establishment of plant communities, especially where soil fertility is a limiting factor, as in the Caatinga, an exclusively Brazilian domain that has been focus of research due to its great biodiversity that can help clarify the history of vegetation in South America. Because of the ecological importance of AMF, the limited number of jobs and the potential diversity of the Caatinga, this work aims to inventory the diversity and determine AMF communities in areas with different faces occurrent in FLONA Araripe, Ceará (CE). The sample collection occurred in four periods at the beginning and end of the dry season (August and December 2011, respectively) and rainy (February and June 2012, respectively) in an area of marsh and woodland altitude of the Araripe, Crato, CE. The glomerosporos were extracted by wet sieving and centrifugation in water and sucrose (50%) mounted between slide and coverslip using PVLG and PVLG + Reagent Melzer. In total, we found 46 species of AMF distributed in eight families and 16 genera: Acaulospora (6), Ambispora (1), Cetraspora (2), Dentiscutata (5), Fuscutata (2), Gigaspora (6), Glomus (13) Intraornatospora (1), Kuklospora (1), Orbispora (1), Paradentiscutata (1), Quatunica (1), Racocetra (1), Scutellospora (2), Septoglomus (2) and a new genus. analysis showed that ecological each area of study has its own seasonal dynamics, with an area of woodland with a greater diversity of species throughout the year, while the marsh elevation showed greater variation in species found among the collection periods, showing that vegetation and rainfall has strong influence on the seasonal dynamics of AMF, as well as the availability of nutrients and soil pH so


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O bioma Cerrado encontra-se descaracterizado e menos de três por cento de suas áreas originais está legalmente protegida. A anurofauna desse bioma não é muito rica quando comparado a outros biomas, porém há um grande número de espécies endêmicas. Aqui apresentamos uma lista de espécies de anuros registrados em uma lagoa em área de cerrado aberto do município de Borebi, região Centro-Oeste do estado de São Paulo, sudeste do Brasil. Durante 24 meses de estudo (2008 e 2009) caracterizamos a distribuição das espécies na lagoa estudada e descrevemos a variação sazonal das espécies. Foram registradas 27 espécies pertencentes a seis famílias: Bufonidae (duas espécies), Cycloramphidae (uma espécie), Hylidae (13 espécies), Leiuperidae (quatro espécies), Leptodactylidae (cinco espécies) e Microhylidae (duas espécies). A riqueza de espécies e abundância estiveram relacionadas com a precipitação. Dendropsophus minutus foi a espécie mais abundante e com registro de vocalização durante o ano inteiro. Rhinella ornata e Odontophrynus americanus foram restritas ao período seco e frio (abril a agosto). As outras espécies tiveram seu período de maior atividade nos meses chuvosos e quentes (setembro a março). A ocupação da lagoa variou com o tipo de vegetação e conforme a variação do seu volume de água, principalmente nos período de estiagem. A alta riqueza e abundância de anuros da lagoa pode ser resultado da ausência de peixes predadores, dos diversos tipos de microambientes do local e da ausência de outros corpos d'água próximos.


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This paper examines the frequencies of mammal roadkill in two adjacent biogeographic ecoregions (Atlantic Forest and Cerrado) of Brazil. Mammals were recorded during a seven-year period and over 3,900 km of roads, in order to obtain data for frequencies of species in habitats (sites) and frequencies of species killed by cars on roads. Sites (n = 80) within ecoregions (Cerrado, n = 57; Atlantic Forest, n = 23) were searched for records of mammals. Species surveyed in the entire region totaled 33, belonging to nine orders and 16 families. In the Cerrado, 31 species were recorded in habitats; of these, 25 were found dead on roads. In the Atlantic Forest ecoregions, however, we found 21 species in habitats, 16 of which were also found dead on roads. There was no overall significant difference between ecoregions for frequencies of occurrence in habitats or for roadkills, but there were differences between individual species. Hence, anteaters were mostly recorded in the Cerrado ecoregion, whereas caviomorph rodents tended to be more frequent in the Atlantic Forest ecoregion (seen mainly by roadkills). The greater number of species (overall and threatened) and the greater abundance of species records in the Cerrado suggest that this ecoregion has a greater biodiversity and is better conserved than the Atlantic Forest ecoregion, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, south-western Brazil.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Extrafloral nectaries are nectar-secreting structures that are especially common among the woody flora of the Brazilian cerrado, a savanna-like vegetation. In this study, we provide morphological and anatomical descriptions of extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) occurring on vegetative and reproductive organs of several plant species from the cerrado, and discuss their function and ecological relevance. We describe the morphology and anatomy of EFNs of 40 species belonging to 15 woody families using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. We categorise EFNs following a structural-topographical classification, and characterise the vascularised and complex nectaries, amorphous nectaries and secretory trichomes. Fabaceae, Bignoniaceae, Malpighiaceae and Vochysiaceae were the plant families with the majority of species having EFNs. Ten species possess more than one morphotype of gland structure. Observations and experimental field studies in the cerrado support the anti-herbivore role of EFN-gathering ants in this habitat. Additional morphological studies of EFNs-bearing plants, including other growth forms (e.g. herbs and lianas), are being undertaken and will hopefully cast further light on the ecological relevance of these glands in the cerrado, especially with respect to their attractiveness to multiple visitors.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Psittacids are important pre-dispersal seed predators. However, little is known about the parameters that may determine seed predation rates by these birds, such as plants' characteristics and microhabitat. Eriotheca gracilipes (Bombacaceae) is a semi-deciduous tree widely distributed in the Brazilian cerrado. The fruits are dehiscent pods and the seeds are wind-dispersed. Some individuals lose their leaves during the fruiting season, getting very conspicuous. Here we tested the hypothesis that the absence of leaves in E. gracilipes during the fruiting season may increase pre-dispersal seed predation by psittacids. We also tested the hypotheses that (1) seed predation intensity increases with increasing plant size and (2) number of fruits, (3) seed predation decreases with the increasing number of conspecific plants in a range of 15 m, and (4) seed predation intensity is lower in plants with higher vegetation cover over their crowns. The small parakeet Brotogeris versicolurus was the only species observed preying upon the seeds of E. gracilipes. The percentage of fruits damaged by the parakeets ranged from 0 to 100% (66.98 +/- 43.11%, n = 72) among the different plants. Our data give weak support to the hypothesis that the absence of leaves may facilitate plants and/or fruits detection by the parakeets. However, seed predation intensity was significantly affected by crop size. The hypothesis that conspecific fruiting plants surrounding the studied individuals may reduce predation rate was not supported. Nevertheless, trees without higher vegetation cover over their crowns were significantly affected by increased seed predation. This suggests that seed predation by parakeets can be a potential selective factor influencing fruit crop sizes in E. gracilipes. (c) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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We studied the succession of small mammal species after fire in the cerrado (Neotropical savanna) of Central Brazil. Populations of small mammals were sampled with live-trapping techniques in a series of nine sites of different successional age, ranging from 1 to 26 years after fire. Ten species of small mammals were captured through all the seral stages of succession. Species richness ranged from two to seven species by seral stage. The species were arranged in different groups with respect to abundance along the succession: the first was composed of early successional species that peaked <2 years after fire (Calomys callosus, C. tener, Thalpomys cerradensis, Mus musculus, Thylamys velutinus); the second occurred or peaked 2-3 years after fire (Necromys lasiurus, Gracilinanus sp., Oryzomys scoth). Gracilinanus agilis peaked in the last seral stage. Species richness of small mammals showed an abrupt decrease from an average of four species immediately after fire to two species 5-26 years after the last fire. We propose a simple graphical model to explain the pattern of species richness of small mammals after fire in the cerrado. This model assumes that the occurrence of species of small mammals is determined by habitat selection behavior by each species along a habitat gradient. The habitat gradient is defined as the ratio of cover of herbaceous to woody vegetation. The replacement of species results from a trade-off in habitat requirements for the two habitat variables.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar se fragmentos de cerrado influenciam na composição da acarofauna de seringais. Foram estabelecidos cinco transectos, distantes 50 m entre si, em duas áreas de cultivo no sul do Mato Grosso, sendo o primeiro na borda com o limite das áreas nativas e o último a 200 m no interior do seringal. em cada transecto foram marcadas cinco plantas, sendo coletadas sete folhas de cada planta. Durante um ano foram realizadas 25 coletas quantitativas em dois cultivos de seringueiras. O menor número de fitófagos foi registrado no transecto próximo da vegetação nativa e o maior no mais distante. A maior diversidade também foi observada no transecto mais próximo da vegetação nativa. Dez espécies de ácaros predadores também foram registradas nas áreas nativas vizinhas. Os dados sugerem o deslocamento dos ácaros predadores das áreas naturais para o monocultivo. Essas áreas naturais podem fornecer alimento alternativo e hábitat para inimigos naturais de fitófagos no período de escassez de alimento no seringal. A presença de áreas nativas próximo a áreas de cultivo deve ser considerada na elaboração de programas de manejo ecológico de pragas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A resistência mecânica à penetração do solo exerce grande influência sobre o crescimento e desenvolvimento vegetal, uma vez que o crescimento das raízes e o rendimento das culturas variam de forma inversamente proporcional ao seu valor. Por outro lado, a matéria orgânica e o pH do solo também são atributos relevantes ao crescimento das plantas, pois estão diretamente ligados à disponibilidade de nutrientes do solo. No ano agrícola 2005/2006, na Fazenda Experimental de Ensino e Pesquisa da Faculdade de Engenharia/UNESP, município de Selvíria, MS (22 º 23 ' de latitude S; 51 º 27 ' de longitude W), em um cultivo de Eucalyptus camaldulensis, foram analisados: (a) características dendrométricas da planta: volume de madeira (VOL), perímetro à altura do peito (PAP) e altura (ALT); e (b) atributos do solo em profundidade: resistência mecânica à penetração (RP), umidade gravimétrica (UG), matéria orgânica (MO) e o pH, num Latossolo Vermelho distrófico do Cerrado brasileiro. O objetivo foi estudar as correlações lineares e espaciais entre essas variáveis, buscando determinar indicadores de qualidade do solo para o eucalipto. Dados do solo e da planta foram coletados em uma malha geoestatística com 122 pontos amostrais, numa área de 1,98 ha. Os atributos da planta apresentaram média e alta variabilidade dos dados, ao passo que os do solo mostraram variabilidade baixa, média e alta. Os atributos VOL, PAP, ALT, RP, UG, MO e o pH não variaram aleatoriamente, seguindo padrões espaciais bem definidos, com alcances entre 17 e 169 m. As correlações lineares simples entre as características da planta e os atributos do solo foram baixas, porém significativas entre os pares VOL vs RP1, VOL vs RP5, VOL vs MO2 e VOL vs pH1. do ponto de vista espacial, ocorreu significativa variação inversa do VOL com a RP5 e o pH1. O pH do solo, amostrado de 0-0,15 m de profundidade, quando destinado à estimativa da produtividade de madeira do Eucalyptus camaldulensis, apresentou-se como potente indicador da qualidade do solo estudado de Selvíria.


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As propriedades químicas do solo variam com a cultura e manejo utilizados. O trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar as propriedades químicas de solo sob reflorestamento ciliar após 20 anos de plantio em área de Cerrado localizada na Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão, FEPE/UNESP, da Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira. Foi realizada a análise química do solo (P, matéria orgânica (MO), pH, K, Ca, Mg, H+Al, Al e S) em 33 módulos, com três repetições em duas profundidades (0,0 - 0,20 e 0,20 - 0,40 m), com delineamento em blocos casualizados em esquema hierárquico. Os resultados indicaram que as propriedades químicas do solo sob o reflorestamento ciliar são semelhantes às propriedades do solo sem perturbação antrópica dessa região. As espécies plantadas no reflorestamento ciliar estão contribuindo com a deposição de material orgânico suficiente para que haja reciclagem de nutrientes, mantendo as propriedades químicas do solo em boas condições para que ocorra o estabelecimento da mata ciliar.