986 resultados para casein kinase II


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Purines can modify ciliary epithelial secretion of aqueous humor into the eye. The source of the purinergic agonists acting in the ciliary epithelium, as in many epithelial tissues, is unknown. We found that the fluorescent ATP marker quinacrine stained rabbit and bovine ciliary epithelia but not the nerve fibers in the ciliary bodies. Cultured bovine pigmented and nonpigmented ciliary epithelial cells also stained intensely when incubated with quinacrine. Hypotonic stimulation of cultured epithelial cells increased the extracellular ATP concentration by 3-fold; this measurement underestimates actual release as the cells also displayed ecto-ATPase activity. The hypotonically triggered increase in ATP was inhibited by the Cl−-channel blocker 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)benzoic acid (NPPB) in both cell types. In contrast, the P-glycoprotein inhibitors tamoxifen and verapamil and the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) blockers glybenclamide and diphenylamine-2-carboxylate did not affect ATP release from either cell type. This pharmacological profile suggests that ATP release is not restricted to P-glycoprotein or the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator, but can proceed through a route sensitive to NPPB. ATP release also was triggered by ionomycin through a different NPPB-insensitive mechanism, inhibitable by the calcium/calmodulin-activated kinase II inhibitor KN-62. Thus, both layers of the ciliary epithelium store and release ATP, and purines likely modulate aqueous humor flow by paracrine and/or autocrine mechanisms within the two cell layers of this epithelium.


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Neuronal signaling requires that synaptic proteins be appropriately localized within the cell and regulated there. In mammalian neurons, polyribosomes are found not just in the cell body, but also in dendrites where they are concentrated within or beneath the dendritic spine. The α subunit of Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKIIα) is one of only five mRNAs known to be present within the dendrites, as well as in the soma of neurons. This targeted subcellular localization of the mRNA for CaMKIIα provides a possible cell biological mechanism both for controlling the distribution of the cognate protein and for regulating independently the level of protein expression in individual dendritic spines. To characterize the cis-acting elements involved in the localization of dendritic mRNA we have produced two lines of transgenic mice in which the CaMKIIα promoter is used to drive the expression of a lacZ transcript, which either contains or lacks the 3′-untranslated region of the CaMKIIα gene. Although both lines of mice show expression in forebrain neurons that parallels the expression of the endogenous CaMKIIα gene, only the lacZ transcripts bearing the 3′-untranslated region are localized to dendrites. The β-galactosidase protein shows a variable level of expression along the dendritic shaft and within dendritic spines, which suggests that neurons can control the local biochemistry of the dendrite either through differential localization of the mRNA or variations in the translational efficiency at different sites along the dendrite.


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A single mossy fiber input contains several release sites and is located on the proximal portion of the apical dendrite of CA3 neurons. It is, therefore, well suited to exert a strong influence on pyramidal cell excitability. Accordingly, the mossy fiber synapse has been referred to as a detonator or teacher synapse in autoassociative network models of the hippocampus. The very low firing rates of granule cells [Jung, M. W. & McNaughton, B. L. (1993) Hippocampus 3, 165–182], which give rise to the mossy fibers, raise the question of how the mossy fiber synapse temporally integrates synaptic activity. We have therefore addressed the frequency dependence of mossy fiber transmission and compared it to associational/commissural synapses in the CA3 region of the hippocampus. Paired pulse facilitation had a similar time course, but was 2-fold greater for mossy fiber synapses. Frequency facilitation, during which repetitive stimulation causes a reversible growth in synaptic transmission, was markedly different at the two synapses. At associational/commissural synapses facilitation occurred only at frequencies greater than once every 10 s and reached a magnitude of about 125% of control. At mossy fiber synapses, facilitation occurred at frequencies as low as once every 40 s and reached a magnitude of 6-fold. Frequency facilitation was dependent on a rise in intraterminal Ca2+ and activation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II, and was greatly reduced at synapses expressing mossy fiber long-term potentiation. These results indicate that the mossy fiber synapse is able to integrate granule cell spiking activity over a broad range of frequencies, and this dynamic range is substantially reduced by long-term potentiation.


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The isoprenoid pathway in FRTL-5 thyroid cells was found to be deeply altered on transformation with v-K-ras. A dramatic overall reduction of protein prenylation was found in v-K-ras-transformed cells in comparison with the parent FRTL-5 cells, as shown by labeling cells with [3H]mevalonic acid. This phenomenon was accompanied by a relative increase of p21ras farnesylation and by a decrease of the ratio between the amounts of geranylgeraniol and farnesol bound to prenylated proteins. Analysis of protein prenylation in FRTL-5 cells transformed by a temperature-sensitive mutant of the v-K-ras oncogene indicated that these variations represent an early and specific marker of active K-ras. Conversely, FRTL-5 cells transformed with Harvey-ras showed a pattern of [3H]-mevalonate (MVA)-labeled proteins similar to that of nontransformed cells. The K-ras oncogene activation also resulted in an overall decrease of [3H]-MVA incorporation into isopentenyl-tRNA together with an increase of unprocessed [3H]-MVA and no alteration in [3H]-MVA uptake. The effects of v-K-ras on protein prenylation could be mimicked in FRTL-5 cells by lowering the concentration of exogenous [3H]-MVA whereas increasing the [3H]-MVA concentration did not revert the alterations observed in transformed cells. Accordingly, v-K-ras expression was found to: (i) down-regulate mevalonate kinase; (ii) induce farnesyl-pyrophosphate synthase expression; and (iii) augment protein farnesyltransferase but not protein geranylgeranyl-transferase-I activity. Among these events, mevalonate kinase down-regulation appeared to be related strictly to differential protein prenylation. This study represents an example of how expression of the v-K-ras oncogene, through multiple interferences with the isoprenoid metabolic pathway, may result in the preferential farnesylation of the ras oncogene product p21ras.


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Signal recognition particle (SRP) is a stable cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein complex that serves to translocate secretory proteins across membranes during translation. The SRP Database (SRPDB) provides compilations of SRP components, ordered alphabetically and phylogenetically. Alignments emphasize phylogenetically-supported base pairs in SRP RNA and conserved residues in the proteins. Data are provided in various formats including a column arrangement for improved access and simplified computational usability. Included are motifs for identification of new sequences, SRP RNA secondary structure diagrams, 3-D models and links to high-resolution structures. This release includes 11 new SRP RNA sequences (total of 129), two protein SRP9 sequences (total of seven), two protein SRP14 sequences (total of 10), two protein SRP19 sequences (total of 16), 10 new SRP54 (ffh) sequences (total of 66), two protein SRP68 sequences (total of seven) and two protein SRP72 sequences (total of nine). Seven sequences of the SRP receptor α-subunit and its FtsY homolog (total of 51) are new. Also considered are β-subunit of SRP receptor, Flhf, Hbsu, CaM kinase II and cpSRP43. Access to SRPDB is at http://psyche.uthct.edu/dbs/SRPDB/SRPDB.html and the European mirror http://www.medkem.gu.se/dbs/SRPDB/SRPDB.html


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In neurons, translation of dendritically localized mRNAs is thought to play a role in affecting synaptic efficacy. Inasmuch as components of the translation machinery may be limiting in dendrites, we investigated the mechanisms by which translation of five dendritically localized mRNAs is initiated. The 5′ leader sequences of mRNAs encoding the activity-regulated cytoskeletal protein, the α subunit of calcium–calmodulin-dependent kinase II, dendrin, the microtubule-associated protein 2, and neurogranin (RC3) were evaluated for their ability to affect translation in the 5′ untranslated region of a monocistronic reporter mRNA. In both neural and nonneural cell lines, the activity-regulated cytoskeletal protein, microtubule-associated protein 2, and α-CaM Kinase II leader sequences enhanced translation, whereas the dendrin and RC3 5′ untranslated regions slightly inhibited translation as compared with controls. When cap-dependent translation of these constructs was suppressed by overexpression of a protein that binds the cap-binding protein eIF4E, it was revealed that translation of these mRNAs had both cap-dependent and cap-independent components. The cap-independent component was further analyzed by inserting the 5′ leader sequences into the intercistronic region of dicistronic mRNAs. All five leader sequences mediated internal initiation via internal ribosome entry sites (IRESes). The RC3 IRES was most active and was further characterized after transfection in primary neurons. Although translation mediated by this IRES occurred throughout the cell, it was relatively more efficient in dendrites. These data suggest that IRESes may increase translation efficiency at postsynaptic sites after synaptic activation.


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We model experience-dependent plasticity in the cortical representation of whiskers (the barrel cortex) in normal adult rats, and in adult rats that were prenatally exposed to alcohol. Prenatal exposure to alcohol (PAE) caused marked deficits in experience-dependent plasticity in a cortical barrel-column. Cortical plasticity was induced by trimming all whiskers on one side of the face except two. This manipulation produces high activity from the intact whiskers that contrasts with low activity from the cut whiskers while avoiding any nerve damage. By a computational model, we show that the evolution of neuronal responses in a single barrel-column after this sensory bias is consistent with the synaptic modifications that follow the rules of the Bienenstock, Cooper, and Munro (BCM) theory. The BCM theory postulates that a neuron possesses a moving synaptic modification threshold, θM, that dictates whether the neuron's activity at any given instant will lead to strengthening or weakening of its input synapses. The current value of θM changes proportionally to the square of the neuron's activity averaged over some recent past. In the model of alcohol impaired cortex, the effective θM has been set to a level unattainable by the depressed levels of cortical activity leading to “impaired” synaptic plasticity that is consistent with experimental findings. Based on experimental and computational results, we discuss how elevated θM may be related to (i) reduced levels of neurotransmitters modulating plasticity, (ii) abnormally low expression of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors (NMDARs), and (iii) the membrane translocation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) in adult rat cortex subjected to prenatal alcohol exposure.


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The ability of the sulfonylurea receptor (SUR) 1 to suppress seizures and excitotoxic neuron damage was assessed in mice transgenically overexpressing this receptor. Fertilized eggs from FVB mice were injected with a construct containing SUR cDNA and a calcium-calmodulin kinase IIα promoter. The resulting mice showed normal gross anatomy, brain morphology and histology, and locomotor and cognitive behavior. However, they overexpressed the SUR1 transgene, yielding a 9- to 12-fold increase in the density of [3H]glibenclamide binding to the cortex, hippocampus, and striatum. These mice resisted kainic acid-induced seizures, showing a 36% decrease in average maximum seizure intensity and a 75% survival rate at a dose that killed 53% of the wild-type mice. Kainic acid-treated transgenic mice showed no significant loss of hippocampal pyramidal neurons or expression of heat shock protein 70, whereas wild-type mice lost 68–79% of pyramidal neurons in the CA1–3 subfields and expressed high levels of heat shock protein 70 after kainate administration. These results indicate that the transgenic overexpression of SUR1 alone in forebrain structures significantly protects mice from seizures and neuronal damage without interfering with locomotor or cognitive function.


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Inositol phosphates are a family of water-soluble intracellular signaling molecules derived from membrane inositol phospholipids. They undergo a variety of complex interconversion pathways, and their levels are dynamically regulated within the cytosol in response to a variety of agonists. Relatively little is known about the biological function of most members of this family, with the exception of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. Specifically, the biological functions of inositol tetrakisphosphates are largely obscure. In this paper, we report that D-myo-inositol 3,4,5,6-tetrakisphosphate (D-Ins(3,4,5,6)P4) has a direct biphasic (activation/inhibition) effect on an epithelial Ca(2+)-activated chloride channel. The effect of D-Ins(3,4,5,6)P4 is not mimicked by other inositol tetrakisphosphate isomers, is dependent on the prevailing calcium concentration, and is influenced when channels are phosphorylated by calmodulin kinase II. The predominant effect of D-Ins(3,4,5,6)P4 on phosphorylated channels is inhibitory at levels of intracellular calcium observed in stimulated cells. Our findings indicate the biological function of a molecule hitherto considered as an "orphan" messenger. They suggest that the molecular target for D-Ins(3,4,5,6)P4 is a plasma membrane Ca(2+)-activated chloride channel. Regulation of this channel by D-Ins(3,4,5,6)P4 and Ca2+ may have therapeutic implications for the disease states of both diabetic nephropathy and cystic fibrosis.


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This study evaluated hippocampal inhibitory function and the level of expression of gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor mRNA in an in vivo model of epilepsy. Chronic recurrent limbic seizures were induced in rats using injections of pilocarpine. Electrophysiological studies performed on hippocampal slices prepared from control and epileptic animals 1 to 2 months after pilocarpine injections demonstrated a significant hyperexcitability in the epileptic animals. Reduced levels of mRNA expression for the alpha 2 and alpha 5 subunits of the GABAA receptors were evident in the CA1, CA2, and CA3 regions of the hippocampus of epileptic animals. No decrease in mRNA encoding alpha 1, beta 2, or gamma 2 GABAA receptor subunits was observed. In addition, no change in the mRNA levels of alpha CaM kinase II was seen. Selective decreases in mRNA expression did not correlate with neuronal cell loss. The results indicate that selective, long-lasting reduction of GABAA subunit mRNA expression and increased excitability, possibly reflecting loss of GABAergic inhibition, occur in an in vivo model of partial complex epilepsy.


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Using the yeast two-hybrid system we have identified a human protein, GAIP (G Alpha Interacting Protein), that specifically interacts with the heterotrimeric GTP-binding protein G alpha i3. Interaction was verified by specific binding of in vitro-translated G alpha i3 with a GAIP-glutathione S-transferase fusion protein. GAIP is a small protein (217 amino acids, 24 kDa) that contains two potential phosphorylation sites for protein kinase C and seven for casein kinase 2. GAIP shows high homology to two previously identified human proteins, GOS8 and 1R20, two Caenorhabditis elegans proteins, CO5B5.7 and C29H12.3, and the FLBA gene product in Aspergillus nidulans--all of unknown function. Significant homology was also found to the SST2 gene product in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is known to interact with a yeast G alpha subunit (Gpa1). A highly conserved core domain of 125 amino acids characterizes this family of proteins. Analysis of deletion mutants demonstrated that the core domain is the site of GAIP's interaction with G alpha i3. GAIP is likely to be an early inducible phosphoprotein, as its cDNA contains the TTTTGT sequence characteristic of early response genes in its 3'-untranslated region. By Northern analysis GAIP's 1.6-kb mRNA is most abundant in lung, heart, placenta, and liver and is very low in brain, skeletal muscle, pancreas, and kidney. GAIP appears to interact exclusively with G alpha i3, as it did not interact with G alpha i2 and G alpha q. The fact that GAIP and Sst2 interact with G alpha subunits and share a common domain suggests that other members of the GAIP family also interact with G alpha subunits through the 125-amino-acid core domain.


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It is well established that long-term changes in synaptic structure and function are mediated by rapid activity-dependent gene transcription and new protein synthesis. A growing body of evidence supports the involvement of the microRNA (miRNA) pathway in these processes. We have used the Drosophila neuromuscular junction (NMJ) as a model synapse to characterize activity-regulated miRNAs and their important mRNA targets. Here, we have identified five neuronal miRNAs (miRs-1, -8, -289, -314, and -958) that are significantly downregulated in response to neuronal activity. Furthermore we have discovered that neuronal misexpression of three of these miRNAs (miR-8, -289, and -958) is capable of suppressing new synaptic growth in response to activity suggesting that these miRNAs control the translation of biologically relevant target mRNAs. Putative targets of the activity-regulated miRNAs-8 and -289 are significantly enriched in clusters mapping to functional processes including axon development, pathfinding, and axon growth. We demonstrate that activity-regulated miR-8 regulates the 3'UTR of wingless, a presynaptic regulatory protein involved in the process of activity-dependent axon terminal growth. Additionally, we show that the 3'UTR of the protein tyrosine phosophatase leukocyte antengen related (lar), a protein required for axon guidance and synaptic growth, is regulated by activity-regulated miRNAs-8, -289, and -958 in vitro. Both wg and lar were identified as relevant putative targets for co-regulation based through our functional cluster analysis. One putative target of miR-289 is the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CamKII). While CamKII is not predicted as a target for co-regulation by multiple activity-regulated miRNAs we identified it as an especially pertinent target for analysis in our system for two reasons. First, CamKII has an extremely well characterized role in postsynaptic plasticity, but its presynaptic role is less well characterized and bears further analysis. Second, local translation of CamKII mRNA is regulated in part by the miRNA pathway in an activity-dependent manner in dendrites. We find that the CamKII 3'UTR is regulated by miR-289 in-vitro and this regulation is alleviated by mutating the `seed region' of the miR-289 binding site within the CamKII 3'UTR. Furthermore, we demonstrate a requirement for local translation of CamKII in motoneurons in the process of activity-regulated axon terminal growth.


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Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2, a trans-acting factor that mediates intracellular trafficking of myelin basic protein (MBP) mRNA to the myelin compartment in oligodendrocytes, is most abundant in the nucleus, but shuttles between the nucleus and cytoplasm. In the cytoplasm, it is associated with granules that transport mRNA from the cell body to the processes of oligodendrocytes. We found that the overall level of hnRNP A2 increased in oligodendrocytes as they differentiated into MBIP-positive cells, and that this augmentation was reflected primarily in the cytoplasmic pool of hnRNP A2 present in the form of granules. The extranuclear distribution of hnRNP A2 was also observed in brain during the period of myelination in vivo. Methylation and phosphorylation have been implicated previously in the nuclear to cytoplasmic distribution of hnRNPs, so we used drugs that block methylation and phosphorylation of hnRNPs to assess their effect on hnRNP A2 distribution and mRNA trafficking. Cultures treated with adenosine dialdehyde (AdOx), an inhibitor of S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase, or with 5,6-dichloro-1-beta-D-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole (DRB), a drug that inhibits casein kinase 2 (CK2), maintained the preferential nuclear distribution of hnRNP A2. Treatment with either drug affected the transport of RNA trafficking granules that remained confined to the cell body. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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A pathological feature of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an area-specific neuronal loss that may be caused by excitotoxicity-related synaptic dysfunction. Relative expression levels of synaptopbysin, dynamin I, complexins I and II, N-cadherin, and alpha CaMKII were analysed in human brain tissue from AD cases and controls in hippocampus, and inferior temporal and occipital cortices. Synaptophysin and dynamin I are presynaptic terminal proteins not specific to any neurotransmitter system whereas complexin II, N-cadherin, and alpha CaMKII are specific for excitatory synapses. Complexin I is a presynaptic protein localised to inhibitory synapses. There were no significant differences in synaptophysin, dynamin I, N-cadherin, or alpha CaMKII protein levels between AD cases and controls. The complexin proteins were both markedly lower in AD cases than in controls (P < 0.01). Cases were also categorised by APOE genotype. Averaged across areas there was a 36% lowering of presynaptic proteins in AD cases carrying at least one epsilon 4 allele compared with in AD cases lacking the epsilon 4 allele. We infer that synaptic protein level is not indicative of neuronal loss, but the synaptic dysfunction may result from the marked relative loss of the complexins in AD, and lower levels of presynaptic proteins in AD cases with the APOE epsilon 4 allele. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Multiple lines of evidence reveal that activation of the tropomyosin related kinase B (TrkB) receptor is a critical molecular mechanism underlying status epilepticus (SE) induced epilepsy development. However, the cellular consequences of such signaling remain unknown. To this point, localization of SE-induced TrkB activation to CA1 apical dendritic spines provides an anatomic clue pointing to Schaffer collateral-CA1 synaptic plasticity as one potential cellular consequence of TrkB activation. Here, we combine two-photon glutamate uncaging with two photon fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (2pFLIM) of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based sensors to specifically investigate the roles of TrkB and its canonical ligand brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in dendritic spine structural plasticity (sLTP) of CA1 pyramidal neurons in cultured hippocampal slices of rodents. To begin, we demonstrate a critical role for post-synaptic TrkB and post-synaptic BDNF in sLTP. Building on these findings, we develop a novel FRET-based sensor for TrkB activation that can report both BDNF and non-BDNF activation in a specific and reversible manner. Using this sensor, we monitor the spatiotemporal dynamics of TrkB activity during single-spine sLTP. In response to glutamate uncaging, we report a rapid (onset less than 1 minute) and sustained (lasting at least 20 minutes) activation of TrkB in the stimulated spine that depends on N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR)-Ca2+/Calmodulin dependent kinase II (CaMKII) signaling as well as post-synaptically synthesized BDNF. Consistent with these findings, we also demonstrate rapid, glutamate uncaging-evoked, time-locked release of BDNF from single dendritic spines using BDNF fused to superecliptic pHluorin (SEP). Finally, to elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which TrkB activation leads to sLTP, we examined the dependence of Rho GTPase activity - known mediators of sLTP - on BDNF-TrkB signaling. Through the use of previously described FRET-based sensors, we find that the activities of ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 (Rac1) and cell division control protein 42 (Cdc42) require BDNF-TrkB signaling. Taken together, these findings reveal a spine-autonomous, autocrine signaling mechanism involving NMDAR-CaMKII dependent BDNF release from stimulated dendritic spines leading to TrkB activation and subsequent activation of the downstream molecules Rac1 and Cdc42 in these same spines that proves critical for sLTP. In conclusion, these results highlight structural plasticity as one cellular consequence of CA1 dendritic spine TrkB activation that may potentially contribute to larger, circuit-level changes underlying SE-induced epilepsy.