1000 resultados para cattle behaviour
We used the expressed sequenced tags (ESTs) approach to study the genome of the cattle tick Boophilus microplus. One hundred and forty-two of our 234 unique ESTs were from genes not previously identified from ticks, mites or any other arachnids. The largest class of identified ESTs (29%) was from genes involved in transcription and translation. Ninety-one ESTs (39% of all ESTs) did not match any sequences in international databases; some of these may be specific to ticks. Thirteen percent of our ESTs were from ribosomal proteins and two ESTs were for genes implicated in resistance to pesticides. (C) 1998 Chapman & Hall Ltd.
Subtropical grasslands are low in organic matter digestibility (OMD) (0.60) and nitrogen (N) (15 g/kg) for much of the year and this limits cattle production which is characterized by low calving rates and low weaning weights. Production has been based on Bos taurus British breeds of cattle but this is changing and now many breeding herds comprise B, indicus cows and their crosses. This change has increased some aspects of production, but low calving rates persist. A 4-year study was undertaken with a view to improve calving rates and weaner output by supplementing cows grazing either native or improved pastures with a high protein oilseed meal (cottonseed meal; CSM) on four sites. These sites were subdivided into a total of 36 paddocks to allow for two replications in a 3 breeds X 3 supplementation rates X 2 pastures factorial design. Selected cows (no. = 216) from Hereford (H), Brahman (B) and Brahman X Hereford (BH) breed types were set to graze either native pastures (0.45 to 0.62 OMD, 8 to 15 g N per kg; low quality) or improved pastures (0.47 to 0.67 OA ID, 10 to 22 g N per kg; medium quality). Cows were given either 0, 750 or 1500 g/day of CSM for 130 days from calving until 4 weeks into a 12- to 13-week mating period. The CSM was given as two meals per week. Live weight at mating of cows on the low quality pasture was increased (P < 0.01) over those not supplemented by feeding either 750 g CSM per day (H and B cows) or 1500 g CSM per day tall cows). There was no significant effect of supplementation on the mating weights of B cows grazing the medium quality sites. Calving rate of B cows was not increased by their supplementation on either low (4-year mean 58.3 %) or medium quality pastures (66.8%) but did tend to be higher in H cows when supplemented at 1500 g CSM per day on the low (66.7 v. 78.0 (s.e. 6.09) %; P < 0.1) and medium quality pastures (70.5 v. 93.5 (s.e. 4.72) %). An increased calving rate (65.8 (s.e. 6.6) % to 83.2 (s.e. 5.82) % in supplemented BH cows grazing low quality pastures approached significance (P < 0.1) when given CSM at 1500 g/day but there was no increased trend in calving rate when this breed type was supplemented on medium quality pastures. Weaning weights of calves from and B and BH cows were increased (P < 0.05) by supplementation of their darns at 750 g/day and for calves weaned from H cows supplemented at 1500 g/day of CSM. Supplementation at 1500 g/day on low quality pastures increased weaner output per cow mated by 120% for H, by 65% for BH cows and by 50% for B cows. Weaner output was increased by 34 and 40%, respectively, for B and H cows when supplemented at 750 g/day and grazing medium quality pastures but there teas no significant effect of supplementation on output from BH cows. Responses in many parameters differed between years. These results were interpreted as a response to the protein in the oilseed meal supplement by B, taurus and B. taurus X B. indicus cross cows grazing on the subtropical pastures. The study also highlighted that responses to the meal differed between breed types, between the quality of the grazed pasture and between the years of supplementation.
Acetylcholinesterase is the target of organophosphate and carbamate pesticides. Organophosphate resistance is widespread in the cattle tick, Boophilus microplus, in Australia. We have isolated a cDNA of acetylcholinesterase from B. microplus and show that it would encode a protein 62 kDa in size. The predicted amino acid sequence contains all the residues characteristic of an acetylcholinesterase. Alternative splicing of the transcript was detected at both the 5' and 3' ends. Alternative splicing at the 5' end would result in two proteins differing by six amino acids. This is the first report of alternative splicing of the N-terminal coding region in a cholinesterase. No point mutations were detected in the acetylcholinesterase gene from organophosphate resistant strains of B. microplus. Alternative explanations for resistance to organophosphates in B. microplus are discussed. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective To determine the efficacy of zeta-cypermethrin in controlling buffalo fly (Haematobia irritans exigua). Design Five field trials in northern and central Queensland. Procedure Zeta-cypermethrin pour-on at 2.5 mg/kg, spray at 62.5 ppm, deltamethrin pour-on and pour-on vehicle were applied to groups of 20 cattle. Buffalo fly counts were conducted three times before treatment and 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days after treatment. Results In central Queensland where synthetic pyrethroid resistance in buffalo fly populations was rare, 2.5 mg/kg of zeta-cypermethrin pour-on gave good control of buffalo fly for 4 weeks and was better than a deltamethrin product. A zeta-cypermethrin spray used at 62.5 ppm gave 14 days control. In far-north Queensland where resistance to synthetic pyrethroids and heavy rain was common, the maximum period of efficacy of zeta-cypermethrin pour-on was reduced to 2 weeks. Conclusion In areas where there is low resistance to synthetic pyrethroids among buffalo flies, zeta-cypermethrin pour-on can be expected to give good control for 4 weeks.
We examined the effect of age-specific fecundity, mated status, and egg load on host-plant selection, by Helicoverpa armigera under laboratory conditions. The physiological state of a female moth (number of mature eggs produced) greatly influences her host-plant specificity and propensity to oviposit (oviposition motivation). Female moths were less discriminating against cowpea (a low-ranked host) relative to maize (a high-ranked host) as egg load increased. Similarly, increased egg load led to a greater propensity to oviposit on both cowpea and maize. Distribution of oviposition with age of mated females peaked shortly after mating and declined steadily thereafter until death. Most mated females (88%) carried only a single spermatophore, a few females (12%) contained two. The significance of these findings in relation to host-plant selection by H. armigera, and its management, are discussed.
The corrosion behaviour of AZ21, AZ501 and AZ91 was studied in 1 N NaCl at pH 11 by measuring electrochemical polarization curves, electrochemical AC impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and simultaneously measuring the hydrogen evolution rate and the: magnesium dissolution rate. The corrosion rates increased in the following order: AZ501 < AZ21 < AZ91. The: corrosion behaviour was related to alloy microstructure as revealed by optical and electron microscopy. The beta phase was very stable in the test solution and was an effective cathode. The beta phase served two roles, as a barrier and as a galvanic cathode. If the beta phase is present in the alpha matrix as intergranular precipitates with a small volume fraction, then the beta phase mainly serves as a galvanic cathode, and accelerates the corrosion of the alpha matrix. If the beta Fraction is high, then the beta phase may mainly act as an anodic barrier to inhibit the overall corrosion of the alloy. The composition and compositional distribution in the alpha phase is also crucial to the overall corrosion performance of dual phase alloys. Increasing the aluminum concentration in the alpha phase increases the anodic dissolution rate and also increases the cathodic hydrogen evolution rate. Increasing the zinc concentration in the alpha phase may have the opposite effect. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We use a spatially explicit population model to explore the population consequences of different habitat selection mechanisms on landscapes with fractal variation in habitat quality. We consider dispersal strategies ranging from random walks to perfect habitat selectors for two species of arboreal marsupial, the greater glider (Petauroides volans) and the mountain brushtail possum (Trichosurus caninus). In this model increasing habitat selection means individuals obtain higher quality territories, but experience increased mortality during dispersal. The net effect is that population sizes are smaller when individuals actively select habitat. We find positive relationships between habitat quality and population size can occur when individuals do not use information about the entire landscape when habitat quality is spatially autocorrelated. We also find that individual behaviour can mitigate the negative effects of spatial variation on population average survival and fecundity. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A new conceptual framework has been developed which explains the formation of shear-related casting defects such as porosity, segregation and tears. The theory relates defect formation to the mechanical behaviour of the partially solidified microstructure when shear stresses are developed during the filling of a casting and by the subsequent feeding processes during solidification. Two transition points, the dendrite coherency point and the maximum packing solid fraction, divide the mushy zone into three regions of different mechanical and feeding behaviours. The response of the mush to shear is related to the presence of these zones during solidification of a casting. The resulting defects are rationalized by considering the governing local shear stress and shear rate, local strength and time available for fluid flow. The design of the casting, the casting process used and the alloy composition all influence the relative importance of shearing on defect formation. (C) 1998 Acta Metallurgica Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective To assess the efficacy of zeta-cypermethrin pour-on to control cattle lice. Design Five field trials in south-eastern Australia. Procedure Zeta-cypermethrin pour-on, deltamethrin pour-on and pour-on vehicle were applied to groups of 10 cattle. Lice were counted before treatment and 14, 28, 42 and 56 days after treatment. Results Zeta-cypermethrin pour-on given at 2.5 mg/kg was equivalent to, or marginally more effective than a deltamethrin pour-on at 0.75 mg/kg. It eliminated B bovis and H eurysternus and gave good control of L vituli and S capillatus. Zeta-cypermethrin at 1 mg/kg gave good control of B bovis and H eurysternus but was not satisfactory against L vituli and S capillatus. Conclusion Zeta-cypermethrin pour-on, given at 2.5 mg/kg, is an effective treatment for cattle lice control. Zeta-cypermethrin, and other synthetic pyrethroid pour-ons, are the treatment of choice to control B bovis.
We isolated and sequenced the first known cytochrome P450 gene and pseudogene from an arachnid, the cattle tick, Boophilus microplus. Bath the gene and pseudogene belong to the family CYP4, but a new subfamily, CYP4W, had to be created for these genes because they are substantially different to other CYP4 genes. The gene, CPP4W1, has greatest homology with CYP4C1 from a cockroach, Blaberus discoidalis. The predicted molecular weight of the protein encoded by CYP4W1 (63 KDa) is greater than that of the other CYP4 genes. The pseudogene, CYP4W1P, is probably a processed pseudogene derived from the functional gene CYP4W1. This is only the third CYP processed pseudogene to be identified. The pseudogene is 98% identical to the functional gene, CYP4W1, therefore we hypothesise that this pseudogene evolved recently from the functional gene. The CYP4 genes from arthropods have diverged from each other more than those of mammals; consequently the phylogeny of the arthropod genes could not be resolved. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We sequenced across all of the gene boundaries in the mitochondrial genome of the cattle tick, Boophilus microplus, to determine the arrangement of its genes. The mtDNA of B. microplus has a coding region, composed of tRNA(Glu) and 60 bp of the 3' end of ND1, that is repeated five times. Boophilus microplus is the first coelomate animal known to have more than two copies of a coding sequence. The mitochondrial genome of B, microplus has other unusual features, including (1) reduced T arms in tRNAs, (2) an AT bias in codon use, (3) two control regions that have evolved in concert, (4) three gene rearrangements, and (5) a stem-loop between tRNA(Gln) and tRNA(Phe). The short T arms and small control regions (CRs) of B. microplus and other ticks suggest strong selection for small genomes. Imprecise termination of replication beyond its origin, which can account for the evolution of tandem repeats of coding regions in other mitochondrial genomes, cannot explain the evolution of the fivefold repeated sequence in the mitochondrial genome of B. microplus. Instead, slipped-strand mispairing or recombination are the most plausible explanations for the evolution of these tandem repeats.
Octopamine is a biogenic amine neurotransmitter of invertebrates that binds to a G-protein coupled receptor that has seven transmembrane domains. Formamidine pesticides like amitraz are highly specific agonists of the octopamine receptor. Amitraz is used extensively to control the cattle tick, Boophilus microplus, and many other ticks but now there are strains of ticks that are resistant to amitraz. We have isolated a cDNA from the cattle tick, B. miciroplus, that belongs to the biogenic amine family of receptors. The predicted amino acid sequence from this cDNA is most similar to octopamine receptors from insects. The nucleotide sequence of this gene from amitraz-resistant and amitraz-susceptible cattle ticks was identical. Thus, a point mutation/s did not confer resistance to amitraz in the strains we studied. Alternative explanations for resistance to amitraz in B. microplus are discussed. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
One hundred and eighty-one inmates in AIDS education courses were surveyed about their risk behaviour and access to disinfectants for syringe cleaning in 1993, Overall, 40% of respondents reported HIV risk behaviour in prison. One-quarter of respondents reported injecting, of whom three-quarters reported sharing syringes in prison. Most respondents who shared syringes reported cleaning them with disinfectants (96%), even though only one-third reported having easy access to disinfectants. One-sixth of respondents reported sharing tattooing equipment, of whom two-thirds reported using a disinfectant to clean the tattoo needle. Few respondents reported fellatio (8%) or anal intercourse (4%) in prison. Although some respondents faced difficulty in obtaining disinfectants, almost all respondents cleaned syringes with bleach when sharing. High levels of risk behaviour in prison might be reduced by methadone maintenance and condom programmes. A trial of strict one-for-one syringe exchange warrants consideration.
The purpose of this study was to examine factors which affect driving behaviour and accident rates in women in Australia. Two groups of women (aged 18-23 and 45-50 years) participating in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health, completed a mailed questionnaire on driver behaviour and road accidents. Self reported accident rates in the last 3 years were 1.87 per 100 000 km for the young drivers (n = 1199) and 0.59 per 100 000 km for the mid-age drivers (n = 1564); most accidents involved damage only, not injury. Mean scores for lapses obtained using the Driver Behaviour Questionnaire, were similar in the two age groups and similar to those found in other studies. In contrast, scores for errors and violations for the young women were higher than for the mid-age group and previous reports using the same instruments. Riskier driving behaviour among young women was associated with stress and habitual alcohol consumption. In the mid-age group, poorer driver behaviour scores were related to higher levels of education, feeling rushed, higher habitual alcohol consumption and lower life satisfaction scores. Accident rates in both groups were significantly related to lapses. Women born in non-English speaking countries had significantly higher risk of accidents compared to Australian-born women: relative risk = 3.40, 95% confidence interval (1.93, 5.98) for the young drivers; relative risk = 1.77, 95% confidence interval (1.11, 2.83) for mid-age drivers. These findings support the need for road safety campaigns targeted at young women to reduce dangerous driving practices, such as speeding,'tail gating' and overtaking on the inside. There is also a need for further research to understand how lifestyle characteristics are associated with higher risk of accidents and to explore factors which might account for the higher risk for women drivers who were born overseas. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.