999 resultados para cattle slaughterhouse
A study on the presence of Babesia in humans was performed in Puerto Berrío (Latitude 6.50deg. Longitude: -74.38deg. River: Magdalena. Area: 74.410km², Colombia-South America). Indirect immunofluorescence, thin and thick blood smears were used to study 194 individuals. Patients were grouped according to their risk-factors for Babesia infection: (group 1) individuals with fever, chills, sweating and other malaria-type symptoms; (group 2) symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals from local cattle ranches, which were enrolled in an active form, and (group 3) workers from the local slaughterhouse. Seven individuals were serologically positive for Babesia: Three individuals presented IgM antibodies against B. bovis, while one had IgG against this species; one individual had IgM against B. bigemina, another had IgG and a third both IgM and IgG against this species. Only one individual was parasitologically positive for Babesiaand serologically positive for Babesia bovis (IgM 1:64)
RESUMO - Enquadramento: A Brucelose é uma antropozoonose prevalente no Mundo e é uma das mais negligenciadas. A sua transmissão ao ser humano é directa e indirecta, e acontece por via de contacto com animal infectado, o consumo de leite e seus derivados não pasteurizados e a não observância de uso de equipamentos de protecção individual e colectiva, entre outros factores. O conhecimento da prevalência e incidência da brucelose animal e humana no Namibe, uma província de Angola, é muito escasso sendo poucos os estudos que evidenciam esta doença no seio dos profissionais da pecuária expostos: trabalhadores de matadouros, veterinários e criadores de gado. É assim pertinente, com base em estudos científicos específicos, caracterizar esta situação. Objectivos: Caracterizar os ambientes dos profissionais (matadouro, talhos e salas municipais de abate e explorações); estimar a seroprevalência da brucelose humana em profissionais da pecuária (trabalhadores de matadouros e criadores de gado bovino) na província do Namibe, Angola em 2012; determinar a associação da presença da brucelose humana com variáveis sócio-demográficas, de conhecimento, de práticas e de características das explorações; determinar a prevalência da Brucelose em animais e em explorações; caracterizar os factores associados à presença da Brucelose em explorações bovinas; caracterizar o conhecimento e práticas sobre a Brucelose dos profissionais da pecuária e analisar a relação entre as prevalências nas explorações (infectadas versus não infectadas) e nos criadores (infectados versus não infectados). Métodos e materiais: estudos observacional e transversal seroepidemiológico em 131 trabalhadores de talhos, salas de abate e matadouro e 192 criadores amostrados aleatoriamente em toda província do Namibe. Os dados foram obtidos através da colheita de sangue e da aplicação de um questionário. Os testes laboratoriais utilizados foram o Rosa de Bengala (RBT) e a Aglutinação Lenta em Tubos (SAT). O estudo de conhecimento foi principalmente centrado na pergunta “Já ouviu falar de Brucelose” e nas questões relativas ao nível de conhecimento e práticas (indicadores baseados nas percentagens de respostas correctas ou práticas adequadas) dos factores de risco da Brucelose. Também foram investigados 1344 animais (em 192 explorações) com recurso ao método de diagnóstico laboratorial RBT para análise de soro sanguíneo e, complementarmente, foi aplicado um questionário aos respectivos criadores. Em termos de análise estatística, para além da abordagem descritiva, foram utilizados os testes de Independência do Quiquadrado, Fisher, Teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney, Teste de correlação de Spearman. Adicionalmente, com base em modelos de regressão logística, foram determinados odds ratio e os respectivos intervalos de confiança utilizando um nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: os ambientes dos profissionais (matadouro, talhos e salas municipais de abate e explorações) não reuniram as condições higio-sanitárias definidas internacionalmente como adequadas. Nos profissionais a infecção geral ponderada da Brucelose foi de 15.56% (IC95% : 13.61-17.50), sendo 5.34% em trabalhadores e 16.66% (IC95% : 11.39-21.93) em criadores. A significância estatística foi observada entre a seroprevalência humana e a categoria (trabalhador e criador) (p< 0.001) e o nível de instrução (p= 0.032), início de actividade (p= 0.079) e local de serviço (p= 0.055). Num contexto multivariado o factor positivamente associado à brucelose em profissionais foi a categoria profissional (OR = 3.54, IC95%: 1.57-8.30, relativo aos criadores em relação a trabalhadores). As taxas gerais aparentes de prevalência em animais e explorações foram respectivamente de 14.96% (IC 95%, 12.97-17.19) e de 40.10% (IC 95%, 32.75-47.93). Encontrou-se uma correlação positiva moderada entre o número de animais infectados por exploração com a média do número de abortos na exploração = 0.531, p< 0.001). Em média os profissionais tiveram um conhecimento global muito insuficiente (16.1%), tendo os trabalhadores apresentado valores mais elevados que os criadores (20.2% e 13.8%), diferença não estatisticamente significativa (p= 0.170). As perguntas “o leite in natura é fervido antes do consumo humano?”, “contacto com materiais fetais animais?”, “contacto com aerossóis no local de trabalho?” e “já fez alguma vez o teste de Brucelose humana?” (relacionadas com práticas) e as perguntas “já ouviu falar da Brucelose?”, “Brucelose é doença zoonótica/só animal/só humana? e “como a Brucelose se transmite aos humanos?” apresentaram níveis médios de práticas adequadas e conhecimentos correctos inferiores a 20%. Nas explorações infectadas, 39% dos criadores foram positivos (infectados) e nas não infectadas apenas 1.7%. O risco de um criador ser infectado estando numa exploração infectada foi significativamente mais elevado (OR= 36, IC95%: 8.28-157.04). Conclusões: os ambientes dos profissionais (matadouros, salas municipais de abate e talhos e explorações) propiciam o risco à brucelose. O estudo permite aferir que a Brucelose humana em profissionais da pecuária e a Brucelose animal são prevalentes na província do Namibe. Os níveis de seroprevalência detectados são elevados comparandoos com outros encontrados em algumas localidades africanas que possuem condições similares às do Namibe. Perto de duas em cada cinco (40.10%) explorações estão infectadas por esta doença. O número de abortos (média) está claramente relacionado com as explorações infectadas. O conhecimento geral dos profissionais da pecuária sobre a Brucelose é muito insuficiente, tendo os trabalhadores mostrado um maior conhecimento em relação aos criadores, mas ambos com níveis alarmantes. Os criadores infectados estão relacionados com as explorações infectadas. Há necessidade de controlar a doença e de informar e educar os profissionais sobre a brucelose, sendo fundamental que os serviços provinciais de veterinária reforcem acções de divulgação e de fiscalização.
A sample of about 70 young bulls of each of ten beef cattle breeds reared in their typical production systems has been studied regarding growth and carcass quality traits. Breeds included were Asturiana de los Valles (AV), Asturiana de la Montaña (AM), Avileña-Negra Ibérica (A-NI), Bruna dels Pirineus (BP), Morucha (Mo), Pirenaica (Pi) and Retinta (Re) from Spain, and Aubrac (Au), Gasconne (Ga) and Salers (Sal) from France. There existed large differences between breeds and also within breeds. AV and Pi were the breeds with more muscle and less fat, whereas A-NI, Mo and Re were in the opposite side. BP and AM occupied an intermediate position. This allows to classify the Spanish breeds in three groups: AV and Pi would belong to the group of late maturity, A-NI, Mo and Re, would be early maturing breeds, whereas BP and AM, despite the small size of the last, will be of intermediate maturity. In the French populations, Au was the breed with the highest carcass weight and Ga exhibited the lowest. Sal occupied an intermediate position, showing the longer and thinner thigh. In a wide range of carcass weight, the general relationships among carcass traits have been confirmed. Animals with the better conformation were also the leaner and longer carcasses tended to be lowly associated with a poorer conformation and fatter carcasses. Bone content was clearly opposed to carcass conformation and muscle content and was associated with longer carcasses
A sample of about 70 young bulls of each of ten beef cattle breeds reared in their typical production systems has been characterised with respect to meat quality traits. Breeds included were Asturiana de los Valles, Asturiana de la Montaña, Avileña-Negra Ibérica, Bruna dels Pirineus, Morucha, Pirenaica and Retinta from Spain, and Aubrac, Gasconne and Salers from France. As was previously showed regarding carcass traits, there exist large differences both between and within breed – systems. In general, rustic breeds tended to present darker and redder meats with higher haematin contents, whereas less precocious and more specialised breeds showed brighter meats with bigger water losses. Protein content was similar, whereas intramuscular fat presented the larger variations both between and within breeds. ICDH content was higher in the more rustic breeds, showing the predominantly oxidative character of their fibres. Texture measurements showed in general large within breed-system variations, the differences between breeds being less evident. Within breed-system, daily gain weight was positively associated with brighter and tender meats. In the range studied, increasing slaughter weight within breed did not have influence on meat quality. Conformation was related to lower water holding capacity and less dry matter and intramuscular fat, as well as to a lower haematin content giving brighter meats. The increase in fatness scores was related to an augment of toughness in meat specialised breeds, although in Avileña-Negra Ibérica breed fatness carcasses were related to more tender meats. Redness parameter a* was positively related to fatter animals and opposed to conformation, the opposite being true for the L* (lightness) parameter. There was a small trend of fatter carcasses to be related to oxidative fibres, whereas the muscular fibres of the more conformed carcasses were more glycolytic. Texture measurements maximum load, maximum stress and toughness were very closely related. Shear force was opposed to tenderness. Losses at cooking were opposed to juiciness, but only in the Spanish breeds. No consistent trends regarding relationships between carcass characteristics and tenderness could be observed. Overall acceptability was primarily related with tenderness and flavour, and later on juiciness.
Toxicological and toxicogenetic effects of aqueous (tea) and hexanica fruit extract of Indigofera suffruticosa Mill, and hydroalcoholic root extract od Solanum agrarium Stendt. Were evaluated in Balb C male mice intraperitoneally exposed. A hepatotoxic effect was observed just for animals treated with aqueous fruit extract of I. suffruticosa. In relation to the toxicogenetic effect, just the group trreated with 12.5% of toxic dose of aqueous fruit extract of I. suffruticosa showed a statistically significant increase in the frequency of cells with chromosome aberrations (cytogenetic effect), although a slight increase was also observed for the highest dose (25% of LF50_ of hydroalcoholic root extract of S. agrarium. The results obtanied show that before S. agrarium is used as medicine and before the wide use of I. suffruticosa in cattle food, careful evaluation must be done.
A new species of the genus Cotylophoron (Trematoda - Paramphistomidae) - Cotylophoron travassosi sp. n. - is described. The measurements of the worm and its structures are compared with the valid known species.
The life cycle of ear mites of the genus Raillietia Trouessart consists of egg, larva, proto-and deutonymph and adult. The proto-and deutonymph are free living, non feeding instars. The teneral adult is the transfer stage. The minimum period required for completion of the life cycle is approximately eight days.
Studies were carried out to determine the differential aptitude to sustain the only vector of cattle babesiosis in Argentina, the tick Boophilus microplus, throughout the infested region of this country. Tick counts on Bos taurus cattle were used as the main criterion to classify favourable (F), intermediate (I) and unfavourable (U) areas for its development. The geographical limits of each area set up using data of non-parasitic tick stages, temperature, water balance and map recognition of flooded and unflooded zones. The F area contained 16.5 x 10 (elevado a sexta potência) ha with a cattle population of 6 x 10 (elevado a sexta potência); the I and U areas had 25 x 10 (elevado a sexta potência ha with 2.7 x 10 (elevado a sexta potência) cattle and 198 x 10 (elevado a sexta potência) with population of 2.4 x 10(elevado a sexta potência) cattle, respectively. Research on the relationship amongst Babesia-Boophilus-cattle is needed in the F area for tick development which coincides with the best region for cattle breeding.
Uruguay is situated in a marginal area for the development of Boophilus microplus (30- 35- South Lat.) with important areas of enzootic instability for Babesia bovis and B. bigemina. The livestock products represent 70% of our exports, for wich reason it is fundamental to evaluate the losses in the production that these haemoparasites cause as basic information to take future decisions. In the period 1988-1990, several works were carried out by our laboratory to know the incidence of babesiosis in the reduction of liveweight gains. The results are shown and discussed in the work. Experiment I: the weight increase of the control group (x = 0,248kg/day), was 23% higher than that of the infected group with Babesia spp (from Uruguay), but significant statistical differences were not found (P < 0,05). These animals were kept in boxes and the food was controlled for 76 days. Experiment II: the incidence of Babesis spp (same strain ) was studied for 140 on Hereford heifers (n = 14) on natural pastures. The control group obtained x = 25,29kg of liveweight gain and it was 45% higher than that of the infected group, significant statistical difference were found (P < 0,05). Experiments with attenuated strains III: four studies were carried out inoculating B. bovis and B. bigemina in bovines about one year old, in different growth systems, searching for the limit of application. Significant statistical differences between those groups were found during the experiment (about 180 days) (P < 0,05). Experiment combining and pathogenic strains IV: the liveweight gain, in immune and challanged group (n = 14) was the same than that of the unchallenged group and did not show significant statistical differences (P < 0,05). However the control challenged group had less weight gain and statistical differences were found (P < 0,05). Although this is a preliminary information, it shows that: (a) the incidence of babesiosis on the reduction of weight gains is important; (b) the decrease in weight gain was not observed when attenuated strains were used; when the challenge was done in immunized animals, losses in liveweight gain were not observed. These results are discussed in order to plan future studis in different real systems of production.
The microflora associated to furuncular lesions, larvae and pupae of Dermatobia hominis, as well as the relationships between parasite, host and microflora associated, as a comprehensive microsystem, has been studied. One hundred and two furuncular myiasis due to D. hominis larvae in several breeds of cattle were studied and the following bacterial species were significant: Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis, S. warneri, Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli. Closely related, the microflora associated to 141 samples from first, second, third instar larva and both external surface and larval cavities has been studied. The representative associated microflora to the larvae were: S. aureus, B. subtilis, S. hycus and Moraxella phenylpiruvica, Moerella wisconsiensis, Proteus mirabilis and P. vulgaris, M. phenylpiruvica, M. wisconsiensis, P. mirabilis and P. rettgeri were the representative microflora associated to 64 pupae of D. hominis.
Fimicolous Staphylinidae prey on rearing dipterous in cattle dung, acting as their natural controllers, including pests such as horn fly. To survey the abundance and succession of these coleopterans in cattle dung deposited in pasture, six experiments were conducted from March to October 1995 in Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Cattle dung pats were exposed at a pasture for 1 hr, 8 hr, 24 hr, 2, 3, 7 and 10 days and were than taken to laboratory separate from each other, for Staphylinidae extraction. A total of 156 dung pats were exposed at pasture, from which 6225 Staphylinidae were recovered. Representing at least 30 species. Staphylinidae sp.1 (29.6%), Philonthus flavolimbatus (22.2%), Heterothops sp.1 (16.6%), Oxytelus sp.2 (7.6%), Aleochara sp.2 (7.6%) and Criptobium sp.1 (4.4%) were the most abundant, representing 87.8% from the total. The increased frequency of the majority of these species along the dung exposition time at pasture, indicated tha, they would be preying on at all the immature stages of the dipterous, or eggs and first instar larvae of species that lay eggs on the dung after its second exposition day at the pasture
Trypanosomosis is the most economically important disease constraint to livestock productivity in sub-Saharan Africa and has significant negative impact in other parts of the world. Livestock are an integral component of farming systems and thus contribute significantly to food and economic security in developing countries. Current methods of control for trypanosomosis are inadequate to prevent the enormous socioeconomic losses resulting from this disease. A vaccine has been viewed as the most desirable control option. However, the complexity of the parasite's antigenic repertoire made development of a vaccine based on the variable surface glycoprotein coat unlikely. As a result, research is now focused on identifying invariant trypanosome components as potential targets for interrupting infection or infection-mediated disease. Immunosuppression appears to be a nearly universal feature of infection with African trypanosomes and thus may represent an essential element of the host-parasite relationship, possibly by reducing the host's ability to mount a protective immune response. Antibody, T cell and macrophage/monocyte responses of infected cattle are depressed in both trypanosusceptible and trypanotolerant breeds of cattle. This review describes the specific T cell and monocyte/macrophage functions that are altered in trypanosome-infected cattle and compares these disorders with those that have been described in the murine model of trypanosomosis. The identification of parasite factors that induce immunosuppression and the mechanisms that mediate depressed immune responses might suggest novel disease intervention strategies.
In order to determine the best type of rabies vaccine to use as a booster, 78 serological samples from singly vaccinated cattle were analyzed by counterimmunoelectrophoresis technique. The animals were divided into several groups, received the first vaccine dose with modified live virus vaccine (ERA strain) and were revaccinated with inactivated virus or modified live virus vaccines. Boosters were given at 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks following first vaccination. Results showed high titres in the cases of booster with inactivated vaccine. In all cases, however, detectable antibody titres declined quickly.